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5 Mistakes That Make Women "Flake Out" >If you'd like to see video clips of all of my different programs, and read the story of how I learned to attract women, then check THIS out: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/Catalog/ ***DATING QUESTION FROM READER*** I will try to keep this short, but if you don't read it all, just refer to the question at the bottom regarding the question. Okay, I have read through all of your newsletters ever since I signed up for the service & purchased your E-Books. On a Tuesday I am out with a friend & we bump into his ex & her roommate. Both girls are 9's (pushing 10's). I immediately go to work! She's wearing a turtle neck sweater (I see a weak spot) so I start calling her "Tippy the Turtle" all night. She acts all defensive about it, but keeps laughing & asking me WHY, WHY, WHY do you keep calling me that?...So I just keep pouring it on. I bust on her humorously every chance I get. Within 2 hours, she's leaning on me, squeezing me & following me around the club like a puppy..... SO, we go to another club & I go to the bar to get a drink and the waitress at the bar (whom I know from being there in the past) asks me why I have never asked HER to go out & do anything (LIGHT BULB GOES ON). So I tell her it's "because I don't have a way to get a hold of her". So she pulls out a dollar bill from her money holder & writes her number down and gives it to me (this girl is a solid 10 by the way... and trust me, IM PICKY!). Needless to say, IM STOKED! So I tease her a little about her name (because her name is B...a guys name), take the number & go back to my friend & the girls..... Everything is great RIGHT???? Now the problem & the question: I ask a friend of mine about her (the waitress). He works at the same night club she does. He said that she was "all about money". He also told me that she just quit her job that weekend & didn't work there anymore... So I called her on the following Sunday (gave it about 5 days). I decided to check this "money thing" out in a humorous way. When she finally realized who I was (which kinda pissed me off that I had to explain to her who I was on the phone...I went as far as suggesting that I hang up & call back & try this again) I told her that I heard she quit her job & then asked her "How are you going to take me to lunch & pay my way if you don't have a job"? I thought it was funny & was awaiting a laugh, but she responded with "why do you have to start the conversation off like that? I had to support my last 2 boyfriends, so don't go there". Needless to say I'm shocked & respond with "Its becoming a habit huh?"...and then heard silence & broke the silence with "I'm just giving you sh**!" (I know, I know....a WUSS moment) SO, I set a simple meeting with her (for some lunch before I had to go to work) for that same Thursday (today actually...4 days later). She said the date & time were cool so I closed the deal (kept the phone call at about 3-4 minutes). Before I hung up she said "why don't you call me between now & then so we can talk". Well I'm picking up on that one right away, so I respond with. What would be the point in that? We are getting together Thursday to talk". And we said our goodbyes & that was it.... NOW I get a phone call 3 hours before we have to meet & she tells me some BS story about her brother coming in town & she can't meet me for lunch. Well I'm not stupid, and I just had another girl cancel in a similar fashion on me last night. DUHH!!!... So my question is this: QUESTION: If a girl cancels on you, how should you really handle it? Especially if you know her excuse is bull sh**?!?! (I can pick liars out a mile away... its a gift!). I realize she maybe testing me, but when a girl expresses interest in YOU & makes it a point to make sure that YOU leave WITH HER PHONE NUMBER, how should you handle it when they cancel last minute with a lame ass excuse? My feelings are to talk to them in a manor making them feel as stupid as they think YOU are. For Example: When she tells me her brother is going to be in town & she had to cancel THREE HOURS before we meet, I felt like saying "Well I gave you 4 days notice to meet me for ONE hour. Your brother hasn't seen you in six months & you didn't know this when we talked the first time??" I was just real quiet & said nothing when she fed me this "Line" & responded with "ok, whatever... maybe some other time...you have my number" & that was the end of the conversation, I hung up. Are they testing to see if you WILL be an a**hole (DO THEY WANT YOU TO?), or are they testing to see if you will be sympathetic (WHICH WOULD BE BAD)..... Personally, I want to be an asshole because I get kind of upset with flakey people in general... Also, do you think I should ever call & set a date up again with a woman like this, or did I already blow it? My novel...... C. (Kansas) >>>MY COMMENTS: OK, first things first. You really have the right idea here. Your thinking is right on, and your use of the Cocky & Funny attitude is great! And I'm guessing that the REASON why the cute waitress started asking why you never ask her out is BECAUSE you showed up with a hot girl that was chasing you around. It certainly helps the stock value when you're seen around with a hottie. I'd love to talk more about all the RIGHT things you did, but, alas, I'm going to focus this newsletter on the WRONG things you did. Now, please don't take any of what I'm about to tell you PERSONALLY, because it's all in good fun. But pay attention, because by making fun of you in a public newsletter (that many thousands of guys read) only hurts a little (but remember the joy I'm getting from it, and maybe you'll feel better). MISTAKE #1: LISTENING TO YOUR FRIEND Dude, what are you thinking? When your friend who worked with her told you that she was "all about money", it probably meant: - He was in love with her. - She wasn't interested in him. - He tried to buy her dinner and gifts, but she only wanted to be friends. - He hated the idea that you were going to date her. - He wanted to put you off the trail. Think about it. MISTAKE #2: WAITING 5 DAYS TO CALL HER. Now, of course you don't want to call a woman ten seconds after you meet her and say, "Hi, I'm the needy dork you just gave your number to...". But think about it... This girl works in a BAR. She meets about a million guys every night. She probably gives her number to more guys every week than you have FRIENDS. I would have called her the next evening... two days later at the most. This way she'll at least REMEMBER you. And I would have said "You know, I've never had a woman PAY ME to call her. But this dollar is only going to buy you about 15 seconds. You can ask me what I'm wearing or something, and then you'll have to give me a Visa card to continue the call..." You're good with the Cocky & Funny, but you should get THIS to make yourself KILLER: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/CockyComedy MISTAKE #3: DISCUSSING THE "MONEY THING" ON THE PHONE What are you thinking... bringing up something like this by telling her that you heard she quit her job? Something like this at the beginning of a first call CAN'T go anywhere but a BAD place. I can see what you were trying to do, but you were on a slippery slope, and you were only irritating her. Save the ball busting for when you're alone with her in person. This is where you REALLY screwed up, man. At this point she was probably thinking "What the hell is this guy talking about?" because it was a sensitive subject for her, and you didn't have enough of a connection with her to be talking to her about this topic. Too early. I'm going to say that you basically SET HER UP to flake on you. Shortly after that, she gave you the NEON SIGN of "why don't you call me between now and then so we can talk". TRANSLATION: "I'm going to flake on you for SURE, but I just don't want the confrontation right now, so I'll put doubt in your mind". MISTAKE #4: LETTING HER THINK THAT FLAKING WAS OK When you just let the "call me between now and then" comment go by and hung up, you made a big mistake. Right then and there you should have STOPPED the conversation and said something to the effect of: "Whoa. I'll tell you what, I have a pet peeve, and I HATE it when people flake out on me. So, if you're gonna flake, just tell me now. I'm only going to make plans if you're CERTAIN that you're going to be there." Now, a lot of times when you say something like this, you'll scare a woman off. But it's worth it. The last thing you need in your life is a flaky woman. Better to get it handled early on. But, if she's NOT a flaky woman... but only trying to figure out how to flake on YOU because you acted like a DUMB ASS, then this might change things. When a woman sees you standing up for yourself, and basically saying "Look, if you're going to flake out or be late, then I don't want to meet you", it shows her beyond the shadow of a doubt that YOUR TIME is more important to you than HER. This is a good thing. This kind of comment will often result in a woman saying "No, no... I'll be there. I'll be there." MISTAKE #5: LETTING HER ACTUALLY FLAKE ON YOU If a woman called me three hours before we were supposed to meet and said, "Oh, my long lost brother is coming to town..." I would say: "Well thanks for the three hours notice. What are you going to do to make this up to me?" NOW IS THE TIME TO BUST BALLS! Of course, you don't want to do it in an emotional, hurtful way... or in a way that lets her know that you have been upset by her. I'll mention one thing here... I have a friend who has gotten tired of women flaking out on him. So he now calls THEM on the day he's supposed to meet them for the first date, and FLAKES ON THEM. He tells me that this works like a charm, and they always show up for the next planned meeting. Go figure. Now, I personally don't like the idea of lying to or deceiving women, but it's an interesting lesson. In the final analysis, I'd say that you screwed up in the beginning, and created your own problems. Instead of saying, "I heard you quit your job" (which makes you sound like an amateur stalker), you should have just said a few charming things, set up a meeting with her, and gotten off the phone. That probably would have prevented your problems. Which leads me to another idea... EVERY STEP with a woman will go MUCH SMOOTHER if you set it up well beforehand. My experience is that most guys CREATE THEIR OWN PROBLEMS with women, then come to me to solve them. Isn't it a much better idea to not run into these problems in the first place? I mean, you'll never reach a point where you never have any problems with women, but you sure can prevent and eliminate about 80% of them by just knowing what to do to set up each step with women, and how to respond to certain situations. Where's the best place to learn how to do just that? Of course, my Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program. One of the most important things you can do to make your dating life go more smoothly is to REALLY get your "inner game" together. By this, I mean how you think about women and dating, what you believe, how you see the world, and how you psychologically respond to common situations. One of the things that separates my materials from all the other "dating" stuff out there is the fact that I teach the "inner game" at a DEEP level. I think it's important to understand what ATTRACTION is, and how to create it (which is something you were NOT doing with this woman on the phone). You must understand that there's a time and place for everything, and if you screw something up because you DIDN'T KNOW what to do in a certain situation, the only clue you're going to have is that the woman just disappears. In other words, unless you understand what the RIGHT thing to do is, you might very well keep doing a WRONG thing (or many of them) without realizing that you're even making a mistake. Like I said, my Advanced Dating Techniques Program is the answer. I spend several HOURS going over the "inner game" and ATTRACTION... and teaching you how and why it works the way it does. Of course, I also spend several hours teaching the exact, specific, step-by-step techniques that I personally use to be more successful with women and dating... and I also interview several of my friends live and extract their secrets as well. Go check it out. It's all here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/AdvancedSeries There's another program that I'd like to recommend here as well to help cure your bad case of "dont-get-it-itis". That's my Deep Inner Game program. Here's why... When you've worked out your "inner issues" and you're not looking to other people for approval... and when you have a clear sense of who you are as a person... then you stop screwing up situations as often... and you start doing the right thing NATURALLY. Women can tell when they're dealing with a man who doesn't have his "inner stuff together", and they respond by FLAKING, CHALLENGING, etc. To make a long story short, get my Deep Inner Game program. It will give you the specific, step- by-step tools you need to fix your "inner game problems" FAST. The details are here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/DeepInnerGame And if you haven't read my eBook "Double Your Dating", then you need to do that NOW. It's my original manual for success with women and dating, and it's the place to get started if you want to take your success with women to the next level. You can download it at: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/eBook I'll talk to you again soon! Your Friend, David D.
