I love a good crazy party, love bar hopping, love drinking.. did i say that enough..haha i snow board up here in Alaska every day in the winter, summer time i ride my dirt bikes, and party around fires.. even in the winter fires are fuckin awesome.. besides a nice ass nothing captivates my attenction like fire, never the same always flickering a different way... my name means "son of fire" Orion... i work construction, demoliction, asbestos removal, lead paint removal, i love dealing with the deadly shit...i love addrenlinne and will do any thing to find it, drug/sport/women/ wut ever it fuckin takes. faveritte beer: corronna, Errigant Bastard, Jack daniels can't be beat.... you'll have to ask about any thing else's and i might not answere ya

I fuckin Love Metallica/have for years, ICP/ pritty much any juggalo rapper from necrodom records,i fuckin can't get enough hard core DEATH metal like HellHammer, Fear Factory, SuperJoint, The Bronx Casket Co.,Ministry, screw, rob zombie, i like most all the old rock, led zepplin, metal church, mega death, iron maiden, any thing rockin, or slamin, thrashin, bashin, flashin, gurb stompin your ears i like.... i hate rap, rap is not fuckin okay it is worse than crap... i'd rather fuckin step in dog shit than listen to crap.. i can get more outa listening to a deft mute than i can out of FUCKIN RAP haha moooowwwahahahahahahahaa....
oh yeah and FUCK RAP..!!!!