Sometimes I get deep and not always make sence , But I understand me......and at the end of the day thats what
If beauty is in the eyes of the beholder...........Why is it so many of us are UGLY????
Just beacuse I said the word UGLY, doesnt mean I meant looks.....I meant deep with in our souls.
Many people have ugly souls and are mean and nasty. I was chatting on line with a friend of mine and they told me that someone told him, he was ugly. To me she was the ugly one to have said such mean and nasty words. If most of us were honest, when we woke up in the morning we arent all fine as hell. We all have morning breath, sleep in our eyes and bed head......Lets get really here.
Threw out the days, months and years we have all put on some weight, got another age line and lost a bit of hair. We all have fault, So I ask when you look in that mirror again........DO YOU SEE AN UGLY PERSON? Lets take a good look at ourselfs and remember "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder". Too bad we all dont come with a label on our foreheads saying "I'm UGLY, deep within my soul.