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August 2th In History

Holy jumpin’ jelly beans! Here it is, Thursday August twoth, 2007, (yes, I am saying August Tooth. What’s the big deal, we say 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th don’t we?); geeze, it’s hard to believe that it’s been 214 days since I yelled, “Whoopie”, in celebration of the new year. My how time can go into warp speed when you’re not looking. But on the other hand, on this day in: 1990 Iraq brazenly charged across the Kuwaiti border and started something that we are still in the middle of. In 1923 in a hotel in San Francisco, President Warren G. Harding dies of a stroke at the age of 58. In 1934 with the death of German President Paul von Hindenburg, Chancellor Adolf Hitler becomes absolute dictator of Germany under the title of Fuhrer, or "Leader." In 1776, members of Congress affix their signatures to an enlarged copy of the Declaration of Independence. This fateful day in 1987 witnessed the fastest race in Indy car history to that date, when Michael Andretti won the Marlboro 500 at the Michigan International Speedway with an average speed of 171.490mph. Andretti broke the record previously set by Bobby Rahal at 170.722mph. Incidentally, one of the drivers that Andretti sped past on that day was his father and fellow driver, Mario Andretti. In 1861 The United States Congress passes the first income tax to raise revenues for the war effort. Although never enacted, it was an important fiscal innovation that paved the way for growth of the government in the 20th century. On this day in 1985, strong and sudden wind gusts cause a plane crash at the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport in Texas that kills 135 people. The rapid and unexpected formation of a supercell, an extremely violent form of thunderstorm, led to the tragedy. Actress Myrna Loy is born Myrna Adele Williams near Helena, Montana, on this day in 1905. In 1933 Lawrence of Arabia star, Irish actor Peter O'Toole, is born. In 1876 "Wild Bill" Hickok, one of the greatest gunfighters of the American West, is murdered in Deadwood, South Dakota. On this day in 1943, future President John F. Kennedy is serving as commander of a torpedo boat in the Solomon Islands when his ship is fired upon by the Japanese navy. And, in 1865 The captain and crew of the C.S.S. Shenandoah, still prowling the waters of the Pacific in search of Yankee whaling ships, is finally informed by a British vessel that the South has lost the war. And, so it goes for August 2th in history.

The Devil's Do

The Devil’s Do I made a comment, a short time ago, about the devil being female as opposed to the popular male-like figure. This, off-the-cuff statement has apparently, raised the hackles of some of the ladies that read my little articles and anecdotes, (well, at least I have readers). Bless you ladies but, before you burn me at the stake, allow me to make this plea in my defense. I’m not sure, exactly, what other people see on the movie screen in their minds when they think of the devil, but if I can accept popular art and cave drawings, as fact, I just may be able to draw a few conclusions. There are, of course, the ever-popular naked, masculine figure with severe sunburn and a tail complete with an arrowhead on the tip, horns, of course, and no apparent fixture denoting sex. (Hmm, that would be a hell of a way to live, dontcha think?) Other variations include a half man, half beast configuration with four hoofed feet and two arms; a hairy beast with two legs and two arms and so forth and so on. Most of these, of course, are evil looking, frightening creatures that would cause most of us to wet our pants, if we actually met them tête-à-tête. Add a meaner than mean personality, that is meant to scare us into submission and drag us kicking and screaming all the way to hell. On the other hand there is the comical little devil, much like ASU’s mascot Sparky. These lighthearted variations are mere inventions of our psyche, just to make us feel better about going to hell. (Oh my! The Devil you say?) In my case, the Devil has a completely different persona. She has sparkling blue eyes and wears blue jeans that start at her curvaceous hips and stop just above her tiny feet. The open toed sandals are dainty and feminine, revealing toes coated in a soft pink and ankles strong enough to raise her up on her toes, just enough to look me in the eyes. Her firm breasts would, unintentionally of course, respond to the cool air and show through the cotton T-shirt, she is wearing which is tied in a knot above her waist enough to show a flat belly and an inviting navel. A turned up little nose, with a spray of freckles across it and her somewhat, full lips would have a natural demure smile that never seems to vanish from her face. And when you give the Devil her do, you fix her hair with the proper messed up look and an appropriate amount of blond streaks that blend in perfectly with the soft brown. All of this would be packaged in such a way, that she would be gorgeous and innocent looking at the same time. My heart would stop when she approached, my male hormones would react in an obvious visual way, when she got close enough to touch me. And when she said “Hi”… I would melt like butter in Hell; speaking of which, she would take me by the hand and walk me right through the gates of Hades without a word of protest coming from my throat. Even if I tried it wouldn’t get past my lips, which would probably be pressed to hers. All of this being said, maybe you will understand when I say the Devil is female and she’s on my back. My opinion is this, the Devil won’t come and scare you to hell... she’ll charm you into it.

