69 Year Old
Carthage, IL
Joined on January 14, 2013
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on February 7th
I have a
crush on someone!
Am interested in fast women, faster cars. I stay physically active (keeps a person young--i'm 56 going on 30). I have 4 grown children & 8 gr. children who r the world to me. I am VERY family & friend oriented.Laid-back, down-to-earth. I enjoy all the fun & games, joking around with the best of 'em--but there is a time and place for all things. I DO NOT TOLERATE liars, cheats or thieves--or any POS that would hurt a child! Pretty straight forward.
69 Year Old
Carthage, IL
Joined on January 14, 2013
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on February 7th
I have a
crush on someone!
There isnt much in the way of having fun or relaxing that i do not enjoy: fishing,camping,hiking,playing all types of sports,swimming,i am an avid reader and an EXCELLENT cook w steaks & mexican being my specialties.I do not care much for MOST t.v. but enjoy kickin back and relaxin w a good woman,cold drink and good movie. I could go on n on w this shtuff--you wanna know more, talk to me. As I just stated, I do not care for MOST T.V.--but--my 2 fav shows are Jeopardy and Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader. Let's discuss sex--this is my own personal philosophy on sex: Sex is the seeking of pleasure both mentally and physically. It is the mental and physical "exploration" of another's mind and body with the imagination providing the only limits to the pleasures that can be found. Between consenting adults, with exceptional imaginations--exceptional pleasures can be experienced! Pleasure begins in the mind with the body being the physical tool used to reach the heights of sensual ecstasy. It is the "art" of the mind pleasing the body, the body pleasing the mind. All it takes is a great imagination and no inhibitions--openness & willingness to experiment and explore both mind and body. Let us explore all of the pleasures to be found--they are many--and quite exquisite in their sensual stimulation and gratification.
I am pretty diverse in my musical likes. I like country, & the blues the best i think. I'm a product of the 60's & 70's rock era so THAT should go w/out saying. I do not like nor will i listen to

rap--no offense intended to those who do like it--I DON'T.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtNYA4pAGjI&list=TL_eEabC-0qis&feature=player_detailpage
Have to give some thought to this. There's ALOT of them that I REALLY LIKE.
Hmmm---once again this requires some SERIOUS thought, there aren't many folks i view as idols. MANY I respect---but, IDOLIZE (???) AH, #1 in the world--my 99yr. young gr. mother who still drives and lives alone, is totally SELF-SUFFICIENT.
Video Games
Video games, HAHA--I am technologically illiterate and can bearly use my cell ph or this computer. Pretty damn sad really

But then i've been living in a cave for a very long time.