They're everywhere. In your house, in your car, in your food - even in your clothes. You just don't realize it.
What are they?
Love bugs. Little signs of heaven here on earth and they're flying all over the place, even as we speak.
Today, as you woke up in bed, they tickled your nose, but you're so used to them, you just went on your way. As you stood in the shower (hopefully) they buzzed around you, laughing and smiling as you got ready for your day. They were in your clothes as you got dressed for work. In your car they surrounded you with happy songs and followed you right in to your job, silently cheering you on as you start your day. They were in your food as you ate your breakfast and they will be there tonight when you go back to bed.
You may not see them, but they're there. Every day.
Every where.
If you start to feel unloved, or life is getting you down, consider this:
Today, as you woke up in bed, millions of children woke up on a mud floor. As you stood in your shower and got ready for the day 10 million people were standing in line to get a bucket of water filled with unspeakable parasites, or bathing in a river with thousands of others looking on. The clothes that you wear and the clothes in your closet are unimaginable to a billion people who only have the shirt on their back, many, not even that. Millions of children are roaming the streets right now, picking through garbage and begging for food as you drink your coffee and snack on your second doughnut, making plans for lunch. You may not have the finest car in the world, but to 50 million people, any car is the impossible dream. Millions will stand in line today and travel many miles in the hopes of being picked to do jobs that you'll never come close to being deigned to do, for pennies, or just enough food for the day. Most will not get picked.
Still don't feel the love?
You are the product of 100% survivors. Since the dawn of time, every single one of your ancestors survived droughts, plagues, fires, earthquakes, meteors, Ice Ages, floods, wars, genocide, homicide, inquisitions, jihads, and Roe v. Wade, to bring forth at least one offspring that was fit to reproduce.
The two cells that got together to make you are full of winning genes. Spectacular, miraculous genes that came together at odds of anywhere between 40,000,000 and 100,000,000 to one. The baby that resulted from that conception then survived a risky nine months (or thereabouts) just to be born. The odds of your being YOU, and being alive to read these words at this moment are so astronomical you might as well be counting the grains of sand in the ocean to figure them. Especially if you are someone like me...who is adopted...and to think if my birth mother hadn't been woman enough to carry me 9 wouldn't be here.
That's a lot of love.
On this day of love, whether you have a special someone or are wishing that your someone was a little more special (grin), remember your love bugs. Countless little blessings that surround you every minute of the day.
The best thing about love bugs is that the more you give the more you get back and they multiply like crazy. One little love bug from you could set off a whole epidemic. Chances are, someone you know or someone you work with could use a few love bugs from you today. Go ahead. Spread em' around.
You've got tons to spare.