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Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Her heart fell as she stepped into the room. There were pictures of him and her mother everywhere. Pictures from many years ago were hanging on the wall, but the one picture that stood out the most was a family portrait. She stepped close to the portrait to see it better. “It’s you.” A voice said softly. “I know that’s me, but…” “It is the only family picture we have. Only I have a copy. Your mother refused to keep one. She said if you where to see it...” He paused. “You would start questioning her and she was going to have a hard time as is. She didn’t want the questions.” “You abandoned use!” “No! I did not. Kim I had no chose. If I had stayed with you two and tried to have a family with a human wife. I would have lost both of you!” “You did, the day you left.” “Kim, please don’t. It is bad enough I lost your mother, and when she died I wanted to come and take you here. I really did, but I promised your mother.” “My mother died and I was put through hell. Yeah dad that was some promise. Huh?” “Kimberly, honey, I’m so sorry for all the crap you went through. I did my best to help, with out breaking my promise to your mother.” “Why? Why now?” She asked her voice both furious and lost. He looked at her for a minute. He knew what he had to say, but could he and was he ready to do that. To her, his daughter, he studied her face before he spoke again. “About a month ago some one broke in here while Chris and Myself were in Germany. They stole some very important paper work. One of with happen to be the paper work starting that I was your father, which is very bad.” “Why?” she interrupted. “Well, because it’s looked down upon to have a child with a human. Plus you become a weakness to me. Let’s say I had stayed with you and your mother, and one of my kind got a hold of you. Well I would have to bend to there will. I would never let anything happen to you, but in a bind like that I would throw my own life away.” She sighed softly, and he continued going. “Now, Kimberly, what I have to tell you next. Well, its not easy for me to say.” “Spit it out, please.” He sighed at my impatience’s. “You’re not going to like me for a while, but the only way to be sure your safe is to, well, is to bring you into our world.” He stopped there; her face must have given some kind of understanding. She must have known what he was talking about. “You can’t! No, I will not go along with that! I don’t care if you really are my father. I will not do that!” She spat at him. He frowned; she did know what he meant. “Kimberly, please you must understand. That is the only way that your will truly be safe. Your mother didn’t like the idea of it, so I didn’t push it, and look where it got her. She dead and it wasn’t an accident either.” “What do your mean it wasn’t and accident!” She choked out the words. His sigh made things worse. “Your mother, my wife, was killed in a car crash, but it was an accident. She was run off the road by someone that found out she was my wife. You should know damn well Raven never drank. She could even be in the same room with alcohol.” “I, I uh…” She couldn’t find her words as tears slowly fell from her eyes. She knew her mother never drank alcohol. She knew something was a miss when they told her about the accident, but this, this she knew he wasn’t lying to her. She tried to speak again, but only managed a whisper. “Why me, why an I the one that has to be his wife?” He knew where this was going. He wrapped his arms around her, something he had wish to do for so many years, and hugged her as he whispered. “Because, the Leader and his wife most both be of noble blood. You being my daughter, you have noble blood in you, but Chris can’t take you as his wife if you are a human.” “Isn’t there someone else? A vampire of noble blood?” “If there was I would even dream of turning you, but Kimmy, you’re the only noble blooded female. I’ve looked and the only other female with noble blood was banished for trying to kill our former Leader.” He sighed softly as he hugged her close. He didn’t want the future his daughter was about to be thrown into, but it was inevitable.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Chris softly pulled Kim to him and kissed her shoulder. “Good evening little one” He whispered softly into her ear. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. “Did you sleep well?” Chris asked as he sat up, she did not answer him. “You know Kim; I know more about you than you think.” “Oh really now….well, I guess I know more about you too.” She said to be smartass. “Like what do you think you know about me?” “That you were an asshole, but now you’re a stalker and kidnapper as well.” She saw her words seem not to move him. “Does the name Raven Nightrain, mean anything to you?” Kim sat up at looked at him dead in the eyes. “That my mothers name, but where, how did you find that name?!” He smiled softly, and pushes some of his hair back. “She is, well was my fathers best friends’ wife, and you are his daughter. This also makes you my fiancé.” He said softly. Kim was in shock. She had never met her father, and when her mother was still alive, she could never remember a time where her mother talked about him. “I don’t believe you.” Was