5 Ways To Trigger "Sexual Tension" With Women >NOTE: If you'd like to read the story of how I learned to attract and meet women... and get dates with models, dancers, actresses... and many fantastic "regular" girls as well, just go here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/Catalog/ SEXUAL TENSION... AND HOW TO CREATE IT... Let me ask you a quick question. It's a question that MOST men do NOT know the answer to... It's also a question that most women DO know the answer to... The question: "What is SEXUAL TENSION?" Take a minute and "mentally answer" that question. Think it over if you have to. I'm not kidding. Think about it. What did you come up with? To most men, the words "Sexual Tension" are a MYSTERY. They just don't make sense. Or if they DO make sense, they make sense in a way that DOESN'T make sense. Make sense? In other words, some guys think that the words Sexual Tension mean "negative anxiety about sex" or something equally unhelpful. But, if you go ask a group of WOMEN what the words mean, you'll get a MUCH different answer. Women know what Sexual Tension is. To a woman, Sexual Tension is the feeling that she feels during those times when she is interacting with a man that she feels ATTRACTION for... but she doesn't know exactly what's going to happen. Maybe she can't tell if he's into her, but the conversation is so good that something MUST be happening... Maybe he's making her laugh a little bit "too much", and she's unable to control her feelings towards him... Or maybe it's obvious that he's interested, but he's so in control of himself and the situation that he's not blatantly "making a move"... and she's on the edge of her seat waiting to know what's going to happen. These are all possible examples of Sexual Tension. Now, just because one of these situations is happening doesn't mean that Sexual Tension is present. But these are the types of situations where it is MOST LIKELY to be present. With that, let me see if I can take you behind the scenes and give you a different perspective. Men and women have some BIG differences when it comes to ATTRACTION. Men have their "attraction mechanisms" "triggered" by much different things than women. For women, things usually begin with a small spark. Eye contact for a little too long. A Cocky & Funny comment. A teasing remark. It can be anything. The point is that SOMETHING SPARKS the ATTRACTION. Then it GROWS over time. It doesn't have to be a lot of time, but it does usually require time. It might take an evening, or it might take a date or two... but if a man does all the right things he can AMPLIFY one these little sparks of attraction into a powerful emotional feeling for a woman... that is too much for her to resist. Of course, as we both know, a man can usually feel a sexual attraction to a woman INSTANTLY. I'm sure you've had a woman smile at you and BOY-OY-OY-OY-ING. SCHWING. AWWWWW YAYAHHHHH. What's worse, we totally don't get how things work for women. So we tend to do all the WRONG things. And when we do all the WRONG things, women don't even get the little sparks that can grow into full-blown ATTRACTION. So let's talk about Sexual Tension... Why "Tension"? Most people don't like the idea of "tension". It's uncomfortable. It usually means confrontation or dealing with someone who's mad at you or who doesn't like you. Tension is seen as a NEGATIVE by most people. And when most men feel ANY type of tension around a woman, they make a HUGE mistake... THEY RELEASE THE TENSION. Because most guys are so caught up in the "tension is bad" way of thinking, they DESTROY all of the great Sexual Tension that arises in the situations they find themselves in with women. It's a total bummer. So, the first thing I'm going to ask you to do, for the purposes of understanding this concept, is to put your ideas of what tension is and how it works behind you. Open your mind to a new way of thinking. Become "OK" with the idea of CREATING TENSION when you're around women that you feel an attraction for... and even AMPLIFYING that tension. And realize that if you can do this, women will LOVE you for it. Women, and especially ATTRACTIVE women who are approached all the time by loser guys, don't enjoy dating guys who are boring, predictable, and lame. They love guys who are unpredictable, mysterious, and CHALLENGING. They love guys who keep them guessing what's going to happen next. And they love guys who can keep the TENSION BUILDING, and NOT LET UP. If what I'm saying is starting to make sense, but you'd like to get a more in-depth understanding of Sexual Tension and Chemistry, then read THIS before you read the rest of this newsletter: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/SexualCommunication Here are a few ideas for "sparking" that initial tension that I'm talking about... 1) TEASE. If you want to INSTANTLY change the way a hot, stuck-up woman is behaving, TEASE HER about something. Now, not all beautiful women are stuck up. Duh. But, teasing works PARTICULARLY well when a woman IS stuck up... lol. Maybe it's her big purse. Or her tall shoes. Or her "runway model" walk. Whatever. Just tease her. Say, "Hey, what's with the big purse? You're not one of those women with a live dog named "Precious" in there, along with organic vegan high-protein treats for when she's in the mood to be pampered, are you?" It doesn't matter. Just say something to tease her. Oh, and it's usually better if you can do this with a STRAIGHT FACE. This creates even MORE tension. If you MUST smile, make sure it's the "I'm only smiling because I know that you can't believe how confident I am that you love me" kind of smile. 2) EYE CONTACT When a man and a woman make eye contact for the FIRST TIME, it's USUALLY the man who looks away first. Men are WUSSIES when it comes to doing things that say "I'm a strong, confident person". Looking away when you make eye contact with a woman is one of those things. BIG TIME. Instead, if you HOLD the eye contact until SHE looks away (and you don't fidget or twitch like you've got some strange bug crawling up your shirt), it will send a strong signal. Oh, and it has a good chance of "sparking" this attraction that we're talking about. 3) ROLE PLAY Often an opportunity will come up when you're meeting a woman where you'll want to instantly shift into a "roll play". Maybe she mentions that she's getting a new job. Tell her that you sure hope it pays well, because she's going to have to support both of you... And then tell her that you hope she has enough energy to cook at night after work, because you need a wife who can bring home the bacon, AND fry it up in a pan... Then tell her that something she just said screwed it all up for you, and that you're probably going to wind up divorcing her a week after you get married... and taking half of HER money. Roll playing is fun, and if it's done right it can REALLY spark this tension that we're talking about. The point is that you have to SPARK it. YOU must lead the way, and YOU must do something to create that little moment where things transition into "we're playing like adults". Women feel this, and respond to it INSTANTLY. - TURNING UP THE TENSION Now, once you've sparked this tension and engaged her into an interesting banter, it's time to DIAL UP THE TENSION. That's right, I said, CREATE MORE TENSION. Let's say that you were talking to her about making a lot of money so she can support you, and she answered with, "Well, I can support you, but you're going to have to do all the housework, dishes, and take care of the kids". Most guys would be thinking to themselves "Cool, she's having fun with me, I'll say something to make her like me now". So they'd say, "OK, I can do that" or something equally dumb-assed. This is the place to TURN IT UP. Say, "Oh no you don't. I'm the man here. I get to lie around all day watching TV.., then go out with my friends when you get home". Reversing gender stereotypes like this, and teasing is all kinds of fun. At this point the woman might open her mouth with the "Oh no you didn't just say that" look. Of course, you should look back at her, raise your eyebrows, and slowly nod your head, as if to imply "Oh yes, you're going to support me". This is just one example. Here are a few more, just so you really "get" what it is that I'm saying. 1) DON'T take advantage of something. Let's say that the woman you're talking to is wearing a sexy outfit. She gets up and walks across the room to get something. She KNOWS that you're going to be looking at her. BUT YOU DON'T. When she turns around to come back, you're looking down at your shoes, and commenting about what great taste you have. THIS IS SUBTLE, BUT POWERFUL. Not taking advantage of a look, a touch, a kiss, etc. when it's available DIALS UP the Sexual Tension. 2) Push her away. Let's say that you have your first kiss. PUSH HER AWAY gently just before the kiss "should" be finished. Shake your head. Say, "you're trouble". TENSION BUILDS. 3) End interactions first. If you're talking to her on the phone, and you're both enjoying the conversation, say, "OK, I've got things to do. See ya." This is MAGIC. Not only are you ending a great conversation when it was on an UP note, but you're also not trying to get anything from her. Most guys cling and stay on the phone forever, then ask for a date or if they can call later. DON'T DO IT. Just get off the phone. If it's the end of the date, leave just a little bit too soon. The point is to create TENSION in the moment. - EVERYDAY SITUATIONS In just about every situation there is an opportunity to TURN UP THE TENSION. When you do this, you create a very special emotion for women. It's that combination of her laughing, her not knowing what's going to come next, and you not acting like a WUSSY... It's that special curiosity that is aroused inside of a woman when she doesn't know what's going to happen... but she WANTS to know... It's that magical moment when it's obvious that most guys would start acting like CLINGY WUSSBAGS, and you're just leaning back as if you've got all the time in the world... and you need nothing. These things spark and amplify Sexual Tension. And they INSTANTLY communicate to women that you understand something that most men DON'T. Now, of course this isn't a simple topic. There's a lot more to it. In fact, one of the most important factors in creating sexual tension is your ability to not act needy... which has more to do with your self image and overcoming your insecurities than it does with your "behaviors" alone. As you probably know, I believe that it's as important to work on your "Inner Game" as it is to work on our "Outer Game". It's as important to learn how to change how you think and feel as it is to learn the words and actions. You must start on the INSIDE, and work your way OUTSIDE. You can have the 100 best pick up lines ever created memorized word-for-word, but if you care too much what women think of you, then THEY WON'T WORK WORTH A DAMN. In fact, almost NOTHING WILL WORK if you don't have your Inner Game together. One of the things that really separates my more advanced training materials from others is that I spend a LOT of time teaching you how to overcome your insecurities, improve your self image, see things from a better angle, and really work through those "inner" things that are holding you back. In my Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program, I spend several HOURS on "The Inner Game" before I ever share techniques for meeting women. It's THAT IMPORTANT. Really. Of course, after I spend four or five hours tweaking up your thinking and your emotional issues, I also share HUNDREDS of killer ideas for approaching, meeting, dating, and "getting physical" with women in ways that AVOID REJECTION and amplify success. The best part? I guarantee results. All you have to do is go through this program one time, and you'll see results. I mean, you'll probably go through the whole thing MANY times, and you'll hear a TON of new things each time... but the very first time will change you for good. EVEN BETTER: I'll send this program to you to TRY before you pay one single dime... I'm THAT SURE it's going to get you results with women. All the details are here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/AdvancedSeries Have you read my original online eBook "Double Your Dating"? It's literally jam packed with great techniques for meeting women... and you can go download it RIGHT NOW and be reading it in a FEW MINUTES. It's here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/eBook I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
Keeping A Beautiful Woman Attracted >NOTE: You can read the story of how I learned to meet and attract women, plus watch some fantastic video clips of each of my programs right here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/Catalog/ ***DATING QUESTION FROM READER*** Hello, David! I want to start by thanking you for your work. Once in a great while, someone comes along that truly wants to help others succeed, and puts in the effort to the research and testing, and makes something great for others. You are one of those people, and I'm glad to see you succeed by helping so many others do the same. I was reaching to find answers, like a lot of us were, and found your material. It has been awesome. In the last week, I saw the most attractive woman I perhaps ever have. She was a 9.5 on my scale, which is truly rare to find for me. Not just in looks, but a great personality. Instead of giving in to my normal habits, I applied the methods you taught. We went out to a club, and had a great time. I had another friend of mine there, and I used him as a means to partially ignore her at times, constantly making jokes that were just too quiet for her to hear, and looking at her and smiling when doing it. She constantly wanted to know what was funny, yet she wasn't mad, just shyly curious. I was aloof, yet not terribly too distant from her. I would wander off by myself, knowing she was with my friend, and leave them hanging alone for a little while now and then. (I knew my friend wasn't going to hit on her). I would go up to other girls and whisper something in their ear right in front of her, to give her the idea that I was completely comfortable in my own skin with women. Once, on my way back from the dance floor, I found her with some other guy. I flashed a sly little smile, but kept on walking right by, as if to imply "You have a good time there. I could care less. As a matter of fact, you look a tad pathetic coming on to him." She soon returned and said that I had been gone too long, and some guy had "dragged her away from me". That night, I had resisted the urge to act like anything but the kind of man you would teach someone to be. All urges at wussness were disregarded, and I played the part to a tee. Even though it didn't entirely feel normal or comfortable at first, I could see that it was definitely working, so I kept it up. I would occasionally catch her staring at me from the corner of my eye, sometimes for 2 or 3 seconds. I didn't react, but just kept saying to myself "Damn. David has been right the whole time". I woke up the next morning with a weird feeling... this was something I had never achieved before. I don't mean sex with a woman soon after I met her, but the fact that she was so damn gorgeous. At the risk of sounding a little chauvinistic, she was the best girl I have ever had. Well, over the next two weeks or so, I kept coming over and doing things during the days with her and staying at night. This is when things began to change. You had a timeless question from a guy once who said something like "After I sleep with a woman why do I feel like hating her?" Well, I normally feel the same. But with this girl, it was different. I wanted to keep her. But, the more time we spent together, the more we started to both feel like whatever I sparked was fading quick. I could see the thrill of our initial meeting was dying, and I wanted to add to my image in her mind the idea that I could be a part of her daily life too, not just the nighttime party one. I felt like I had to show her something that proved I didn't just want her for sex. I knew I couldn't let her interpret it as me buying her attention or body, although I'm afraid that may have been exactly what I did. I ended up purchasing her and her roommate a full stock of groceries, which they definitely needed. It gave me some kind of a sense that I had shown that I was more than just a sex buddy, which really felt good to me. However, lately she has pulled away. We will still go out and have a good time, but more like friends, with only a little flirting. She now refuses sex, saying "it would complicate things." By the way, although she has been in long-term relationships since she was 16, she currently isn't, and seems to be enjoying the party life a lot. She is 22 now. I know you said in your audio series that it is a mistake to try to tie down a party girl, but she told me of her long-term history with guys, and that's why I tried. Did I screw up by getting too close too fast? Was it unrealistic for me to show that kind of attention to her needs that quick or at all? How many times should a guy see a girl each week if he wants to keep up the attraction and have a great time, but not become too familiar to her? Thanks man. Confused, -J >>>MY COMMENTS: Oh, I feel your pain. I'm sure that just about every man alive can identify with this story in one way or another... even if it doesn't involve a woman that you'd describe as a "9.5". So, let's talk about the situation you're in, what happened at first, and what to do now... First of all, congratulations on the fact that you were able to make this kind of success happen in the first place! You're doing great, and I know how good it feels to have this kind of success with a really attractive woman. It sounds like you're really starting to "get it" at a deep level. The more you continue to study the materials you have (especially the CD Series) the more you'll understand how to attract these UNUSUALLY attractive women... and more importantly, KEEP THEM ATTRACTED. Let's review a few of my main concepts, and how they apply to this situation... ATTRACTION ISN'T A CHOICE Explained differently, a woman doesn't CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE to feel attracted to a man. A woman also doesn't consciously choose to STOP her attraction for a man. It happens for reasons that seem very illogical to most men. The things you were doing when you first met this girl were EXACTLY the right things for creating this wonderful feeling of ATTRACTION inside of her. And she obviously enjoyed it tremendously. You mentioned that you didn't feel totally comfortable at first, but since it was obvious that she was becoming more and more interested in you, you kept going... which led to you getting together with her. But, remember the flip side: If you start doing the WRONG things, the woman will LOSE her ATTRACTION for you as well. And it will happen ALL BY ITSELF. The worst part is that you can't logically convince her to keep feeling attracted to you. If you screw it up, you're probably going to screw it up to a point that is almost impossible to fix. More of the "psychology" of creating and amplifying attraction is here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/AttractionBook GIVE HER THE GIFT OF MISSING YOU What do most guys do as soon as they meet a REALLY HOT, ultra-attractive woman? Of course! They call three times a day, and want to see her all the time. Attractive women know better than to do this. When an attractive woman meets a man she likes, she usually PLAYS HARD TO GET. Instead