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boy's blog: "Time"

created on 11/04/2006  |  http://fubar.com/time/b21057

always in my thoughts

I just want to send a major shout to all my Friends, Family, and Fans In case I missed commenting you and I'm sure I did miss some YOu are always in my thoughts-Thank you for the LOVE 6bb0c91e592bd3e.gif
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Parents' Resolutions for the New Year No matter what's happened in the past, you can raise happy, confident, and responsible kids starting right now By Chick Moorman and Thomas Haller In 2007, I resolve not to teach my children to have a happy, productive life, but rather to help them choose a happy, productive day. I resolve to help my children appreciate that there is no such thing as failure, only temporary results that they can use as feedback to determine their next step. I resolve to fix problems rather than fix blame by maintaining a solution-seeking mindset and teaching my children a problem-solving process. I resolve to aid my children in their struggle with autonomy by creating a balance of power through a shared control style of parenting. I resolve to remember that I want children to behave in ways that reflect what THEY find unacceptable, not in ways that I, the parent, find unacceptable. I resolve to welcome interpersonal skill errors as learning experiences and as important opportunities to implement consequences. I resolve to parent in a way that demonstrates that I believe the only authority children take with them everywhere they go is their inner authority. I resolve to allow my responses to my children to reflect a knowing that some lapses in self-control are developmentally appropriate. I will remember that they behave in certain ways because they are five or eight or fourteen years old. I resolve to parent in a way that reflects my belief that the process is as important as the product. When I am stumped and don't know how to respond to one of my children, I promise to ask myself, "What would love do now?" I also intend to listen internally for an answer. I resolve to recall that I can choose to see any parenting situation differently from the way I have been seeing it. I will remember that perception is always a choice. I resolve to relax, while remembering that relaxing does not mean resigning. I resolve to make my approach to parenting reflect the notion that raising a child is more about drawing out what already exists in a youngster rather than about putting in to fill perceived deficiencies. I resolve to focus on the main purpose of parenting, the creation of who and what we really are as human beings. I resolve to remember that "being right" doesn't work. I resolve to parent as if I believe that a child's I AM (I am athletic, I am creative, etc.) is more important than his or her IQ. I resolve to live today as if attitudes were more easily caught than taught. I resolve to help my children and myself stay conscious of the choices we are making. I resolve to remember the adage, "If you want a behavior, you have to teach a behavior," and I resolve to put that adage into practice in my home. I resolve to see the hurting child in the child that hurts others. I resolve to "be" the change I wish to see in my family. I resolve to talk less and listen more. I resolve to remember that experience can be messy. I will allow my children to learn from the messes they make and the cleanup that follows. I resolve to hold my children accountable for their actions and choices with gentleness and love. I will implement consequences consistently and allow my children to experience the related, respectful, reality-based consequences that flow directly from their actions. I resolve to make myself dispensable and assist my children in becoming increasingly in charge of themselves and their own lives. I resolve to refrain from making my children wrong for their choices, even as I hold them accountable for their actions. I resolve to recognize that my children are in my life as much so I can learn from them as they are so they can learn from me. I will be open to the lessons my children offer me and honor them for helping me learn and grow. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Snow Angels

