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Welcome to the Insanity!

Ok guys... well here we go again. LOL Welcome to my first Blog here in a while...... Feel free to comment on anything I say on here... :) Tho I should re-warn you I tend to be very blunt and to the point, so I apologize if anything offends anyone... ... tho if it does, I guess you just won't read again so .. whatever ...LOL Ok .. this has been one of those weeks where I am not sure whether I wanna scream, change my name and run away, or just get comepletley drunk and say "piss on it"... possibly all three options would be a good idea LOL (not necessarily in that order)... I have been going stir crazy the last few days, and have come to the conclusion that it is time to get the hell out and create as much noise as humanly possible. SO, Friday night I am going to head back to the bar... have way too many drinks, let my hair down, sing up a storm and crawl my ass back into bed sometime around 4 am... after all, a girl has to have some fun, right? Then again, what often starts out being a good idea to have fun, can also turn into some of the most disturbing evenings in the history of bar hopping...lol Bars can be a great release of stress... but they can also be annoying..Not to mention an opportunity for horny men around the world to go out to extremely crowded areas to "accidentally" grab your ass and then smell their fingers later... Honestly, I dont think those men who do that kinda shit actually get turned on by a brief ass grabbing. I think that they do it just to like, you know, piss off girls. Especially the ugly poor men. Come on, you know exactly who I am talking about...You see them sitting on a barstool that has their ass-imprint permenently outlined on it from the countless hours they have spent trying to drown themselves in the liquor of the day...or lounging around in the park, shouting obcentities and catcalls at you. To get back to my point about the whole bar scene, I will give you an example of a well-intention evening of drinks and partying..which turned into bar-hell 101: It happend a few months ago when some old friends and I went up to Brantford Ontario. The place was pretty packed, with people having a grand old time...BUT... There was this also this 60-something year old dude. Balding ... with a BAD combover. And, how do I put this gently.... Ok, I can't. The guy was filthy... and smelled. BAD. It was like he took a bath in a mixture of transmission fluid and cow manure before he came to the bar. (gag) AND... He was TOTALLY checking out my chest.. I mean like for 10 straight minutes his eyes were GLUED to the twins.... Yeah, OK...WHATEVER, Grandpa. (and I was seriously in need of another drink.... but the bar where I had to go to order, was right where this guy was sitting... ) So, after 15 minutes of uncomfortable glances, i eventually gave in to the dryness in my throat screaming for refreshment... and went up to the bar where he was sitting (actually... lurking is a better word) to order a drink... and this geriatric reject says to me "My god you are gorgeous.. I'd love to take you home." ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??? (Fuck. I'm screwed... :/) At that point, it was just a mad flurry of me trying to get my moneyout of my wallet, and that horny old fucker trying to get my name out of me. Finally I just got annoyed and told him my name hoping he'd stop bugging me. ( all the time desperately trying to control the barely-containable urge to expel the bile which was rising rapidly into my throat from my gut) But no, he started asking for my phone number and randomly guessing numbers hoping I'd nod and say yes. (God help me) Finally I paid for my friggin drink and ran off. What the hell is wrong with these people?? I mean, hello, I just turned 32 a few months ago. And that pervert was EASILY 60 something. Which is about the same age as my DAD. Yuck yuck yuck yuck. thats what I mean about bar-hell. It would have been fine had the guy casually mentioned that he found me attractive or something.. but if you could have seent he LOOK he was giving me... CREEPYYYYYYYY... So , anyway... That's all I have to say about that LOL! Have a great week and see ya in the chat halls :)
OK I am getting
SICK AND FREAKIN TIRED of all the "That **** is fake" back and forth bulletin comments i see floating around.. and it seems to be from basically TWO members. (and i think we all know which two...)
Quite frankly....I don't CARE if someone has a fake pic up.. what diff should it make? They will eventually get caught and have to explain the egg on their faces. Come on people, its the friggin INTERNET for god sakes. Give me a freakin break!! This has gotten flippin pathetic.
If you don't LIKE someone on here... Just fucking BLOCK THEM. Quit acting like a bunch of goddamned 4 year olds and just leave it alone already!!
Also, if i get ONE MORE damned bulletin posting on my page that says if i do not do something, or if I do not repost something I will be deleted.... I am gonna flip a bloody gasket! DELETE ME *** right now *** if you are sending these. I will vote for who I want, IF i want to do so, NOONE is going to ORDER me to do it!!!!!!!
Frankly I dont vote in contests as a rule unless I know someone on a personal level in REAL LIFE that is in one of them. WHY? Because they are nothing but popularity contests thats why.
And frankly, I don't have time, patience, stomach or inclination to take part in any of that crap. Its high School elections all over again.
I will ** NOT ** be TOLD what to do... by ANYONE . I am a fully grown woman, I already have a mother thank you very much, and I do not need another one.In fact... If i get another one of these posts, I will do it for you.. I will delete you from MY list and save myself the hassle and the irritations.
Another thing that is irritating (albeit nowhere near as much as this other shit does) are the constant posts about supporting the troups.