of calling, she acts like she's BUSY. This makes the man try even harder, and pursue her even more... It sounds like you did exactly the opposite. In your email here you say: "Well, over the next two weeks or so, I kept coming over and doing things during the days with her and staying at night. This is when things began to change..." No no no! Over the next two weeks you should have called her every few days, and seen her maybe three times for a few hours each. No "doing things during the days with her and staying at night"! You really need to remember to GIVE HER THE GIFT OF MISSING YOU! If you're around all the time, you become predictable, expected, and uninteresting. On the other hand, if you're mysterious, challenging, and hard to pin down, she will think about you and miss the times she's had with you. DON'T TURN INTO A WUSS This is one of the biggest mistakes that men make when they meet a woman that they REALLY like. I get a lot of emails from guys saying "I met this girl, and I used everything I've learned from Double Your Dating to get her... but now that we've been seeing each other for awhile things are changing, and I'm starting to lose control of how I act... and I'm turning into my old Wussy self..." As I'm sure you can guess, this is bad bad bad for attraction. When you start out by doing things that are attractive to her, then gradually turn into a WUSS BAG, you go from her wildest dream to her worst nightmare right in front of her eyes. If you figure out how to make a woman feel ATTRACTION for you, then KEEP DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING! Don't start being a clingy Wuss. Translation: Don't spend every day and night with her, don't buy her groceries, and don't try to get her into a relationship fifteen minutes after you meet her. You also mentioned a few little words that stood out for me: "I kept coming over...". YOU kept coming over. When you're the one coming to her, then she's the one in control. Think about it. This is a small point, and it isn't always the case, but in this situation it makes a difference. So, what should you do now? You should give her some space. Don't call her more than once or twice a week, and don't see her more than once or twice a week for awhile. Don't pressure her physically, and don't try to push for a relationship. DATE OTHER WOMEN! Get out there and go out with some other women... and when you talk to her don't hide the fact that you're doing it. Be casual about it, but feel free to mention it in conversation once or twice. GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE Don't get hung up, don't obsess about her, and don't make it important to "win her back". Just move on. This combination will give you the greatest chance of winning her back... And the next time you meet a beautiful woman that has an interesting personality, DON'T TURN INTO A PREDICTABLE, BORING, CLINGY, WUSSY! You've done a great job getting this far. Now get back in there and take this to the next level! And if you're reading this right now and thinking to yourself "I need to learn this stuff so I can meet beautiful women like this guy...", then we have to talk. One of the most important insights I've gotten from learning the secrets of how to attract women is very interesting... I've realized that if a man doesn't know how to attract women, it spills over into all other areas of his life. It's a very special kind of insecurity that causes a lot of problems in other areas as well. Let's face it. Just about everything that men do to achieve material success in life is somehow connected to ATTRACTING WOMEN. But guess what? Material success won't make the INSECURITY and the FEAR go away! The only thing that WILL make it go away is actually LEARNING how to attract women. I know, because I've been there. I can CLEARLY remember how different I felt inside when I had no idea how to meet women... and I know how different it feels now that I do. My relationships work better, because I'm not acting AFRAID... afraid that she's going to leave, afraid I won't be able to find someone else... etc. And when I'm single, I'm happy. I don't constantly worry anymore, not knowing if I'll ever meet another woman. I personally think that taking the time to learn how to make women feel ATTRACTION is one of the best investments you will ever make in yourself and your life, period. It might be THE best investment. If you'd like to get the best training available in the WORLD, then you need to get yourself a copy of my Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD Program. It's a complete education, from the psychology of how to overcome fear and improve your self image, all the way to specific techniques for approaching, meeting, and dating women... and even how to take things to a "physical level" without rejection. I absolutely guarantee that this program will change your success with women. All the details, plus some great free audio and video samples are here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/AdvancedSeries If you've gone through my Advanced Dating Techniques program, and you enjoyed the INNER GAME aspects of attracting women... and you've realized that REALLY attractive women are more attracted to INNER qualities than "techniques"... AND you want to learn how to become the kind of man that women are NATURALLY attracted to... and that they STAY attracted to... ...then you REALLY need to check out my program: "On Being A Man... Who Naturally Attracts Women". Inside this program you'll learn how to develop the QUALITIES inside YOURSELF that women are "naturally" attracted to. This program will teach you how to leave your "Inner Wuss" behind, and how to cultivate a natural masculine power that women find literally IRRESISTIBLE. All the details are here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/OnBeingAMan And if you haven't taken the time to download my online eBook "Double Your Dating", then you need to go and do that RIGHT NOW. You can download it right now and be reading it within a few minutes. Go and get it here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/eBook I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
The Quickest Way To The Bedroom With Her >If you'd like to hear the story of how I went from not even being able to start a conversation with women... to the point where I can meet any woman in any situation... then take a minute and check this out: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/Catalog/ ***DATING QUESTION FROM READER*** Dave, WOW!!!! Thats all I can say. I've been getting your emails for several months and have since downloaded your book. I've committed myself to improving my "skills" with women and the results have been amazing. The "Crash and Burn" that most guys are sooo fearful of NEVER happens and very rarely does a girl give you anything but a smile even if she isn't interested. My latest success was so easy it was almost scary. I met a woman (an 8.5 at least) in a local bar and used the c/f to get her number and set up a date. Went out on the date and it was almost like it was scripted. Pushed the c/f to the extreme all night, teased her, drove her completely crazy and left her house at 5:00 am the next morning. Here's the thing, using this material you will very often hear, "Oh... I can't believe I'm doing this..I never do this kind of thing." Usually I laugh hysterically inside, and respond with the heart felt, "Oh I know, don't worry about it." The problem is with this girl it was different. First, even using your vast knowledge, I didn't expect to be able to get this far with this girl on the first date. She had that intangible "it" that really attracted me to her and I actually don't think that under normal circumstances she would have taken a guy home but.... most guys don't have the benefit of the "David DeAngelo Jedi Mind Tricks" either (lol). Anyway this was Saturday and I called her Monday just to say hi. She was soooo nervous and uncomfortable she could barely complete a sentence. Obviously with everything that happened I think she was a bit embarrassed and, that's to be expected, but now I'm not sure how to handle this situation. I'm afraid now that if I'm not REALLY careful that I'll screw up a chance with a great woman. I get the feeling that she needs a little reassurance that this wasn't just a one night stand, but I'm not sure if that's the right thing to do or if it is, how to do it without coming off like a WUSS BAG! I think this girl could be worth some effort.........PLEASE HELP!!! Thanks for everything, JH Monroe LA >>>MY COMMENTS: This is a great story, and your story illustrates all kinds of interesting things. I'd like to comment on a few of them before I actually answer your question. The first thing I'd like to comment on is this illogical progression of how you went from meeting this girl to being intimate so fast. To begin with, you acted Cocky & Funny, and teased her... "to the extreme", which somehow resulted in her spending the night with you. Now, at first glance, this makes absolutely no sense at all... I mean, why would a woman who is obviously very attractive and "in demand" want to get physical with a guy that isn't buying her things, giving her compliments, and generally kissing her ass all night long? The answer, of course, is that ATTRACTIVE WOMEN DON'T ACTUALLY WANT A GUY TO DO THESE WUSSY THINGS IN THE FIRST PLACE! Unfortunately for most guys, our cultures, religions, and mothers have programmed us to be "nice guys" when we're around women we feel attracted to. This does two things: 1. Hands all of your power over to the woman. 2. DESTROYS any ATTRACTION that might be present. Again, I know it's illogical, but attractive women have AMAZING gut level emotional ATTRACTION responses to men who CHALLENGE them and who act UNPREDICTABLE in a particular way. Part of creating this illogical and desirable response is knowing how to use arrogance and humor together in a formula I call "Cocky & Funny" (which you obviously get). Of course, there's a lot more to it, but the key is that you have to STOP DOING WHAT ISN'T WORKING... namely, being a NICE WUSSY BOY. If you're reading this right now, and you're one of those guys who thinks that women are attracted to "nice guys", then think again, and read THIS: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/OnBeingAMan The second thing I'd like to comment on is when she said: "Oh...I can't believe I'm doing this...I never do this kind of thing." I've talked to a lot of guys who are VERY successful with women about this particular phenomenon, and they all say similar things. It seems that whenever a woman is going to get "physical" quickly, they have to rationalize it "out loud" first. Sometimes a woman will say "I'm not like this" or something similar to slow things down and try to explain away what's happening. Don't let it bother you. Of course, if a woman says, "stop" or she actually tries to stop you from kissing her (or anything else), then you need to STOP immediately. I'm not suggesting at all that you don't respect a woman's wishes. But, you also need to understand that just because a woman is SAYING that "she doesn't usually do things like this", that it doesn't mean she doesn't WANT to. The final point I'd like to comment on before answering your question, is this response that she had when you called her back. You mentioned that she was so nervous and uncomfortable that she couldn't complete a sentence. I have seen this exact same thing, and I have several friends who have told me stories just like this. It seems to me that when an attractive woman who is used to being the one in control meets a guy who is super confident, Cocky & Funny, unpredictable, and NOT EASILY CONTROLLED, it freaks her out. Sometimes she literally doesn't know what to do, and she doesn't know how to act. Often, she will be self-conscious about the fact that she "got physical" so soon, or about some other thing... but it really comes down to the fact that she just doesn't know how to deal with you. This is a great place to be, and don't let it bother you when it happens. And now, to answer your question... of how to handle this situation. First of all, don't start acting TOO DIFFERENTLY. If you start acting all nice and lovey, you'll come across in a way that will be confusing... and it will probably make her run. If you want this to turn into something more, then you need to be cool and calm about EVERYTHING that happens. If she seems nervous, just relax and make a joke about it. With attractive women, it's always a good idea to "lean back" and give her space. As a rule of thumb, call her half as much as you would normally call a woman, and see her half as much... at least for the first few weeks. GIVE HER THE GIFT OF MISSING YOU. And if you're going to be "nice", then BE VERY CAREFUL AND DON'T DO TOO MUCH TOO SOON! When the average guy meets a really attractive woman that is "different" from the others... one that he wants to have a relationship with... he usually starts doing too much. He buys gifts, calls all the time, and gives lots of compliments. As you know, this is SUPER SIZE WUSS BOY behavior, and it usually results in the woman running away. In other words, you must not let her nervous state affect YOUR state or YOUR behavior. KEEP DOING WHAT WORKS. ...and if you're reading this right now and thinking to yourself "You know, I need to learn this stuff about how to meet and attract women... and how to take things to a physical level fast", then YOU'RE RIGHT! I think that every man should invest in himself, and learn this skill. Unfortunately, most guys never take the time and invest in themselves... and they wind up going their whole lives WISHING that they could attract the kinds of women that they want. Well, I used to be one of the guys who didn't know what he was doing with women. Now I'm one of the guys who can go out anytime, in any situation and attract women. What's the difference? I TOOK THE TIME TO LEARN. And if you'd like to learn, then I recommend you learn the things that I learned FIRST. It's taken me a long time to figure all this stuff out, and it's also taken a lot of time, effort, and energy on my part to put it all down on paper and on audio and video... so that any guy can learn from the things I've discovered. I'd like to personally invite you to check out my materials. In a matter of hours you can learn things that it took me YEARS to figure out... all from the comfort and privacy of your own home. If you'd like to learn more about sex and sexuality, then you MUST get your hands on a copy of my "Power Sexuality" DVD/CD program. Inside this program you will learn how to build an incredible SEXUAL CONFIDENCE that will not only make women feel more ATTRACTION for you... but it will also help you take things to a "physical level" much more smoothly and easily. Go check out some free video preview clips, and get all the details here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/PowerSexuality If you're having challenges building up your "Inner Game", and overcoming fears... then you should also check out my Deep Inner Game DVD program. This is the ultimate "tool box" for fixing those challenging Inner Game issues... and you can only get it here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/DeepInnerGame And if you're reading this right now, and you haven't downloaded your copy of my eBook Double Your Dating, then WHAT'S KEEPING YOU? You can get it now, and be reading it within minutes. Go and download it here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/eBook I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
Women Share Tips On Dating >NOTE: If you'd like to learn the easiest, fastest, lowest-rejection way to meet women, then read this: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/MeetingWomenOnline ***SUCCESS STORY*** Hey Dave, Great news. I tried C + F with a girl I've known for over a year as a friend but would never dream of "approaching"... I asked her advice about fashion and took her shopping with me for clothes. I busted on her the whole time about looking at my ass, etc. So a few days later I get a call. "What do you like to drink? How 'bout I stop by with some beers and hang out?" Between our second and third lovemaking sessions she apologizes for taking up my time, and confesses that she's not really looking for a relationship right now. Hopes I'm not mad. Pure gold, man. This woman is ten years younger and the highest paid stripper at a local bar. I'm broke, short, bald, cocky, and funny. Go figure. Thanks a million. Don't print my name, but DO send me your advanced class ASAP! >>>MY COMMENTS: Yeah, bummer... isn't it? While you might not have found the ultimate "wife" material, it doesn't sound to me like you mind the free fashion advice (oh, and free BEER). Interesting Question: Why is it that the highest paid dancer at a local bar... one who has literally hundreds and hundreds of men around her that would pay her, buy her anything, and worship her like a queen... would rather buy beer and bring it to an older, short, bald, cocky, funny guy and then say "I'm sorry if I'm wasting your time... I'm not looking for a relationship"? Interesting Answer: Because she doesn't need a clingy, loser, psycho, WUSSY, sketchy jackass who calls her 47 times a day to ask her what she's doing and say "I miss you, when can I see you again". Powerful. ***QUESTION FROM A WOMAN*** Hi, I would be most grateful for some help/advice if you could assist. = I am bi sexual fem women, and have recently met a beautiful women, my type very fem, and I really like this women. She has been hurt by men in the past, and is just going through a phase in her life at the moment where she needs to be with women. She has been with 2 other women including me before. To cut a long story short, I dont know how to charm her, make her like me more and become a magnet towards her?. I'm not chasing after her because i suspect that most men have done this before, and because I am a women i want to play it cool. She has already indicated that she wants fun then see what happens, but I understand that nothing could ever come of it because her family and friends dont know she is bi, and she comes from a relatively posh family. Have you got any suggestions you could give me please. Thank you for spending time in reading the above, and I await to hear from you in great anticipation. S. >>>MY COMMENTS: You know, why is it that when you finally get an email you WISH was longer, it says "To cut a long story short"? Whatever. OK, I'm closing my eyes right now... and making an image in my mind of you and your new-found babe in a room together... You're wondering how to make her feel A STRONG ATTRACTION to you... but you just can't figure it out... All of a sudden, the door opens up, and I come walking in to the rescue... I sit down between you and your girlfriend, and I give you that knowing look... You instantly understand that I'm going to help you get what you want... and you feel a deep and profound appreciation for me... ... ... ... You know, this imaginary thing never was very good for me. OK, back to reality... Look, you're asking a question just like a Wussy guy would ask. You're in a TEXTBOOK situation... And if you don't get control of yourself and your emotions, you're going to screw this up real good. Pause. Deep breaths. Sit in the lotus position or something. Here's the formula for making this girl want to be with you: Great Experiences + Missing You Got it? When you're with her, make it ENJOYABLE. Don't put any kind of weird emotional pressure on her. Don't ask "Do you think you could be with someone like me in a long-term relationship?". Don't cling. Don't call her all the time. When you do spend time with her, make sure you and she are having a GREAT TIME. And then end every interaction with her while it's on an UP note... and just a little bit too soon. Like a great movie, end it at a "climax". "Huh... Huh... He thaid "climaxth". Yeah Yeah!" And as you've heard me say before, give her the GIFT of MISSING YOU. You're on the right track by "playing it cool". Now add fun, excitement, and MYSTERY to the equation. Give her experiences she can't forget, and then give her room to think about you, wonder where you are, and chase you until she's caught. ***COMMENT*** Just what kind of conversations are you having with these lil girls? Don't you find it better to have someone that can stimulate your mind as well as your member? I must say that my personal opinion is that you have low self-esteem and base your self worth on the trophy you carry by your side...Grow up ya mental midget....... Sincerely, K.D.C. >>>MY COMMENTS: I've included this to make an example... this is the type of person to watch out for while you're learning how to be successful with women and dating... they have nothing useful to offer, only negativity. This is someone who doesn't get it, doesn't get ANY, and isn't going to help you. This person would be glad to sit all night and tell you why it's a bad idea for you to have fun dating all the fun women you're dating because none of them are "marriage material". REVELATION: Duh. But while you're FINDING that rare and fantastic woman who can stimulate your mind, body, emotions, and "member", you might as well enjoy yourself... And to answer the question: The kind of conversations I'm having with these "lil girls" is the kind that challenges them, makes them feel ATTRACTION, and makes them realize how BORING negative people like you are. 