Snow Angel An 80-below wind-chill factor was not enough to deter my son's guardian angel. By Joan Wester Anderson Reprinted with permission from "Where Angels Walk," published by Ballantine Books. It was just past midnight on December 24, 1983. The Midwest was shivering through a record-breaking cold spell, complete with gale-force winds and frozen water pipes. And although our suburban Chicago household was filled with the snug sounds of a family at rest, I couldn't be a part of them, not until our 21-old son pulled into the driveway. At the moment, Tim and his two roommates were driving home for Christmas, their first trip back since they had moved East last May. "Don't worry, Mom," Tim had reassured me over the phone last night. "We're going to leave before dawn tomorrow and drive straight through. We'll be fine!" Kids. They do insane things. Under normal circumstances, I figured, a Connecticut-to-Illinois trek ought to take about eighteen hours. But the weather had turned so dangerously cold that radio reports warned against venturing outdoors, even for a few moments. And we have heard nothing from the travelers. Distressed, I pictured them on a desolate road. What if they ran into car problems or lost their way? And if they had been delayed, why hadn't Tim phoned. Restlessly I paced and prayed in the familiar shorthand all mothers know: God, send someone to help them. By now, as I later learned, the trio had stopped briefly in Fort Wayne, Indiana, to deposit Don at his family home. Common sense suggested that Tim and Jim stay the rest of the night and resume their trek in the morning. But when does common sense prevail with invincible young adults?.The two had started out again. They had been traveling for only a few miles on a rural access road to the Indiana toll way, when they noticed the car's engine seem sluggish. Tim glanced uneasily at Jim. "Do not---" the radio announcer intoned, "-repeat-do not venture outside tonight, friends. There's a record wind-chill of eighty below zero, which means that exposed skin will freeze in less than a minute." The car surged suddenly, then coughed and slowed again. "Tim," Jim spoke until the darkness, "we're not going to stall here, are we?" "We can't," Tim answered grimly as he pumped the accelerator. "We'd die for sure." But instead of picking up speed, the engine sputtered, chugging and slowing again. About a mile later, at the top of a small incline, the car crawled to a frozen stop. The temperature would kill them in a manner of minutes... Horrified, Tim and Jim looked at each other. They could see across the fields in every direction...but there was no traffic, no refuge ahead, not even a farmhouse light blinking in the distance...And the appalling, unbelievable cold! Never had they experienced anything so intense. Even if shelter was only a short distance away, they couldn't survive. The temperature would kill them in a manner of minutes....Well, God, Tim prayed, echoing my own distant plea, You're the only one who can help us now." Then, as if they had already slipped into a dream, they saw headlights flashing at the car's left rear. But that was impossible, for they had seen no twin pinpricks of light in the distance, no hopeful approach. Where had the vehicle come from? Had they already died? But no. Miraculously, someone was knocking on the drivers' side window. "Need to be pulled?" In disbelief, they heard the muffled shout. But it was true. Their rescuer was driving a tow truck. (Could he bring them back to Don's? He did, saying nothing, not asking for directions, finally maneuvering around the cul-de-sac and parking in front of the house.) Tim and Jim raced to the side door where Don was waiting. "The tow truck, Don," Tim began. "I have to pay him. I need to borrow--" "Wait a minute," Don frowned, looking past his friends through the windows. "I don't seen any tow truck out there." Tim and Jim turned around. There, parked alone at the curb, was Tim's car. There had been no sound in the crystal-clear night of its release from the chains, no door slam, no chug of an engine pulling away. There had been no bill for Tim to pay, to receipt to sign, no farewell or "thank you" or "Merry Christmas..." Stunned, Tim raced back down the driveway to the curb, but there were no taillights disappearing in the distance, no engine noise echoing through the silent streets, nothing at all to mark the tow truck's presence. Then Tim saw the tire tracks in the windblown snowdrifts. But there was only one set of tracks marking the cul-de-sac. And they belonged to Tim's car... ...Angels don't submit to litmus tests, testify in court or slide under a microscope for examination. Thus their existence cannot be "proved" by the guidelines we humans usually use. To know one, perhaps, requires a willingness to suspend judgment, to open ourselves to possibilities we've only dreamed about. Was it an angel? Our family will never know for sure. But on Christmas Eve in 1983, I heard the whisper of wings as a tow-truck driver answered a heavenly summons, and brought our son safely home.

Surprised me !

1110901119Sicko.jpg You scored as A Sicko. You are a SICK FUCK!! You would do almost anything to get off. You know how to be wild, try new stuff and let loose and be crazy. You are at the top of the Horny/Sexual ladder, a very coveted paosition by many. People call you Sick, but those are the ones that think it but don't have the balls to do it. You will be an exploding sex partner, if they can handle it.... Rock On.

A Sicko


Very Kinky






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Is an Angel Trying to Contact You? Do you keep seeing white feathers or smelling chocolate? An angel might be trying to get your attention... By Hazel Raven As people become increasingly aware of angels, so the veil between our world and theirs becomes thinner. You do not need to be clairvoyant or psychic to experience the joy and delight of angelic contact. Some people who never actually see an angel are nevertheless aware of their angel’s presence. Angelic ‘calling cards’ are personal to you. As you gain experience, you’ll learn to recognize your own signs. Here are some ways to which you may become aware of the presence of angels. The atmosphere of the room may change—you may feel surrounded by a warm glow. The air may seem to be tingling around you, or you may feel a rush of energy down your spine. A beautiful aroma may suddenly fill your room. The rich smell of chocolate is a calling card of some guardian angels! You may experience feelings of love or an overwhelming sense of deep peace or of protection. Colored lights may appear from nowhere: shafts of brilliant light, or even spheres of color, may dance in front of you, especially when you are working with the healing angels. During angelic meditation sessions you may experience a bright light in front of you, even when your eyes are closed. You may feel the presence of wings brushing against you or enfolding you, or even angelic hands on your shoulders. You may become aware of an increase in the number of coincidences that occur in your life. Or your problems may seem to solve themselves—sometimes in the most unexpected ways. ANGELIC SIGNS Sometimes angels manifest their presence in ways that anyone can see. You can ask for an angel to appear as proof of your angelic contact. Here are a few common angel signs. Clouds You may see angels in cloud formations, especially over sacred sites or when you have asked for angelic assistance. Sometimes you will notice clouds that resemble feathers. Flowers Many people find that their flowers last longer when placed on their angel altar. One student of angel lore found that her roses lasted for months, and, after an especially profound encounter, one of the roses changed color. Feathers White feathers may appear in the most unlikely places. When you have found a white feather, carry it round with you to keep your angel close. Once, when I was teaching an angel seminar, I mentioned that white feathers are a common angel sign. After the seminar a woman said that, despite what she had heard, she was not convinced of the existence of angels. At that very moment another student noticed a pure white feather stuck to the sleeve of her cardigan. Words Often, if you have asked for angelic help, you will hear the word ‘angel’ mentioned in a song on the radio or on television, or someone will say the word to you in an unlikely context. Crystals Angels may suddenly appear in your crystals. They frequently manifest in ‘angelic’ crystals, such as celestite, seraphinite or angelite, although a form can also appear in clear quartz crystal after you start reaching out to the angelic realm.

