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I found out Jan 1st that I'm expecting again. I'm having another baby...YAY!!!! My daughter is going to be a big sister..I'm so excited!


If you are a stay at home mom like me you probably would love to make a little extra money. You will not get rich by doing these!! You will only earn a little extra cash. There is nothing wrong with that, right? Especially around the holidays. So here are the sites that I recommend for earning extra money, I have received checks from each one of these sites. Some pay on paypal though. Enjoy! [URL="http://www.awsurveys.com/HomeMain.cfm?RefID=asoldierswife347"]A.W Survey[/URL] - $6.00 sign up Welcome Survey After Free Registration! I made $75 bucks for taking 4 surveys already [URL="http://www.cashcrate.com/277587"]Cashcrate [/URL]- Get paid to complete offers. There mostly free. You just complete surveys. [URL="http://r.yuwie.com/amilitarywife347"]Yuwie[/URL] - Get paid to make friends, post blogs, comment to people and so much more. It's like myspace expect you get paid for it. GET PAID TO VIEW ADS FOR 30 SECONDS: [URL="http://www.mailingmania.com/pages/index.php?refid=amilitarywife347"]Mailingmania[/URL] [URL="http://www.gainpay.com/pages/index.php?refid=amilitarywife347"]GAINPAY[/URL] [URL="http://adpaid.com/ptr/pages/index.php?refid=amilitarywife347"]ADPAID[/URL] [URL="http://www.moratraffic.com/pages/index.php?refid=amilitarywife347"]MORATRAFFIC[/URL] [URL="http://www.bizbizs.com/pages/index.php?refid=amilitarywife347"]BIZBIZ[/URL] [URL="http://www.loving-mail.com/pages/index.php?refid=amilitarywife347"]LOVINGMAIL[/URL] GET PAID TO READ EMAILS [URL="http://www.sendearnings.com/?r=armywife347"]SENDEARNINGS[/URL] [URL="http://www.inboxdollars.com/?r=armygal347"]INBOXDOLLARS[/URL] [URL="http://hits4pay.com/members/index.cgi?asoldierswife347"]HITS4PAY[/URL]
What makes a good mother anyway? Is it patience? Compassion? Broad hips? The ability to nurse a baby, cook dinner, and sew a button on a shirt, all at the same time? Or is it heart? Is it the ache you feel when you watch your son or daughter disappear down the street, walking to school alone for the very first time? The jolt that takes you from sleep to dread, from bed to crib at 2 a.m. to put your hand on the back of a sleeping baby? The need to flee from wherever you are and hug your child when you hear news of a school shooting, a fire, a car accident, a baby dying? I think so. So this is for all the mothers who sat down with their children and explained all about making babies. And for all the mothers who wanted to but just couldn't. This is for reading "Goodnight, Moon" twice a night for a year. And then reading it again." Just one more time." This is for all the mothers who mess up. Who yell at their kids in the grocery store and swat them in despair and stomp their feet like a tired 2 year old who wants ice cream before dinner. This is for all the mothers who taught their daughters to tie their shoelaces before they started school. And for all the mothers who opted for Velcro instead. For all the mothers who bite their lips-sometimes until they bleed-when their 14 year olds dye their hair green. This is for all the mothers who lock themselves in the bathroom when babies keep crying and won't stop. This is for all the mothers who show up at work with spit-up in their hair and milk stains on their blouses and diapers in their purse. This is for all the mothers who teach their sons to cook and their daughters to sink a jump shot. This is for all mothers whose heads turn automatically when a little voice calls "Mom?" in a crowd, even though they know their own offspring are at home. This is for mothers who put pinwheels and teddy bears on their children's graves. This is for mothers whose children have gone astray, who can't find the words to reach them. This is for all the mothers who sent their sons to school with stomach aches, assuring them they'd be just FINE once they got there, only to get calls from the school nurse and hour later asking them to please pick them up. Right away. This is for young mothers stumbling through diaper changes and sleep deprivation. And mature mothers learning to let go. For working mothers and stay-at-home mothers. Single mothers and married mothers. Mothers with money, mothers without. This is for you all. So hang in there. The world would be terrible place without the love of mothers everywhere. You make it a more civil, caring and safe place for the precious children in our world. Please pass along to all the moms in your life!!! Or to anyone one whom you love who has been lucky enough to have had a mom...............even if she was imperfect......... (most of us are)

This town fucking sucks!