Tools of the Trade

Did You Know? Scientist have know for a long time that chimpanzees know how to use rudimentary tools and that they can teach their young, and each other, how to use these tools; hmm, and all this time I thought that they were just monkeying around. Well, now they have discovered that there is another lesser intelligent creature that has figured out how to use tools. (Alright ladies, no snide remarks; just because your husband has a garage full of tools and only knows how to use half of them doesn’t count!) In a study of bottle nose dolphins in Shark Bay, Western Australia, it was discovered that the marine critters will break off conical sponges from the seafloor and wear them on their snouts. Pretty cool huh? Oh! Why, you ask, would this be a tool? They wear the sponge as a, sort of, protective glove to wear while they are foraging for food on the seabed. The “Glove” helps protect their snout from scrapes and the stings of spiny stonefish while they search for a tasty snack. Not only that but, they discovered, that this is not an instinctive, or a genetic, impulse; the skill is taught, or handed down, to the young by their mothers. The bottle nose dolphin isn’t the only sea creature that uses the sponge as a, kind of, tool… if you will. Some sponges contain toxic substances and there are some marine animals that will place these sponges on their bodies in an effort to fend off other critters that would, otherwise, make a snack out of them. Okay, alright; if you read the comics you already know this. Gimme a break… I try.

Hairspray-- A Movie Review

Hairspray Hairspray, I’ve discovered is a 2007 movie based on the 2002 Broadway musical, which, I understand, was based on the 1988 movie!?!?! Sigh. Dear Lord! Well anyway, my wife had to remind me of a promise I made, (that I would go to more of “her” movies), to get me to go; trust me, I really wasn’t interested in a musical, I knew that much. I didn’t look into the movie so I didn’t know what to expect when the theatre went dark, aside from my popcorn and a box of Reese’s Pieces. Now, I am a little finicky here, I do not like movies that deliver messages! When I went to the show I expected a flick about a plump teen-age girl that wanted to be on a TV dance show. When I discovered that it was about integration in the early 1960’s, I’ll admit, I was put off. No! I am not prejudice; I just get tired of message movies; which is why I quit going to see Steven Seagal. I mean, when I pay $8 or $9 for a movie, I want to be entertained; not watch something I can see on A&E. Now that I got that out of the way, about the movie: I went to theatre already convinced I wouldn’t like it, I mean, it was a musical message movie, (a singing telegram, if you will), two points against it already. Okay, I settled in and opened my mind for my wife’s sake and… had a good time watching the show. Two truly amazing things in the movie were two of the central characters. First, Nikki Blonsky, (Traci Turnblad), had never acted professionally before, she tried out for the part but worked at a local “Cold Stone” ice cream store, (her work-mates cheered when they heard she got the part). Then there was John Travolta who played Edna Turnblad, Traci’s obese mother that hadn’t been outside of her home in eleven years. Far-fetched? Not at all, Travolta pulled it off with talent and grace… well, as much grace as a middle-aged, over-weight woman can have; and, believe, or not, she dances pretty darned good. Yes, it was about a plump teen-age girl (Traci), in 1962 Baltimore, that wanted to be on a TV dance show. But she was at the mercy of show’s resident Barbi doll girls, one by the name of Amber, (whose mother ran the station, Velma Von Tussle played by Michelle Pfeiffer), was especially out to put the kabosch on anything Traci. Traci’s problems multiplied when she made friends with the Black kids who danced on the show once a month on, what was called, “Negro” day. The Cast, which included Travolta, Pfeiffer, Blonsky along with Christopher Walken, (Traci’s dad Wilbur who couldn’t love a woman under size 60), Queen Latifah, (Motormouth Maybelle), and others was great. Even Jerry Stiller had a part in it. The music was fun, as it should be in a musical; my favorites were, (You’re) Timeless To Me” the love song between Mr. And Mrs. Turnblad, (John Travolta and Christopher Walken if you can picture it), and “You Can’t Stop The Beat”, by, pretty much, the whole cast. It was during “You Can’t Stop the Beat” that Edna, (Travolta); hit the dance floor in a sequined dress… at the urging of her loving husband, Wilbur. But why was it called “Hairspray”? Well, the Corny Collins’ Show, (the dance show), was going to have a “Miss Hairspray” contest during one of the shows. Amber von Tussle, (Brittany Snow), was a shoe-in because her mom, Velma, (Pfeiffer), ran the studio and rigged the contest. Feeling threatened by Traci, (Blonsky), the Von Tussle ladies swung into action, even to the point where Velma tried to seduce Traci’s nerdy father, Wilbur. But Traci is not to be deterred, soliciting the help of the “Negro Day” dancers Traci is determined to dance on the show, win the contest and win the heart of the “Corny Collins’ Show” heart-throb, Link Larkin, (Zac Efron). So, when all is said and done, does Tracie win her man? Maybe. Does Amber or Traci win the contest? There’s a ringer in the crowd! Okay, so it was the third generation singing telegram movie; it was great fun, predictable, yeah, but great fun… go see it! I’ll give it 3½ clouds out of 5. I enjoyed it but…