'Nuff said. ***SUCCESS STORY*** David! Where do I even begin to tell you about the changes that have taken place in my life since I read your e-book? I used to be the classic wussy. While reading your book, and reading about the things that you said were exactly what NOT to do, it was painful for me. But a wake-up call at the same time! It allowed me to pinpoint what went wrong in every failed relationship or unsuccessful interaction with females I've ever had. I've always been naturally cocky and funny, but I never figured it would be a successful method to use around women as I was too focused on coming across as, "A nice guy she could take home to dad." I used to ALWAYS become a submissive wuss in frilly pink panties everytime I was around attractive girls. Maaannn, was I ever wrong, and thank you for showing me the light! I'm currently in sales, and a few months ago had found myself falling for a customer service rep for one of the companies whos products I sell. She has every quality a man could want. She's 23, (I just turned 20) gorgeous, confident, intelligent, and she has a cheeky little attitude that is sooooo easy for the cocky and funny man to have fun with! From the start, I just continued to bust her balls non-stop and I LOVE teasing her for her minor insecurities (she is short, claustrophobic and has a bit of a bratty attitude, among many others). I call her a bratty little child, laugh at her and call her "cute" in a sarcastic tone when she tries to act cocky. I told her I was going to show her the city and she could buy me dinner for my effort! lol. It worked like a charm. Shes definitely a keeper, and its time to take things to the next level! I don't expect I will have ANY problems maintaining this one thanks to the gold that IS your e-book! Not to mention, my newly improved attitude and high level of inner confidence have ran-off into all aspects of my life. I've never felt better! $19.97 changed my life! Thanks again, B in BC >>>MY COMMENTS: PRINT THAT! And the reality is that YOU changed your life... and I'm glad I could help. Make sure you don't forget what you're learning and turn into a girly-man in about 6 months like most guys do. Keep up the good work, and keep the girl. ***QUESTION*** Dave, Like everyone else I have to say your book did wonders for me. I wouldn't dream of asking a girl for her# after just meeting her (classic wussy rejection fear). Now, what do I care if she gives it to me or not there's another looker 10 feet away. One thing I would like to add to the table, maybe i missed it the first time i read the book, what do you do if C&F doesn't have enough F and you jut offended her? My personal situation that happens often because I like to see live bands, is that I'll be talking to a girl and (long story short) say "Man, this band really sucks" to which she makes a comment and walks away. I have since learned to apologize...I don't feel it's wussy if it works. Now the scenario is: "This band really Sucks. 'Hey, I like this band.' "Oh Im sorry....Not for saying that, but that you like this band." Every time I pull out that comment the girls turn around and continue conversation. So thanks dave for turning my social life around. I still have a lot to learn though, so men of the world dont just send in your success stories send in the tip that you had to figure out on your own. PT Superior, WI >>>MY COMMENTS: I like the direction you're going... But, I think you need to tweak it just a little. Saying "This band sucks" to a total stranger just isn't funny. If you say, "Hey, do you LIKE this band?" and she says, "Yeah" and you say, "Doesn't surprise me, what - are you the guitar players sister?"... That's a little more where you want to go. It's funny, but it's also kind of unclear. It involves the woman you're talking to without her really being able to catch on to what you mean. You answered your own question: ADD MORE FUNNY. Cocky guys attract women... that's reality. But, guys who are ONLY cocky also upset and offend a lot of women... but they don't care, because they only care about themselves. Add more funny... it's much better for her, and for you. ***QUESTION*** Hi, Dave. I try to read all your newsletters -- I'm married for 12 years and trying to figure out how to de-wussify my self. It's not easy, and you don't help even a little because you don't give "relationship advice." But I try to find ways to be unpredictable and cocky + funny with my wife... And any other woman I meet. I'm a religious professional, so I've got some real limitations to work within, but I'm pretty sure teasing women isn't a sin, and it lights me up. I went through a phase where I figured you wrote the letters. But having read them for a while now, I'm convinced you're not that kind of genius. "Pick the one with more money." -- I was worried someone at my office was going to ask me why I was laughing so loud. "You suck and all men wish they were you." Well, as a religious professional, I have to say you suck double. Here's one example of what I did right. (I think.) She was in the shower, so I walked in too. Her: "You came into my shower." Me: "Wouldn't you if you were me and there was a beautiful, steamy, sexy naked woman in here?" Her: "I suppose so." Me: "But you'll have to do." Her: (Total shift in attitude.) "Hey, mister, you're loosing opportunities that way." Me: "I've got opportunities coming out of my ears." (I'm not sure she believed that, but I couldn't think what else to say.) She didn't make any moves that day, but the next day she was happily receptive. Still if you have any advice on how to stimulate attraction in a woman who's seen you at your wussiest I'd love to hear it. I'm not walking out of the relationship or going to introducing "distance" that would be unfitting for a couple married for a long while, so don't go there. But I'd love to get some more ideas of how to push her buttons. J, Denver >>>MY COMMENTS: I don't know, there's just something about a guy who tells me "You suck double" that I just can't resist... OK, so you tugged at my heart- strings a little with the "I'm a religious professional who's been married 12 years and I want to make my wife dig me more" bit. You're doing pretty well. I like the whole shower routine... right up until the very last part. When she shifted tone and said, "Hey, mister, you're losing opportunities that way" and you answered, "I've got opportunities coming out of my ears", you went off course. Instead, when she says, "You're losing opportunities that way", say, "I'm the opportunity here, and you might want to take advantage of it while it's available"... then splash some water on her, shower her, wink at her, and GET OUT. Have you ever played with a dog? How do you make a dog LOVE you? You chase it, then run away. What does the dog do? Of course, it chases YOU. Then it might get tired... so you chase it a little again... and then run away. You've been acting like a Wuss for 12 years. Keep evicting the inner Wuss more and more over time, and who knows? You might actually become interesting to your wife again... You know, you might also want to read THIS: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/OnBeingAMan ***QUESTION*** Dave, You have no idea how much I appreciate what you are doing for me and so many other guys out there. It's truly amazing stuff. The details about me are unimportant, but I read your book thought to myself wow that's awesome and then continued to think "oh but I"ll never change I like who I am even if I'm incredibly unsuccessful with women." But I had a crush on a girl I worked with and tried your cocky comedy technique anyway in spite of myself. I only let myself appeared moderately interested if at all and eventually asked her if she wanted to take a ride on my bike. (one of the main things we had talked about before was about me buying a motorcycle, she had already asked me to take her for a ride.) That was the best date of my life and she's all I hoped for I made a list of all the other books you recommended in your ebook and have gone out and read them too becasue I really like the way i feel when i'm in control of the relationship. Best part is dave she's three years older than I am and I still have her wrapped around my finger. To get to my question though dave it's coming up her birthday and because I really do love her I need to make sure i don't screw up when it comes time to give gifts and really make her feel special. I know you don't like relationships as much as single dating but could you offer whateveradvice you might have. Thanks a lot Dave, you're definitely a wealth of all things dating. M, Chicago area >>>MY COMMENTS: Yeah, OK... I know I'm breaking my rule of not giving relationship advice AGAIN, but this answer will be useful to all guys... And by the way, it's not that I "don't like relationships as much as single dating" at all. In fact, I believe that MOST guys would really like to find a great woman to have a fantastic long-term relationship with... I just FOCUS on the "meeting and dating" part. So, here's the problem: If you meet a girl that you really like, at some point early-on in the relationship, some type of holiday or occasion is going to turn up... Valentine's Day, New Year's Eve, her birthday... something. And you don't want to look like a TOTAL jackass by doing nothing... I get it. Here's just a little bit of advice: You can make the occasion FANTASTIC without being a WUSSY. You can do something that will blow her mind without coming across as a needy, clingy, girly- man who is trying to impress a woman because he doesn't feel worthy. An example of what most guys do: Call her up, tell her that you really like her, ask her where her favorite restaurant is because you want to take her there for her birthday, ask her what else she's like to do, and then keep asking after she says "I don't care what we do, I just want to have fun" a hundred more times. An example of what to do instead: Call her and say "Hey, put on something cute tomorrow night, and be ready at 8... I'm going to pick you up". If she asks what you're doing, just say "Be ready, no questions". Pick her up, take her to dinner, choose the food, and then bring her home and put a candle on a cupcake and sing her happy birthday. No asking her what she wants, no telling her where you're going, and no seeking her approval. Get the difference? If not, read it again. There's a way to do everything without coming off WUSSIFIED. ***QUESTION*** whats the best way to ask a girl out and is it wrong if one girl says no when i ask her out i try for another girl the same day? >>>MY COMMENTS: The best way to ask a girl out is to say "Will you please, please go out with me?" and if one girl says no when you ask her out then it IS wrong to try for another girl the same day. You must wait at least 17 days after one "no" before you may ask another girl out. DOH! I broke my rule of not answering jackass questions... dammit! ***QUESTION*** Dear David, I am writing to tell you how much I enjoy your tips. You will probably laugh because I am a woman. I think that your advice is just as good for women too. Have you considered writing a book for women? You have the advantage of a male's perspective and you could give good insights. I do what to keep the chemistry going in my relationship, to make my boyfriend feel proud and happy and more manly. (I live in Europe and English is not my native language, so please excuse me if I made any mistakes.) Sincerely, AB >>>MY COMMENTS: What is this world coming to? We've got women who are working to make their men feel proud and "manly". Maybe you could get him some testosterone replacement therapy or something? Have him write to me... I'll verbally slap him around a little... maybe that will get him to act like a man all on his own. But probably not. ***COMMENT*** First of all, let me utter my limitless thank for providing me with an awesome product of great value and I am extremely trilled reading it on and on. Your material is worth like cash money even more. I cannot describe how powerful it influences repeatedly my best attention in this very hour of crisis. I am impatiently awaiting the next information of yours and reading your material is the most interesting thing I have nowadays. Have a great day there and thank you very much for your guidance. Best regards, S >>>MY COMMENTS: I wish to honestly and forthrightly accept your limitless thank you, and convey my own profound appreciation for your expression of gratitude. Influencing your attention repeatedly in your very hour of crisis is my only desire. And you're welcome, too. ***COMMENTS FROM YET ANOTHER WOMAN*** David, As I was re-reading your "Challenging Woman" newsletter, I had to say: "That's soooo me!" And you make me want to share one of my fave C+F memories of a man who gets what you talk about. (Perhaps not one of the most thrilling examples of C+F you've ever read, but this guy was just the zen master of it, and just makes me appreciate that which is male so much more! :D ) I met "M" on a datesite, and finally decided to meet for lunch. Now, M. is not the kind of fella that one would think as a chick magnet. At 5'6" (and that's being generous) and a bit of a stocky physique because of his short stature, he does not strike one as handsome in the typical way most people envision. But he had a lovely face, a charming smile, and a gleam of sunny happiness that just make me take notice of him at first sight. We sat down and got acquainted, and as I felt he was comfortable with me, I started the female version of Cocky and Funny: I call it "Feisty and Sassy". And he clicked right in on my wavelength. We kept this at a comfortable level, interjecting personal info amongst good natured jabs. This guy was fun and funny! So it got to the point were he had made some statement that hinted he might like me. And so I folded my arms and asked him in my snottiest challenging smug voice, "So you admit you like me then, eh?" He leaned back in his chair, studied me for a moment, turned his head as if to look out the window, flipped his hand negligently at me, and sneered boredly, "Nah. Don't like ya. Can't stant ya."And after a pregnant pause of a few seconds, him still quietly staring off to the side, he suddenly shot me a mischievous glance with a cocked brow and a naughty smirking grin. 'OOOOH!! Brat!! You brat!! You complete brat!! Oh oh oh oh OH!! (Think like a Sam Kinison scream!)' I didn't know if I wanted to kiss him on the mouth or punch him in the arm! Or both!! I was exasperated and delighted at the same time. And I couldn't help but shoot him back my pointy-toothed kitty-cat smile. 'Oh you are SOOO asking for trouble!! And you are gonna GET IT!!' And... uhm, let's just say that he did. And I most enjoyed it, like I knew I would. ;) My theory, founded or not, is that if you ain't much fun OUT of bed, you probably aren't that much fun IN bed. Or anywhere else in the house, for that matter. M. was just fun, period. Oh man, was he fun. And I get mad when I hear some of your readers write: "I'm short! I'm bald! I'm old! I'm fat! I'm (whatever fault they perceive)! I don't stand a chance, Dave!" Bullsh**. This is just insecurity making excuses. (One of my fave professors in college weighed 350lbs, balding, mid 50's, and often dressed in shorts and threadbare T-shirts during the summer. Not exactly a feast for the eyes, but when his utter, almost arrogant, confidence came thru, he was absolutely master of his classroom domain. And when his kingly presence filled the room, it was such a turn-on! Like you've said, attraction is not logical, it is a reaction. And something in me just when 'Whoa. Now THAT's a man!') M. was really short for a guy, and I didn't bat an eye. His self-confidence and great attitude just made me want to know him more. His sunniness just preceded him, and when he opened his mouth, he had the real deal to back it up. A man who might have been using the C+F routine on me, but he wasn't pretending to be confident: he WAS confident! And a real sweetheart underneath. Though I was intrigued from the moment I met him, he clinched the deal with that little zinger. I knew I was a gonner from that moment on. A man who is genuinely comfortable with himself is a man who I can be comfortable with. And know that he will rise to the challenge and allow me to free the depths of my passions, and he can handle it. Because he can be himself, I can be myself. And makes me want to reveal to him the inner-most parts of me. Let me tell ya, Dave, there are quite a few advantages to being a "challenging woman". Just too bad there aren't more players in this game. Too many who meet my curious gaze and back down before they even open their mouths. So sad, when I saw something in them to even want to go out with them. And they do not see that for themselves, and do not believe in themselves. And the game is lost before it ever started. And when I think of your C+F techniques, I think of Mitch, and wish more men had the confidence to like themselves despite whatever their perceived short comings. That little man was the gentle master of C+F to me. And as far as I'm concerned, he is the biggest man in the room, no matter where he goes. Thank you, Dave, for giving men the tools to meet the challenge, and challenge me in return. How fun life is with a gleam in your eye. ;) Long live the Sassy and Feisty, Ms. E LA, CA >>>MY COMMENTS: "...if you ain't much fun OUT of bed, you probably aren't that much fun IN bed. Or anywhere else in the house, for that matter." Amen, sister. ***QUESTION*** DAVE i can't front... your material is the bomb.. no doubt.. im young, hip hop influenced, and african american and what you convey crosses any barrier... and you know how much attitude women of our culture have, but it dont mean a thing when a man knows whats really going