Christmas Soldier

Twas the night before Christmas, he lived all alone, in a one bedroom house made of plaster and stone. I had come down the chimmney with presents to give, and to see just who in this home did live. I looked all about, a strange sight I did see, no tinsel, no presents,not even a tree. No stocking by mantle, just boots filled with sand,on the wall hung pictures of far and distant lands.With medals and badges, awards of all kinds, a sober thought came through my mind. For this house was different, it was dark and dreary I found the home of a Soldier, once I could see clearly. The Soldier lay sleeping, silent, alone curled up on the floor in this one bedroom home. The face was so gentle, the room such disorder, not how I pictured a United States Soldier. Was this the hero of whom I'd just read? curled up in a poncho, the floor for a bed I realized the families that I saw that night,owed their lives to these Soldiers who were willing to fight. Soon round the world, the children would play, and grownups would celebrate a bright Christmas day. They all enjoyed freedom each month of the year, because of the Soldiers, like the one lying here. I couldn't help wonder how many lay alone, on a cold Christmas Eve in a land far from home. The very thought brought a tear to my eye, I dropped to my knees and started to cry. The Soldier awakened and I heard a rough voice. "Santa don't cry, this life is my choice, I fight for freedom, I don't ask for more, my life is my God, my country my corps" The Soldier rolled over and drifted to sleep, I couldn't control it, I continued to weep. I kept watch for hours, so silent and still and we both shivered from the cold nights chill. I didn't want to leave and that cold dark night, This guardian of honor so willing to fight. Then the Sodier rolled over, with a voice soft and pure, Whispered. " Carry on Santa, it's Christmas day, all is secure." One look at my watch, and I knew he was right. Merry Christmas my friend, and to all a good night. _Anonymous

Love in the Cyber World

Is it possible to aquire real and true feelings for a person in the cyber world? I mean all things are against you, yes you can chat and look at pics and even do the cam date, You cannot touch,feel or truely look into the eyes the way that you should have to to fall in love. Distances separate you and doubts apperar in your head about that first meeting. Will I be safe are they stalkers. Because lets face it we can be anyone we want to be online. Well I have had one of those encounters happen to me.I met someone wonderful and of course younger than me and he makes me light up when we talk. We haven't spoken on the phone as of yet but we are considering setting up our first meeting.we are beginning to have deep feelings and I love it. I am his girl and he is my guy. In The Cyber World

sexual limit

I was ponering today: At what age do we stop being sexual, and does that mean we can no longer feel sensual. why is it that our children can never imagine the parents being sexy or having sex,why are they so surprised when they walk in the room and catch you in the act of just kissing and say ewwww. how do they think they got here. I'm a very sesual person and I hope to continue for a very long time. I welcome the warm arms of a man, the smell of his sweat and the glaze I put in his eyes when I rub his inner thighs ever so sofly,I want to be wanted and loved to be admired and sex is apart of life to be cherished and enjoyed. To kiss,caress,fondle and tease without these things we might as well be dead. so on lookers keep on lookin and youngins keep on wanting stay sensul and sexual as long as you can

Reflect and Relive

People say: Time flies or time just slipped away, I don't think time goes anywhere, we carry all time with us...it never leaves. A fragrance wifts past your nose and your mind goes back to that time in your life as if you were reliving that moment. A song plays and you feel the experiances you had listening or dancing to it. A name is mentioned or a photo looked at and we all travel back to a time in our lives that we will never escape. Our minds are the camera toour past and the senses of smell, sight and touch are our vessel of travel. Don't feel bad about aging because we can always travel back.(IN TIME) I will relive my days of friends and laughs this site has givin me for the rest of my days!!!!!
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