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The Way It Works..(MayBe)

Let me try ( I have a really hard time getting the concept in the head to be understandable on the page) to explain why our seeming direct observation of the universe is skewed be the intrinsic bias of us , and every tool we use, being made of the matter that was converted out of the QP of the BB. First I start from the position that there WAS a BB , this is a position solely based on my agreement with COBE and other observation platforms that seem to show expansion from a starting point and relative uniform back ground microwave radiation. Many I have tried to explain my postulate too first jump in and state that there was no BB so from that point the explanation will always fail. Consider what was the "Stuff" of the BB.. I have dubbed is a Quantum Point ... This seems to be the best term of description I can conger and here’s why. I conceive it as a Quantum of energy of an indefinable content. indefinable because before time 0 it is void of any matter and as such it cannot be defined by any physical rules as all physical rules only apply to matter in relation to other matter. Eisenstein generally proved that matter Can be converted into energy and energy back into matter so this Quantum point can be converted into matter. We are here speaking of it so it by logic must have done so. So the QP must follow some rule and the only one that can apply would be Probability. I see it as having the probability to convert none, very little, some or all of that energy into matter. Take the mental exercise of a 1oz cube of matter. it has a finite mass, a finite 3 dim structure and exist in a finite point in space/time. If I were able to completely convert that matter into energy without any other matter in relation to it, it would have to be considered as an infinite amount of energy. Because there is no physical rules that can be applied it will always model as infinite and chaotic. So while we try to define the QP of the BB we always fail and all rules of physics fail. That failure causes us to conceptualize infinity. Now lets say the QP actually had a finite amount of Unified Indefinable Energy. It converts a portion of that energy into matter. The concept I see is that it only converted a portion into matter and anti-matter . That begs the question of what the remaining Unified Indefinable Energy is and how it permeates the universe. Now if I follow that admittly nebulous abstract concept I must recognize that I, You, and every particle in the universe exist within that remaining energy. That leads me to envision that the remaining Unified Indefinable Energy of the QP still exist and is only spread out as the matter is propelled by the early conversions of the converted matter as it is converted into various forms of Physical Energies such as kinetic, L/H nuke ect. as matter and anti-matter run into each other early on. I could explain that better if needed but its just a prolog to what we are speaking. Now, We have real little physical balls of stuff after this inflation period and I think they are connected via the remaining Unified Indefinable Energy left over from the BB. Since these SPP's (Smallest Physical Particles) were converted and blasted by the BB they are set to ringing and this ringing produces a EM wave which propagates between every other SPP. You cannot ever know what that wave form is actually because every SPP produces a EM wave and if I were a SPP trying to observe another SPP all I observe is the Heterodyne wave of my own wave form and all other SPP's. So that is where I get the concept of Intrinsic Bias. When we dig up ore to smelt the metals to build the devices we use to observe we, without knowing it, are picking materials that have Intrinsic Bias. We are connected to the device which is connected to the subject of our observation. So how does this fit with the standard model ? It actually seems to fit pretty well. And in my mind actually simplifies the universe. It also allows a Unified view that cannot be obtained by physical laws. At the same time it allows existing physical rules to remain intact for the most part. But it explains a few points that fly in the face of existing laws. Because we live within the Box so to speak we cannot model or observe the box itself. That’s the intrinsic bias. If I look at a Quark and Gluon I actually cannot observe them as the waves of all SPP's locally heterodyne, including the EM waves produced by the devices used to observe and the observer. This bias causes me to model discreet objects where they may be only waves observed at a fixed point in space/time. Even if the SPP's were large as compared to say what we observe as sub-atomic physical particles we would only observe the waves , which may seem to have physical properties, due to the intrinsic bias of us being formed of SPP's and producing EM waves. This ,to me, seems to fit the observed universe and even makes a prediction. I wrote back in 1989 that if I were correct the Universe would expand in an ever increasing rate of expansion. I stand by that prediction. It also predicts that the velocity of c and the value of G are variables, But because of our intrinsic bias position within the QP ( I dub it the Quantum State (QS) once matter was converted) we can only observe G and c as constants. We will never be able to detect a gravitational wave as the wave varies because we vary, any device we try to use varies and in order to observe the wave we would have to observe it from outside the box. Take a ruler and measure a cube, if the cube got bigger at the same rate the ruler got bigger we could never know that the cube got bigger unless we had something external that we knew stayed the same size. Look at this concept on a 1 dim construct. X'x = SPP'1, SPP'2,SPP'3 ect. ------ = QS (QP) (Quantum State with matter, Quantum Point without matter) < or > = direction of motion + or - = value of QS ^'x = point of observation < + < - > + < - > X'1-----------X'2---X'3---X'4---------X'5 ^'1 ^'2 ^'3 ^'4 ^'5 ^'6 ^'7 ^'8 If I consider only X'1 and X'8 as they expand the QS reduces in steady state value ( the analogy I use is an inverse rubber band where as you stretch the band its tension decreases and increases as the SPP's move closer together while always staying connected no matter the separation distance.) If I try to observe this variance at say ^'6 I cannot detect this variance, as I (X'4) exist within that which is varying. That’s the intrinsic bias of which I speak If X'3 try’s to observe X'2 and X'4 it again is biased and can never detect the variance. Now set all X'x's to ringing and producing EM waves propagated along -------- the discreet waves can never be observed as any observation will be of the heterodyned waves of all SPP's. Only if a observer was outside could you observe a discreet wave. Now Lets send a wave pulse from X'1 to X'5. The tension of the total QS sets the value of travel on a global scale but as that wave passes ^'4 its now within a local point where the value of QS is reduced and the velocity of the wave slows. But due to the position of say X'2 it would never detect the variance. Locally it would seem a constant value. The variance of the QS between SPP's would be undetectable as a direct value but would have a local effect that would be detectable and would seem to be a observable force . This is the causation aspect of local gravity wells and the mental construct of curved space/time. This also says that the value of c varies as SPP's become dense due to this variance of universal G and local g . But the variance would be only observable to an observer inside the QS as a constant at any fixed point. So following this logic I state that all discreet particles that display the aspect of duality's are only waves and appear as little balls of stuff due to the intrinsic position of the observer and that of the wave being observed. Because of this bias we have to make complicated constructs to make sense of what we observe. We make multi dimensions, strings and a host of models to reflect what we think is going on. Using this idea I conclude there are only 3 spacial dim's and 1 ethereal. The reason for the value of c to seem to be effected by local mediums is not due to absorbsion and re-emission, but due to the local value of the QS being far greater in a local frame. This would (I think) give the same mathematical model as absorbsion and re-emission if we modeled the variance between the SPP's at the same rate as we model the absorbsion and re-emission construct. Now I admit to being a novice but to me this simplifies the universe and eliminates the mental constructs of Duality, Infinity and constants explains the causation of gravity and explains why we cannot using existing rules find causes for magnetism and gravity without assuming new and exotic little balls of stuff in our models. Now I have asked for folks to poke holes into this idea for many years and yet to find a rational argument against it that cannot be addressed but since it deals with the state between physicals without regard to them it will always be a unverifiable construct with the possibility of one aspect being able to experimentally test. Static electrical charge across a high state dielectric may ( pure conjecture) alter the local value of the QS on a very local scale. This could cause the device to alter its relative mass in relation to all other matter in the universe. If a device can produce a high enough electrostatic stress field its relative mass may be variable. Then again these are just the ramblings of an engineer and we all know how much credence are given engineers in the halls of science.... Paul R. Mays
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