Greetings and Bonjour to All whom come to find the Dark World of the Vampire Lestat,
As you can obviously see this is a roleplaying profile and none of the actors are me, a friend told me about this site and I figured it would be an interesting site to portray the character. I am just stating that I am not Stuart Townsend nor are any of the pictures are of me, Lestat is a character dear to my heart created by Anne Rice.
If your a non roleplayer, whom is a fan of the movies or books,feel free to add me, and you can do the same on my myspace profile where I roleplay Louis, although Lestat I perfer but there are tons of Lestat's there. Below is my Louis profile just to show you that I am a deep roleplayer.
I perfer multi paragraph roleplayers, but for now I shall do oneliners or out of character discussions being there aren't many roleplayers on here.