So over the weekend I went with 15 other people for a crazy weekend up north. We stayed in a cabin on a lake and had over $1000 of alcohol. The first night staying up till the early morning hours drinking like old times playing drinking games and skinny dipping in the lake. Then I get old! Even though I went to bed so late (and was drunk) I was up early enough to go fishing and sit in a boat for 7 hours. Only caught a small perch to add to the misery. I come in, grab a beer and fall asleep on the couch watching the baseball game. I’m out of hours!
When I awake I go down to the lake and jump in with the rest of them and drink several more beers. Water is 80 and perfect just to float in. After dinner and couple more beers I decide to head out and fish till dark while others sat and got piss drunk again. When I return I grabbed a beer and a bottle of water to sit by the fire and relax. Above me they play cups and are getting crazy. I retire to bed early only having a couple drinks of my last beer but finishing the water.
Next morning I’m up at 5am and on the lake. Fish cast and I nail a northern. Well that was it, not another bite all morning. haha! Come back to the cabin and start to pack. Noticed I had my warm beer on the counter. Needing this bottle I tip it up and slam it. IT WAS HORRIBLE! Strawberry Wheat Beer warm in the morning. So am I getting old? Instead of getting piss drunk and having a headache and playing hair of the dog the next morning I would rather sit on a boat in the middle of a lake and catching nothing. I still had my share of alcohol starting with 6 beers and 5 Margaritas on Friday night. I guess I just went for the good buzz.
Though the wildlife was amazing! I can see why the bald Eagle is our symbol. Such a graceful animal but feared by all other animals.