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moomoo's blog: "Thoughts"

created on 07/05/2007  |  http://fubar.com/thoughts/b99011


Love is a battle

We fight, throw things at each other

Things flying here and there

The battle lost or win

There is no glory

In the end, it was just a silly step

Love is a war

We does ugly things

To piss at each other

Humiliation,insults and in many other forms

The war itself is ugly

When its over

We wonder is it worth it 

Love is a growing up

We see ups and downs

We see hopes fades

We make mistakes

But, that is part of growing up

We had no idea what it leads to

We take risks

We fail and we pick up

We learn as we grow up

Love is hard

It is even harder when 

You stop trying

Some things don't last forever

But some things do

Love is that kind of thing 

Some of the cutest guys I know here has cats as their pets. Why cats and not dogs?

Someone told me dogs are needy just like women.

Anyway, for a good laugh..

A cat doesn't know what a remote control is. A cat loves you until it dies. You don't have to tell your cat you love it - it knows you do. A cat likes to be petted, anywhere, anytime. Cats don't expect breakfast in the morning. Cats don't ly, quibble, argue, pout. Everything you do is interesting. Cats need little space, a sunny spot in the window will do. Cats don't smoke, drink, do drugs. You don't have to tell a cat it's pretty. A cat doesn't care if you haven't shaved for two days. A cat doesn't want to borrow money from you. Cats love to scrap bills and taxforms. You don't need to buy your cat expensive presents on it's birthday. You don't need to buy your cats mother expensive presents on her birthday.

A lover's farewell

Do I love thee

Its not something I can tell

Forgive me for leaving

Its thy love I don't deserve

Do I love thee

With all my heart


Is sadder than words can tell

Do I love thee

Yes. I do love thee

I have wished it wouldn't end

The fault have been in me

To wanting to stop

Do I love thee

My love has not stop

Not a second, a minute ,a day

Or the many years that follows

I love thee

Doth not cry

Doth not call me back or say good bye

Let me go

Promise me

You would find happiness

In someone's else arms

Promise me

You will cherish thyself









I pledge

If ever you need a shoulder,lean on mine

If ever you need a laugh,then a jester I'll be

If ever love was missing

I'd made it up to you

Take me as your loyal subject

I'd stay with you till we live no more

I'd persevere

Even as darkness rules over our skies

My love serves no one

But thee




Seeds of Love


I thought I could write a book

About how great you are

To my surprise

It seems I can't find the right words

Everytime, I scribble something on a paper

I'd think its not good enough

You are simply more than that

I felt like any love stuck person

All I can write about is love

But you are more than

The mushy lines

I used to write in my writings

You are a person,

No, a thingy

That jump into my life

Turning it upside down

Before I could take a breath

And fix my hair

To understand what is going on

You pulled me into your arms

And fly so high

All I could do is

To grasp you tight

So I wouldn't fall

I'd call you superman

But you don't wear

Your underwear outside

I'd call you the man of my dreams

But I want you to be

In the realms of reality

I want to be awake beside you

I'd call you the present and the future

Because, you do not belong in the past

You reside in my present

And my future, will be the garden

Where the roots of your future grows

To an everlasting tree







A new life

The place was dark

I could barely see my hands

A flash of lighting

Brighten the room through the window

The room was visible for a moment

I could see a staircase

Walking up the stairs

Toward another room

I could see a man, standing by the window

I could smell his cologne

Its somewhat familar

The scent of the man, that man

Who has left ages ago

The man who disappeared

Without even saying goodbye

For a moment,

I felt my limbs weakening

As though I'm going to fall

He turned around

And walks towards me

The scent grows stronger and stronger

He stops and meets my gaze

Time stops

For what seems like a long while

Neither of us say anything

"I'm sorry"

The tone of his voice was soft

It was clear it was a struggle for him to say

Those words

But, it was those words that I longed for

The words to close a chapter in my life

"Thank you"

As I wiped the tears from my face

And turned around

Walking towards the door

I felt happy

Now, I could restart

A new line

A new sentence

A new chapter


What should I do

I'm just watching you

I can't even say a short farewell

Your hands slowly slipping away

What should I do

I no longer held your hands

Nor utter a word

My heart overwhelmed with tears

Barely can I hide my bitterness

You are walking farther away

The heart that I couldn't hold on to

What should I do

Don't forget the memories we loved

Even if you find another person that makes you smile

Even thou this is a painful farewell,I'm glad that it was you

For now, this is a journey, I must walk alone






An unfinished dream

We returned to our respective places

Back to our daily rigid lifestyle

Putting behind the days our laughters entwined to each other

Sometimes, I will look at those photos

Reminiscing those days

You would say," I'm crazy"

Staring at you at a corner,immersed at what you are doing

You shyly looks at me and say that," I'm crazy"


Yes. I'm crazy for you

Fallen for you and who wouldn't

You are an amazing person with a gentle heart

Only a fool will walk past without noticing your presence

You will say I am insane to have such thoughts

Yes.I'm insane for you

You are a disease that I hope for no cure

I want to die in your hands

I want to be controlled by you

I want you to be inside of me


The morning sun shines

Its time to wake up again

Back to my daily routine

Putting you back to the place

For the time now,rest well

I will see you tonight

In my dreams






"Now friendship in those days was a bit different from what it is today; friends did not have to agree on everything and often agreed on practically nothing. They were people with whom you could argue all day and yet never get irritated or angry at all. In today's world we seem to have lost the real meaning of friendship. If someone disagrees with us, it is fashionable today to dislike them for it. This is silly and robs us of the best kind of friends we could find, for if we are always agreed with, we can never really have a serious conversation; we cannot learn from someone who agrees with what we say."

from Jack's Life: A Memory of C.S. Lewis by Douglas H. Gresham

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