on... but anyway thanks, you tight, yada yada, down to business. i got your ebook a month ago, and studied it cover to cover, everyday so that the information would go into my subconscious. at first, i had trouble developing the C&F character you talked about because i had to do a complete 360 from what i used to do. letting women punk me. looking back, i had no spine but now, i get it... TO MY SUCCESS... recently i went out to a live club that alot of gorgeous women go too. i was with 3 of my cousins who are used to me being just okay when it comes to women. now clubs are not my thing, but i said to myself lets do it. now before i went in i kept in mind 3 things you talked about. having a blase' persona, slowing down my body movements, and the ''next'' attitude. so when i first went in, i did a whole tour of the entire club (away from my cousins) with my mind geared on nothing but eye contact with women. just so i could watch who was watching me. i had to laugh at myself because some women were so obvious, wanting my attention, but i played it cool. now usually, i go straight to the dance floor, but this time i decided to go to the lounge area and sit by myself in a big booth, still keeping those principles in mind. thats when it got crazy. i said to myself whoever comes to sit, im on them. two twins come ( at least 8's ) and i bus on them. them: why you chillen by yourself? me: you gotta come better than that doublemints. them: ( astonished looks ) excuse me? (laughing, gradually turned into smiles) me: i tell ya. girls here are so thirsty for a guy like me. i heard that line 3 times already. them: ( uncontrolable laughter ) you are something else.. long story short, emails from both. and the rest of the nite women approached me. and thats never ever happened to me before. came away with 4 numbers and five emails, and didnt care if they called ( 3 the next day did), and hardly gave the effort. it was so natural. thanks QUESTION there was a group of 3 girls that i busted on and later got all there emails at the same time, but didnt ask for ther numbers like you advised, because i didnt want to have one of them act up, and all of them leave. what do i do in that case? ask for all the emails and then all the numbers up front? there was only one pen so they had to take turns using it. also what are some good C&F responses for when a woman who is a 10 tests you, to bypass her multiple intial tests in first approach. thanks dg from ohio >>>MY COMMENTS: Word (East-coast style)... (even though I'm from the Westside and faking every bit of what I'm about to say)... See, tha thing is... if a fly ass hizzoe starts frontin' and flexin' on your game, you got to roll up on her and DROP THE KNOWLEDGE on her ass. She be all bad and like, "I'm da bomb" (even her "good hair" is a weave, and y'all know it)... So you got to demonstrate that youz a BIG baller... not one a these fake-ass thuggin MCz. Feel me? Keep yo game TIGHT. [Hip-Hop voice turns back to my usual whiteboy sounding self] Just look her in the eye when she tests you, and give her that cool, calm, sly smile that says "That was almost cute, little girl". Hot women are testing to find those little clues that tell them that you're FAKING IT... that you're just another loser who's trying to act cool. Don't drop the ball. Give her a sly smile, and say "Cute"... and then say "You love me". Oh, and about your three hunnies... Just tell them to write their numbers down! The fact that they were sharing a pen and paper is FANTASTIC. Really. Go with it. You're doing fine... fine. Keep up the great work, and I'll keep working on my Hip Hop. ***SUCCESS STORY*** Hey Dave, how goes? So, I've been getting the letters for some time now. Though the ideas made sense, the insight was difficult for me to "GET" as you would say. I knew how it made sense, but didn't. (Like your telling someone how to drive a car comparison) Though I wanted to understand, so I got the e-book. Helpful, a very good read, but sadly I've never been that greet with retaining information that way. Not without reading it five billion times. (Which I'm just trying to read more in general, that might help) So, once again in effort to understand I got the Adv. Series. Much, much better. Watching, hearing the discussion, hell you slamming those guys for their own good helps understand the mentally of getting it, attraction, and it being my reality. What I have found the most beneficial is all the Inner Game material. Don't get me wrong. I'm all about having 5 beautiful women fight over my attention, wanting to buy me dinner & showing me what they recently got at Victoria Secret. So, the dating tips are nice. It is that the inner game material is helping on the path to improve myself overall. I've always been an Alpha male type, incredible strong & independent. However it was all based on conviction and not faith in myself. I say was since I've been for a long time now trying to change that. With that, your series has helped me gain more ways of finding my way, believe in myself, etc. For that I would like to thank you personally. Thanks Dave. Now don't get all mushy on me or anything....geez N in Denver >>>MY COMMENTS: Me get all mushy? Dude, I thought you were going to try to hug me there for a minute. I saw that scene at the end of American Beauty where Kevin Spacey was in the garage, and the dad from next door was out in the rain... Don't even go there. Yeah, I kind of enjoy busting on guys for their own good. It's not only fun, it's helpful. I actually got a letter awhile back from a guy who came to one of my seminars and commented that he felt I was a little too harsh and condescending with the guys that attended... I thought to myself, "Huh? Did you travel all that way and pay your good money to hear me tell you that you're a wonderful, sweet, special human being and all you need to do is believe in yourself and everything will work for the greater good in the end?". We all need tough, brutally honest, Cocky & Funny friends to help us wake up and see the light. I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. ***COMMENT*** Mr. Dave, Yesterday I was seeing DVD#6 of the Advance Dating Program. And when I heard Brent's interview I just couldn't believe it. This guy literally blown my mind away and my perspective of see reality change at the very moment. I gotta tell you that when you ask for Brent's standing ovation I was at my home applauding like a lunatic and thanking god for I have find your information. So my comment for your products are: They are an excellent, brilliant and exceptional source of packaged wisdom for us men. Best Regards, VVG San Juan, PR >>>MY COMMENTS: Glad you're enjoying them. That last DVD in the series is amazing, isn't it? The interviews that I did with those guys ROCKED... There's nothing like being able to actually see and hear guys who really know what they're doing with women... and get a feel for their body language, voice tone, and gestures. I won't tell anyone that you were applauding to yourself... ***QUESTION*** Hi David, I recently bought your book and I'd like to say that it's great (I knew after 15 minutes that I wouldn't need to ask for my money back - it really IS that good). I've read it a few times and I reading again to try and absorb all the material I can. I'm practicing on a regular basis and I'm still the the Apprentice stage of my transformation (but loving every new interaction!). I joined an online dating service and I'm trying to figure out how to use the C+F approach effectively without coming across as a total jerk or worse. I realize that there are probably tons of wusses on these sites as well so what's the key to writing an email that will catch their attention? I'm sure most of the hotties (and average chicks) get a load of email from guys that say crap like "I love to hold hands and go for long walks on crisp, fall days...". If this is an example of a wussmail, what is the best way to write a C+F email that creates some attraction and gets them chasing after me and not the other way round? Keep up the awesome work and keep these kickass emails coming... they're gold! M in BC PS are you going to come up here anytime soon and do a seminar for your Canadian bretheren (or at least somewhere in the Pacific Northwest)? >>>MY COMMENTS: OK, if you're going to do the online thing, you must keep a few things in mind: 1. There are literally tens of millions of people who are using the internet for dating. It's the BIG THING right now. 2. Women who join dating sites get TONS of replies from men. 3. If you want to be successful in the online space, you need to remember that you're really in a big numbers game. 4. Writing a great profile is one way to separate yourself from the crowd, and turn the entire game around. I could talk for days about the online dating scene... but let me give you just a few key pointers here... If you want to increase your success in a BIG way, you need to 1) Update your profile every day,and 2) Watch the new listings every day. Why every day? Because when you update your profile every day, it brings your profile back to the "top of the pile". In other words, most of the systems will have your updated profile come up FIRST in search results because it's "fresher". And because if you keep your eye open for the new listings from women every day, you can be one of the FIRST guys to respond to her ad, instead of the 347th guy. You want to make contact, start communicating, and GET ON THE PHONE. Don't dilly-dally and write 50 emails back and forth. You're not looking for pen pals, so don't act like it. Next, make sure you put a TON of personality into your own profile... AND your replies to women. Instead of writing a profile that says "I'm a nice, regular, boring guy who loves puppies and rainbows and cuddling" say "I'm that guy your mom warned you about. But hey, we both know that you never listened to her...". And instead of writing a reply to a woman's profile that says "Hi, you sound like just the girl I've been looking for all my life, and I think we could have a great relationship", say "Hey, you probably couldn't handle me... but I thought I'd give you a chance anyway". Get it? Have FUN. Put ENERGY and PERSONALITY into your profile. Watch a few episodes of Jackass, then put in a James Bond movie, and wrap up with some Denis Leary... And then write to some women. By the way, the best education you can get on Online Dating can be found... where else? In my "Meeting Women Online" DVD/CD program. Inside, you will learn directly from me and my "expert guests"... and we'll teach you exactly how and where to meet the kinds of women you'd like to meet... all from the comfort of your computer. If the idea of meeting women without having to leave your house sounds GOOD, then go check out the great video preview clips of the program here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/MeetingWomenOnline My eBook also includes a few tips for meeting and dating women online. It's the best intro to my basic concepts and techniques available anywhere, and you can download it right now and be reading it within a few minutes. Go get it here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/eBook And if you're REALLY ready to dial-up your success with women and you're SERIOUS about getting this area of your life handled, then you need to get yourself a copy of my Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program. This program is JAM PACKED with literally hundreds of ideas, concepts, and techniques for meeting women and getting dates. You can check out some free samples here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/AdvancedSeries I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
How To Be A "Real Man" And Trigger Attraction In Women >If you'd like to look at all of the different programs I've created to help you learn how to attract, approach, and meet women, then take a few minutes and check THIS out: Double Your Dating Catalog >>>QUESTION: Hi Mate... From the Land Downunder... I think we'll just call you "Son of Croc Dundee." Here's an interesting observation, a success story and a question. The observation. In the late eighties/ early nineties at the height of the feminist "revolution" in Oz there was a constant refrain from women ... "Where have all the men gone?" It was in the media, and women spoke about this 'ailment' continually. Well the short answer to this question is that they (the women) had neutered them (the men) ... or rather the men had allowed themselves to be neutered. What you're doing here is important. Single handed you're giving men back their self respect. The success story. I ran a version of that personal ad. The phone didn't stop running hot for two weeks. If I had wings I would fly. I might do it anyway. The question. Looking back on my two most recent (didn't work out) relationships that were pre "Son of Croc Dundee" I noticed a pattern. The 'didn't work out' part happened when I was under some pressure and the wimpy part of me emerged. Now... everyone has problems, and I'm usually strong enough to handle them. However, within the law of the "Son of Croc Dundee" should you never be "weak"? Hard call for a sensitive soul. What's the balance here? What say you Maestro? K. P.S. AND... to those who haven't bought the book. Run, jump, fly, swim as fast as you can to that download page. It'll be the best investment you've made since you were 13 and read that copy of Penthouse that you'd found under your Father's bed. >>>MY COMMENTS: You know... you say that back in the late 80s and early 90s women were asking "Where have all the men gone?"... Well, I think that women are saying it more than EVER now. I'm going to handle this in two parts. First I want to address your initial comments, then I'd like to answer your question. So first, your comments... One of my best friends told me about a television show he saw that featured a woman who was talking about male/female relationship dynamics. This woman was basically saying that a lot of men in this day and age were raised by single mothers, and that this has led to more and more men acting like, well, girly-men. And, of course, single women aren't looking for wussy-girly-men... they're looking for "real" men. I personally find this idea very intriguing. When I watched the movie "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"..., I saw something very interesting. Part of the plot revolved around a forbidden-love relationship. It's a common "movie" theme, and it occurs in real life often as well. Here's a summary... In this movie, there was a troubled teenage girl who was arranged to be married by her family. Of course, she didn't love the guy, and wanted to be free to find a love on her own. As it turned out, she was also secretly a super-duper martial arts bad-ass. One day, while on a trip through the desert, her entourage was attacked by a group of bandits. The leader of the criminals was a Johnny Depp looking Asian guy. He rode up, stole her fancy hair-comb, and rode off. Being the feisty girl that she was, she jumped on a horse and rode into the desert after the bad (but cute) boy. They wound up fighting, wrestling and beating the hell out of each other. The long and the short of it is... he abducted her, tied her up, and hid her away in a cave. And somehow, right in the middle of it all, they began MAKING OUT. Five years ago I would have watched this whole sequence and said, "Well, it doesn't make any sense, but it makes for a nice story..." But now that I understand the illogical nature of attraction and sexual chemistry, I see a totally different picture. When the cute bad-boy took off, and she rode after him and started fighting with him, there were two different levels of communication happening. On the surface, she was chasing him to get her hair comb back. But looking at it from a different perspective, and looking at a deeper level, SHE HAD FINALLY MET A MAN WHO WAS AN INTERESTING CHALLENGE... and she responded instantly and powerfully by feeling magnetically attracted to him in a way that caused her to leave her group behind and risk her life. And the fighting that occurred can be seen as just plain fighting... or, if you understand male- female dynamics, you can also see that on a different level they were FLIRTING. The tension that was building between them was also SEXUAL tension. She had finally met "a real man", and she responded powerfully to him. Not long after they fell for each other, the bad-boy started to say some downright sensitive things (I don't think he's read my book). He was telling romantic stories about shooting stars, and he risked his life to be with her again... and confessed his love, etc. This is a round-about way of addressing your comments and answering your question, but this story helps me to put my answers in perspective. As far as being "a real man" goes, I think that it's a good idea. Women respond powerfully to "male-ness". If it is expressed in a powerful way, it can create an amazing attraction inside of a woman. As you've learned by reading my book, there are a lot of simple ways to do this. If you'd like to learn the "secret" that these "real men" use to attract women, check this out: On Being A Man To answer your question "Should you ever be weak?", I say: Most men act weak ALL THE TIME when they are in the presence of an attractive woman. This is a big problem. If a woman sees you as a "weak man", then trying to "be strong" will never work. You will only come across as a weak guy who's trying to "act strong". On the other hand, a guy who is thought of as a "real man"... one who does not act weak during the first several interactions with a woman, can have a "weak moment" later on and actually have a woman respond in a very powerful, positive way. In other words, if you're perceived as a "real man", then you can do whatever you want, and it will be perceived as part of that personality. But if you are perceived as a "weak man", then NOTHING you can do will trigger the strong gut- level attraction inside of a woman. And nothing will change that picture inside of a woman's head. Once you're thought of as a weak, nice, ass-kissing guy, it's like an invisible switch gets switched off inside of a woman. And it's not coming back on anytime soon. So, the big question is, how do you project this "real man" image? How do you be yourself while at the same time doing the things that create attraction? How do you act in an authentic way, while amplifying those parts of your personality that are most likely to trigger the attraction mechanism inside of women? Part of the answer is to realize that just about every communication has several levels of meaning. When you tease, act cocky and funny, and bust a woman's balls, you could viewed as being a mean jerk. Or, if you do it right you can be viewed as an interesting, sexy man. This is a critical concept, and you need to understand it if you want to succeed with women. If you'd like to get an AMAZING education on the technique I call "Cocky & Funny", then you should check out my Cocky Comedy DVD/CD program. This program will teach you everything from the basics of humor and laughter... all the way to dozens and dozens of specific "lines" to use in every possible situation with women. Go watch some of the video preview clips here, and you'll get an idea of what I mean: Cocky Comedy If you haven't read my eBook, I'd recommend that you check it out. It'd taken me years to learn, test, refine, and write all of this information down. And you can learn it all in a few hours of reading. You can download it and be reading it within a few minutes: Double Your Dating eBook As our friend above wrote: "P.S. AND... to those who haven't bought the book. Run, jump, fly, swim as fast as you can to that download page. It'll be the best investment you've made since you were 13 and read that copy of Penthouse that you'd found under your Father's bed." I personally think it's an even BETTER investment than dad's Penthouse mags... And if you're ready to REALLY step up and get a WORLD-CLASS education on the topic of women and dating... and get the most advanced program available for learning how to meet and date more women, then you need to check out my Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD Program. It is literally JAM PACKED with HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of killer techniques for overcoming your fears, improving your self image, approaching women, getting phone numbers, getting dates, meeting women online, and about a bazillion other things. Here are the details, plus some great video preview clips: Advanced Series This program will BLOW YOUR MIND, and you'll INSTANTLY learn secrets that it has taken me YEARS and YEARS to figure out. Talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
