It's often hard to remember that a deep thought you have isn't always welcomed by others. It may not be interesting to other people and it may even offend some people when all you were hoping to do was shed light on something. Something like showing how you think, or trying to offer help. Offering a different way to look at things, a different path to follow. Sometimes just a different understanding of the world around us all.
My thought for the night is shared, but not always welcomed. It's about girls, women, all of them in general. No matter how many times they may be told they're beautiful, most of them will always think otherwise of themselves. Sometimes the media is to blame. If a person is not beautiful, what's the chances they'll get famous, or even noticed? But it's aimed more at females. They're told subconsciously they are not perfect, and in order to be perfect, they must buy the products off page 171 of some 'chick magazine'. The very same magazine that's showing them in their faces what 'perfection' supposedly is.
Who's got the right to speak for all of us and say the covergirl is perfection? With the pounds of make-up, the eating disorders, the 'I only want world peace' brain-washing mentality, what makes them perfect?
Sometimes, all it takes for a girl is a wrong choice of a boyfriend. An abusive, neglective guy who may only tell her bad things about herself can really make an impact on a young girl. Some dwell on that guy years after they break up. For what? He wasn't worth a damn back then and he isn't now. But that's not how the girl would see it. Young love... Worth cutting themselves, isn't it.
Then there's some who think low about themselves because of their parents. The parents are supposed to always be supportive, but it's a cold, harsh world. Some parents shouldn't be parents, and if you have ever told your young kid to shut up because they're wrong, TEACH THEM. Or if you've raised your hand to hit them, called them fat, stupid, or anything else, look in the god damned mirror. The only worthless person in the family is YOU, not the kids. They're stronger for having to put up with the bullshit, yet they still have a shattered heart that won't be repaired so easily. They'll think low of themselves because their own family told them they're nothing. These parents should lose their children immediately, followed by receiving a severe torturing.
There's many reasons why females may have a low self esteem, and many reasons will be different. The best any guy can do is try to make them feel better about themselves. Give them roses without it being a special occasion. Take them out to dinner and a movie and don't expect them to sleep with you. Buy chocolates, tell them you love them (if you feel it), compliment them more than just "Nice shoes". Get to actually know them and make sure that you have given her a chance to express herself like no other guy has ever let her.
What is perfection? If nothing is perfect, nobody can ever truly answer that. It's rhetorical, everyone will have a different answer for the question, and all answers are correct. If you ask me what I think perfection is, it is this, and simply this; Perfection is flawed. The world has it's flaws. Knowing you have a flaw means you know you're a part of the world. After all, we're only creatures. We're nature. What am I trying to say? Don't dwell on your pasts. Bad things happen to everyone. Some get life treating them worse than others. Everything that's made you who you are, will make you absolutely perfect to somebody else. So don't worry if you have a dreaded pimple, or if you caved and had cheese cake or anything. The people who think you're perfect in every way are the only people worth your time. And when I say they think you're perfect, I mean they know you have flaws, but they love you for the good and the bad.