I so agree. But then theres those that think theydon't have the time to take out of their busy schedules to even say Thank You to that Soldier whos in a wheelchair or to a person who's holding a door open for them.
hey how are you? :).. I just stopped by to show you some love..I rated your profile a 10. I would have rated you an 11 but im out for the day. If you could please take a second to return the love id really appreciate it..I love new friends and fans so feel free to add me too :)~*~Neabear~*~
Thanks for stopping by for the friend request, though it is a couple weeks old. I have had computer problems and trying to adjust to a late shift at work.I'm writing new blogs all the time. Keep coming back to check on them.Be well.Wikkid
hey hon! whatcha up 2? i'm really sorry about what my mom did yesterday!!!! well anyway i was just stoppin by 2 show some love 4 ya!afterall i do love u! i miss u!