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54 Year Old · Male · From Beverly Hills, CA · Joined on October 7, 2006 · Born on April 15th · 149 referrals joined!
54 Year Old · Male · From Beverly Hills, CA · Joined on October 7, 2006 · Born on April 15th · 149 referrals joined!

Office Number: 651-686-5600 TOV 's Official BIOWriter, Speaker, Producer, Performer,Chaplain and Pastor.I appreciate your wanting to know more about me. It's nice to know word about what I do is spreading. I'm one of those people who has any number of projects going at the same time. The two at the forefront at the moment are "The Entertainment Industry Chaplains" and "100% Verified Celebrities and MySpace Personalities." They complement each other well. As chaplains we provide counsel and support for both up-and-coming talent and celebrities (by whatever definition you use for that strangely shifting concept). We practice two forms of Chaplaincy: Corporate Chaplaincy and Individual Chaplaincy (one-on-one with people). It would be like a military chaplain, but in corporate and private settings. As for as me? I am a licensed minister with a background in the arts. I've preached or performed in thousands of churches and other venues nationwide, and on both sides of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. I am a published poet (but nothing currently in print), and I've done television commercials. I've worked in theater, both as a technician/crew and as an actor. I am a classically trained vocalist who's performed solo, with bands and groups of various musical genres. As far as celebrity goes, I'd fit into our "verification definition for a celebrity" as a "niche celebrity." Most people wouldn't have a clue who I am, but there are thousands of people of select demographics and venues who would recognize me--or the groups of which I've been a member. I suppose in a way you could say I've also become a "MySpace Personality," as more people discover and talk about me. More than anything else, I'm probably more well-known by celebrities and up-and-coming talent (or their agents, managers and publicists), than the general public. When it comes to "100% Verified Celebrities and MySpace Personalities," that was started by my friend Bryant McGill (www.BryantMcGill.com), and his co-author for a book on Social Networking, Jim Karol. I assist with the verification of both celebrities and up-and-coming talent for Bryant. Bryant and the project was the subject of a front page Wall Street Journal article this past August. The concept was born, in part, out of the frustration celebrities have had with MySpace (and other social networking sites), doing little or nothing to protect their brand; and partly as an avenue to assist up-and-coming talent connect with people who could take them to the next level. Thus the "...and MySpace Personalities." I am currently working with a number of agencies to have their talent listed with "100% Verified," regardless of which social networking site is being used. The official version of the organization is called, www.ProVIPS.com. It isn't open just yet. Bryant and his company McGill International (www.GoMcGill.com) are finalizing security features and promotional tools for agencies and talent to use. My staff and I would love to speak with you and be of any assistance we can for you, your artists, your company--your friend, or family. You probably have some great insight I'd no doubt find invaluable as well. I've been immensely blessed and impressed by the power of social networking to connect people. I count among my dearest friends people I would never have otherwise met, because of it. Here's my office number: 651-686-5600 My e-mail: Chaplains@TheChaplains.org Warm Regards, -T0V Here are a couple people I think you'd enjoy getting to know:Michelle - My BrideChaplain Jen - My Business PartnerMore About Me?I am listed as a contributer to this book:I am in charge of Verification for "100% Verified Celebrities and MySpace Personalities/www.ProVIPS.com." Like many of the people featured on my various site profiles, I am a member of this group: 100% Verified Celebrities, featured on the front page of The Wall Street Journal, August 21, 2006. Like Jim Karol & Bryant McGill, who founded the group, I have been amazed at how many celebrity profiles on Social Networking Sites are fakes. In fact, it is most of them. If people want to role play, I suppose that is fine; at least until the person their avatar represents makes an issue of it. I do however, believe that it would be nice for FANS to be able to know what celebrity profiles ARE REAL. To that end, I strongly encourage celebrities to become a member of 100% Verified. Just click the banners to begin the process:I also support organizations like this, encouraging others in the Industry to use their amazing social platform to help others:WHO WOULD I LIKE TO MEET?I like to meet people. It really doesn't matter if you are in the Entertainment Industry of not. Being a Chaplain is about meeting people! There are a few Industry people I've not me that I'd love to meet in person: 1. Eric Clapton: anyone who does so much for other entertainers and children is someone I have to meet 2. Jennifer Lopez: An amazingly talented woman who has done so much for women, entertainers, the fashion industry...shall I go on?3. Harrison Ford: helicopters, saving lives, Industry professional. Need I say more?4. Angelina Jolie: Actor, Activist, Adopting children. Gotta love that...You can chat live with me, Bryant McGill, and many other supportive and encouraging people right now:> Join The McGill Community Today & You will also have access to my OFFICAL Discussion Board!I am happy to be here:CherryTap.com in partnership with "100% Verified Celebrities!!!"

