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i quit

yup, heard me correctly. i quit... my job that is. i got tired of my manager yelling and screaming at me when other employees did something wrong... i'm not the one with authority, she is... i'm not in management at all.... but yeah... saturday during my shift, i got yelled at 3 times [of which only 1 was my fault actually... though since i'm not familiar with being a keyholder during the holidays, she still had no right to yell] and witnessed her in a bitchy mood for the whole time she was there with was basically the second half of my shift before my lunch break. i couldn't take it anymore. i called home, told my mom i was leaving, told my manager i couldn't work with her when she was like this [which ended only in more screaming, yelling, and throwing things around] and walked out. i worked my shift today only because i had kept my keys for the store and because sundays are the only days that she doesn't work. after my shift, i left a letter of why i was leaving behind in an envelope, as well as my keys in the same envelope, signed out for the week, and will not be returning to that store ever again. the only thing i would go there for, i can get at a different store, and still have it discounted. i might stop in on sundays to hang out with my friend who is still working there. but other than that, no other reason. good bye waldenbooks hell.

Oh Em Gee

Wow... I didn't think it was going to happen, but somehow it did... briefly, might I add. Anyone who has read my last blog knows that a couple of days ago, there was this really incredible girl that i got a glance at three times, and the third time, I strangely wanted to run after her. Well... I saw her again today... very briefly. She was with a guy though. I have a strange feeling that she might work on that end of the mall. After the moment that I saw her, she went into the tattoo parlor [yes.... we have a tattoo store in our mall....] not far from the kiosk that I work at... So I'm not sure if that's where she works, or if that's one of her hangout places. [Note: this is also one of the stores that she stopped by the other day when I saw her the first time]. However, since it was busy at the kiosk, she had someone with her, and that I'm not allowed to leave the kiosk, I was not able to go and at least say "Hey, you know, I've seen you around the mall a couple of times. Do you work at one of the stores near here?" u.u' So yes... much sadness for the Shy Playful today....

Curious day 11-9

I had a very interesting event happen today while I was at work... I work at a calender kiosk [most of the time] during the holiday season, and I get to see lots of very interesting and peculiar people pass by. Well... today, one certain person caught my attention. There was this girl... I believe of some Asian heritage. Her hair was cut for a mohawk, but it was all brushed to one side, like Naomi [if you have ever seen America's Next Top Model, you'll know who I'm talking about], and the mohawk was bleached blonde [sort of]. Her clothing style is what some people might consider to be "Emo", she had a lip peircing and a nose piercing, and holy crap captivating eyes... Saw her three times. Once when she was passing by the kiosk, and some guys on the top floor suddenly whistled and yelled down to the level we were on... we both looked at each other like "What the hell was that all about?" and then quickly looked away from each other. Second time was when she was passing from one store to the next near the kiosk... I tried all I could just to see her walk by, and I noticed that she had glanced over at the kiosk momentarily. And a third time that I saw her, she was down the hall a way already, and she had looked back to the kiosk again. For some reason, at this point, I quickly stood up and almost had the urge to run after her... but I have NO IDEA why... It was very peculiar... The girl was really cute; I think I might have gotten the feeling from her that she is kinda like me. But now that's going to bug me. I have no idea why I wanted to run after her, and even if I could have, what the hell would I have done? "Uh... HI! You don't know me, and I don't know you, but I felt that I had to run after you. Can I get a phone number perhaps?" Yeah... Right. Instant labeling of "weirdo".

Halloween and Nov. 1st

yeah, okay. so anyone that knows me, knows that i really like to cross-dress... and am discovering girls. for halloween, my costume was a fallen angel... a male fallen angel, to be more specific. i went all out, or at least as MUCH all out as i could to make myself appear male. well, later that evening at work [yes, i had to work halloween, but i could work in costume, yay!], an old co-worker of mine came in with her two younger sisters, and baby sister. well, i was informed even later that night, that one of the girls, when she first saw me, thought i was a hott looking guy! it totally made my night, especially after... i had told my mom earlier that day that i would more than likely be out that evening at a friends house or something. i had planned to go over to one of my friends' house, but i forgot directions to get to her house [we recently met, and i never drove to her house, i have a very good idea of where it is though]. so stupid me, i went home to grab directions, said "okay mom, i'm going to ____'s house, just need to get directions." and immediately was told to stay home the rest of the evening. she didn't want me out because "there's little kids walking around, all the weirdos and drunks are out driving, i don't want you getting hurt" so i threw in the suggestion "well, what if _____ came over to pick me up instead? i wouldn't have to drive then." she still shot me down... and i was really pissed off. i have been starting to have a crush on _____ and this was going to be one of the few times i got to hang out with her. so instead, we planned to spend most of Nov. 1st [today] together at her job. so i got up early, which my mom was bugging me about because i hate getting up early, i love to sleep in during the day, especially since i'm a night owl. i spent almost all day at _____'s job, hanging out with here. since she works in a not very popular store, it isn't too much of a problem for her to have company. so from about 11 to almot 5, i hung out there with her... we chatted a bit, drew some, goofed off... i helped her with inventory [they just got in a large shipment of new books, but there was no invoice enclosed like the boxes said there was]. unfortunately, i work all the rest of the week, so i don't get to see her again until next week more than likely. anyway! last night i had sent _____ a picture i had taken of myself in costume for halloween. to be exact, this picture: halloween06-008.jpg she was drooling over it, saying i looked so much like a boy [that alone made me happy], but then i made a comment that "it would probably be even better if i was a real boy though, huh?" and all she replied was "maybe".. i kept on trying to bug her about what exactly she ment by maybe, but she never told me the night of Halloween. so, today when i met up with her at work, i bugged her about what she meant by "maybe"... two of three times she was 'saved' by either a customer, or a phone call from her boyfriend [*sad*]. finally, when i questioned her one more time, she had to ask what exactly was the original question, so i refreshed her memory of last night, and her final comment, after much time, was "i'm not really sure why i said that." i am hoping.... that she at least likes some girls, since she did admit that she wasn't a lesbian [but lesbian and bisexual are different..., plus she never said she DIDN'T like girls]. but even if she was bisexual, i'd still be out of luck since she has a boyfriend... =/ *sigh*
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