The Best Way To Ask A Woman Out Do you have "negative emotions" come up when you think of approaching women, asking them out, or taking things to a "physical level"? If you think that you might need a little "extra" help in this area, then take a minute and read THIS: Deep Inner Game I have a question for you... When you get a woman's number and you're picking up the phone to call and "ask her out", does it bother you? Do you get freaked out? Do you start thinking about exactly what you're going to say, how you're going to say it, how to deal with her rejecting you... etc.? Do you ever get NERVOUS when you're dialing the phone? You know that feeling when you just start getting anxious for no logical reason, and you just CAN'T control it? Have you ever had to actually HANG UP because you were so damn freaked out... and you just couldn't follow through with it? OK, now another set of interesting questions... Have you ever called a woman, and started talking to her, only to realize that she was in a COMPLETELY different mood from the last time? Have you ever had a woman "turn cold" on you all of a sudden? It's almost like you're talking to a different person from the girl you met just a day or two before... and it makes no sense to you... right? And finally... Have you ever worked up the nerve to call, gotten her on the phone, had a great conversation, but when it came time to ask her out, you froze up because you didn't know what to say? Or even worse, have you ever gotten to the end of the conversation and asked her out, only to have her answer with: "Well, maybe... call me Friday afternoon... OK?" or... "Actually, I'm going to be busy all this week, but thanks for asking... (silence)"...? Have you ever had one of those conversations where you could just TELL that something wasn't right... and that she wasn't going to be taking you up on your date offer, or calling you back at all anytime soon? So why all the problems? What is it about these particular few minutes that constantly ends in problems for guys? I personally think that this issue comes down to a few key DEEPER ISSUES. And I think that if you don't have these other issues "handled", you're going to keep running into problems... and NEVER even know WHY... ...which sucks. I mean, it's bad enough to keep having a particular problem and not figure out how to solve it... but the idea that the solution is in doing something you would never think of is a little bit maddening. In other words, I think that this is all about understanding the problem, and actually PREVENTING it from coming up... rather than trying to "solve it" in the moment. Let me put it this way... If you're dialing the phone, and you're starting to feel nervous, then it's already too late to solve the problem. No quick fix will help you. Or if you're on the phone with her and you have just asked her out on a date, and she says "Um, let me call you back in a few days and tell you"... and you start to get that sinking feeling because you know she's blowing you off... IT'S TOO LATE. There's no "magic pill" at this point. The answer is PREVENTION. THE MAGIC FORMULA So, let's take a few minutes and talk about the issues and what CAUSES them. Here are some of the "root causes", and how I see them... 1) Having no other options. If you're sitting at the phone with ONE phone number in your hand, and you haven't been out on a date in a long time, and you are feeling DESPERATE, you're probably going to get VERY nervous. When you have no other options, the single one in front of you becomes VERY valuable. Translation: You want it TOO badly. This AUTOMATICALLY triggers your emotional system, because at some level you realize that if you screw this up, it's all over. And you know that it's all going to happen in just a few SECONDS. The pressure is too much! 2) Putting too much importance on a single girl. Now, if you have a girl that you've been dating for six months, and you've decided that she's one in a million, it makes sense to put a lot of importance on your relationship with her. But, if you don't know a girl very well, or you haven't even dated her at all, then you are only setting yourself up for major disappointment by putting too much importance on ANY girl. 3) Thinking you need to IMPRESS her. This is a HUGE issue. Most men "subconsciously" behave and communicate like they're trying to IMPRESS the woman of their desires. When you think about this, it only makes sense... of course you'd want to impress the woman you like... so she'll think you're a cool guy and want to be with you. But have you ever thought for a moment how an interesting, attractive woman sees it when a guy is TRYING to IMPRESS her? Well, here's the INSTANT and SUBCONSCIOUS response that women have: "He's trying too hard. There's something wrong. This guy must have something he's trying to hide... and he must be pretty insecure." In other words, the INSTANT you do something or say something that is an obvious attempt at impressing a woman, her radar system screams: "WUSSY!" By the way, this is really a much DEEPER issue. If you need to "evict your inner wussy", then take a second and read THIS: On Being A Man 4) Having expectations and being attached to them. You might think of this one as a variation of "wanting it too much"... only slightly different. When you start getting your hopes and expectations up, you begin to get ATTACHED to them. Then you run the risk of HOLDING ON TOO TIGHT to your little fantasy. Bad idea. Women don't date guys who assume too much, act too comfortable, or fall for them too quickly. Remember, beautiful women have guys falling for them left and right. In fact, they almost EXPECT to go out on one or two dates with a guy and then say, "You know, I really like you..." or some other equally predictable sentiment. Just like being desperate can destroy your chances with a woman, liking a woman too much, too fast and creating expectations leads to crazy, stupid mistakes as well. Now, think over what I just said... I'm basically saying that if you want to cure the problem of freaking out when you call women to ask them out and the problem of screwing it up when you have that first conversation and ask them out the first time, then you have to go INSIDE first... and do some preventative maintenance on yourself. And the GOOD NEWS is that this stuff is not only good for you, it also helps you get even MORE dates with interesting women. So, here's what to do about this particular problem: 1) Get more options. If you go out one evening with a couple of friends, and you meet a REALLY hot girl... and you wind up having a fun conversation and getting her number, what should you do? RIGHT! Go get at least ONE MORE girl's number. More, if you can. This way, when you're picking up the phone to call (or sending out emails, or whatever), you've got another woman to call right after her... In other words, if it doesn't go well, no big deal. No sweat at all. Instead of putting all your "hopes" in this one situation, go get more options... this will prevent many problems as well as giving you more women to date! And think about it... when are you MOST likely to get a woman's phone number? When are you most likely to be in a great mood that actually ATTRACTS women? Exactly... in the moments after you've already gotten another woman's number. So take advantage of this time! 2) Dial the phone expecting it to NOT work out with this girl. I have news for you: Most women have something about their personality, behavior, future plans, etc. that is going to disqualify them from being good "potential mates" for you. Now, I'm not saying that "all women are screwed up", etc. What I AM saying is that you need to realize that the only reason you're freaking out so much is because your EMOTIONS are running the show. You need to think about how rare it is that you actually meet a girl that is COMPATIBLE with you... that you'd enjoy spending time with even if she wasn't good-looking. If you have this in mind as you're dialing the phone, you won't have that "I'm desperate" vibe going on. You won't be talking like a guy who has a gun to his head either... which is a good thing... because women get weirded out by this kind of thing. 3) Instead of asking a woman out, tell her what you're doing, and then tell her she can come along if she wants. Why is "asking a woman out" early on a bad idea? Because if you don't have a world-class understanding of male/female dynamics, you're going to come across as a guy who is trying to use food as date-bait. In other words, if the first thing out of your mouth is "I'd like to take you out to dinner" it's going to be interpreted as "I don't think you're probably going to accept an invitation to spend time with me unless I throw in something extra...". Weak. And that's how SHE sees it. The alternative? Tell her that you're going to be doing something and that she should join you. "Hey, I'm going to go down to Starbucks and get a cup of tea. You should join me. I'm way more fun than whatever else you were going to do... and that's a fact!" Extra bonus points: Hint that she's missing out if she doesn't accept immediately. If she hems and haws, or hesitates... just interrupt and say, "Hey, you're the one who's missing out". I also like "You know, never mind. I guess you don't like to have fun...". Great stuff! This is solid Cocky & Funny material, and it's the right time to use it. You know, I personally used to get VERY freaked out when calling women for the first time on the phone... and "asking them out". Now that I understand this particular "moment in time" better, and now that I understand more of the "dynamics" of what's going on, I get MUCH better results personally... In fact, I never get "nervous" anymore when calling women, and I rarely if EVER have a woman "flake out" on me. Now, in this newsletter I've shared a few points to help you get better results in this particular area. Use them. They'll definitely help you. You should read this newsletter right before you call every one of the next 10 women you meet... in fact. But as you can probably tell, this is just one of MANY important facets of success with women. In fact, this is just scratching the surface of the skills you'll need if you want to have CONSISTENT success with the most DESIRABLE women. The reality of this situation is that if you want to take control of this area of your life and not walk helpless with women anymore, you're going to need to take more steps to get yourself educated on this topic. And what's the best way to do that quickly, easily and without spending years of time and lots of money learning the HARD WAY? My Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program. This program will take you step-by-step through all the key theories, concepts, and techniques you'll need to start meeting and dating more women starting IMMEDIATELY. And here's another interesting benefit that comes from going through my Advanced Dating Techniques program... It actually CHANGES HOW YOU SEE THE WORLD. The first time you listen to it or watch it, you'll be hitting your head saying "Ah ha! Ah ha!" the whole time. All of those things that have happened to you with women will start to make sense. All of the times you screwed up will stop bothering you, because you'll "get" what happened... and all of the times that things worked will also make sense. Of course, you'll also be shaking your head as you learn some of the most amazing techniques for approaching women, getting numbers, getting dates and taking things to a more "physical level" that have ever been created (For example, I share all of my own personal favorite "pick up lines" that work better than anything I've ever heard of for approaching women... and I don't share these anywhere else except in my intensive live seminars). But, one of the REAL benefits comes AFTER you go through it. This is when the real MAGIC starts to happen. When you're out at restaurants watching the couple at the next table, you'll UNDERSTAND what is happening. When a woman starts doing something subtle that you would have never noticed before, you'll SEE it... and she'll SEE that you see it... and you will instantly be talking to her on a DIFFERENT LEVEL... all because you know something that most other guys don't. When you encounter "resistance" or "problems" or "tests" from women, you will no longer need to get nervous or upset, because you'll know what TO DO about it... and when you actually DO the right thing you'll see that problem disappear. The point that I'm trying to make is that this education will not only teach you techniques for meeting women, it will also give you a new POWER that you never had before. I can honestly say to you that if this program were available five or so years ago when I started learning this stuff, I would have gladly traded ANYTHING I owned for it... or paid any amount of money. But it wasn't, so I had to take YEARS figuring all of this stuff out for myself. This program is priceless, and it's worth at least ten times what you'll invest for it. As you probably know, you can order it WITHOUT RISK as well. Order and try it at no cost to you. In other words, order it now, go through it and test it all out. If you're not happy, just send it back and say "no thanks". No questions, no hassles. I'm that confident that it will take your success with women to a whole new level. All the details, plus some great samples are here: Advanced Series If you've gone through my Advanced Dating Techniques program and you really enjoyed the "inner game" aspects of the program... then I HIGHLY recommend that you check out my programs that are SPECIFICALLY designed to help you with those INNER issues... like overcoming fear, developing a powerful self image and high self- esteem, and becoming "resilient"... My program called "On Being A Man... Who Naturally Attracts Women" will teach you secrets to developing that part of you that might be described as "Masculine Power". It will help you to understand why women are SEXUALLY ATTRACTED to men who are REAL MEN... and how to develop yourself into one of these men who are NATURALLY attractive to women. It's hard to describe this program in a few sentences, so go read about it here, and watch the preview video clips: On Being A Man And if you'd like an introduction to my main concepts and techniques, then you need to start with my eBook, Double Your Dating. It's the foundation for everything that I teach in these newsletters, and it's a MUST-read. It's here: Double Your Dating eBook I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
How To Approach A Woman & Take Her Home >If you want to learn how to successfully approach women, then you're going to need to learn both the "inner" game - which is all about overcoming fear and building confidence - and the "outer" game - which is all about having the SKILLS and "lines" for the different situations you'll find yourself in. And where's the best way to learn to MASTER both? Glad you asked, it's right HERE: Approaching Women ***QUESTION*** David, Got your book a few weeks ago. It's brilliant. It's magic. It's a religion. I am impressed. At 30, I've doing better now than in college since I LET myself get wussified over the past few years. I can now, cold-turkey, walk up to just about any woman I want to, and bust her friggin' balls with a straight face and a slight smirk. Their defense shields melt before my eyes. But, alas, I have a question. It seems when I'm meeting women, within an hour or so, I usually end up making out with them or touching them all over ...while they kiss and touch me back of course. Getting numbers isn't enough. I want to advance the meeting from the bar or the party straight to the bed-room without all the email and phone call. What is the best way of doing that? Also....after making out with this one lady I met, after meeting her in a parking lot at a liquor store (go figure), she emails me back a week later saying she wants to pursue friendship first and get to know me. It seems I am perhaps being too agressive. How can I be agressive yet sly about it? Any help would be great. I love this stuff! RC >>>MY COMMENTS: OK, my book is magic? A RELIGION? I accept the "brilliant" compliment, and I can even allow the "magic" concept... but let's stay away from the religion comments... lol. To answer your first question, about how to skip all the emails, calling, and "dating" and go straight to the bedroom... Do two things: 1) Don't focus on "the bedroom". Focus on taking things to the next step... and the next... and the next. 2) As soon as you meet a woman, treat it like you're going on a date together. Let me explain. If you meet a girl you really like, spark some major chemistry, start kissing her, etc. you're probably going to get some resistance if you look at her and say "OK, let's leave your friends here and go back to my place so I can SHAG you". That's just a hunch. But, if you meet her, spark the attraction, start kissing, and then say... "Hey, come with me", and then take her hand and lead her to another part of the club or bar... or take her to the dance floor... or some combination... and then start kissing again... and then stop (two forward, one back)... and then say, "Hey, I'm going to this other bar, come along with me"... and then once you're there you continue, all the way until closing, when you say, "Hey, let's keep talking... this is fun. Give me a ride home..." etc., etc., etc.... I think you can see where I'm going with this. A woman wants to feel that things are developing naturally, not that you are just trying to get her into bed as fast as you can. If the evening unfolds in a normal, natural way, and you can progress from one level to the next, you'll do very well and go very far. Why do you lead her to another part of the club, and then take her somewhere else? Physically leading a woman is VERY powerful, and leaving together/showing up somewhere else together changes things. When you arrive at the new place, even though you're the same two people that just met, you're now TOGETHER at the new place. And when you suggest continuing to talk, and her giving you a ride home (or some variation), it's not like saying "Come shag me". You're making it clear that you want to spend time with her, and it leaves the possibility of ANYTHING happening open. And as for the girl you met in the parking lot who emailed you a week later saying "Let's pursue a friendship first", what she was probably REALLY saying is: "I can't believe that I made out with you after meeting you in a parking lot of a liquor store. I'm not like that. So let's get together sometime on a more casual basis, and if you DO EXACTLY WHAT YOU DID WHEN WE FIRST MET I'LL PROBABLY WIND UP MAKING OUT WITH YOU AGAIN." Think about it. ***QUESTION*** Dave, I just recently read your e-book so I am still working on techniques but I can say I am a 30 something, short, spare tire, receding hair line guy (I think girls would say I'm cute though) who, until a few weeks ago (when I read your book), was still falling into the 'just friends' category way too many times. Since then, I've cut off 3 'friends' and started working on myself, i.e. joined a gym, cleaned up my apartment, and am working on my wardrobe. 