I live and breath motorcycles, I would sleep on one if I could. I love to ride when the sun is setting, sound cliche? Seriously though there is a road I love to ride. Every night when I come across the same path the sun sets and a shadow of calm casts over me. Day fades to night and the land sleeps.
As I ride I forget all the depressions and stresses of being human. All the craziness seems to melt away. In this moment there is no pain or worry, no regret nor anger. There is only me, my bike and all the peace and quiet the night brings. There is something so magical about the night time, something the day can not duplicate.
As I ride into this particular moment I am one with everything around me. The world seems to make sense from every little animal to even city traffic. I feel at one with the universe for a brief moment. I believe that there is something bigger then this life because nothing as simple as watching day turn to night could make a person feel so alive. There has to be a soul in my body and it feels free. This feels so right! This feels like only the beginning of something much much better.
I travel at 100mph and it feels like floating at a crawls pace. Taking both hands off the bar I cross my arms and take it in. I breath every last drop deep into my lungs. I get lost in the moment and smile, I forget I am riding. it is now that I believe in the world and everyone in it. It is now I feel the harmony between angels and mankind. It is now that I know that I only think I am riding alone.
This moment is absolutely perfect! The feeling consumes me, and if ever in my life there was a time to cry because of happiness now would be it. I often think how easy it would be to just steer into on coming traffic and close my eyes, then would the moment be eternal? Thinking about it I realize that this feeling would be worth less if it was easier to find. So I stick around to hunt it again.
As my eyes swell with tears the moment is gone... I look down and remember I am riding a machine, I grab the bars. Reality has once again found me and taken me prisoner. I take comfort in the fact that the sun will set again tomorrow braking these chains of pain! So until then I await my next encounter and I stay forever chasing her, my beautiful moment.