I have always wanted to try new things in my life when I was in school I did not have a lot of
girls at my begging call but there was this one day I was in school and I got in trouble the teacher
said that I have to stay after for a detention when I got to her class I was so surprised to se her in
her leotards she has 7th period gym class as a volley ball coach an she was working out with the
girls in the gym for it was cold outside she sit down next to me to help me I could smell the
sweet dripping down her chest for she was so beautiful her nipples was barely poking through
her top I wanted to touch them so bad with my tongue I wanted to just stop every thing and have
my way with her she was so hot her legs had pantyhose on them to where they met her leotards
was a small but delightful gap it slightly bulged from there she has a small waist leading up to
her chest that was not to big but nice size little more then a handful on this day her nipples were
barely showing and you could see the color through her top slightly purple I wanted her to teach
me something other then school work it was getting close to 5pm and she said it was time for her
to get cleaned up I wanted to clean her up with my tongue so she went across the hall to the
gym’s looker room to take a shower she said when I get done to look the door and go home and
she will see me the next day I agreed not to realize that my car keys were in my jacket when I got
to my car I realized and hope to catch her be fore she left from the building it has been at least 20
minuets so I figured she would be done and out so I knocked on the door she did not answer so I
walked in thinking she had left already and that maybe I might be able to use the gym office
phone to get my mom to bring my spear keys to me so I walked in I could here something in the
shower I was not sure that I should look or not but I did I saw her with the gym teacher she is
sitting in the shower on top of him in a chair they were both hot and sweaty I could see her ass
going down on him just pounding him taking every inch in side her pulling her self to the top of
his rod And pushing her self back down as fast as she could and then she would pull her self
back up slowly I was hard from watching her move back and forth I could here her start moaning
she was getting loader and loader I wanted to her I wanted to see she stopped and turned around
and was facing me I ducted behind the lockers she started going up and down her legs were on
the out side of his legs and his legs were spread as far as part as he could I had the best set in the
house her chest was bouncing her Virginia was so tight around his cock that with every stroke
her flesh went in and out like it was made to fit I could barely hear him tell her that he was fixing
to cum and then when she stud up she saw me with out saying a word she started to go down on
him when she did she put her self in an angle where I could see her and all of her I watched her
and she watching me watch her she is smiling and stroking his cock and looking strait at me he
starts to come she licking his shaft and he spays up in the air like a sprinkler system it’s all over
her face she licks the head runs her full lips down the shaft running his cock down her throat all
the way she has her ass in the air looking at it is perfect she has a tattoo on her lower back they
get under the water and wash off never kissing or any thing
I watched even though I was walking
to the door I waited until they were getting dressed before I stepped out to the hall way I set real
fast down for I did not want anyone to see how happy I was or how hard I was for it was sticking
strait out of my pants I stood in the hall way for about 3 minuets and she came fling out of the
locker room said come on and took me on to her class room like a minute later here he came
walking in to the room he said that he needed to talk to her but it could wait until the next day
and h left and she started laughing and saying thank you for saving me I did not understand at
that time but I sure do now and know she looked at me and said what was you doing in there I
told her I locked my keys in the room and I did not know what was going on until I got in there
she paused for a minute looked at me and asked did I like what I saw I was not sure how to
respond but I looked at her and said it would have been better if it was me and my dick is bigger
she asked me since I saw hers can she see mine I was more then glad to pull it out she goes well I
don’t know it’s not hard but it might be do you mind if I get it hard in my thought I was like that
will only take about 3 seconds but I granted her permission she took it in her hand started to pull
the skin back and forth until I was limp I was still scared but when she leaned down and put her
lips on it shot up like you would not believe she asked do you want me to stop and I told her no
please to continue and she did she started licking and going as far as she could down on it but she
could not go any further she looked up at me and I pushed it a little further in to her mouth and
she just started to gag I told you it was bigger she said to me I want you inside me now what the
hell I bent her over the desk I stood behind her she took my cock and lined it up with her self I
asked hard and fast or slow and soft she looked at me and said I just want to fill your big cock in