the only thing she could think to say to everything he’d said. “Why?” “Because, why would my mother lie to me?!” “She didn’t want you to get hurt, because of me.” A male voice behind her said. Kim turned to see a tall man standing in the door way. “I, I don’t understand.” Kim said, as she tried to piece things together. “We didn’t expect you too.” The male said softly. “If you are who you say you are, then why didn’t you come for me after my mother died?!” She asked softly, with grief and disbelieve heavy in her voice. “Because your mother made me promise that I wouldn’t go near you until your twenty-first birthday, and even still only if it was truly necessary. Your mother didn’t want this life style for you, and I didn’t ether.” “Then why? Why now?” She asked, still not sure she understood. “Because, well two reasons. The first is: Well Chris is soon to take over as the leader of our race, and he must have a wife, with noble blood. And Second: It seems some one found out you where my daughter. This puts you in great danger.” The man sighed. “You need to trust him. He wouldn’t lie to you.” Chris said as he softly rubbed her back. Kim didn’t know what to believe, and the sight of a few tears made that clear. Chris quickly pulled her to him and hugged her warmly. “Chris, after she recovers, take her to my room please. I think it will help her understand.” “Ok Joseph, I will.” Chris answered as he kissed the top of Kim’s head. After about an hour she was able to pull myself from her thoughts, which wasn’t easy. What was going on? Was this some kind of a funny joke? Vampires were one thing but her father? She looked at Chris. “What kind of joke are you playing?” “What do you mean?” He frowned. “Kimberly, look I know this is hard for you to understand, and I know your hurt by the thought that your mother could have lied to you. I really do understand but you have to trust us. I wouldn’t dare hurt you and neither would he.” “Grr… Fine I’ll talk to him. Just stop trying to convince me you’re not some crazy man trying to get his kick, by putting me through hell!” She snapped at him. “Calm down and come on. I’ll take you too him.” He chuckled as he held his hand out for her; she slapped it away and stood up. “I don’t need your help. I’m not a baby so don’t treat me like one.” “I wasn’t trying to treat you like a baby, and I’m sorry if it seemed like I was.” “Well come on Chris. I want to get this over with.” “I know you do.” She looked at him for a minute. “Then stop standing there and led the way damn it!” She snapped at him. She followed behind him as he led the way down a long and beautiful hall way. Who was this man she was about to meet? What if he really was her father? If he was, why did her mom lie? These questions and some many more rush through her head. As she stood in front of the old oak door, which would take her to who was suppose to be her father. The door opened and her heart began to race.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 It was around one am when Chris and Kim entered the park entrance. They walked a ways in before anything was said. The lights were dim and the moon was full and bright as if the sky was waking upon a new day, but yet it was still night and magic was about life. How she loved the night, it was simply and unrushed. “Ah, such beauty” “Huh?” Kim said turning around to look at him. He was looking her over with sharp piercing eyes. “You’re so beautiful” He said hissing slightly. It’s funny how she had only just now noticed that. She looked at him and just barely caught a glimpse of his fangs. She stepped back as he stepped forward. She could yell, scream and run, but it would do her no good for he was a vampire. He’d catch her in seconds, plus there was no one else close enough to help her. They were alone within the park. “Is some thing wrong?” He asked as steps toward her. “Oh no, I just don’t like begin so close to people.” She answered as she stepped back again. Her mind raced with thoughts, “How the hell to do I get myself out this, before I become his damn meal for the night.” “Really now?” He smiled as he also knew her thoughts too, did she really think he would not know what she was thinking. “Yes, so please...” She cut her self off as her back hit a tree. Chris took this chance to pin her to the tree. He quickly moved in front of her and placed his right hand on the tree beside her head, and his other on her waist. She pushes at him to get away, but it was not use he was to strong. “Don’t be scared” He whispered in to her ear. “Get off of me, you Bastard!” “Come on, name calling isn’t needed” He said as he took his hand for the tree and softly ran it down the side of her face. He stopped when his hand was under her chin. She tried to push him off of her again, but it still did no good. He chuckled softly then kissed her neck. “Stop struggling and relax, I promise it wont hurt much, but if you struggle it will.” He whispered, and then kisses her neck again, but this time he sucked on it softly. The feel of him softly kissing and sucking on her neck make her muscles loosened up. Chris smiled softly, and then quickly the bite down. Kim gasped in slight pain at the feel of his razor sharp fangs pieced her neck. Chris pulled her closer as he drank her blood. He was doing as much as he could to not