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Dream's blog: "To EVERYONE"

created on 06/17/2007  |  http://fubar.com/to-everyone/b92446

What I want in a Soulmate

Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you've never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can't wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it's like being young again. Colors seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn't exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day's work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there's no need for continuous conversation, but you find you're quite content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there's a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that's so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life. Dreammer D Nored

My 1st Blog EVER

To Whom Shall Read This Current mood: complacent Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes I am writing this to who shall ever read this, and if i dont get any comments back than thats alright. Well I would like to start out by saying that I moved to Los Angeles to be closer to my child and get the Phuck out of the county i was living in. Yes i spelled the f word wrong and it was done on purpose. Well I moved here and iam currently Living w/my good and closet friend/Hair Stylists Brother. I haven't seen Kyle my son yet, but and i have talked an I havent told him that iam only 1hour away if that from him :) Yeah i know thats sounds kinds mean but hey when he finds out that iam closer to him, he will be so happy as for I am. I am here in whole new world where i don't know anyone from my past, and to me that is a relief. I have done some terrible things in my life an Some iam not proud of and wish i could change some of them. But i believe that i have done enough since my past that KARMA has cashed in all my negative chips so to speak. My goal being here in L A is to be closer to my son, and to start a new life; find a new girlfriend or woman. For i am single as of right now, but with my Dead sexy self an positive feelings. I will not be once i start lookig or dating again. I know the dead sexy was a bit much, but hey i dont think im ugly or anything. I have had only two serious long relationships since my son Kyles mother an i split up in mar. 97' an needless to say it was learning experience, an i will never regreat it either. Now aim 36ys old an i dont need anymore High School drama shit either. What i mean is my last ex came over one night an we "MADE LOVE" if you will as of January 18th 07' And the next day after a year being together she got up after the lovemaking an left and, when i called her to see why. Her phone was disconnected. I finially got a hold of her and said wht the hell. She really hasnt or had a excuse to why we ended it. I believe it was because it was because how depreesd i was by not seeing my son. I was living 4 1/2 hours away from him, and any parent that reads this will know the pain i was going through only seeing him on certain Holidays or summer vaaction. Iam thankful for getting to see him period. Now that i amliving closer to him, my depression has sub sided an Iam doing much, much better. I have my positive feelings and out look on life like i had before. Iam wanting a girl that will understand tht my child comes before her, weather we are married or even if he isn't withme 24/7. Kyle Mother was afraid that i would have girls come in an go in my life and Kyle didn't doesn't deserve that type of behavior from me. Iam proud to say that he hasn't gotten attached to any of the girls i have dated since his mother an i split up. Its a creasent moon this evening, and to me thats when you go out and say all the things you want and need in your life and try to accomplish them by the next moon is full. And on a beautiful night like tonight it would have been nice to have an woman beside me watching the tide roll in an crash against the rocks or over our feet, and feel the ocean breeze run through or hair. My writing skills have decreased over the years and for the first time in years i feel like i have something positive to say to some one or to the WORLD. I have met a few people here on mypace and it has been great, til all the spam and spywear that comes with it; make umbareable. When it infects your machine. I know a girl not personally, back in my county i lived in an we met on myspace. We never met, and one day before i left she saw me getting chinese food. She wasn't sure if it was me or not, so when she got home she IM me to see if it were. I told her, why yes crystal aka TranceAngel, it was i. We still talk every now and than. Well i better stop for now keep a look out for some blogs from me for now Iam writing again, and if anyone has anything to say to me e-mail me. Til thanks to all my friends here on myspace and my REAL TRUE friends outside of myspace. til than everyone be safe and blessed be Peace, Dreammer

My 1st Blog

I am writing this to who shall ever read this, and if i dont get any comments back than thats alright. Well I would like to start out by saying that I moved to Los Angeles to be closer to my child and get the Phuck out of the county i was living in. Yes i spelled the f word wrong and it was done on purpose. Well I moved here and iam currently Living w/my good and closet friend/Hair Stylists Brother. I haven't seen Kyle my son yet, but and i have talked an I havent told him that iam only 1hour away if that from him :) Yeah i know thats sounds kinds mean but hey when he finds out that iam closer to him, he will be so happy as for I am. I am here in whole new world where i don't know anyone from my past, and to me that is a relief. I have done some terrible things in my life an Some iam not proud of and wish i could change some of them. But i believe that i have done enough since my past that KARMA has cashed in all my negative chips so to speak. My goal being here in L A is to be closer to my son, and to start a new life; find a new girlfriend or woman. For i am single as of right now, but with my Dead sexy self an positive feelings. I will not be once i start lookig or dating again. I know the dead sexy was a bit much, but hey i dont think im ugly or anything. I have had only two serious long relationships since my son Kyles mother an i split up in mar. 97' an needless to say it was learning experience, an i will never regreat it either. Now aim 36ys old an i dont need anymore High School drama shit either. What i mean is my last exx came over one night an we "MADE LOVE" if you will as of January 18th 07' And the next day after a year being together she got up after the lovemaking an left and, when i called her to see why. Her phone was disconnected. I finially got a hold of her and said wht the hell. She really hasnt or had a excuse to why we ended it. I believe it was because it was because how depreesd i was by not seeing my son. I was living 4 1/2 hours away from him, and any parent that reads this will know the pain i was going through only seeing him on certain Holidays or summer vaaction. Iam thankful for getting to see him period. Now that i amliving closer to him, my depression has sub sided an Iam doing much, much better. I have my positive feelings and out look on life like i had before. Iam wanting a girl that will understand tht my child comes before her, weather we are married or even if he isn't withme 24/7. Kyle Mother was afraid that i would have girls come in an go in my life and Kyle didn't doesn't deserve that type of behavior from me. Iam proud to say that he hasn't gotten attached to any of the girls i have dated since his mother an i split up. Its a creasent moon this evening, and to me thats when you go out and say all the things you want and need in your life and try to accomplish them by the next moon is full. And on a beautiful night like tonight it would have been nice to have an woman beside me watching the tide roll in an crash against the rocks or over our feet, and feel the ocean breeze run through or hair. My writing skills have decreased over the years and for the first time in years i feel like i have something positive to say to some one or to the WORLD. I have met a few people here on mypace and it has been great, til all the spam and spywear that comes with it; make umbareable. When it infects your machine. I know a girl not personally, back in my county i lived in an we met on myspace. We never met, and one day before i left she saw me getting chinese food. She wasn't sure if it was me or not, so when she got home she IM me to see if it were. I told her, why yes crystal aka TranceAngel, it was i. We still talk every now and than. Well i better stop for now keep a look out for some blogs from me for now Iam writing again, and if anyone has anything to say to me e-mail me. Til thanks to all my friends here on myspace and my REAL TRUE friends outside of myspace. til than everyone be safe and blessed be Peace, Dreammer
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