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What are you waiting for?

had so much fun last night. I had a date that showed up! Why is it when I say. "Girl don't keep a pimp waiting!" She's there like bam! And when i'm normal me.. I wait for 3 hours and then she shows up? go figgure.. lmao Anywho. I was one of the best dressed ones there.. women checkin me out. free drinks for me.. Pics were taken with me cuz.. Well I was da mack! lmao And I got over my fear of tall women. Yes Ali, I had a slight fear of tall women. They never liked me .. Ok it was the 3rd grade .. Ok sue me.. I was tramatized , my pimp card shredded, my black man card , put on hold! Well , Last night my friend made up for it. She's so sweeeeeeeeeeet! So tallllllllllllllll.. We even matched ! , ONly by accident! Notice the purple and my lavender aka purple .. pimps say lavender! lmao Good times.. I even shook my pimpness a little dancing.. sorry no pics of me dancing ! lmao Well, I gotta run and install that power supply in my server. 750 watts baby! Yes I'll have pics of that too! lmao OH yeah.. Every bother gets a BMC.. black man card and when you do something cool you get points.. stupid things you get negative points.. aka buying firearms TI.. ugh why man why.. anyways.. There isn't a real card.. its fictional.. don't look in your mailboxes and think you will find one. lmao nite

this is so true !

Sean Kingston - Beautiful Girls Beautiful Girls JR! Sean Kingston! Chorus: You're way too beautiful girl That's why it'll never work You'll have me suicidal, suicidal When you say it's over Damn all these beautiful girls They only wanna do your dirt They'll have you suicidal, suicidal When they say it's over Verse 1: See it started at the park Used to chill at the dark Oh when you took my heart That's when we fell apart Coz we both thought That love lasts forever (lasts forever) They say we're too young To get ourselves sprung Oh we didn't care We made it very clear And they also said That we couldn't last together (last together) Refrain: See it's very define, girl One of a kind But you mush up my mind You walk to get declined Oh Lord... My baby is driving me crazy (Repeat Chorus) Verse 2: It was back in '99 Watchin' movies all the time Oh when I went away For doin' my first crime And I never thought That we was gonna see each other (see each other) And then I came out Mami moved me down South Oh I'm with my girl Who I thought was my world It came out to be That she wasn't the girl for me (girl for me) (Repeat Refrain and Chorus) Verse 3: Now we're fussin' And now we're fightin' Please tell me why I'm feelin' slightin' And I don't know How to make it better (make it better) You're datin' other guys You're tellin' me lies Oh I can't believe What I'm seein' with my eyes I'm losin' my mind And I don't think it's clever (think it's clever) You're way too beautiful girl That's why it'll never work You'll have me suicidal, suicidal, suicidal... Sean Kingston - Beautiful Girl

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white tea remix

Yo, I'm just sittin here thinking about u girl.. in my white tea gettin ready to party like a rock star! Take a look and listen to my white rasberry tea remix.. ok.. this is a joke.. not real geeeeez lol Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

married.. on ct..

Yep, I took the plunge.. LOL I'm ct married to Melody aka sexybella20. go vote on her in contests she's a great person and sexy too. hehe
I was told I was evil . scartastic grin Because , I like my quiet time and I don't want to talk during my lunchtime and have it eaten up with useless disscussions! lmao Politics.. - save that for dinner at your house. If I wanted to waste my entire lunch on this i'd stay and talk to my dad about doomsday ! lmao Women - I love women.. Just don't want to talk about them and relationships on my lunchtime! sheeeeeeeeeeesh.. it always goes back to that buckcherry song "crazy b" lmao then some guy starts moaning and groaning about his cb and what she did.. he did.. they did.. and my food gets all cold.. cuz I have to calm his butt down! again.. no! lmao Sports- again I love sports! Just don't wanna waste my entire lunchtime on it! lmao I'll say 2 words or one sentence and then all heck breaks loose.. ie.. Florida is gonna win it.. then doom .. and cursing and people wanna fight. ex- girlfriends - see women.. food- ok.. since i'm eating.. thats ok.. don't gross me out and we will be fine.. u try and i'll leave your sorry arse and go eat in my freakin car! hahahaha If you don't want me to be anti-social.. don't do the above and all is good with the world! I've scheduled alone time when I eat now. Cuz for some reason some people I know want to talk my who lunchhour ! ugh lmao So, Now I take the last lunch and get the whole ENTIRE BREAK ROOM TO MYSELF! Yeah, that is evil! hahahahhahhaa But, I like it! Nothing more annoying than some co-worker telling me how to pick up women when he has no clue as it is! omg.. lol At least I admit I have no clue.. cuz for one I don't pick up strange women! And none of your sad bad advice will ever help but to make me want to smack ya! lmao I've never had a woman friend take me aside and say.. Roy! "Did you see the ass on that girl!!" ba dunk a dunk! woohoo! oh yeah .. make u wanna do a Akon and "smack dat!" riiiiiiiiiight??? riiight! I take it back.. "training day girl" did say that too me! lmao And people wonder why I like reading pc gamer, ps mag, pc photo, golf digest, du pont reg, SI, blackmens monthly.. ok.. so i added one of those sue me lol I think adults need that kindergarden time.. nap quiet time where people shaddup and let others read! hahahhahahaha just a thought... I might put that in the suggestion box...

