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Why is it that with certain people we feel comfortable enough to "let down our hair" while with others your always angry around them? specially with divorced parents... your more comfortable around one than the other... I've noticed that I'm very laied back when im with one parent than with the other one... (im not specifying who out of respect for both) but i just dont understand why one treats me like an adult while the other one dont. i mean its almost as if one is happy ive grown up and the other dont ever want me to grow up. of course thats prolly parents for ya. One day i hope to understand why both parents cant be happy about their child... and why one parent disapproves of everything while the other looks at you and tells you "your an adult now... you make your own decisions but i ask you to make wise ones not ones you will regret later on in life". i also hope that one day i can win both parents respects and not be torn between them both because i love both my parents to death and if i lost one or both of them (god forbid) i know i would lose it because both of them are in my heart all the time and both will always be in my heart. anywho if you have anything to say on that matter feel free to post it in a comment or send it via fumail... talk to you people later!
Why do parents divorce each other and expect the child to choose between one or the other? I have wondered this for a few years now. My parents are always trying to turn me against the other and I dont know why. One will belittle the other and expect me to agree with them... and when I ask them to stop they automatically assume that im standing up for the other because I love them more. Thats wrong, and I dont understand why they always expect me to choose one over the other when I love them both the same. They both are my parent and they both will always have a place in my heart because if it werent for them then I would not be living today. If it werent for them BOTH I would never have been concived. I just wish they understood that I cant choose one over the other. Any ideas on how I can get them to understand this? If you have answers to this please leave them in a comment. THANKS!


whats the difference between life and death? isnt life and death just two different adventures? dont get me wrong... i do not wish to commit suicide... far from it... im just thinking... isnt life a very long and trying adventure? your given your necisities and if you want something then you have to work for it... wouldnt it be safe to assume that death is the same way... you get your necesities but you work for what you want... your not handed everything you want... unless you work hard for it. And even then you have to still fight tooth and nail for it.


Living. What does it mean to truly live? Is it simply exsisting? Or is it doing something with your life? I believe that Living is where you do something with your life such as work but also have fun. Cause life isnt worth much if you are simply exsisting. To live you have to make decisions that seem hard to make but in the end bring good or bad things your way. It all depends on your decisions and if you can make the most of what you decide on.


Some say that they are ready to give up. I personaly have been ready to give up... its not a nice feeling. To give up is to show those who wanted you to give up that they were right. So never give up on something or someone that you really want. Its not worth it. I find myself sitting wondering why I even try to carry on. Then I remember that there are those out there that truely care. I hope that I never want to give up again. Life is no fun when you cut yourself off from happiness and Love. There are times you want to just give up but you shouldnt because it isnt worth it. Dont show those that want to bring you down that you will give up. Prove to them that you can carry on because if you can carry on then others will see that you dont give up easily and they will one day leave you alone. DOnt let them keep you down. If they knock you down just get right back up and move on. Leave them in the dust, show them that you are better than them and that you will make something of yourself and that you will live your life. Thats all you can do. I have learned that, and its not easy I will admit that but if you can keep yourself going with the knowledge that SOMEONE out there loves you and wants you to succed then you will. Other wise those who kick you down will know that they have won and they will try to keep you down. Peace Love and Happienss to those who look for it. If you havent found it keep looking is all I can say. It will find you eventually. I should know. I have found Love and Happienss... no peace yet... but im still looking. ADIOS.


Life will kick you down, then turn right around and help you get back up... the way it does that is your so called friends will kick you down (if they are not your true friends) and your true friends will help you right back up and get you back on your feet. Life will also help you out, by twisting fate to where you meet certain people, and they will help you better yourself in ways you never thought possible. Life will make you think and life will make you wonder. Life is a game and we are all pawns BUT we can change our destinies because NOTHING is written in stone. If you want to do one thing then change your mind and decide on something else DO IT! Follow your dreams dont let anything or anyone keep you from fulfilling your dreams. If you have to drop certain friends to do something then drop them because it is very likely they will try to hold you back. When you drop one friend you gain another. Its like the old saying "One door closes but another one opens." It is true. When one door slams shut in your face look for the other door that has opened up because there are THOUSANDS of oppritunities waiting for you out there. Thats all I have to say tonight. And as usual PEACE LOVE and HAPPINESS to those who look for it and find it... if you are still looking dont give up hope! You will find it! You must NEVER give up hope that you will find peace, love, or happiness... look in all the places you would never think to look... some people who you dont give a second glance to... just might surprise you.

Too Much On My Mind.

I'm sitting here thinking about life... and how i, well that is to say most of us, live in a land of confusion... because if you think about it, we do live in a land of confusion. If we dont know what to do or who to call then I we get bored... and sit and think about life and get slightly confused as to why certain things in our life happens... it prolly seems strange but i think about this every night before bed. No matter how tired I am i sit up for at least 2 hours contemplating life... because thats all i have to do... that is basically my "me" time. I spend it thinking about why certain things happened through out the day or at work... and how they helped to better me in this strange place, time, and world. I honestly don't understand life all that well but I have learned that things happen for a reason even if they can't be explained right away. The way I see it is: Life will throw things at you to see if you can deal with it. If you cant deal with it then life will make you deal with it. Belive it or not... I see things that happened as "Shit happens... deal with it... theres nothing you can do to change it." a close friend told me that... and thats how I live now. I have him to thank for me not being so moody all the time when things don't go my way, because now I know that everyone has hard times... not just me... and not just one poor soul who has been mistreated... I understeand now that life goes on no matter what. Well thats all I have to say... dont like it... too bad... thats life. PEACE, LOVE and of course HAPPINESS to all those who search for it and find it... for those who dont find it right away... keep looking its out there!
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