ahhh... so all i want to do is scream now...
so i had physical therapy this morning... and my therapist told me that because it was so close inbetween pregnancies that more than likely my muscles didnt have time to fully heal... so basically i kind of did this to myself... but kind of not... so she showed me a bunch of different things to help strenghten my hip muscles and to also releave the pain and inflamtion... then on top of that i found out that i have a lot of tension in my upper to middle back... mainly because my milk is drying up.... so that was just another thing i wanted to hear... NOT!
so then everything was fine and then my dad started to say how bla bla bla and how he "knows" everything... god i hate him right now...
anyways i went to my doctor appt at 1 and found out that there is one of two things wrong with my wrist... either a its broken and healed funny so they might haveta rebreak it or do surgery to fix it... or it could just be a cyst... which didnt sound like what it could be... so i just pretended that it could be that so i could find out what else could be done... well if it is a cyst then they have like 3 options... and one of them is to leave it... another is to put a cast on and leave the cast on for at least 4 weeks... and the last option is to stick it with a needle and drain it... and then recovery time for that is anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks... and theres no for sure way to get rid of it... it could come back it could not... so then when i got home i told my mom about it and we looked online about it and this is what we found...
Ganglion cysts arise from the capsule of a joint or the sheath of a tendon. They can be found at different places on the wrist. A ganglion cyst that grows on the top of the wrist is called a dorsal ganglion. Others are found on the underside of the wrist between the thumb and your pulse point, at the end joint of a finger, or at the base of a finger. Most of the time, these are harmless and will often disappear in time.
A ganglion cyst contains a thick, clear, mucus-like fluid similar to the fluid found in the joint. No one knows what triggers the formation of a ganglion. Women are more likely to be affected than men. Ganglia are common among gymnasts, who repeatedly apply stress to the wrist.
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Wrist ganglion.Because the fluid-filled sac puts pressure on the nerves that pass through the joint, some ganglion cysts may be painful. Large ganglia, even if they are not painful, are unattractive. Smaller ganglions that remain hidden under the skin (occult ganglions) may be quite painful.
A ganglion grows out of a joint, like a balloon on a stalk. It rises out of the connective tissues between bones and muscles. Inside the balloon is a thick, slippery fluid similar to the fluid in your joints. Usually, the more active the wrist, the larger the cyst becomes. With rest, the lump generally decreases in size.
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Your doctor may ask you how long you have had the ganglion, whether it changes in size, and whether it is painful. Pressure may be applied to identify any tenderness. A penlight may be held up to the cyst to see whether light shines through. X-rays may be taken to rule out other conditions, such as arthritis or a bone tumor. Sometimes, an MRI or ultrasound is needed to find a ganglion cyst that is not visible.
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Initial treatment is not surgical.
Observation. Because the ganglion is not cancerous and may disappear in time, just waiting and watching may be enough to make sure that no unusual changes occur.
Immobilization. Activity often causes the ganglion to increase in size. This is because activity increases pressure on nerves, causing pain. A wrist brace or splint may relieve symptoms, letting the ganglion decrease in size. As pain decreases, your doctor may prescribe exercises to strengthen the wrist and improve range of motion.
Aspiration. If the ganglion causes a great deal of pain or severely limits activities, the fluid may be drained from it. This procedure is called "aspiration." The area around the ganglion cyst is numbed and the cyst is punctured with a needle so that the fluid drains away.
Nonsurgical treatment leaves the outer shell and the stalk of the ganglion intact, so it may reform and reappear.
The ganglion cyst can be removed through outpatient surgery, but this is no guarantee that the cyst will not grow again. Surgery may also include removing part of the involved joint capsule or tendon sheath. There may be some tenderness, discomfort, and swelling after surgery. Normal activities usually may be resumed two to six weeks after surgery.
so yea...
then after that hayven woke up and obviously was in pain... turns out she is getting her two year molars... and she is only 18 months!!! but yea...
now im just waiting to hear from tony... when i went and saw him yesterday... he didnt actually think i was going to come see him... so me and him talked and everything and then the guy in the room next to us... his parents came and his dad (from what tony said) was checking me out... lol... then i left because i had to get home and when i got out to my car the person who parked next to me had left their car door open... and they were no where to be found... it was really weird... but yea...
im going to go change miss stinky pants hayven! so ill write more later... byez