54 Year Old · Male · From Beverly Hills, CA · Joined on October 7, 2006 · Born on April 15th · 149 referrals joined!
Heroes The Founding Fathers of the USA and my wife. Any woman who survives 60 hours of labor is a hero in my book. Jesus? Yeah. What Does T0V Believe? Click Here to Find Out!
As a CHAPLAIN TO ENTERTAINERS I've been privileged to connect with a variety of amazing people I respect. Hugh Hefner, hasn't asked me to do the bedtime prayer at one of his slumber parties, but maybe one day he'll invite my beautiful sister—the OTHER Entertainment Industry Chaplain! Here are some of my acquaintances from Playboy. Terri DJ Roxanne Dawn Kristen Deluca Amy Ash Vanessa Gleason Charlotte Lambert Heidi Cortez Tiffany Granath Marie Lanza Julie McCullough Janine Habecka Alison Deana Brooks WHAT DO I READ? WHAT INSPIRES ME? The Present Future, anything by Robert Kiyosaki, The Poetry of Bryant McGill, My Wife, The GOOD Book (aka. The Bible) I am also in the process of authoring three books: 1) A Book on Corporate Management 2) A Fantasy story loosely based on Jewish Folklore, Hindo & Greek Mythology, and South American Native History 3) A theological work exploring the concept of the Trinity in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). WHO ARE MY HEROS? The Founding Fathers of the USA and my wife. Any woman who survives 60 hours of labor is a hero in my book.
Many of the people featured here and on my Offial MySpace Profile, I am a member of this group: 100% Verified Celebrities, featured on the front page of The Wall Street Journal, August 21, 2006. Like Jim Karol & Bryant McGill, who founded the group, I have been amazed at how many celebrity profiles on social networking sites are fakes. In fact, it is most of them. If people want to role play, I suppose that is fine; at least until the person their avatar represents makes an issue of it. I do however, believe that it would be nice for fans to be able to know what celebrity profiles are real. To that end, I strongly encourage celebrities to become a member of 100% Verified.
One the best guys I know is my wife's step-dad, her Papa Randy. He's not just a fantastic nurturing parent, he's also a wonderful photographer. Here's his official site: Randy Jone Photography
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There are people who really do try to make the world a better place, and I have been privileged to meet some of these who have touched my life and shown me possibilities I would never have otherwise conceived. Add them to your friends. Get to know them. You won't regret the effort. Bryant McGill Poet, PR & Gift Giver Jim Karol Performer Gift Giver Gary Busey Actor, Musician, Activist & Gift Giver Lee TravathanThe Rebel WriterFilm & Life Coaching James Holloway Executive Story Teller of Star Harbor Films Margo Producer & Promoter Music & Film The Chrisagis Brothers Producers Directors Musicians & Ministers to Celebs Malcolm Springer Record Producer Musician and Father Heather jcsgirls.com Former Adult Entertainer Annie Ex-Prostitute and former High Class Call Girl Shelley Lubben Ex-Porn Star Heidi Hollywood Casting Director Herb "Mr. Make it Happen" (Seriously) Tammy Hunt Hunt Talent Management David BryantProducer Songwriter and Music Publisher "aka Mr. Support Friend" Stephen BaldwinActor Author Life-Changer

Activity Feed

  • 15 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ TOV The Entert...
    Cheers bro

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ TOV The Entert...
    spmeone SAY BIRFFDAY !!!lol hey man

    16 years ago · Reply
  • SherBearTOV The Entert...
    hope u have a great thanksgiving

    17 years ago · Reply
  • CirDan LissesulTOV The Entert...
    thanks for the add ..!!

    17 years ago · Reply
  • ThePartyLadyTOV The Entert...
    Hi!I enjoy your site. Thank you!!!

    17 years ago · Reply
  • ChantiTOV The Entert...
    Dear Friend,When you feel like crying....call me. ! . ! . !I don't promise that I will make u laugh,but I can cry with you. If one day you want torun away don't be afraid to call me.I don't promise to ask you to stop......but I can run with you.If one day you don't want to listen to anyone.....call me.I promise to be there for youbut also promise to remain quiet.But one day if you call......and there is no answer.....come fast to see me.Perhaps I need you.____0000000000______0000000000_______000________000__000________000____000___________0000___________000__000_____________00_____________000_000____________________________000_000___________THANKS__________000__000____________FOR___________000____000__________BEING_________000______000__________MY_________000_________000______FRIEND______000_____________000______________000_________________000__________000______________________000____000___________________________00__00_______________________________00_________________________________ 0 _________________WHATS SHREK WITHOUT DONKEY?WHATS MINNIE WITH0UT MICKEY ?WHATS PIGGLET WITH0UT P0OH ?WHATS PATRICK WITH0UT SP0NGE BOB ?WHATS ME WITH0UT YOU . . .SEND THIS TO ALL THE PEOPLE YOU LUV 0R FRIENDS YOU NEVER WANNA LOSE.If you get this back, you are loved -- BIG TIME.Rose Are Red,Violets Are Blue,I Will Fight AnyoneWho messes With you.Send To Everybody Whose Back You Got And See Who Has Yours 17 hr ago

    17 years ago · Reply
  • VioletteheartsR...TOV The Entert...
    Hi! Just dropping in to wishyou & yours all the best ofthe holiday; hope it's a blast!In the meantime, stay true, stayyou, & take care. Warm Regards, ~V

    17 years ago · Reply
  • KiraTOV The Entert...
    stoppin by to say have a great weekend

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Tinkerbell232TOV The Entert...
    You are more than welcome...what do I do? I am a student majoring in Psychology. I am hopeful to obtain my PhD and focus on adolescents and young adults suffering from depression...It is nice to meet you. :)

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Tinkerbell232TOV The Entert...
    Just wanted to say hello and hope to get to know you...Great line of work!!!

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ TOV The Entert...
    Achilles was here saying HELLO from Vancouver CANADA

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ TOV The Entert...

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ TOV The Entert...
    Just dropping in with a quick hello. I hope you feel better soon.

    17 years ago · Reply
  • SiNgLe AgAiNTOV The Entert...
    happy belated birthday!! hope it was a good one!!

    17 years ago · Reply
  • stormdreamerTOV The Entert...
    happy birthday to u *smiles*

    17 years ago · Reply
  • 17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ TOV The Entert...
    happy b-day

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ TOV The Entert...
    happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

    17 years ago · Reply
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