Do not ever move to Lawton OK. Well why would you right unless your in the military or married to someone in the military. Well those that are new to my friends list let me go back a bit. We moved down here in december of last year. I was 6 months pregnant at the time. I told Mike I wanted a dog. So we went to the pound and I picked out the cutest dog you will ever see. I filled out the forms and signed them and then we brought the dog home. This dog was so cute and good for awhile. Mike would yell at me alot because I wasn't training him. Remember I'm pregnant and I can't exactly train a dog at the time. So of course this dog peed and pooped all over the house all the time. He chews everything up and is just plain annoying. Well now the dog is 6 or 7 months old and still chews everything up. We keep him in the kitchen because I can't care for my daughter and chase this dog around the house. He goes in every room and chews everything he can get. We did get his shots and everything he needs. Apparently its a law in OK that you have to have your pret nuetered or spayed. This one thing we didn't do yet. Havent really had the money since Danielle has been born. So yesterday I get 3 summons in the mail saying I have to go to court Sept 12. (we will be in NY from Sept 5th to Sept 18th by the way). I have to go to court for failure to get the dogs rabies shot (which we did I just havent brought the papers in) and failure to have the dog liscened(which we get once we show them the rabies record) and failure to have the dog nuetered. If I fail to appear there will be a warrant out for my arrest. Isn't that some shit!! Over a fucking dog that I've been trying to get rid of for awhile now. Mike does not want to get rid of him. We called this morning and they said to bring the record of his shots to the pound so they can update thier records. So that will be taken care of. It's just now a matter of getting him nuetered. I'm trying to get Mike to get rid of him before we have to pay for that. I told Mike also when he goes to Iraq that dog is gone. I can't deal with him anymore. That's it for now. I have to feed Danielle =)

Ummm if you say so

According to experts, my personality type is :
Border Line Psycho Killer
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They are scared of clownsThey are good in bedThey listen to Brittany SpearsThey work in fast food resturants
Take the Ink Blot Personality Quiz at JokesUnlimited.com

My 70 confessions

1. Who was the last person to call you baby? Mike 2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? usually 3. If you had to kiss the last person you kissed, would you? of course :) 4. Has someone ever sang a song to you? yes 5. Do you play Sudoku? no 6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness would you survive? lol probably not 18. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you would do? grab my daughter 19. Who was the last person you shared bed with?Mike 20. Who do you text the most? no one 21. Who last said they loved you? my mom 22. What color are your eyes? blue 23. How tall are you?5'7 25. Do u like ur parents? yes i do 26. Do you secretly like someone?it's no secret 27. Why did your last relationship end? He was an asshole 28. Who was the last person you said you loved on the phone? my mom 29. Favorite ex? i dont have a favorite :D 30. Where was the furthest place you traveled? OK 32. Do you like mustard? no 33. Do you prefer to sleep or eat? sleep 34. Do you look like your mom or dad? i like both 35. How long does it take you in the shower? depends 36. Can you do splits? no 37. What movie do you want to see right now? Chuck and larry 39. What did you do for New Year's Eve? don't remember...probably slept since i was pregnant at the time 40. Do you think The Grudge was crappy? it scared me 42. Do you own a camera phone?yes 43. Was your mom a cheerleader? no 45. What's the last letter of your middle name? H 47. How many hours of sleep do you get a night? not much actually...probably 6 48. Do you like care bears? yes 49. What do you buy at the Movies? popcorn with lots of butter 50. Do you know how to play poker? no 51. Do you wear your seatbelt? yes, everytime 52. What do you wear to sleep? tshirt 53. Anything big ever happen in your town? ya there was a murderer loose a few weeks ago 54. Is your hair straight or curly? straight 55. Is your tongue pierced? no, not anymore 56. Do you like Liver and Onions? no 58. Do you like funny or serious people better? both 59. Ever been to L.A.? no 60. Who is on your mind right now? my daughter 61. Any plans for tonight? clean up a little then relax as much as i can 62. What's your favorite song at the moment? because of you by Neyo 63. Do you hate chocolate? nope love it 64. What do you and your parents fight about the most? nothing, that usually stops once you move out and become an adult 65. Are you a gullible person? can be 66. Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy? no 67. If you could have any job what would it be? a criminal psychologist 68. Are you easy to get along with? yes 69. What is your favorite time of day? Night 70. Are you a generally happy person? i would say generally yes