After a restless night you shut the alarm off and, immediately, go back to sleep. Then, being in a rush to get to work you take your coffee to work with you and, as luck would have it, the guy in front of you stops short and you end up with your coffee down the front of you and warming the parts of you you’d prefer not to discuss. Now you’re late for work and, will the boss believe the real reason; or will you make up an excuse? Well, things happen and you’re not alone. According to a survey sixteen percent of workers say they are late for work at least once a week. (Holy S***! I wouldn’t have the huevos for that one.) One-in-four admit to making up phony excuses for their tardiness. Being on both sides of that fence I’ve heard, and made up, some pretty good reasons for walking in late. They vary from forgetting something at home to feeling a little sick “When I got up, but I’m okay now.” (As that one turned out, he was hung-over from the night before. I told him the next time not to bother coming in at all… ever! I can be a real butt when I want to be.) Thirty-one percent of late-comers blame traffic, 16 percent fell back to sleep, (Hey! That’s my excuse!), and 8 percent blamed the kids being slow getting ready for school. Forty-one percent of men say they’ve never been late for work in their current job as opposed to 37 percent of the ladies. (Shame, shame ladies.) 78 percent of the men just tell the truth of their tardiness; where as 72 percent of the women tell the truth. (Ah hah! I knew it!) Most people that make up reasons do that because they fear the repercussions for telling the boss the real reason. (I spilled that coffee in my lap, burned the hell out of my...you know, and had to go home and change.) As it turns out, it doesn’t matter really, most bosses don’t care as long as your work is done on time and is of good quality. On the other hand, one-in-five will only give you three strikes per year, excuses being good or bad, and you're out. Here’s the best one, 27 percent of them don’t believe you anyway! Anyway, what I really wanted you to see is this; here are the top 10 examples of the most unusual excuses employees offered their managers for arriving late to work: 1. Someone was following me, and I drove all around town trying to lose them. 2. My dog dialed 911, and the police wanted to question me about what "really" happened. 3. My girlfriend got mad and destroyed all of my undergarments. 4. I woke up and thought I was temporarily deaf. 5. I just wasn't "feelin' it" this morning. 6. I was up all night arguing with God. 7. A raccoon stole my work shoe off my porch. 8. I super-glued my eye thinking it was contact solution. 9. I was putting lotion on my face when my finger went up my nose causing a nose bleed. 10. A prostitute climbed into my car at a stop light, and I was afraid my wife would see her and think I was messing around... so I got out of the car. Arguing with Who about feeling what when a which jumped in your car? Oh well, you gotta love these people... then fire them!
This Is The Week That Was For 07/16/07 “Born Free, Run Free” Russell Rotta of Blackman Township, Michigan, was sentenced to 30 days, 24 months probation and $1,500 in fines last Tuesday for jogging. Jogging you ask? Yep, for jogging. Unfortunately, for Rotta, he likes to jog wearing a stocking cap, gloves and reflective tape on his arms, ankles waist and thighs. Rotta was busted when some silly caller reported seeing a naked man running in the southbound lanes of U.S. Highway 127. (Some people just can’t mind their own business.) Anyway, Rotta told police that he didn’t do this to get some sort of sexual gratification, or anything like that. Running in the nude just gave him some sort of high; he’d been doing this since he was a teenager. He said he usually jogged in open fields and wooded areas so as not to alarm anyone. (Oops, I don’t think a U.S. Highways passes as a wooded area.) “I do wonder though, does he wear reflector tape on his… phallic? On the other hand that may be a good place for a mitten.” ************************************************************************************ Coombyah? A group of friends in Washington D.C. were just finishing a late dinner when an intruder walked in, put a gun to a 14 year-old girl’s head and said, “Give me your money, or I’ll start shooting!” Everybody froze when, not sure what else to do, one of the guests offered him some wine. Soon he was having wine, (Chateau Malescot St-Exupery), and indulging himself with some Camembert cheese. Now, this is where it really gets strange; after some good wine and the cheese, the intruder says, “I think I may have came to the wrong house, can I get a hug?” Soon the dinner party and the would-be thief were in a big ol’ group hug. A few moments later the intruder left with the crystal wine glass in hand, nothing else was taken. When he was out of site they locked the doors and dialed 911. “And just which, may I ask, crime did they report? ‘Assault with a friendly gesture’?” *************************************************************************************** You Thought This Was Where? Fremont Correctional Institute, (a state prison), near Canon City, Colorado, got a surprise visit last Tuesday. 25 military paratroopers did a great landing inside the perimeter of the prison grounds. No, they weren’t there to put down a riot nor were they there to pull off some sort of breakout. Not that at all, they just, quite literally, screwed up… or would that be screwed down? Anyway, the prison guards politely escorted them off the grounds with out incident. The investigation into the incident is under way and it seems the guards did the right thing. The Army and the Air Force deny any knowledge of the episode; the National Guard won’t return any calls. “I know! Call Nancy Pelosi; maybe the Democrats are forming their own army to fight the President’s army!” *************************************************************************************** And That Was The Week That Was for 07/16/07. Now, y’all have a good week and remember… that’s the military that’s protecting us all. If that doesn’t make you feel any better, remember this, “Nothing changes your opinion of a friend so surely as success - yours or his.”

