Back in the day I was a raver...Not just some kid who went to some raves and did a little partying, but a candy raver of sorts. I would dress up and get all decked out to the fullest. Hair in braids, different color hair, usually red though. Candy all up and down my arms(candy are the bracelets and/or necklaces) With a binky in my mouth rolling my balls off.(a binky is a pasafire-cant spell that word) I would go to these things for 2-3 days and not stop at all. These were some of my favorite days I ever had. God sometimes i would even write shit down cause i was so fucked up i would want to remember it all through word and rhyme. Those were my days as a raver...Now i am still the same but more matured and a little moved on from there. but when i hear those beats and feel that thing in the back of my head calling to me i cant help but revert into whut i was then...A person of the cloth as it were, a person who needed to have that feeling of unity with my fellow person around me, a RAVER and nothing else.