T.h.e. W.h.o.s Who is in the house with you? Mike and my daughter Danielle Who was the last person to IM you? I havent been on im in along time Who are you thinking about now? My daughter Who did you last talk to on the phone? My mom. Who's house did you last go to? Mikes mom Who are your best friends? I don't know anyone here Who do you sit next to in you 2nd period class? I don't have a second period class. I don't have class periods at all. Who is you favorite teacher? I'm not in school right now. Who's birthday is next? Carols Who was the last person you told you love them? My mom. Who do you wish you were with right now? I'm with who i want to be with right now Who's your favorite relative? From my family my cousin Robert who I havent seen in years and from Mikes side of the family his sister Chris Who gets on your nerves the most from your school? I'm not in school right now. The W.H.E.R.E.S Where do you go to school? I don't Where do you live? Fort Sill OK Where is your phone? In front of me. Where are your parents? My mom and stepdad are in Virginia and my dad died when I was 17. Where do you sleep? My bed Where do you shop the most? super walmart Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? Mike... Where did you last take a car ride to? walmart Where in your house are you? The living room. T.h.e. W.h.a.t.s What was the last thing you ate? hamburger helper What was the last thing you drank? coke What color pants are you wearing? white capris What kind of cell phone do you have? samsung What is the closest item near you that is blue? My shirt. What do you like about school? i don't What is your gender preference (guy or girl)? girl What are you wearing on your feet? socks What instant messaging service do you use? AIM. What is your favorite color? baby blue What is your screen name? jenx78 What is your most used away message? when im actually on im BRB is the one i use alot What is your favorite shoe brand? kswiss What do you wear more; jeans or skirts? Jeans. What is the last movie watched? Final Destination 3 What song do you currently hear? Because of you - NEYO T.h.e. W.h.y.s Why are you taking this survey? I'm bored. Why does basically half the world have a myspace? no clue Why do we have to go to school? so we aren't stupid people Why are your best friends your best friends? I don't have best friends Why are people labeled (like emo, goth, prep etc.)? I don't know. Why is wood brown? I DONT KNOWWWWW. Why do the people on the news repeat the same stuff over and over? Beause not everyone watches the news at the same time. Why is everyone obsessed over the olympics? No clue. T.h.e. W.h.e.n.s When did you start school? When I was 4. When did you meet your best friend? i had a best friend back in the day...i dont remember when i first met her though When is your birthday? June 18th When did you last go to the mall? a few weeks ago When did you last buy a new pair of pants? a few weeks ago When did you last burn a candle? the other day When were you last at school? June 16 1997 When did you last see your dad? when i was 13 When did you last take a shower? a few hours ago *************************************************************************************** [PERSON ONE] Mike 1) How long have you known this person? About 2 yeas 2) Where does this person live? with me 3) Is this person older than 15? Yes. 4) Why is this person in spot 1? Because he is my husband 5) Does he/she have any siblings? yes 6) Do you have any classes with this person? Nope. [PERSON TWO] Carol 1) What is this person's nick name to you? Ca 2) Have you done anything illegal with this person? no 3) What is this person's stereotype? I guess a girly girl 4) What song(s) remind you of this person? none really 5) Do you trust him/her? Yes. 6) How did you meet? She is my sister [PERSON THREE] Mmmm....Christine 1) What noise reminds you of this person? I don't know. 2) Does he/she have any siblings? a few yes 3) What school does this person go to? some school in VS 4) Is this person athletic? yes 5) What do you like most about this person? She is funny 6) Has this person walked to your house? ummm i live in OK and she is in NY... [PERSON FOUR] Crolyn 1) Who is this person's boyfriend/girlfriend? i dont know 2) How long have you known this person? almost 2 yrs 3) Wheres the last time you saw this person? in NY 4) Does this person have a crush on anyone? i dont know 5) If you were to go to Six flags would you take this person? probably not...no offense 6) How did you meet? through my husband...its one of his sisters.


What a day yesterday. First of all when Mike got paid the 15th of August Mike switched banks. He transfered $760 from Bank of america to USAA bank. It didn't go through the first time. He called bank of america and they said it didn't go through and to try it again. So he did. This time it went through. There was $760 in the USAA bank now. A few days later there was another transfer of $760. So now we had $1400 in the bank somehow. Mike checked the bank of america account to see if it was overdrawn $760 for transfering it twice. It said we were not overdrawn so we figured maybe some other way we got this money and it was ours now. Well yesterday we found out the USAA bank is taking the $760 back now. So our account on USAA is $356 dollars overdrawn now. So the 1st of Sept when he gets paid we can only pay rent and then we are broke. Nice huh! Thats not it though. I went to make dinner last night. They shut our gas off because we owed $133 dollars on our bill. In Dec I called when the bill was over $300 to make a payment plan. They said we can pay $50 each paycheck. Thats $100 dollars a month. They said ok. I told them that yesterday they have no note of that in the system. Of course why would they. So now we have to pay $195 to have the gas put back on and then wait 3 business days for them to send someone out to turn it back on. I told them I have a 3month old in the house they didn't seem to care. So ya the drama never ends here for us. I have been thinking of just going to stay with my mom and he can stay on base in the barracks. He is going to Iraq in January anyways. So I'm probably going to do that. I'll let everyone know what I decide to do.
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