Two By Two

Two by Two I checked out the “Book of Phobias” and there just didn’t seem to be “one-a-phobia”, or unaphobia, or whatever you want to call it. But I’m sure it must be there under some name or other, I mean, have you ever noticed that with most people, here in the States anyway, (No John, this isn’t a reason to pick on us Yanks), everything has to be in pairs, or three, sometimes four, or more? It must have started in the Book of Genesis with Noah, you know; “Bring the animals two by two”, or something to that effect. Take a look at something as common as a kitchen table, or a counter, what do you see? Salt and pepper, not just salt but salt and pepper. Has to be two. Two slices of bread for that sandwich…two headlights on the car. We’ve just gotten used to two, unless, of course, you want to be “Number One”, then it’s okay, but not just one. How about baseball? Three strikes and you’re out, four balls and you walk, three outs and the inning is over. Here’s a prime example: the other day I was at my doctor’s and he told me that he wanted me to take baby aspirin. “Why baby aspirin?” I asked. “Because,” He explained, “It’s only 80 mg and I want you to take one a day. It’s best for your heart.” The moments stretched out between us as I stared at him in astonishment. “Can you buy that in 40 mg?” I asked. “Why?” He looked at me quizzically. “They’re aspirin Doc,” I explained, “You gotta take two at a time! One at a time? It’s… it’s just…un-American!” (Okay, you can pick on that one). It’s up bringing, some things you just shouldn’t change. “Take two pills and call me in the morning.” Wasn’t that what they always said? Something else I noticed. I spend my day making construction drawings and down in the corner, where I number my drawings, it’s 01, 02, and 03 not just 1, 2, 3 but zero-one, zero-two, zero-three. When I noticed that lately I had to ask myself “Why? Am I afraid that that single digit will get lonely and depressed?” Another thing with numbers, did you notice how the news went on and on about the, once-in-a-hundred-years, lucky date this year? It was 07-07-07, not just 7-7-7 but zero-seven/zero-seven/zero-seven. In some ways that 7-7-7 looks better but when it’s a date we just can’t do it, it’s gotta be 07-07-07. Okay, I will admit that there are some things that look better in pairs; a beautiful pair of eyes, a perky pair of… ahem, better not go there… although...
This Is The Week That Was For 07/08/07 Pedestrian Posts A Little Too Manly Residents of the small town of Keizer, Oregon are complaining to the city that some recent additions to a busy intersection are a little too… shall we say manly looking? The city installed 52 posts at an intersection in town in an effort to protect pedestrians from traffic at the intersection. Unfortunately, as one city official put it, the posts look somewhat different than they did in the catalogue they ordered them from. Although many citizens have complained about their appearance, some have seen the humor in it. One woman commented that the city should keep them for sex education, "My son said he wanted to hang a sign on it that says 'always use protection,'" she said. What will the city do to fix the problem? Well, they plan on retrofitting the posts with metal collars and chains that run between them, which they hope will change the look. “Gimme a second to wipe the tears from my eyes. I’m trying to get the image of male phallic symbols with metal collars and chains attached to them! Yeah, that’ll fix the problem!” ************************************************************************************** Speaking of Symbols A Berwyn, Illinois landmark known officially as the “Spindle” has had many monikers over the years, names such as “Car-Kabob” and “Eight Car Pileup”. It also has had its 15 minutes of fame when it appeared in the Mike Myers movie “Wayne’s World” in 1992. Well, now its new name will be “Gone”. It seems that Walgreen’s Pharmacy wants that location for a new drug store, so the “Spindle” has to go. It was discussed that it be moved to a new location but the cost was considered to be a bit much. So, goodbye “Spindle” and hello corporate sell out! California artist Dustin Shuler, who built the piece in 1989, calls the dismantling "painful" and "a loss for Chicago." "Personally, I would have moved the Walgreen’s and left the Spindle where it is," he said. “Gee, I hope the city council got their pockets padded pretty good for that one.” ************************************************************************************* And That Was The Week That Was For 07/08/07. I apologize for it being so short but it has been busy lately and I am still laughing over that B&D Phallic Symbol thingy in Keizer, Oregon! Have a good week y’all and ‘Til the next time, remember, “It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.”

