play with me in the snow?
Fear of loving how beautiful how graceful. Loving you maybe the best thing. How dose one imaging kissing you every moment of every day. General turns gracefully into glides closing ones eyes as the blind leading the way with every touch my soul every touch of god given a gift in which one would only receive with joy with so freedom with such happiness only bring ever ones soul to sing. in loving you for ,he, has found made my match in heaven it rains so near only lovers of leap bring closed doors a key to heavens gate uplifting in song singing miracle day over day thank god himself for presiding this rule Fear if love so beautiful making song birds cry their jobs are no longer of use for it was stricken my hearts leaping over lovers glance. Complex thoughts of algebraic equations truing like ramped fires somehow burn with the lingers thought of staring helpless in to your eyes glancing back , love of untold love not being told love of freely falling. Analyticals like to believe love breads stupidity then let it be me stupid , dumb founded , slow every day, only in laughs for angelical my genius is above the masses only bring my intellect power of my intelligence in loving you. Dancing rhythm perfect movement glittering across atomic snow filed skies. snow as it falls into shape so well so do I , shape of wonderment of days come and days of by. Dose this shape keep of form or as settle dose it sweep under mat of front doors. Dose the snow have the power to linger? Or dose it favor strong handle your broom to sweep into a sewer or shall you come making many angels in play for more then mere moments.
19 Jul 2007
my love you must find me
Gentle calm into the night, touching soft checks to soft pillows. Focus a simple wayward melody playing repetitively. As I lay I lay in prayer, God a father as grateful as to bare reaches down catch the tears linger over razors edge. Living inside can't you see how beautiful love is fair? Wonder circling massively contemplating asking the question in which consulting ones soul is not advised wisely, wade to deep get caught never to breath above the salt drenched wave. Yet my heart lingers as if the world was candy. Many flavors so yummy so many would settle for the rest yet my heart still it lingers. Where the flavor is yet has my soul flown so a far it has reached an outer atmosphere. Mirror of magic not needed to know my reflection is not that of the world turning around the rest. With windows my soul see the world differently with the calm of love I know love to be around sold jolly happy, the cutest of all fools that rush constantly into waters. Meet me there for I've wade in a belly's full. Imagine for moments leap standing at the edge looking over cliffs spreading arms wider then that of an eagles use, breath the gentle wind smile as rain easefully tickles skin kissing your lips. For you have reached just the tip of essence rising in side for you have seen the tip of love flowing freely my soul. To cage intangible gifts would only hastate be un-liberated into irresponsibility. Lingering for just a piece will not settle a soul who loves enchantlly
So many of flavor to taste so many flavor trying to absorb all of me.. Leap like frog one over another thinking stronger better then the last 32 flavors. Outer shells for on lookers window shopper best left out side. For I know funny looks are better from inside. Let the man of not flavor yet the man of truth the man so softly strong stop inside and shop and take home every item in the shop for I will sell it zero cost.
For the man that can see me that I see equally can always have me. Not the ones who think they skim the top walk away and realize they have left to soon and the second chapter was only getting better.. One who stands in convocation in every movement of his own life. One who can kiss gently far far far into the night. One who's rush in not turning my pelvic thrust, yet fueling butterflies fluttering in my heart and influencing my stomach to gasp little bits of air before breathing in love of this man. A man who knows skies not always blue not always grey how hard your work the better the pay out one shall will receive. Reward each that of own worlds bring forth for I would love to find the man of this I could love infinitively, stubborn as the goat I'm the sign I shall not look, far that I'm to stubborn for I will have you find me out of fear looking far to much into water. Stubborn not to allow the cruelty of my own heart lapse my own soul. For punishing myself is well a truth rather not a goal yet a plague of my own. Knowing far well giving up on love no never not me yet stuck in this plague as well will not be me In times well kept free happily I continue my day and live openly and continue strong willed and joyfully. Yet this man out there, that they say I must meet, this man they say is the one to be, well my Love I have lost the acquisition, with this being said I can not find you for you must find me instead.