me so I shoved it as far as I could in side her she made sounds that I love to hear you know you
are doing good with these sounds I ran my figures in to here long and curly hair and start to pull
it I pull just hard enough to make her arch her back I she is getting loader and loader she told me
that she never had some one make her fill so good I pushed it in her a little further she liked it I
rolled her over and stuck it rite back in I ask her where I could come and she said any where I
wanted I left it rite where it was and came all inside her it felt so good she told me to move back
and she pulled her legs up and started to work all the muscles and she pushed my cum out of her
I had never seen it dune before isn’t like I had been with a lot of women or any thing I was
scared I asked her why she let me do that and she said that it just felt good and that she would not be able to have kids I smiled and she said boy we could have a lot of fun I nodded my head and started to get dressed
the next day I could not quit smiling but I kept my mouth shout and that
day she came to me and asked for me to stop by after school I thought what the hell and said sure
when I got there I could hear the gym teacher and her and she told him that it was over and she
was not going to be able to see him any more and if he did not top she would call his wife and
tell her about them so he agreed and I stumbled in to the room and then he told her thanks for all
the help that she had given him and left she looked at me and smiled and asked if I wanted to
come to her house for a little while and told me that it was across town I said yes so I followed
her home and it was a small apartment it was nice I was scared what was I getting in to we set
down on the couch and she started talking to me and I started to get more comfortable I took off
my boots and she kicked off her tennis shoes I leaned over her to get my drink and she kissed me
it was nice that’s when I started running my hand down her leg she was wearing a little Minnie
skirt I ran my land up her thigh and to her panties she was still kissing me she told me I can have
her and I can do any thing I wanted any way I could so I told her to get up and she did I told her
to turn on some music and when she did she bent over I could see her thongs and then she asked
me what I want I asked her to take off her top and she pulled it off and I saw her little nipples
sticking out of her brae I think it is called a French cut brae I liked it I was getting tight in my
wrangler she walked over to me and started to straddle me and she started to kiss me and work
her way down to my chest the whole time she was unbuttoning my shirt I was really enjoying my
self and she just kept going and going until she got to my pants and she took my belt off and
unfastened my pants and pulled them down she started rubbing my cock through my boxers I
was so hard that it started to pat rude through my boxers she pushed it to the top of my boxers
and just the head popped out and she started running her teeth a cross it and then her tong I
expressed my gratitude by pushing her head down on it and holding her on it for a second she
went a little further down on it I tried to push it a little further it to her mouth she came up and
said stop it was to big for her to do that she went instantly back down on it I loved when she cut
her eyes up to see if I was enjoying it and I was anything that she did I enjoyed so I stopped her
and she started kissing me again I was enjoying it I was were I wanted to be and she asked if I
wanted to stay for dinner and I said yes I would move in if I could she said since I was staying
she would let me take care of her later and went back down on me she liked and sucked and
kissed it until I showed my enjoyment to her she did not stop and when I did she sucked every drop
of it out of me she got up and turned on a movie and went to the room and slipped on a shirt
brushed her teeth an started to cook she brought me a glass of tea and made me a steak that was
out of this world I was so beside myself when it was done she asked me if I was going to keep
this between us I said of coarse I would not trade the last few days for anything and I wouldn’t
she got up and went to the kitchen and started to washing the dishes I walked up be hind her I ran
my figures threw your hair I so lightly pulled her hair to the left and I started to kiss your neck
you just stood there I ran my other hand across her bossism working my way in to your pants I
was teasing her I would not touch you but all around it I turned you I kissed her lips ever so
lightly you smiled I started to unbutton your shirt she stud there waiting wanting me to touch her
I ran my fingers all around your nipples finally I licked your chest with my mouth and crested
your breast in my hand then I went back to working my hand down her pants once a gain I would
not touch her were she wanted me to she started to beg me to touch it but I still just keep rubbing
all around it I undo her pants I lower them and she start to smile finally she is starting to think I
still have not touched her yet as I work my way down to your ankles I take her pants off still
looking in to your eyes I set you in a kitchen chair rite after I take her panties off still I rub all
around it ,it fills so good I can tell in her eyes that she is really enjoying it I kiss her again then I