Mr. Brooks: A Movie Review

Mr. Brooks: A Movie Review “Mr. Brooks.” “Who?” My wife held up the movie section of the paper and said, “Mr. Brooks. It’s a movie I want to go see.” “Never heard of it.” “Kevin Costner’s in it.” “Oh? ‘Water World’ Ring any bells?” As usual Mamma won and so we went to see “Mr. Brooks”, and let me tell you something right now… before you plop down your hard earned cash to go see this movie… I was riveted from beginning to end. “Mr. Brooks” is a police/crime-drama/psycho-thriller and lives up to all of it. We start with Mr. Earl Brooks, (Kevin Costner), a model husband and father, a pleasant and successful man with an adoring and stunning wife, Emma, played by Marg Helgenberger, (she plays Catherine Willows on CSI: Las Vegas and I’ve been hooked on her since the first time I watched CSI). They have a daughter, Jane, (Danielle Panabaker), who is somewhat flaky but can do no wrong in daddy’s eyes. Okay now, our Mr. Brooks, although loving and successful, attends AA meetings to try to help him with a slight addiction he has been struggling with… He likes to kill people. In fact, he is a serial killer known as the “Thumb Print” killer. Now, this is where it all gets really interesting. You see our Mr. Brooks has a mean alter ego that just fails to understand why Earl is trying so hard to stop killing. This alter ego is so real to Earl that he has a name; Mr. Brooks calls him Marshall, (Marshall is superbly played by William Hurt). The conversations Earl has with Marshall get so involved at times you wonder why nobody else notices until you remember… Marshall is in Mr. Brook’s head. During one of his “kills” Mr. Brooks is spotted by a young man, Mr. Smith, (Dane Cook), which, rather than turn him in, decides he wants to join Mr. Brooks on the next mission. Okay, don’t want to give too much away there, you might pee your pants… like Mr. Smith. No good crime movie is complete without an over-zealous, but good cop, a cop that, of course, has a myriad of personal problems, which affects the job. After all, marriage/divorce can be a pesky little thing when one is trying to solve a murder spree. And this is all made worse BECAUSE of an escaped killer that is out to even the score because Atwood is the one that sent him to prison and he, and his girlfriend, are stalking detective Atwood. Don’t get lost on me, there’s more… Or should I say Moore? Oh, did I fail to mention that the Detective is Detective Tracy Atwood played by the beautiful Demi Moore? Well, I was bedazzled. Anyway, her problems are compounded by the fact that her much younger husband is out for mucho bucks in the divorce because our Detective Atwood inherited about $60 million from her daddy. Left anything out? Hmm, let me see… Oh yes, Jane, the loving daughter. Jane comes home from college because she wants to quit school and work for daddy, our Mr. Brooks. Well, as it turns out, Jane’s knocked up and daddy starts to get this bad feeling that little Janey has inherited daddy’s addiction. Hmm, did she? Anyway, the plot thickens up as the next escapade is planned and put off, (daddy is worried about Jane), and planned again, all the while, Detective Atwood is right on the heels of her suspect… Mr. Smith? Huh? During her investigation she nearly gets killed by her stalker and is almost taken into custody because of the public death wish she tossed out at her ex-to-be. And he ends up dead in what looks like a copy-cat "Thumb-Print" job. To be honest I could see where this movie could have ended up being a bomb, instead, an excellent performance by Costner and some great directing pulled it out of the hat. What you end up with is a credible story about a really nice guy that has quite a secret. And William Hurt is marvelous as the alter ego, the conversations they have are entertaining, for example: Mr. Earl Brooks: [about Mr. Smith] Maybe I should drive over there and pick him up. Marshall: No, just honk. Maybe he'll get killed crossing the street. Save us the mess of doing it. [Both start laughing. Then, Mr. Brooks honks the horn and Mr. Smith nearly gets hit by a car while crossing] Mr. Earl Brooks: Almost. I was hooked on this movie right from the beginning the very last, shocking scene with Mr. Brooks and his loving daughter Jane… No, wait, that wasn’t it, the last scene was… fascinating. I give it 4½ Clouds out of 5. Go see it, if you like police/drama/psycho-thrillers, you’ll love it. Even if you don’t, you’ll still like it.