hurt her, but there was always some pain. After a few minutes he stop and lifted his head from her neck. He softly licked a small trail of blood away, and kissed her neck. Kim was panting softly, and she was almost too tired to stand. When Chris loosen his hold on her, she sank back against the tree. He ran his hand down the side of her face, trailing the place he had just bite upon. “Rest now little one” He whispered. When Kim awake, she realized she was not in her room. She was still too tired to sit up. She looked around to see where she was. The room was a deep red color with black boarders. It was a big room, but the only furniture was the bed, a dresser and a full body mirror. This wasn’t any of her friends’ rooms. Her neck started to hurt slightly, and she went to rub it. That’s when she remembered what had happened earlier this morning. There was a knock at the door, and then it opened. “Young Master, I’m sorry to wake you, but you are needed.” An older looking gentleman said as he stood in the doorway. Some thing moved behind her, it pulled her closer. “Fine I’ll be there in a few now go.” The person behind her answered, it was Chris. She tried to move away from him. “Oh no you don’t, you’re not going anywhere.” He said pulling her back. “Let go of…” He cut her off by quickly rolling her onto her back and kissing her. “Stay here and rest for now, and no I didn’t do anything to you while you were asleep. I maybe a vampire, but I’m no rapists.” He said, and then disappeared. Kim laid there, closed her eyes and thought to herself. An hour past and she had been so lost in thought, that she didn’t hear Chris enter the room. “You know losing your self in thought can be a bad thing.” He said as he walked over to the bed. She grabbed the pillow beside her and threw it in his face as hard as she could, but he just chuckled. She rolled on to her side, so that her back was to him. “Some one’s fired up.” He said as he sat on the edge of the bed and gently rolled her on to her back again. “Don’t touch me!” She said rolling back on to her side. He ran his hand from her shoulder to as far as he could touch. “You’re so beautiful, how can I not touch you.” “Easy, just don’t.” She said removing his hand from her side. He pulled her close and rolled her on to her back. He kissed her softly as he run his hand down the side of her face. “I’ve seen you so many times at the bar, and I’ve always wanted to talk to you, but you where always with friends.” He said softly as he kissed down her neck. “You are so beautiful, that I couldn’t help but fall for you. I wanted to know you, love you, and touch you, and now I will.” He said as he softly sucked on the nape of her neck. She pushed at him, but it was still no use. “Let go of me” She said trying to move away. He held her close and kissed her shoulder. She relaxed her shoulder and stopped pushing at him. He stopped kissing her neck and looked at her. “Bastard!” she said as she slapped him, but he just chuckled. She went to slap him again, but find her arm pinned to the bed and him on top of her. She struggled to get him off of her, but he held his ground with only one hand. “Relax, please trust me. I’m not going to hurt you.” He said as he softly ran his hand around the bottom of her shirt. He slowly moved his hand up, but stopped sort of her breast. He lean down and kissed her on the lips softly. “Your need to trust me, I wouldn’t touch you in a harm full way.” He said them released her arms and moved to the side of her. “I really do want to know you, and everything else I said, but I’m not going to take it. I want you to tell me.” He said as he softly ran hand down her face. He lightly turned her head to make her look at him. She was truly beautiful, her emerald green eyes pieced the darkness of the room, and she had a head turning body. But there was more to why Chris was so in love with her, some things that she wasn’t even aware of.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 “Kim, you look so beautiful in that shirt I bought you!” Jamie said as she snapped a picture of her standing up against the bar. Jamie had given Kim a red and black off the shoulders shirt for her birthday, which happened to go great with Kim’s favorite pair of dark jeans. The shirt made her eyes glow like firelight upon the darkest night of life. Her breast were just showing enough to make men do a double take to see her well form body and cute shape butt that was something to just lean up on and ride up close too in a slow, but very erotic dance of forbidden pleasure. “Thanks Jamie, but do you have to take so many pictures?” Kim asked as she looked around the bar. Kim was looking for something, but not sure what she was looking for or hoping to find to make her birthday a little more exciting than just hanging with her friends. She loved with all her and soul, but she was tired of the same old thing with same old friends, she wanted passion and mystery within her life. “Misato, why are you so quiet?” Kim asked as she poked Misato’s side. “Oh! Don’t do that, it tickles.” Misato giggles. A booth opened up and the girls moved over to it after the waitress had cleaned it. “So, Kim are you enjoying your birthday?” Travis asked as he finished of his glass of rum and coke. “Yes, I am thanks.” She answered as she looked around. Why