62 Year Old
From Paris, TX·
Joined on August 4, 2014
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 30th
I have a crush on someone!
Image by Cool Text: Logo and Button Generator - Create Your Own Logo Hmm, what do I say about me? I am an old fashioned romantic at heart. I am a geek/nerd. Please Like, Rate and Fan at least. Also feel free to friend/family me if you want.
The main thing for me is the eyes. They really are the window to the soul. And it's what is inside that counts. Honesty is first. Intelligence, a good sense of humor, compassion and passion are also tops for me. I will never tell you what I think you want to hear, I will only tell you what I think/feel. If it happens to be something you like, then that is good. I don't do "little white lies". I am honest to the point of bluntness sometimes. No lies means I don't have to try and remember what I told who. I have morals and ethics that are the core of me. Today's world...I just don't understand it.
I believe a real man is the one who treats his lady with respect and admiration. A relationship is not 50/50...it is 100/100. I could never give less than my all.
I love easily. I have learned over the years that it is possible to love so unselfishly that it is the greatest joy you can imagine. But it is also the most painful. Not only do I love a great many people, I am in love with many people as well. Being in love for me means I will do anything/everything I can for them...to the point of gladly giving my life for them. That's the joy. But because love is not about me, it also means that if someone else is the one that makes them happiest, then I am happy for them, regardless of me. And that really hurts sometimes. And I would gladly give my life if I could spare anyone just one little moment of pain or sorrow. This is how I love...it's how I live. It has taken many years to learn this, and I would never go back to the world's way of loving.
I have suffered many losses over the years. These have helped to define and refine me. I lost my dad in April. I lost my best uncle before that. And I have lost three children under the age of one. One at 9 months to SIDS, another at 19 days to meningitis and another was a miscarriage. They are one of the reasons I can love so much and so openly.
Every day I thank God for all He has done, all He is doing and all He will do. And He always answers prayers. Sometime yes, sometimes no and sometime not now. I don't agree with Him at the time, but I do trust that He knows best.
I may add some more later but for now this pretty much sums me up.
Care to chat? Send a request. Text or video, either is fine. I do have YM and Skype, but I won't share them with just anybody. Hmm...any other questions just ask.
62 Year Old
From Paris, TX·
Joined on August 4, 2014
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 30th
I have a crush on someone!
I am The Explorer...a Time Lord from another dimension. Unlike your Time Lord, The Doctor, a few of us survived our Time War. When all of your Doctors here moved Gallifrey to a pocket universe, it made a small crack in the dimensional barrier...and I got pulled through to this dimension.
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TaRDiS Traveller What's on your mind?Haven't been here in over two years. Did anybody miss me? LOL