This Is The Week That Was for 06/25/07 The Naked Truth While Troopers in Baton Rouge, La. were diverting traffic around an accident one driver, Bryan Batulis Jr., didn’t stop. When a trooper stepped out to try to stop the errant pick-up Batulis sped up and hit him in the leg and, before the incident was over, he tried to hit two more officers. Troopers finally shot out the right front tire but the pick-up traveled another six miles before crashing into a ditch, where, it was discovered, Batulis was driving in the nude! Batulis was arrested on three counts of attempted first-degree murder of a police officer; two counts each of reckless driving and aggravated flight from an officer; and one count each of resisting arrest and driving while impaired by a drug. (That’s it? What about being naked in public?) “I guess Ol’ Bryan wasn’t batting his stick-shift in public; that might have been illegal.” *************************************************************************************** “A Rose By Any Other Name…” No matter how you want to say a candidate’s name, it would be the same… unless you say it in Chinese. The Boston election officials are in a quandary about the spelling of names in the districts that are predominantly Chinese and must be spelled with Chinese characters… some just do not translate, well, not exactly that is. Many names have no Chinese characters so what has to be done use characters that closely match the sound of each syllable, which, in some cases, loses a little in the translation. Mitt Romney, for instance, could be read as “Sticky Rice”. Fred Thompson, on the other hand, would be “Virtue Soup”! (No politician I know of!) How about “Oh Bus Horse”? Uh, I mean Barack Obama. Boston’s Mayor Thomas Menino, was really a winner, he had three translations; “Sun Moon Rainbow Farmer”, Barbarian Mud No Mind Of His Own” or just “Imbecile”. (I would say the last one sounded pretty good.) As if things weren’t bad enough, the ballots have to be in two different dialects, Mandarin and Cantonese. “I wonder what the Chinese character is for ‘Oh Sh**!” *************************************************************************************** Beer Belly Run Anyone? Only in Wisconsin do beer and exercise mix. Several hundred people laced up Sunday morning for a two-mile charity race in which suds were the refresher of choice. Competitors in the 19th annual Beer Belly Two might not be considered athletes, but they know how to have a good time. "My kids are running it, so hopefully they're already at the finish line and I'll see them in an hour or so," said racer Doug Burmeister. "You know, there's a lot of beer stops." The race has raised more than $350,000 for local charities since its inception. Beer Belly veteran Mike Marin said this is one workout he can really get into. "This way the wife allows me to have a couple of beers because you're doing something," he said. "A little exercise, you kill two birds with one stone." “Kind of gives a whole new meaning to the Beer Run.” **************************************************************************************** And That Was The Week That Was For 06/25/07. So ‘til the next time remember, “It has been said that man is a rational animal. All my life I have been searching for evidence which could support this.”
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