kiss her nipples sucking them in to my mouth then I start working my way down to the spot that
has been waiting for me I lick all around it still teasing her then all the sudden I touch it with the
tip of my tongue you jumped with anticipation I licked her for a while moving her clit up and
down and then back and forth she is getting wet I fill her juices on my go-tee I start to insert a
figure in side her as I push down with my tongue on her clit you make sounds of enjoyment I
look up to see that she is enjoying this that I’m doing to her I fill how wet she is getting and
enjoying this I want her to cum on my face so I push down a little harder with my tongue and
moving it faster up and down I suck her clit in to my mouth she shows her gratitude by making
more sounds of enjoyment she leans back so it sticks out a little more so I can fill how hard it is
and I suck it back in to my mouth and she cum's for me all over my face a stream of body fluids
shoot out of her and strait in to my mouth at first I was not sure what had happen but it did not
take long for me to figure it out then I took her to the bed room When I got her in there she
smiled kissed me and started rubbing me threw my clothes running her hand down my boxers
until she grabbed my enjoyment rod pulling it out and start rubbing it with her figures she smile
and push me backwards on the bed with it standing at attention she lowered herself to the bed
and start rubbing it with her fingers she took just the head of it and lick it repaying for all the
teasing I did to her, she then run her tongue down the shaft but never putting the whole thing in
her mouth I am dieing with anticipation waiting for her to take care of me she starts moving her
hand up and down my shaft and looking at me she ask what I want I told her I want her to make
it wet and to go down on it with her mouth she lick it again and then she insert it in to her mouth
and then start moving her hand towards her mouth while she went down on it so slowly until her
hand meet with her mouth twisting it ever so lightly I stop her I pulled her to my side I kiss her
again I lay her on her back I cress her breast again she whisper in my ear how bad she wants me
to be inside her I kiss her again I start to kiss her neck while I work my way on top of you I ask
her to put me inside her and she reach down and took me and guide me in to her love tunnel I fill
how wet she was I only let the head go inside her and I take it back out repaying her for the tease
that she did to me only letting the head penetrating her flesh I tell her to tell me how bad she
wants it and as she tells me I lunge forward to give it all to her tell me how well it fills I kiss her
I get her ready to cum again when she is coming I take the head of my rod to her clit and start to
master bate her with it and when she is starting to cum I lick her with my tongue to enjoy the
taste of her I come up and roll over then I take her and ask her to get on top of me to put me in
side of her ,she stood on the bottom of her feet she put me inside her I fill her going down on my
rod she goes so slow to fill it all it fills like I’m so deep inside her, she start to move up and down
going slow at first and then she starts picking up speed and pushing it further inside her, she gets
me were I’m almost there she stop I ask why and she told me that she wants to cum one more
time so we change positions I get behind her I put myself inside her I kiss her neck I reach
around and start to massage her clit with my figures while I pull my self out of her and putting
my rod back in and out again I push myself further inside her and I start to go faster I weight
until she cum's again and then I ask her if I can cum now and she said yes I pull myself out and
you roll over vary fast to let me cum all over her chest, her face you taste while stroking my flesh
she insert it back in to her mouth running her teeth over my head ever so lightly once she got all
the way on it with your mouth you suck every last drop out of me
it was getting late so I started
to get dressed and get ready to go home it was Thursday night so we had one day left to go so I
got in my car and started to head for the house it was going to take me at least 30 minutes to get
home but it was definitely worth it I needed to stop and get some gas so I stopped at the gas
station there was a lot of people there it was I little cold and it was definitely dark I looked over
and I had never saw any thing like it there was people every where and smiling just laughing and
having a good time it made me a little curiosa to what was going on so I walked up to them to
see it was a guy and a girl setting on a bench playing a game of chess and the girl was about 12
years of age and the man had to be in his forties at least and she was not only betting him but she
was just tearing him up in words to she was telling him how a kid could beat him then in a few
years she would come back and teach him how to play unless he wants her to school him now I
did not realize that next to the gas station they were having a chess torment so I walked in and
there was a few pretty girls there I did not give it much thought and left anyway the next day I
was so tired at school but when it came close to time for her class I got excited and grew hard
just thinking about what might happen today after class she asked if I wanted to have some fun