busted at work Lmao

Seriously I guess .. I can't stand loud ass arrogant, moronic , idototic people. yet I work with some . and deal with those daily. Well , when I work with people like that. I just get quiet and act like I can't do anything without there dumb ass .. feeding there little ego. I could care less.. looking at the clock hoping to go home! lmao Anyways.. Sometimes.. I show my "TRUE" self. Highly Intelligent , funny, and can win almost any debate and erode any chance of hope of you winning. But if you keep bugging me.. I will give ya a taste of "you best leave me alone" lmao Well, This person .. he thinks he trained me on the core cutter. He won't listen cuz he's 27 and blonde and knows it all! So , I let him droll on about how great he thinks he is with women and the machine then he cries like a kid when the machine messes up. geeeeez.. He tried to get loud with me one time.. and i had that .. "I will crush you little man look in my eyes" (the old me) hahaha He left me alone.. his buddy the back end operator is the same.. but older.. you would think those goobers would get a freakin clue. But nooooooooo lmao Blackman rule #8 Let them think there better than you when they totally suck! lmao Its not like i'd get credit for anything at all! hahahaha I don't! So , when the boss is saying and pointing at me that I trained him on the machine and it wasn't EGO BOY! .. I could have died laughing! I'm still smiling! hahahhaa go me! Just remember the quiet smart ones that do the work for your dumbasses.. and even say nice things about your sorry ass are the reason you are getting a raise and the reason the boss likes you! But , Don't forget that we get sick and tired of your loud behavior.. thinking you know every freaking thing! and sometimes.. will crush you! hahahhahaha Like him telling me about windows xp.. foo! I've been using windoze since version 1.0 !! check it ! And I've been using databases since dbase 1.0! hahahaha I can cross reference anything! moron! hahhaha Yeah, I gave in to the darkside .. I just couldn't take it another day. This foo was taking credit for the core cutter when I was doing it before his lamer butt was there! duh! lol There still mad and upset and angry because.. I PICKED FLORIDA TO WIN THE NCAA!! hahahahhahhaa suckers! Well, if you follow the team .. you don't have to watch every friggin game moron! hahahaha I still remember being at the indy 500 and having an arguement with my ex and people around me when I told them that the 2001 race would be won by a roockie.. juan Pablo Montoya!! guess what.. He won ! hahahha I had a feeling and I looked him up and saw his skills and his pit crew were really fast . thats how you win races... duh! Well, man you wouldn't have seen so many angry loud people in your life. But then they were .. like.. pick another one! hahahahhaha and the Pistons will go pretty far this year not saying how far yet.. I'm good at a lot of things but I hold back because some idots are so competative that I get tired of playing and get board . Not cuz I was crushing ya into the ground playing darts.. lmao i JUST DIDN'T feel like playing anymroe.. its just a game foo! so.. I loose on PURPOSE! hahahhahhaa To get it overwith so I can go do something else.. My best friend says .. thats so evil! No its not .. hahaha I like to have fun not drama.. or I won't hang out with you anymore.. but some folks don't get a clue! lmao that is all.. rant off..
If I could put food to music.. i'd... Current mood: hungry 1. quiet storm - I like to eat when its stroming outside.. 2. grilled cheese - girl why did you have to burn it 3. Yeah, I ate already... so what? the remix 4. No , this won't spoil my dinner.. Oh you went there ... ft too much gravy and crew. 5. yes, I went to hooters for the hot wings.. what? 6. I was singing to that hardy's thickburger.. oh your jelious now? 7. I like a girl that eats cornbread.. remix 8. If you were like the cheese cake factory i'd never leave.. retro mix 9. You know da rule .. I don't talk during dinner.. How can I with my mouth all full of good food. instramental 10. Yeah I got up at 4am to grocery shop for biscuits what? 11. I luv some biscuits extra gravy mix (diddy version) 12. If you were golden corall i'd marry you! (quiet storm mix) 13. bonus track - for the luv of cheese. extreme 7 min extended mix! the album would have someone eating some food in a restarunt and some girl being ignored cuz the dude was eating and forgot she was there.. not that i've done that... (rolls eyes) .. I might write some lyrics to this mess this weekend..

survey says..

