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You Might Be A Metalhead

You Might Be A Metalhead by C.J. Cain The original concept - done in a different form by a stand-up comic - poked good-natured fun at the lifestyle of a certain group of people. What I offer here is not meant to belittle my fellow metal-brethren, but to serve as a badge of honor, an affirmation of one's commitment to the heavy lifestyle. You never "kind of like" metal; either you eat it, breathe it and sweat it, or you have no taste at all! Okay bangers, you might be a metalhead if... 1. You have ever incurred bodily injury fighting for a guitar pick, wristband, drum stick or any other concert-used memorabilia. 2. You have lived through at least one time period when metal was proclaimed "dead." 3. You have enough concert t-shirts to cover every day of the week (or month). 4. You've ever resorted to hiding things in your hair when going into a concert. 5. You blew off your prom because Krokus was in town that same night. 6. You saw Lita Ford play and were too into the music to have impure thoughts. 7. You've ever blown chunks at a concert and then gotten high-fives for doing so. 8. You ever wore anything leather to an outdoor metalfest in July. 9. You've ever shown your appreciation to the band during a concert by showing them your girlfriend's tits. 10. You rent/own more concert videos than pornos. 11. You much prefer the ambience of the small shops that sell music and "specialty items" than the mega-chains when buying music. 12. You still nostalgically watch your worn out tapes of "Headbanger's Ball." 13. You've been to concerts in at least three different states. 14. You've ever lost your girl/guy in the crowd at a concert and had a better time because of it. 15. You own the same recording in at least three different formats. (Bonus points for 8-track.) 16. You've ever gotten pissed at a chick in the crowd who threw her panties onstage, because she hit the guitarist and wrecked his concentration. 17. You can fall asleep with the headphones on and at full volume, because the music relaxes you. 18. You've ever had motorists laugh at you because they've seen you head-bangin' in your car, by yourself, and not given a shit. 19. Your idea of a perfect vacation would be to visit every place mentioned in "Girls, Girls, Girls". 20. The thought of watching or listening to anyone "unplugged" is enough to make you vomit.

If You Love Her...

If you love her, let her know it There are countless ways to show it Make her breakfast, buy her flowers Hold her through the darkest hours Take her dancing, do the dishes Grant her silent secret wishes Buy teddy bears and bunny rabbits Cherish her peculiar habits Read her all-time favorite books Compliment the way she looks Go for walks that take a while Choose a song to make her smile Feed the birds and talk to cats Never mock her love of hats Indulge her fantasies and flirting Give her comfort when she’s hurting Caress her body, stroke her hair Fan her passion flame to flare Trust her when you’re not together Be her shelter from the weather Share her dreams and favorite things Give her space to spread her wings Help her face her doubts and fears Hold her hand throughout the years In sacred moments, gently pray it But don’t forget to also say it You don’t have to be a poet If you love her, let her know it... Repost this My Angels, seems Most men on here don't have a clue from what I've seen:} love ya'z you all deserve only the best in life and love, remember never settle for less.. David A/K/A Drkangel6(*_*)
A Pagan's Prayer for the Soldier by Melora May the Maiden protect your youth, vitality, strength, and passion. May you not be damaged by what you see or experience while in combat. May the Mother watch over your body and mind. May Her warm arms embrace you in battle. May she bring comfort to you at night when you remember the acts of the day. May the Crone give you the power to do what is commanded of you. May She aid those lost in battle and ease their passage into the beyond. May She turn her eyes from you and leave you to return home to your family. May the Green Man give you strength to perform the tasks set before you. May He walk with you on the battlefield, join you in comaraderie with your fellow soldiers. May He summon all the energy of the Earth to stand strong beneath each step of your boots. May the Faeries provide light-hearted moments to your tour of duty. May They bring you fond memories of loved ones and friends, and ease your dreams as you sleep.
~Quiz: Your Guiding Goddess for 2007~ By Cait Johnson, co-author of Celebrating the Great Mother (Inner Traditions, 1995). Simple Solution Which face of the Divine Feminine is by your side in this New Year, urging and encouraging you to be the person you are meant to be? Take this quick quiz to see which goddess is your guide: Which statement is TRUE for you? 1. This year, what I long for MOST is freedom. 2. This year, what I long for MOST is a fresh start. 3. This year, what I long for MOST is love. 4. This year, what I long for MOST is to be healed. 5. This year, what I long for MOST is wisdom and learning. 6. This year, what I long for MOST is creativity. If you answered TRUE to 1, ARTEMIS is your goddess. To the ancient Greeks, this goddess was a feisty, wild woods-dweller, in tune with nature and animals. Artemis encourages us to connect with the outdoors, with animals, and with our own fiercely independent spirits. If you answered TRUE to 2, KALI is your goddess. This Hindu deity is the one to call if something in your life needs to go in order to make room for something new. Kali destroys what is stale so that new life can come in. If you answered TRUE to 3, VENUS is your goddess. If love relationships or the longing for love are paramount for you this year, the Roman goddess Venus can help you to open your heart. If you answered TRUE to 4, KWAN YIN is your goddess. This Asian bodhisattva is the most prayed-to deity on earth. Kwan Yin reminds us that the healing power of her understanding and compassion are always available to you. If you answered TRUE to 5, ATHENA is your goddess. The ancient Greek goddess of wisdom and learning is often shown companioned by an owl, the traditional wisdom-bird to many. If you desire deep wisdom or want to do well in some course of study, Athena will help you to clear your mind. If you answered TRUE to 6, BRIGID is your goddess. This fiery Celtic goddess of poetry and crafting (among other things) is a great help in unlocking your creative potential. You might want to do a little research on your goddess, and then find images or statues of her to remind you of her help and guidance as you follow your path throughout the year.