tonight I said sure she said come over and plan to stay the night I said ok what time she said
about 10pm I agreed so at 9pm I started to leave the house and I stopped and bought some smoke
for us and some papers and a 12pack of beer when I got there I was most defiantly surprised she
had company I’m glad that I called as I was walking up to the door she told me who was there
and to come on up bring my bag she said yes so I did when I went in side she had two of the
biggest girl nerds there and she had been getting them all cleaned up they were already drinking
wine they went earlier that day and got there nails done and facials so they were cleaned up
pretty good no umbra’s so I was impressed they even had make up on so I set down and they
started telling me all about what they were up to and there math clubs and chess clubs and I
looked over and she had a dress on with no panties on she made sure I knew it I wanted it the
most rite then I think but I was not sure what little game she had planed so the night was going
by real fast and I just set there wanting her and listing to the nerds o I finale said I need to get
stoned does she mind she said it was ok but if one does it we all have to do it so I lit it up and
pass it to one of the nerds she goes I don’t know about this it is ok we will have fun and the
teacher says why don’t you give them a shot gun and then maybe they will be all rite I did this a
few times they liked it this way after a while the girls start saying how good they fill and the
teacher pops up and says why don’t we show him the cloths that we bought today the girls say
alight and they show me there new outfits I was not that impressed the teacher then tells the girls
to show me the rest and they look at her like they don’t know what she is talking about so she
took them in to the room and told them that if they do it she will to so they all agree to show me
there new underwear I was impressed the first girl had these long legs smooth and tan they were
nice she was wearing a brae and g string that was a green color she also had these hills that
matched on I liked it then the second girl come out she had a red brae and panties on with hi hills
it was nice the sides of the panties went up to above her hips but was shaped like V it was nice
and she walked up to me and asked me to fill how the fabric felt and how the bikini wax felt I
felt for the wax first then I felt for the fabric rite were her joints met in all the rite places he kind
of jumped but I reassured her that no one could see and she let me put my fingerer on the inside
of her she was great smelt great look great I was so hard then the teacher came out and she went
in she of coarse looked good like always she was wearing these laze panties that went up in all
the rite places and down to she ran out and ask me was I having fun I said yes she asked had
either one showed any interest in me and I told her she said good here I want you to put this in
her glass I asked her what it was and she informed me that it was X and she would take care of
the other one she asked if I felt them up and I said yes she wanted to know how and what I did
she then wanted my fingerer that I did it with in her mouth so that she could taste it so I let her
she went back in the room and the all three put little nities on and then came back in to the room
and she passed me a hit and she took a hit and the girls did not know that they already had a hit
so know it is about 3am and we are starting to peek the girls are drinking there drinks and the
teacher said did we want to play again we all agreed to keep this night to our self’s and that we
would play this game I knew I was going to enjoy it started out you lay these cards on the floor
and when you flip it over you did what it said the teacher is sitting on my rite and she drew a
card that said kiss the person to your left so she got on her hands and knees and started to kiss me
and she kissed me like there was no one there but me and her I was enjoying it so much then she
told the girl on the other side it was her turn she started to go and the card said to touch the
person to your rite left nipple the next girl went and she got the card that said to kiss the person
to your right so she did kiss the girl on the lips for one second and now it is my turn I drew the
card and it said I had to touch my partners personal spot with my hands the teacher shouts out
that is all of us for this game is for two people and we are all playing so the teach laid back and
the girl on the other side of me laid back the third girl kind of hesitated the teacher asked if she
wants to go first she can so then she was ok with it I licked my figures and stuck one in her she
was tight she was a virgin then the other girl was like ok now it is my turn I stuck one figure
inside her and started to pull it out and shoved it rite back in with a twisting motion she liked it
she said and then asked the first girl if she liked it yes but he has to be soft with me then I did the
teacher the other girls was watching as I put two figures in her and took my thumb and put it on
her clit and she told me not to stop I told her it isn’t fare if I don’t she agreed and set up the other
girls are getting there the ones nipples are hard the teacher pulled her card and it said to for every
one to lose there tops so we did I was in hog heaven not one but three sets of per
ky tits that were
so pretty and we was just getting started