Things about you (ramdom)
What's your biggest fear?heights
What makes you happy?computers and electronics.. drooling
You like....?see above
Your favorite shampoo?some herbal shampoo..
Body soap?african herbal soap smells good
You wish your eyes were....?a big lotto winner living on a island .. not the "lost" island! lol
Do you smoke?no!
Drink?occasionally.. soon to stop
Are you a clean freak?Yeah right!
Do you cuss alot?wtf? no!
What does your hair look like?Dark curly short
Do you burn c.d's alot?sometimes
What's your favorite night or day?night.. daytime makes me hiss like blade
What's your favorite time of the day?afternoon
Time of night?9pm.. cell phone rates are cheaper then ya know
If you smoke what kind do you smoke?none
Benn in love before?ugh yeah.. ages ago
Do you miss anyone right now?hmmmmmmmmm
What annoys you?questions about love.. hahaha
What's your favorite song?Mint Condition - Pretty brown eyes , quit breaking my heart
What's your favorite line from a song?You say your single.. but your dime is always taken!
Favorite quote (any quote)?Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight? or Hey!, I know Kung Fu! "show me!" haha
Favorite movie?orginal batman, and matrix trilogy.. ask me to explain it. night at the roxbury
Your favorite quote from a movie?"what is love baby don't hurt me!" and his head smashes the window! haha You made me..!! "You made me first!" "I told you my name.. its NEO!"
Whats your favorite brand of clothing?hmmm casual
Favorite brand of shoes?stacy adams.. there growing on me
What size shoe do you wear?12.. oh don't get me started on my shoe size! geez
What size pants do you wear?36 / 32 legs.. why are you buying me some?
Do you paint your finger nails?hecky no!
What's a shitty movie you've seen lately?any of the saw movies! man those are horrible!
Coke or pepsi?coke.. pepsi at restarunts
Love or lust?lust cuz.. love never finds me.. ok both.. lol
widescreen or full screen?widescreen..
Do you get scared easy?na.. i fake it
Do you have a brother or sister?2 sisters. both brothers died
Are your mom and dad still together?no
Bath or shower?both
Your favorite color?blue
What movie star do you think is beautiful (woman)?hmmmmmm j-lo ,koobs :)
What movie star do you think is hot (guy)?me j/k
Do you like candles?yep, have scented ones
More random things
Perfect gift?one on my bday.. a remote to a nice plasma or lcd tv.. cuz i'm vain like that.. j/k
Favorite saying?why u got to prison shank me like that..??
What kinda car do you drive?no answer.. damaged due to hail storm.. aren't u nosey! lol chevy
What color is your car?red
Where do you work?web con.. place that does rolls of paper and i work on pcs in my other job
How old are you?39.0
Do you have any animals?nope.. just some horses, foxes,deer,racoons ,squirrels,cats, int the woods!
One word to describe you?nerdy..
How tall are you?5'7.. sorry does my size 12 shoe make up for it? lol
Do you have a cell phone?yes.. a moto slvr "european version"
Watch alot of t.v?i'm single and rarely date so yeah!
Who is your best friend?my tv! idot! lol no.. Joe , and sammy
Who do you miss right now?not telling.. plus nobody misses me!
What's your mom's name?like koobs said.. n/a
What's your dad's name?n/a
Brother and sister's name?I forgot .. u stalking me?
Are you bored?duh.. watching dresden files
Do you day dream alot?i work 3rd shift .. so sometimes
Can you swim?yeah.. lived in michigan so yeah!
What's your middle name?only family member that doesn't have one! nickname though
Who was the last person to call you?papa john's pizza.. actually fritz.. lol
What's your favorite smell in the whole world?hmmmm plasma? lol na ok.. i dunno
How many pillows do you sleep with?6!
Are you shy?yessssssssss , explains my lack of dates ! lmao
Do you regret anything?yes.. not buying and getting that 105"plasma tv.. na.. never falling in love..
Do you believe in love at first sight?hasn't happened yet so .. dunno
What's your religion?sda.. or was.. dunno now
Are you happy?mostly, ask me when i'm eating.. then yes!
What's your name?Roy, not Leroy, not Ray Ray.. not Royce..
B-day?3-3-1968.. like anybody ever remembers !
Finish this
You had me from.......aisle 13 near the gatorade
I'll.......call you when my cell battery isn't low
I miss......you cuz you stole my lotto ticket ..
Your touch.......my inner child again.. i'll smack you!
You're very.......
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com
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17 years ago
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