**** Now before anyone jumps down my damned throat
for saying that, let me clarify something. ****

I FULLY support the American military and hope to GOD that they all come home safe and soon. I think it is a travesty that they are being put in the middle of this god-forsaken war. , and It rips at my heart when I sit and think about it. I am NOT against ANYONE sending them support messages or anything of the sort.

< That being said however, just because I, or others do not repost these bulletins, does ** NOT ** mean we do not care, or are pathetic or any of the countless other digs that some of the members have claimed it means.
Personally I do not post them because I am not in favour of the war. That doesn't mean I do not send my prayers and best wishes to those serving in it, or their families because I Do. I simply cannot justify sending out bulletins regarding something I do not believe in. If that makes me a bitch, so be it. And if by saying this publicly, I have offended you or anything, I apologize, but I will not pretend to believe in something that I do not believe in just to "keep the peace" and win popularity points.
Lastly, It's the christmas season people, can't we all just try to get along, and if we can't with a certain member.. just agree to keep our opinions to ourselves?
Geez people....Come on now..
Sometimes in life we have defining moments. You know the ones... the moments that sneak up from behind us, out of nowhere.. and promptly bite us on the ass. Image But do we ever really take the time to look in the mirror, before we inadvertently cause these moments for the people around us? Image We all have the potential to do this. You walk in a room, and hear the tail end of a conversation.. and automatically assume you understand the entire body of discussion that took place before you arrived. Sometimes.... hell most times when this happens we don't have any fuckin CLUE as to what the discussion was actually about... or the reasons behind it taking place in the first place... Which basically means in these situations, our assumptions put us on basically the same level as paparazzi... and we have no clue how much damage our assumptions can cause, until its too late. Lets just get to the point and say until we walk a mile in someone else's shoes, and know all the facts... we should just learn to STFU. This is not intended as a comment to any one person in particular, but as a general statement to the human race. People do things, and make decisions in their lives for a reason. As a human being, we have the ability to make changes in ourselves, and affect people around us... whether these changes are always in our best interest, may not be understood by those who are looking in on the situation thru a frosted window... but they are decisions that only WE can make for ourselves, and noone has the right to judge us for them. Image I, personally believe every person in this world has good qualities in them... and yes, i do mean EVERYONE. Sometimes, you just have to look harder to find them. But, every person is worth that effort, because if you judge people on what they have done in the past, or what you think they MAY or may NOT have done, are doing, or will do... you shut the door on the possibility of really finding someone special that could change your life for the better. Hell, you may even turn your back on someone who could save your life. I am not willing to take that chance.... are you? I honestly believe that good friends are the quiet angels that help us back to our feet when our own wings have forgotten how to fly. There are angels walking the earth every day disguised as every-day people. You never know who they are, or when they will cross your path.. but if you don't take the time to watch for them, you will miss out on many wonderful things in life. Noone knows how much time we have in this world, and we only get one chance at this life we have been given. I choose to make the most out of every single day because I would hate to discover at the end of this life, i had wasted too much time looking for faults in the hearts of others, and had missed out on something or someone who truly could have made my life just "that much" happier. Life is far too short to be bitter... it is far to precious to waste and it certainly is not something I am willing to go thru day by day, settling for the mediocre... or being judged for whatever decisions I make for whatever reason... Life is too damned short to spend our time trying to make everyone else happy, or to try to do what someone else thinks or wants us to do. The final decision is ultimately, OURS. No one has the right to try to force us, or rush us into doing anything. Happiness is something we are not handed on a silver platter.. it is something we create for ourselves by following our hearts and dreams. Never live your life for someone else. Make sure you are happy, because in the end.. if you cannot look in the mirror and smile .... what is the point? And for god sakes.... don't take life... or yourself too seriously. have fun. Find something each day to laugh about. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good. Embrace love with both hands and never let go. Take time to smell the flowers. Play with a child. And never, ever settle for anything less than what you deserve. We are all worth the effort.... and we all deserve it. Image Until next time, take care of yourselves.. and remember... no matter what, live happy.
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