2 weekends ago, I was making out with a cute 22 yr. old, with a catwalk model body in my apartment using the 2 step forward, 1 back technique (my roommate came in or it may have gone further). It was actually pretty easy because I didn't really care one way or the other if it happened. My problem is I have another girl that I don't think I've crossed into the 'friend' realm just yet, but I can't seem to advance to the next level. We run with the same set of friends and I took her out for her birthday once so we're somewhere between bridge #2 and #5. We email and talk on the phone quite a bit and I can keep the conversations short and reasonably C&F (our friends tell me she thinks I'm mysterious), but I can't get it to go anywhere physically. I hinted at going out on a date one time last week in an email and she responded to everything in the email but that. My response has been to stop answering her emails and calls, she sent an email today that just said 'where are you?'. (she is actually calling my cell phone now as I write this). My question is this, do I run like hell (in which case I hope I could get some suggestions on making an easy break since we have the same friends), or work on my seduction techniques with her. If the latter, I would greatly appreciate some tips on crossing the next bridge. M P.S. I've read some of the other stuff out there and yours is one of the few that shows guys how to get the upper hand in a respectful manner. Thanks. >>>MY COMMENTS: Try this... Don't talk to her for a few days. Then, call her up and say "What are you doing RIGHT NOW?... I think you should come over and hang out with me." Call on a Saturday or Sunday around noon. If she comes over, immediately LEAVE after she arrives. Go have a cup of tea, do some window shopping, and DON'T cling to her, look at her too much, or act like you are feeling attracted to her. Lean back. Tease her a lot. Tell her how she's screwing up her chances with you, etc. Finally, once you get back to your place, proceed with The Kiss Test... and you'll be fine from there. You need to relax. Don't run like hell, and don't get so hung up on this one girl. We guys always want the one we can't have... and it's a problem. Stay on track improving yourself, meeting other women, etc. That's the way. ***QUESTION*** One question, how would you change your self- image? >>>MY COMMENTS: Advanced Series ...and then Deep Inner Game ...a short question deserves a short, direct answer. ***QUESTION*** Hey Dave, You are the man!! I'll try to make this short and sweet. I work at club/bar here in FL so i meet plenty of beautiful women. I have to tell you that the cocky and funny routine works wonders for me. I have been doing it for years but never knew exactly what i was doing right until i read your newsletter. My situation goes like this: after work the bartenders and a couple managers always stay after for drinks. We usually just share stories about drunk customers or talk about how the night was. Since i work the front door at this club, i always have a story or two about girls willing do just about anything to get in there or girls wanting to take me home after. Now there is this bartender that i work with that i like and been pouring extra c&f her way, and she eats it up. We went out to breakfast after work this past saturday, and one thing that bothered me was that when we were talking over breakfast, she said "before this, i thought you were a player and a little bit of a whore." I was in a bit of shock but reacted nicely by saying "of course YOU would think that, and that is exactly why i dont date bartenders, you guys are too judgmental" she hit me in the arm, but had the biggest smile on her face. When i took her back to her car, we ended up kissing for a bit. This is all great and everything, but my question to you is, am I being too cocky and funny here or was she just testing me with that comment she made??? G, in sunny Florida >>>MY COMMENTS: AHHHH! You're doing EXACTLY the right thing. Don't doubt yourself. The fact that she hit you, and had the big smile tells the whole story. You (and many other guys) must get over the idea that just because a woman knows you date a lot of other women doesn't mean that she won't like you. This doesn't make a lot of sense, but women are often MOST attracted to PLAYERS. It makes you MORE attractive when you have a lot of women that want you... not less. You're fine. Keep it up! ***QUESTION*** I thought these letters of success were promotional B.S. But..... A few months ago I was introduced to this really hot lady and I said all the "nice to meet you" stuff to and she seemed to be annoyed at my existence. Well I crawled away in disgrace and was told she had no interest in me. Read some of your stuff and ran into her a few weeks later and started talking your language to her. I mentioned to her that I might have taken an interest if she exercised once and a while and picked up some fashion tips. Well, that worked especially well because she is a health and beauty pro to boot. I kept it up and no kidding, SHE asked me out! And by the way, I kept it up on our date and she couldn't leave me alone, Amazing. R.D. in CA. >>>MY COMMENTS: Oh, ye of little faith. You thought these newsletters full of success stories were just "promotional B.S."? Well, they're promotional, that's the damn truth. But they're not B.S. Every letter I print in these newsletters is real... every single one of them... from day 1. And probably 99% of them are unedited as well (sometimes a letter is just too long, or unclear, or the writer doesn't speak English well, so I'll edit for clarity, but this is very rare). By the way, I realize that the things I teach sound a little bit bizarre. Believe me, it took me a couple of years of hard work just to figure this stuff out... and a lot of it doesn't exactly make "logical" sense. But, all you have to do is start using it to see that it works. Good job... you're doing the right thing! ***SUCCESS STORY*** Just a quick story. Once again you were right on with advice!! I changed my online profile with a popular dating service and have gotten four emails after the new profile was up only 1 hour!! What did I change? I made it short and funny. Here is the typical response I got: "Your profile really made me laugh. You have a great sense of humor. That's refreshing. I have a hard time finding guys who are truly funny. There's not shortage of guys who THINK they're funny, but it's nice to see some of you are still out there. I'm attaching my profile. I'm 37, never married (yeah I know.. means there must be something wrong) and like to laugh and have a good time. If you don't respond, I'll just have to go back to collecting cats and being the neighborhood spinster. ha ha. I hope to hear from you." As you would say Dave, "Love it"! You are the man!!! E. Chicago >>>MY COMMENTS: Nice! Yes, this stuff works online just as well as in person... sometimes even better. You might remember the one newsletter several months ago where the guy took some of the stuff from my Advanced Series and copied it word-for- word to create an online personal ad, and then wound up getting all kinds of emails from women saying "Come over to my house and have sex with me... you're turning me on". lol... When you're Cocky & Funny online, it really triggers a FUN, witty, sassy part of women... and they love it. By the way, if you're reading this right now and you want results like this online, go and read THIS right now: Meeting Women Online ***QUESTION*** David, Even though you claim not to be an expert when it comes to relationships, I'd appreciate if you would give me some input on my little situation. I've been seeing this girl for for about a month now but I don't seem to be able to get to the next level. There is no question that she likes me since she keeps calling and suggesting to do things together. However, she insists on bringing up that she's gotten hurt in the past which apparently makes it hard for her to trust guys. According to me that is pretty damn dumb; we've all been hurt, haven't we. GET OVER IT! Anyway, my question to you is, how do I earn her trust? Are there any shortcuts? Help me out here palsky... J, PA, >>>MY COMMENTS: My guess: You're probably acting like a WUSSY with her, and she doesn't feel any ATTRACTION for you. She's probably hanging in there, hoping that SOME kind of feelings will develop for you... but it's not working. Look, when a woman says: "I only like you as a friend" ...or... "I've been hurt, so I want to take this slow" ...or... "I like you so much, I don't want to lose you as a friend" ...or any of the million variations of these things, it USUALLY means that you're not doing the things it takes to create ATTRACTION. She doesn't FEEL IT for you. And if she doesn't FEEL IT, then there ARE NO shortcuts, my man. Stop being such a "nice" guy, and start doing the things you're learning from me to spark some CHEMISTRY! Oh, and don't call me "palsky". And no, "palmeister" isn't any better. ***SUCCESS STORY*** Hey Dave, Just wanted you to know how your DVD program changed my life. I'm 45, 5'8" and weigh 179 lbs. I met this beautiful 29 yr. old 6'2" 9.5 model. It's amazing how just using your "let's be friends, if nothing else" technique worked like a charm on this very beautiful girl. After I invited her to see me at a local Starbucks Cafe I immediately started busting on her over her height. We were sitting down drinking some coffee when I grabbed her had gently and told her to kneel down on the floor so I could have eye contact and tell her something important. She went along my C&F attitude. Then I told her "who know, you might make a good friend but please get off up the floor and stop proposing to me". "Your making me feel really uncomfortable in front of all these people and besides that I'm not an easy catch". That did it from there, it just blew her mind out. She just started laughing and couldn't stop. We been dating ever since. I left a lot of details out because this story would be too long. Your cost for your DVD program is like a dime in a bucket, when you realize that you get so much more in return. Thanks Dave, J.C. Puerto Rico >>>MY COMMENTS: Yeah, well if you've now attracted a 6'2" model, then maybe you should send me more money. I'm open to the idea. Seriously, great job. You really get it. It's so amazing when you take something like a woman's natural height (which she usually gets compliments on) and turn it around on her... and use it to tease her. If you're talking to a super model and you say "You know, just because you're beautiful and are used to being treated like a sex object doesn't mean that you can treat ME like one"... it's magic. (Not quite a religion, but it is magic.) It's great to hear that the material is working in Puerto Rico. You have some major hot babes there (and if J Lo is any indication, they've got some serious BACK down there as well). Nice! ***QUESTION*** Hi Dave, I would not like to sound like the other 1 million (+,- 100,000) of your followers but your stuff really is excellent. I got your eBook few months ago and keep reading newsletters. What I have realized, for me the problem is not that I don't know what to do, but I rather can't do it. Some serious self-esteem issues which don't let me to get the maximum out of c&f. I know exactly what I need to do - practise!!!! but I just can't get my nerv up. I do keep improving but slowly. Can't just walk to any girl I like and ask for the info. Not right now. It's simple only when I'm drunk and clubbing. Then I really don't care what happens, just have fun and surprisingly the girls are very friendly. Of course only when I haven't got too drunk:) Anyway I've got a question. Sometimes I set up a date online with a girl I just started to talk and propose to meet in 2 hours. Well, this has happened and turned out pretty well. Then we get to some pub. And what I really don't like is to buy her a drink. Its ok to buy tea her but I wouldn't like to have tea lets say friday or saturday night at 9. I can afford buying her tea but not drinks. I mean I'm a poor-ass student. It's kind of wierd to order drinks and take care of the bill and then tell her e.g. "everybody pays for his/hers drink", "you owe me 3.75." I do this all the time with my friends. But feel wierd to do it with a girl. Afterall it was me who invited her, I ordered the booz. Any c&f solutions to solve the situation? A, from Estonia where women are gorgeous, there are lots of them and the only sheep is the president >>>MY COMMENTS: OK, no comments on the political humor... but I like the way you think. After I'm finished checking out the 6'2" models in Puerto Rico, I'll have to stop by your neck of the woods... I have a few brainstorms for you... to help you avoid buying drinks at the pub: 1) Keep your Friday and Saturday nights free. Go out with your friends on those nights, and just avoid dates. I have many friends that follow this rule, and it works very well for them. 2) Make a lot of friends at the pubs, bars, etc. that are in your area. Invite the bar tenders, doormen, etc. to parties that you hear about... bring them gifts... and just generally figure out how to get in their good graces. In other words, become the guy that NEVER pays for drinks in the first place, because they're GIVEN to you. 3) Lead. Don't do things you don't want to do. Only go to places YOU want to go to. Women will respect you and what you want if you just lead. ***QUESTION*** Hi David! It's incredible, your stuff works universally, worldwide. Yes, it does. I stumbled across your website when I was searching the internet some months ago. First off, there is nothing like this available in German. I thought it would be a good idea to deal with your material since I study American English among other subjects. Learning two things at the same time ;-). Hell, I was such a shy, desperate, depressed 'wussy' (didn't find that word in 3 dictionaries). I really needed to get this thing handled... Last night I went to a dance club with one of my best friends who is very good with women. I was having a great time and all of a sudden, there was a girl who asked me if I would go frequently to this club. She said she would have noticed me if I had been there before. That's when the game started. I was saying and doing things I NEVER would have said or done before. I was making fun of her and teasing all night. I made up a story that I was a Swiss guy who evaluates the girls and the premises for a snobbish swiss scene-magazine. It was obvious that I was making fun but later she said she almost believed me. We had a lot of fun when we were describing how our dreamgirl/dreamboy would be like. I teased her about her 'exorbitant expectations' and guessed her age about 38 (she's 22). After some close dancing, she said she needed to sit down for a while because her feet were aching. I said I don't massage sweaty feet and she would need to find somebody else for that job. She called me a jerk and pinched me more than once ;). Then she kissed me. The kissing and touching became hotter and hotter during the night. She seemed to know everybody in the club. All the time there were people coming giving comments and grinning. She made me acquaint with a VERY beautiful waitress at the bar who is her best friend. I asked her to write down her email- address and she said I was the first guy ever who asked her about her email and not her phone-number ;-). She gave me her two numbers and her email of course. More than that, she was actually BEGGING ME to call her!! At 5 they began to shut the club, she pulled me in a corner and I heard people saying 'they bite each other'. Then, she invited me to her apartment, added that the waitress from the bar would sleep there as well and asked me if I would mind. And she said she was so tired she could only play the passive part... It was CRYSTAL CLEAR what she wanted from me. I said I would call her and after ten more minutes she eventually let me go. And here comes my big problem. It sounds unbelievable but I'm, ahem... I am still a virgin. Yes, it's true. You wouldn't believe it if you see me. I'm 21 years old and pretty good looking, I have to say. I did and do a lot of sports and I think nobody in my environment would assume that I'm a virgin. I don't know how this could happen. Well, I did a little research in some German internet newsgroups and forums. It seems that for most women, this condition is not very pleasant, to put it mildly. It's a big turn-off. They must think you're a bloody loser and something can't be right with you if you haven't managed to do it at that age. And that's unlikely that you can give pleasure if you are that inexperienced. It means more work with you than fun. In the best case, they judge it neutrally. And to come back to the first part of the message, I don't know what to do when we come together the next time. Tell her, not tell her? I believe she wouldn't believe me or think I'm dishonest if I tell her right off. At least she would notice at some point... I don't know what to do. Have you an answer? Please include this in your next newsletter. Help is greatly appreciated. D from Germany >>>MY COMMENTS: First, you're doing GREAT. Nice job. You probably read the newsletter that I sent out a while back... where I addressed this. To summarize: Don't worry about it. The FEELINGS that you're giving her will FAR MORE than make up for any lack of experience on your part. If you're with her, making out, and you stop to say "You know, I don't have any experience in this area" you're probably just going to kill the vibe. Don't worry about it! Just keep going... you're going to be fine. By the way, I love your "I'm a Swiss guy who evaluates the girls and the premises for a snobbish swiss scene-magazine" line. Brilliant. Also, love the guessing that she was 38 when she was obviously in her early 20s. Great stuff. ***SUCCESS STORY*** What's up dave? I've emailed ya before so I won't get into the "How Great Thou Art" speech..lol Got your CD series, and of course it's Da Bomb! I just wanna share a success story. Well right now I have 3 "project" women, so to speak. They all say they "want" me, in more ways than one..hehe thanks to your teachings I have the confidence to get any woman I want, I can be choosey. I love it, it's like a cool Jedi Mind Trick. Anyways on the the story, I was talkin to a girl I'm considering meeting (met her on the internet, she contacted me first cause of my C+F personality). She brought up the topic of goin out and she said, "so when are you taking me out?", and I said (your gonna love this), "I think the real question is when are you taking ME out?". She said "I could do that". Then I go on to bustin on her about how she better not take me to McDonalds and the dollar theater, cause you hafta wine and dine me a little..lol Later on into the convo she said sometime about how the conversation was making her so hot and bothered. So I go on busting on her about tryin to