Joined on September 21, 2007
Born on January 1st
I am..:[Blunt] [Trustworthy] [Untrusting] [Open] [Interesting][Easy to Please] [Hard to Read] [Complicated][Confusing] [Truthful] [True] [Understanding] [Indecisive][Random] [Picky] [Helpful] [Loving] [Full of life] [Quickly amused] [Completely amusing]I'm a contradiction of myself.If you don't understand, ask.If your going to judge, don't waste your time reading farther.I DONT fuck around. It causes too much bullshit.My mood changes with music and the weather.I can't multi task too easily. I get very frustrated and zone out. If I'm doing something, don't expect me to do something else too. I'm somewhat of a perfectionist, so if I'm doing one thing.. it has to be perfect. I need to FOCUS.I'm working on my self-esteem issues, but I'm content with who I am.I tend to care about people too much, and it gets me in trouble.I don't hold grudges long. It's just added stress.I hate drama.Soooo I let shit go.It's that simple.Don't try to understand me. Only a few people do SOMEWHAT.If you try, I can garuntee I'll throw you a curve and you'll become so much more confused then you were to begin with. Yet, sadly more interested. It's pretty much a game, and a big gamble.Oddly enough, I'm the easiest person to please.I have horrible luck with love!I pretty much HATE that word now.Gross. Fuck it.I put my art on my skin instead of paper.Tattoos & Make-up. Dont hate.I have depression anxiety... and i tweek when IA.) Get fucked overB.) People are selfishI'm just not someone you want to fuck with at those moments, as I've stated below.I pretty much do what I want when I have the freedom to, no matter what anyone says and/or thinks of the situation. Don't get me wrong, I'm usually smart about my decisions, but if I'm not, I know the consequences.Besides, I grew up living after my siblings mistakes, or living up to their talents. I guess you could say my parents have somewhat high expectations for me. But I'll still always be who I am.I'm starting to get respect... I think.I hate labels, and anyone who loves to be part of a "scene".As I once told a friend," Like OMFGz I'm sXe!!" no... your a douche bag who has bigger issues then drinking and drugs.I have a problem with people who go out of their way to draw attention to themselves. Attention is fine... but not when its forced.Do what you want, when you want. Not cuz someone else WANTS you to. Be WHO you want to be, but don't give a title to yourself. It's nonsense.Labels do that. They draw more attention for the stupidest reasons. Earn your attention.Make sense??I have anger issues.....but I have patience.If I blow up on you...... you must have really fucked up or pissed me off.Let me deal the way I want, and I'll prob have so much respect for you. Don't tell me to chill or calm down, cuz it will just make things worse.Speaking of anger issues, I have horrible verbal road rage.I love Football.People walk all over me....I get made fun of... a lot......But I'm done with that.I'm REALLY okay with people doing what they want......as long as it doesn't have a bad effect on me.It's their life... I'm not going to tell them how to live it.If your a backstabber, fuck you.If not, thank you for respecting me as well as I do you. Not really looking anymore :]But theres ground rules:Be yourself. No matter what you wear, the music you listen to, or your actions, its who you are that matters, as long as thats all your trying to be.These days, everyone wants to be different. But if thats what EVERYONE is doing, then doesn't that mean everyone is being the same? And if everyone is being the same, then whats the point in trying to be different anyway?Just do what you want. Wear what you want, listen to what you want, and don't ever let anyone else's opinions on things you enjoy make you think twice about weather your enjoy it. You liked it for a reason... so now your gunna stop because its not "cool" to someone else?Like I said, be yourself. You only live once... and you should be living for you, and living it to the fullest.Keep it in mindYa.... thats just how I roll<3
Joined on September 21, 2007
Born on January 1st