Well I went back to work saturday at the pizzeria..it was an extremely busy night. Party room was full, all the tables booked and people still piling in so I bussed tables, ade pizzas and tried to keep up...halfway through the night a fellow worked told me that we are on summer hours now. I saw it was 8:30ish and was happy because that meant almost time to go home...WRONG. We are on summer hours now..which means they close at 11 on weekends 10:30 on weekdays and I was working until close both nights when meant closing at 11, cleanup which takes about a half hour to an hour and my back screaming by the end of the night.
My back is hurting SO incredibly bad right now and the back of my neck and stll bruised and healing ribs are not too happy with me either. My body is screaming "WHY are are doing this to me? why oh why??"
BUT despite the horrible pain it is good to be back at work...to be doing something besides taking pain pills and sleeping all day. I am hurting so incredibly bad right now I am not kidding you it hurts to even yawn, which is very sad and pathetic. everyone at work seemed happy to have me back and had a ton of questions about the car accident. People wanted to see my head and wanted to hear all about it and such.
The first night was extremely busy and the cleanup the second night I had to move tables to vaccum and take down the salad bar (which means bending over into the salad bar to scoop out all the ice and water..it's a cold wet and icky job I despise the salad bar).
WHY am I still awake? I got off work around midnight then went to my parents place to say hey since they live near by where I work then came home and had to unwind from work so here I am...though I think I need to go pass out now.
I'm off now for the next few days so that is good..it will give me time to rest and relax a bit. They are going pretty easy on me schedulewise... I had to work friday and saturday, then I have sunday and monday off, then I work tuesday, then I have wensday and thursday off, then I work friday and saturday again. .it's only 5 1/2 to 6 hour shifts, but that is a long time when in pain damnit. Before I had 2 days off each week usually right next to each other now I have more days off...at least this week. the schedule changes from week to week and they still could call me in to work on a day off.
but enough of that...
Pain pills, a glass of warm milk, and sleep...that sounds good to me! :)