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39 Year Old · Female · From Rancho Cordova, CA · Joined on September 19, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 15th · 2 different people have a crush on me!
39 Year Old · Female · From Rancho Cordova, CA · Joined on September 19, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 15th · 2 different people have a crush on me!

I don't want to see your webcam, I don't want to cyber, and I don't want to exchange naughty photos. So if that's what you want, go fuck yourselves, because I'm not interested. What I am insterested in is REAL people, people that aren't in it for sex, but for friendships or/and relationships. If that's not you, please exit now!

I'm a 24 year old BBW that LOVES to experience life. I'm currently living in Rancho Cordova, CA. Like most women, I can be a wee bit complex. However, unlike most women, if you piss me off I will not only let you know it, but tell you what you did and what may have been a better action/wording (if either are appicable) in order to avoid this issue in the future.

I like to listen to music that makes me cry, then turn up some music that puts a smile on my face. I love hearing juicy gossip about people in my life either directly or by association, but hate drama in my personal life. There are two different kinds of drama - unavoidable drama (a.k.a. real life) and avoidable drama (shit that somebody starts for whatever reason - btw, there is NEVER a good reason to start drama!). I hate people that start drama - life is hard enough, why start shit?

I am Irish, Scottish and German. What does this means? It means that not only am I a natural redhead, but it also means that I have a temper and a thirst for revenge. You will never see me coming!

I'm a hopeless romantic at heart, and love chick flicks. I live in the country, and love and hate it at the same time. I like to be on the go, busy busy busy and then be lazy. I talk too loud, I cope with stress by cracking jokes, I'm clumsy, and a little bit crazy. I am who I am and nobody can change me. I sing although my voice is bad, I play darts even though I throw "like a girl", I play pool even though I have bad aim, and I dance when my rhythm is off. My socks don't always match, I don't always wear make-up, and I don't give a fuck if you don't like me or my friends. I have been heartbroken and betrayed and still won't give up. My biggest fear is death; this roller-coaster of a life is all I know and it excites, thrills, hurts, and scares me all at the same time. I'm a creature of habit that longs for the change that scares me the most. I love my life when lately I hate it. If you want to know anything, just ask - I'll answer any and all questions not pertaining to sex (sex is personal, intimate, and not to be shared with strangers).

39 Year Old · Female · From Rancho Cordova, CA · Joined on September 19, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 15th · 2 different people have a crush on me!
Generally I enjoy just having a good time. I like spending time with my friends, playing darts, going for drives, playing pool, listening to music, SNUGGLING!!!!!!!!!, and just living life.

I mainly listen to country, but I also enjoy pop, soft rock, and rock.

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