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Related acronyms There are a number of slang army acronyms that are related to FUBAR. A somewhat standard group includes: * BOHICA - Bend Over, Here It Comes Again * JANFU - Joint Army/Navy F'-Up * SNAFU - Situation Normal: All F'ed Up * TARFU - Things Are Really F'ed Up Others include the following:[citation needed] * BEIFT - Behold, Every Indicator Forebodes Trouble; pronounced "beefed" * CF - Cluster F * CHAOS - Chief Has Arrived On Scene * FISHDO - Fuck It, Shit Happens, Drive On * FUGAZI - Fucked Up, Got Ambushed, Zipped In; refers to out-of-control situation such as a chaotic jungle warfare combat environment * FUBB - Fucked Up Beyond Belief * FUBER - Fucked Up Beyond Economic Repair * FUMTU - Fucked Up More Than Usual * FUNDY - Fucked Up, Not Dead Yet; on British medical charts[3] * GFU - General F Up * GMFU - Grand/General Military F Up (see Sloan Ranger's Handbook) * JAAFU or JAAFFU - Joint Army-Air Force F-Up; the use of JANFU combined with a radical increase in joint-forces operations since 1989, has led to the rare but increasing use of JAAFU/JAAFFU * MOAFU - Mother Of All Fuck Ups * MUBAR - Mash Up Beyond All Recognition * REMF - Rear Echelon Mother Fucker * SAMFU - Self Adjusting Military Fuck Up * SAPFU - Surpasses All Previous Fuck Ups * SMUBAR - Semi Mash Up Beyond All Recognition * SUSFU - Situation Unchanged: Still Fucked Up * TOFU - Things Ordinary: Fucked Up * TUIFU - The Ultimate In Fuck Ups * UMOP - Ugliest Mother-Fucker On Post


Soldiers come in all shapes, shades, weights, sizes, and states of sobriety, misery, and confusion. He is sly as a fox, has the nerve of a dope addict, the stories of an old sailor, the sincerity of a politician, and the subtly of Mt. Saint Helen. He is extremely irresistible, totally irrational and completely indestructible. A Soldier is a Soldier all his life. He is a magical creature. You can kick him out of your house but not out of your heart. You can take him off your mailing list but not off your mind. soldiers are found everywhere... in love...in battle... in lust... in trouble...in debt...in bars and ... behind them. No one can write so seldom and yet think so much of you. No one else can get so much enjoyment out of a letter or clean clothes or a six pack. A Soldier is a genius with a deck of cards. A millionaire without a cent and brave without a grain of sense. He is the PROTECTOR OF AMERICA, with the latest copy of playboy in his back pocket. When he wants something it's usually 30 days leave, music that hurts the ears, a five dollar bill...or a woman he can count on. Girls love them, mothers tolerate them, fathers brag about them, the government pays them, the police watch out for them and somehow they all work together. You can beat their bodies but not their minds. You can tame their hearts but not their souls. He likes girls, females, women, ladies, and the opposite sex. He dislikes small checks, working weekends, answering letters, missing chow, waking up, maintaining a uniform, and the day before payday. You may as well give in. He is your long distance lover...he is your steel eyed, warm smiling, blank minded, hyperactive, over reacting, curious, passive, talented spontaneous, physically fit, good for nothing bundle of worry..... And will always be there for you regardless of how long its been since you've last talked


im gettin really really tired of liars, people who think they have game, wannabe players and all that nonsense. cant out play a player with better game. period. is it so much to ask to be told the truth? why are people so afraid of it? im brutally honest and i expect the same, but lately people refuse it and im sick of the lies, one bc they happen to be bad ones and are too easy to figure out. if u have a girl tell me, if ur talkin to someone else too tell me, why hide shit? ugh. why? i just dont get it. someone care to help me understand?!?!
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17 years ago
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