Script for
Filipino-style Wedding in America
Extract from the seiyaku website page
on weddings in the Philippines
The ceremonies you are about to witness, the Unity Wedding Coins,
the Unity Veil and Unity Cord, the Wedding Rings and Vows, and the
Unity Candle Lighting, are uniquely and traditionally a part of the
Filipino wedding.
If there is anyone present who feels that this unique and beautiful
wedding ceremony should not take place, let him or her now come
forward and state their reasons or forevermore hold your peace.
Blessing and exchange of coins
As the coins are offered on a pillow by the Coin Bearer:
Lord, bless these coins. Grant (Groom) and (Bride) not only material
possessions, but abundant spiritual strength, which these coins
symbolize, so that they may bless others.
Hold the coins in your hands as a sign that your blessings will no
longer be held separately, but together. And may you always show
that whatever gift you may have in this life is not ultimately yours but
the Lord's.
As the couple exchange the coins:
(Groom), take these coins as a pledge of our commitment to share
God's gifts.
(Bride), I accept and treasure your gift. Let us together always share
God's blessings.
May God bless these arras as a sign of mutual support and
I give you these coins as a pledge of my dedication to you, the care of
our home, and the welfare of our children.
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I accept them and in the same way pledge my dedication to you, the
care of our home, and the welfare of our children.
The groom lets the coins fall into the hands of the bride
(Bride), accept these coins as a pledge of my total dedication and
constant concern for your welfare. In the name of the Father, and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Prayers for Couple's Veil
Music is played as Veil Sponsors place veil over couple's shoulders.
(Groom) and (Bride), at Baptism you were clothed with the white
garments symbolizing the new life of purity and joy in the Lord, to
which the Risen Christ has called you. We clothe you again with this
precious garment as you enter into the new phase of your life with
God. Wear it unstained and let the joy of the spirit shine forth to you
and your children whom the Lord's loving design will bring into your
The Veil covers this couple today reminding them and us that Christ
covers us in his love. Their new home will be a place where God
dwells because this couple chooses to be under the mantel of his
Lord, with this veil, which represents this couple's union and mutual
surrender to each other, may you always protect (Groom) and (Bride)
from any harm and strengthen them to provide continuous moral and
spiritual support to each other and their children. May they remain
loyal helpmates to each other as they carry life's burden with joy.
(Groom) and (Bride); (Male veil sponsor) and (Female veil sponsor)
will now place a veil over you. Let this be a symbol of the faithful love
you have for each other. Through the passing of the years, let the veil
remind you that you belong to each other and to no one else, and that
the love you have for each other becomes more beautiful in
self-surrender that is total and pure. In Jesus' precious name...
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