This actually goes with my post Fire is the desire
I will be Me
the noise of this world presents a cheap imitation, demanding i listen, obey or miss out. compelling it is as I mostly submit, hoping my fire desired will be found in its midst. Hopeless, i find it, I do admit.
Submit I say,no longer, I will not. I will be me. just wait and see. deny you can't as unique I'll be. just wait and see. I'll prove to you how different I'll be. Just wait and see. Set apart like no other, different, yes, I must be. Just wait and see. I need to be me, unique, not like any other indeed, you will see. Indeed I succeed in separating myself. Set apart, above, on the top shelf.
I am here, I made it, for all to see..... Still empty still hopeless how can that be. Where is everyone I wanted to show.. they need to see.. they need to know. all this work it wasn't for me it was for everyone else to see just how unique I could make myself be.
A small voice from down deep could be silent no longer yelled very loudly... YOU FOOL....don't you see, submit you did to the noise of the world. it deceived you.
it preyed on your weakness, that you must be known. convincing you fully that path you must take had to be uniquely yoiur own. the secret it knows is that you can only be known when you travel a path with others the same. for how can one know you when you are all alone. You fool. Wake up, take what you've learned, find the common path, give away what you have then you'll truly be known.
ROYboy DaPoit