Hmm, well today was today. Thats all I can really say. I mean I took my test and everything and I got an A on it, but today just feels blah and meh all rolled into one. So when I am about ready to leave early, I get a call from the Bf and he says that people are bitching and making up things about him at work and telling his boss the false "information". So he was pissed about that and I guess last night him and his brother got into a fight and his brother threw his cell phone at his face and it hit him in the jaw, so we might have to go to the hospital later to see whats going on with that. That reminds me that I have to go get my TB test checked some time after 4pm and I have to turn in some more paper work to Human Resources at Banner Estrella. There is no rest for the weary. And when I finally got home, I got my Baby Shower invitation form my old friend from H.S., Heather. I cant wait cus I love babies but I cant really stand the baby showers cus for some reason all the other females there look at me funny. Talking about staring, I wore my jeans that my BF just loves and let me tell you, so much attention! ;)And I dont blame them! Cus yesterday when me and my Wife went shopping, we tried on dresses and Yeah that thing in back of me, Myass, does fucking stand out! White girl with Ass, coming thru! LOL! Well I am going to go and eat something and maybe take a nap before I have to go and shit like that.