To my friend! RIP Bridga Turner.
Dear Friend u meant so much to me there still are words i didn,t get a chance to tell u u where the greatest friend i,ve had when i was down u maid me laugh its a wonder how your image is in my head and im even having images of your badge id on the table with your name and picture on it i just wish we had more time othere than 5 years to kick it with eatchother u where everything to everybody allways haveing a good sprit about things around people when people got on your nerves u didn,t bug u just told them what was your side of the story and kept it untill the story was ceased i wish we just had more time i know that we will have meet again butt thats hard to belive for me seems like just the other day we where talking and thats gonna stick in my head untill i die i hope u went to meet my dad and tell him how proud his son is to have a great friend that is u and everybody that i meet or talk to everyday in my life are good friends u don,t understand writing this is helping me heal helping me stop crying and trying to move on u will not be forgotten my friend i do miss your laugh and your good sprit untill the end