Let see just how many people read blogs and bullentines
and other things we post. Here is a list that started
it is called our 100 things to live by list. What I would like us to
do is each person who reads this add several and if you can only think
of one that is not already listed then just add one. Come on lets
make a 100 things to live by list , okay?.. Remember this is all for fun and just to see if we can come up with 100 things to live by cool huh.
100 Things to live by!....
1. Be a good friend
2. Be a good sister
3. Be a good brother
4. Be heathly
5. Be helpful
6. Keep a Secrets
7. Keep in touch with people I love and who love me
8. Buy a Home (Where You Truely Wont one)
9. Buy a Home just to be able too
10. Get a degree
11. Never be ashame of who I am
12. Be a person to be proud of
13. Always keep improving
14. Read something daily
15. Be informed
16. Be a good listener
17. Volunteer for a charity
18. Spend more time with family
19. Drink Plenty of water
20. Excercise
21. Take time for friends
22. Take a vacation with Parents
23. Take a vacation with my sister
24. Take my teen kids on a awsome vacation
25. Learn to write better
26. Learn to draw better
27. Appreciate money but do not worship it
28. Learn about history
29. Learn about art
30. Learn about music
31. Learn to cook better
32. Go Camping
33. Go Fishing
34. Remember Birthdays !!!!!!!!
35. Remember Aniversaries !!!!!!
36. Learn about other cultures
37. Learn about other religions
38. Learn about wine
39. Learn how to use computer
40. Teach others how to use computer
41. Visit Grand Canyon again
42. Visit New York
43. Visit Montana again
44. Make a quilt
45. Do a needle point
46. Get poems or poem published
47. Sale one peice of art work of mine
48. Go to childrens Hospital with toys and stuff for all the kids
49. Grown my hair as long as I can and then get it cut and give it to cancer hair pieces
50.Write a book about my illness so that it may help others sooner
51. Do something really different with parents as soon as possible
52. Go to church
53. Stop and think before speaking
54. Be sure to treat pets health and food and love
55. Be gratful
56. Be thankful
57. Love unconditional
58. Spend quality time with a elder person and listen
59. Try to get a good night sleep
60. Do not say harsh words
61. Do not cheat
62. Do not lie
63. Do not stare at someone who may have problems that can not be helped
64. Write a song
65. Own a Sting Ray or Hummer or both lol
66. Write a childs book and have it published
67. Say I love you and mean it