had she lied, she knew why, she didn’t want to hurt them, but she couldn’t be cold and mean by telling her dear friends….. “Hey am bored as hell…..I want a hot man and need more of something else in my life.” The bar started to get busy around midnight. Bodies swaying to the music, drunken men staring at them, and girls gossiping about life. “It’s getting busy and I have to get up and go job hunting at some point, so I need to go.” Travis sighed softly. “Yeah I need to go too.” Jamie replied. “Ok that’s fine I had a great time. Thank you so much you, guys. Have a great rest of the evening.” Kim replied as she hugged her friend’s good bye. Misato stay for a few more minutes then left. Kim smiled as she waved good-bye, and then sat back in the booth alone. She had nowhere to go or needed to be at this point of time, so she was going to stay at the bar for a little while longer, before she went home. It was twelve-thirty, the busiest part of the night and she was sitting alone in the booth. Her thought were taking her away to wild and exciting dream that she wish was her real life, but it wasn‘t. She was lost, she didn’t see him walk over to her. “Good evening” A man voice said which kicked her back to reality. She looked up to see who was talking to her. Her mind screamed, “Oh god is he hot.” She had to shake her head and look around quickly to see, if he was really talking to her, and he was. That was when she paid attention to his looks, she start sizing him up…. He seem to be 6’1 or taller, and his hair was short on the sides and pony tailed in the back (black in color). He was muscular and well toned. His dark eyes sparkle like a black diamond that called out to you to surrender to him. Well dress for a regular at this place, but he was as fine as a dreaming lover walking out of romance book. “Oh, good evening.” She answered finally as she could hardly say the words because her heart was flipping and her damn soul was screaming and doing damn jig with her body that made her legs bounce against the table like someone was knocking on a damn door that need to be answer. “What is a beautiful lady like you doing alone at a place like this?” He asked softly. Well he was praying she was alone still, he knew she had friends with her, but he though they had walked out of the front door, but they could had gone to restrooms. “I decided ….I wanted to stay a little while longer, after my friends left.” She answered. “Damn, that was stupidity.” ran through her mind. “Well, do you care for some company?” “Sure, why not I’m in a good mood.” She watched as he sat across from her, he was more than what she thought….he was more than fine looking, he was someone that would never be hers, but here he was sitting and talking to her. “Well, I’m Chris, and just why are you in a good mood?” He extended his hand to shake hers. “ Am Kim, and well it’s kind of my birthday.” She answered softly, but added, “Jamie and Misato had to leave town on the morning of my birthday so they celebrated it tonight before they had to leave, but now am all alone, until you came over to sit and talk with me.” “Really well happy birthday, how old are you?” “Twenty-one” “Oh, are you sure you didn’t just stay to get drunk?” He asked with a chuckle. “I’m sure” She smiled at him. “It’s a lovely night you know.” “I know, but what’s your point?” She was quick on the draw, it was because she wanted something more than some man hitting on her to get lucky and deep down she was hoping this one was more into long term relationship than a one night stand. “Snappy” “Sorry, old habits are hard to kill off.” “Its fine, my point is how about we go for a walk. It’s kind of crowned here. Plus it’s so loud; it’s hard to hear you over all the music and people chatting about us.” “Hmm. Ok that’s fine.” Kim said as she finished her drink, and then stood up. They left the bar and headed for the park.


The Nights Wonders: The story of the Underworlds Night Walkers Intro Kimberly was sitting upon one of those wooden old bar stools that turn around and around like a spinning top at the bar with some of her friend on a Saturday night in early December. This was the night her life would turn upside down. Kimberly was a German/ Japanese mix; she was 5’9, and about 124lbs. She has beautiful long auburn hair when the firelight or candlelight hits it spark like a blood ruby upon a magically night, and rare emerald eyes that makes hearts flutter and seem like the last drop of your blood has flowed away to belong to her hidden thirst, even thought she was not into drinking blood. Her friends; Jamie, Travis, and Misato, she had come out upon the town with were all celebrating Kim’s 21st birthday. It was around eleven thirty pm on December 9th. The bar they were in was the “Midnights Cry”, it was a small bar, only had two floors. The first floor was the general public bar, and the up stairs was the VIP (of sorts) bar, that was guarded like Fort Knox. The only way to go up stairs was to be invited, but that was a rarely invite for anyone other than the ones that always went upstairs. Anyone that tried would find a hard lesson from the four mean and huge bouncers that stood there at the bottom of those stairs, lucky the men and women bathroom were on the first floor.
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