have phone sex with me and that I'm not that easy.. wow, she was lovin it. She begged me to come over and well.. finish her.. hehe. Of course I turned her down and told her, we would pick up where she left off sometime later in the week.. cause you gotta give them the gift of missing you. Your stuff rocks!!! I have more women who want me than I have time for. I play in 3 bands so my time is limited and gives me an excuse to not call or not be available all the time. BUY DAVE'S CD/DVD AUDIO SERIES, IT ROCKS!!!! -jedi in training in ohio >>>MY COMMENTS: You know, I love the shameless marketing you're doing for me here.... nice. By the way, you mentioned something here that is just great... when a woman brings up sex on the telephone, it's GREAT to make fun of her and tell her to stop trying to have phone sex with you. It says all the right things. And turning it around when a woman says "So when are you taking me out"... and asking her in return is also a wonderful comeback. Thanks again for the comments... when a guy who plays in 3 bands says that my stuff ROCKS, it must be true. ***SUCCESS STORY*** dave, Great stuff... after slipping a bit in my late 20's with the ladies, your e-book and cd's have helped me recapture what had made me successful - c+f... even though I didn't know what it was called or the science behind it, my past success was always based on this attitude, as I am naturally funny. Quick success from the other night: I am with a few friends at a hot place on the sunset strip and we see two hotties. One is a 9, the other an 8.5. I see they are getting their dinner check and tell the waitress to give them a message - "You've been checking us out all night (not true, incidentally) and you should probably buy us a round before you leave." They look totally confused when they get the message. The waitress returns and says the hotties think we should pick up their dinner tab. So, I pull out a business card and write "If you think we're the type of guys who go for gold-digging, you're sadly mistaken. I think you owe us an apology and a round of drinks." Well they get this, nearly keel over laughing, and within minutes were seated at our table. I never let up, busting her balls the whole time before announcing in the middle of the laugh fest that I needed to leave. They were shocked and asked me to stay. I declined, saying that I wasn't going to put out on the "first date" and their begging was making me uncomfortable. I left, digits from the 9 in hand. This stuff works and I recommend it to everyone one of my guy friends. thanks, c in hollywood >>>MY COMMENTS: This is one of my FAVORITES! One of the best Cocky & Funny themes is "reverse gender stereotypes". If a woman says, "Give me your number" and you say, "Look, I'm not that easy... don't think that just because I give you my number that I'm going to go out with you or sleep with you"... Or if you're talking to a woman at a bar, and the conversation is going well, you say "OK, let's just cut to the chase... are you going to offer to buy me a drink or what?"... Attractive women INSTANTLY connect with the humor because you're turning around situations that they have happen ALL THE TIME... and making something funny out of them. Of course, you're also adding a Cocky element... the element of "You want me, it's obvious". Incidentally, if you'd like to get a TON of great Cocky & Funny themes and lines for specific situations, then you really should check out my "Cocky Comedy" DVD program. There are many different "roles" you can play with women that REALLY spike up the ATTRACTION... and I'll teach you all about them in this program. You can go check it out here: Cocky Comedy I'm glad you mentioned that the Advanced CDs have helped you recapture what made you successful in the past. I think a lot of guys have had times in their lives when they were successful with women... but for whatever reason they have lost their old "mojo". Maybe it was a marriage that went bad... maybe a girlfriend that eventually turned them into a Wuss Bag... whatever. I get a lot of emails from guys who USED to be good with women, but have been out of practice for so long that they might as well be starting over. If you fit in this category, or you're just getting started and you want to get off on the right foot, then I recommend you check out my eBook "Double Your Dating", and then my Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program. No kidding, this stuff has taken me several years to learn, test, refine, and explain clearly. If you want the best material available for meeting and dating women, this is it. The Advanced CD/DVD program includes over 12 full hours of digitally recorded and edited footage of me teaching LIVE. Go watch some great video clips of the program here: Advanced Series My downloadable online eBook comes with three free bonus booklets, and it's the foundation for everything I teach in these newsletters. Get it here: Double Your Dating eBook I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
Where To Take Women On Dates >IMPORTANT: You can look at all of the different programs I've created to help you learn how to meet women... and watch video clips of every one of them... right here: Double Your Dating Catalog ***DATING QUESTION FROM A READER*** Dave, Okay, here goes. First, what's been working for me. The CF attitude is definitely paying off. Bottom line, IT WORKS. Another tip I've found to work for me is to generally play up to a woman's insecurities. DON'T make fun of them, be respectful, but just let them be aware of the fact, tactfully, that you KNOW that they arn't perfect, and given a different set of circumstances, if you so chose, you could be with someone else. The trick I have found that works for me is to ALWAYS KEEP THEM GUESSING. Does he like me, or doesn't he? Where do I stand? How can I win him over? Don't give them your undieing devotion to them right off the bat or they'll KNOW that you're a wussy!!! Okay, so here's my question. Could you tell me how to ask a girl out without "losing your power...?" It seems to me like once you have "put yourself out there", and asked her the question "Will you go out with me?" you have made yourself seem somewhat weak and wussy-like. Is there a way to do it and still make it seem like you are in control? Also, where do you think is a good place to ask a girl out on a first date? I don't generally like the movies since you don't get to talk much. Thanks, N, Washington, DC >>>MY COMMENTS: It's always interesting to me to get a view of how another person sees the world... Your questions have given me some insight into the way you THINK, and I believe that I'm going to be able to give you some great ideas. Before I address your questions, I want to make a few comments about the beginning of your email. You said that you've found that "playing up a woman's insecurities" in a tactful, Cocky & Funny way, is really working for you. Now, this might sound a little bit "cruel and unusual" to others reading your comments... and I'd like to explain the psychology behind it, and tell you why I think it works so well for you. There are a few keys that one needs to remember when interacting with an attractive woman you've just met... 1) Most guys pursue her, give her compliments, try to get her approval by giving her things and taking her out. 2) Most men don't say things that might "rock the boat". In other words, most men won't make a comment early on that might offend or upset her. 3) Most men give away all of their power to attractive women INSTANTLY. I'm talking as soon as they meet. 4) Women interpret these behaviors as a man not feeling comfortable enough and secure enough IN himself to BE himself. In other words, these "commonly accepted courting behaviors" actually come across as subtly MANIPULATIVE to women. At a subconscious level, a woman can INSTANTLY sense a man who is communicating the message "I don't think you'll like me for who I am, so I'm going to do a bunch of other things for you in the hopes that you'll give me approval". I know, the truth sometimes sucks. So, how does this relate to playing up a woman's insecurities in a tactful, Cocky & Funny way? Making fun of a woman's insecurities in a fun, teasing way says something much bigger... it says that you're not looking for approval and that you're not afraid of her walking away. It's one of those things that says a lot more than just what you're saying with words. Remember the newsletter I wrote titled, "What Annoys Women, What Attracts Them"? Well, you might recall that I said that one of the things that annoys women the MOST is when a guy is weak and tentative... and he seeks approval by trying to do whatever he thinks a woman would want him to do. In other words, by trying NOT to annoy a woman you'll often annoy her worst of all. I know. reality is strange like that. Now, on the OTHER HAND, if you say something like "Hey, you're kind of short for a cute girl"... it can have the OPPOSITE effect. REMEMBER, one of the KEYS to this type of comment is the HUMOR. Half of the Cocky & Funny equation is FUNNY. You're not being MEAN, you're being PLAYFUL. But, when you comment on something that an attractive woman might be insecure about in a VERY FUNNY WAY, it says ALL the right things, all at once. It says that you're not afraid of her, it says that you're funny, it says that you're sassy, it says that you're going to be a challenge... it says that you're not seeking her approval, and it says that you're not a WUSSY. Now, keep in mind, this is a FUN thing to do. If she LAUGHS when you say it, you're on the right track. If she gets "fake mad", you're on the right track. If she starts crying and telling you that you're the kind of guy that should be beaten up, then you need some work...lol. I tease women all the time with this kind of thing, and they love it. ASKING WOMEN "OUT" Earlier I mentioned that your questions have given me some insight into the way you THINK. Let's talk about that. The way you've phrased your question, "Could you tell me how to ask a woman out...?" tells me a few things... 1) It tells me that you believe that you're the one who has to do the asking 2) It tells me that you believe that you need to ask a woman "out on a date" when you DO "ask her" 3) It tells me that you believe that you're taking a big risk when you do (your words were "putting yourself out there") 4) It tells me that you ALREADY think that she has POWER OVER YOU... before you've even met her and "asked her out" Whoa. Heavy, man. What if I said that the answer was to never ask another woman out again? What if I said that for the next year you need to only tell women what you're going to do, and let them know that if they'd like to join you they may, but if they choose not to, it's their loss...? What if I said that you're really only "risking" something when you CARE what she thinks of you... and that once you get over caring what a woman thinks of you, your success will sky-rocket? I realize that these might be "far-out" ideas, but if you round up 100 guys who are VERY successful with women, you'll find that MOST of them operate with these beliefs. I can't do the "psychological brain surgery" that you seem to need in one email... but let me give you a new way to think about this... Beautiful women aren't interested in being with men who are weak. They're not interested in men who have low self esteem. They're not interested in men who give away their power. They're not interested in men who don't GET what they want in life. In other words, beautiful women aren't attracted to WUSSIES. The type of thinking that you're showing me here is WUSSY thinking. It's weak. It's saying, "She has the power". I want her to be with me, so I need to "ask her out" in order to get her to spend time with me... if she rejects me, I will lose something". You're basically suggesting that you lack something and she has it... and that you NEED what she has so badly that you'll do anything for it. You've handed over your power before the game has even started. And guess what kind of effect this is going to have on a woman you're trying to "ask out"? Right, she's going to SMELL YOUR INNER WUSSY, whether it's in-person or over the phone. She's going to hear it in your voice. Women are PROS at sensing the Inner Wussy. And women RESENT men that they can control. So what's the answer? Before I tell you, let me mention that the REAL answer here is learning how to become a MAN that women are NATURALLY attracted to. And there is no "instant technique" that can make that happen. The only way is to learn how to transform yourself into this man that I'm describing. And there's only place in the world you can learn the DEEPER elements of this transformation. And that place is here: On Being A Man You need to realize that YOU are the one who is the desirable prize. You are giving HER a great opportunity by making yourself available to her. You have nothing to lose if she doesn't spend time with you... in fact, she SAVED you time by eliminating herself from your consideration. I'm not talking about becoming an arrogant, outwardly over-inflated JERK here. I'm talking about how you THINK. So next time you're on the phone with a woman that you've met recently, try this... 1) Call her and say, "Hey, WHAT'S UP?" Don't talk about work, family, or any other BORING topic. 2) Tease her and get back the fun mood that you hopefully created when you first met her. 3) Tell her that you're busy, but you might have some time on Saturday... and that if she's lucky you might let her hang out with you. 4) Hang up. That's right, tell her you have to go, and then GO. Why? Well, you need to learn how to not NEED her to like you. And you need to learn how to give a woman the gift of missing you. You need to learn how to LEAN BACK, and not care what happens. These things will help you TREMENDOUSLY. Finally, call her back on Saturday afternoon and say "Hey, I'm going to Starbucks, I think you should buy me a cup of tea and entertain me". BIG DIFFERENCE between that approach and the way you've probably been doing things. And I'm hoping that I've answered your "Where do I take a woman on the first date?" question as well... Don't take her ANYWHERE. Let her take you out for a cup of tea. You can still pay, just to prove that you're a "gentleman" (by the way, if you say "I'm not paying for your tea because I like you, I'm paying for it because I am a gentleman", it's a nice touch). And, if you're HELL BENT on going "out" somewhere with a woman (why men cling to the idea of going "out", instead of staying "in", I have no idea), then go to a mall and make fun of fashions, or go play a game of pool. DO SOMETHING THAT ISN'T BORING... whatever you do. And do something that doesn't say, "I'm trying to impress you". But, let's face it. What you REALLY need is a TOTAL THINKING OVERHAUL. It's not simple or easy to get rid of years of programming and beliefs. It's not going to happen in a few minutes. I seriously recommend that you get yourself a copy of my Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program. One of the things that makes me very different from the other people that write about and teach in this area, is my focus on the "INNER GAME"... in other words, the PSYCHOLOGY of success with women and dating. If you want to be successful in the REAL WORLD with women, you FIRST have to learn how to deal with your INNER WORLD of emotions, thoughts, and beliefs. When I first started and made the decision to learn how to become more successful with women and dating, I had a LOT of insecurities and negative beliefs. I had negative self-image issues, problems with shyness and nervousness around women... I had it all. And, I didn't know where to start. I had no idea what to do. All I knew was that I needed to get this area of my life together, and that I wasn't willing to sit around for the REST of my life with that sinking, negative feeling about myself that came from not knowing how to date women. Well, as it turned out, I made a lot of mistakes on my own road to success. I spent a lot of time trying things that didn't work... and getting a lot more "bad programming" (to add to my already-bad programming). In the end, one of the real KEYS that helped me turn things around... and probably the main factor in my ability to maintain on-going success attracting and keeping great women around me, was the work I did on the INSIDE. Now, I'm not talking about lying on a couch and talking about your problems. I'll leave that to the professional shrinks. I'm talking about learning how men who are successful with women THINK... and how they SEE THE WORLD. I'm talking about learning the way BEAUTIFUL WOMEN view men and the world... and how they experience life. I'm talking about getting a perspective that 99% of most men never have... and facing my fears... and overcoming them. In my Advanced Dating Techniques Program, I spend several HOURS working on "The Inner Game" of success with women. I cover everything from how to improve your self-image, to how to overcome fear... all the way to how and why women think and act the way they do in "mating" situations. This perspective will INSTANTLY change the way you behave around women... and it will definitely lead to more success in the areas that you need help in. I guarantee it. Go check it out. There are some great audio and video samples here, plus feedback from others who have the program... Advanced Series And if you're ready for a DEEP and POWERFUL education on how to "reprogram" yourself for success with women and dating, then you MUST check out my Deep Inner Game program. Inside this program, you'll learn the most powerful and innovative ways to quickly overcome your fears and anxieties with women and dating... There is no other program like this in the world. It is specifically focused on getting your Inner Game together for success with women and dating. Go watch the preview video clips here... and you'll get the picture: Deep Inner Game And, if you haven't downloaded your copy of my online eBook, "Double Your Dating", then you really need to do that now. It is the foundation of everything I teach in these newsletters, and it contains dozens and dozens of great tips and techniques. Go download it here: Double Your Dating eBook I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
Before I ever learned how to attract women, I used to watch how those guys we call "Players"... would walk into a room, leave with the woman of their choice... and make it look so damn EASY. I used to think to myself that it would be SO fantastic if I could do that. I figured that these guys must be "good looking" or charming... or have SOMETHING... ...something I didn't have. Later, after I learned the SKILL of meeting women, I realized that the most important thing I had been missing was knowing HOW to ATTRACT women. Here's the BOTTOM LINE: ANYONE can learn to meet women. But if you don't UNDERSTAND how to create ATTRACTION, then you will beat your head against the wall YOUR ENTIRE LIFE and still not have any success. The BEST way for YOU to learn how to create MASSIVE attraction is to read my downloadable eBook called "Attraction Isn't A Choice". http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/AttractionBook/?cid=AWZZZ3&lid=1 I believe that YOU can learn how to create powerful ATTRACTION in women... and I believe you can learn it FAST. If you want to learn the psychology and techniques to creating attraction with women, then go download and read my eBook here: http://www.DatingTechniques.com/e/17842/AttractionBook/?cid=AWZZZ3&lid=2 Download it now. Talk soon, David D.
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