The Angels

Some Paths or Traditions call on the Four Wards, Guardians, Directions, or Elements for protection within the circle at the beginning of the ritual. We call on the Four Archangels: Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel. We invite these angels to join us in every ritual, and find that their positive energies add much to our workings. We call on other angels from time to time as needed for their unique gifts and properties. We wouldn't dream of doing ritual work without our Guardian Angel! Working with the Angels is calming and rewarding. We encourage you to get to know the Angels. THE ARCHANGELS RAPHAEL "Shining Healer" Color--Yellow Direction--East Element--Air Day--Wednesday Time of Day--Dawn Month--April Planet--Mercury Zodiac Signs--Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Season--Spring CALL ON FOR: Healing, Joy, Love, Grace, Miracles, Protection When Traveling, Courage, Encouragement, Knowledge, Communication, Creativity, Balance, Science MICHAEL "Who is God?" Color--Red Direction--South Element--Fire Day--Sunday Time of Day--Noon Month--August Planet--Sun Zodiac Signs--Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Season--Summer CALL ON FOR: Miracles, Mercy, Repentance, Truth, Blessing, Immortality, Patience, Love, Difficulties, Balance, Justice, Strength, Protection GABRIEL "Shining Governor" Color--Blue Direction--West Element--Water Day--Monday Time of Day--Dusk Month--January Planet--Moon Zodiac Signs--Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Season--Fall CALL ON FOR: Resurrection, Mercy, Vengeance, Death, Birth, Transformation, Childbirth, Pregnancy, Dreams, Visions, Wishes, Hopes, Joy, Mysteries, Truth, Justice, Love URIEL "Shining Earth" Color--Green Direction--North Element--Earth Day--Friday Time of Day--Midnight Month--September Planet--Mars Zodiac Signs--Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Season--Winter CALL ON FOR: Writing, Music, Creativity, Prophecy, Psychic Abilities, Transformation, Protection, Visions, Dreams, Mysteries, Magick, Fairy Work, Natural Phenomena OTHER ANGELS ABDIEL - Negotiation AMATIEL - Hope, Rebirth, New Beginnings AMBRIEL - Communication ANTHRIEL - Balance, Harmony, Moderation ARDOUISUR - Childbirth, Lactation ASSIEL - Healing AZARIAL - Restitution AZRAEL - Death BAHRAM - Victory BARAKIEL - Success, Good Fortune, Luck, Happy Home CAMAEL - Beauty, Joy, Happiness, Contentment CATHETEL - Gardening CHAMUEL - Tolerance CHAROUM - Silence, Secrets CHOSNIEL - Memory COLOPATIRON - Freedom, Independence DINA - Wisdom, Knowledge, Learning GAZARDIEL - New Beginnings, Renewal, Awakening, Enlightenment HAMALIEL - Special Protection, Bright Blessings IAHHEL - Meditation, Illumination ISRAFEL - Music LELAHEL - Love, Art, Science, Fortune, Luck LIWET - Ideas, Inventions MAKTIEL - Trees MANU - Fate MEMUNEH - Dreams MIHR - Friendship, Love MORAEL - Invisibility MUMIAH - Medicine, Physics, Health, Longevity, Miracles NEMAMIAL - Justice NITIKA - Precious Stones PAHALIAH - Theology, Morals PARASIEL - Treasures PHALDOR - Oracles POIEL - Fortune, Philosophy PRUKIEL - Spellbinding RAMPEL - Inner Strength, Stability, Endurance RASH - Justice ROCHEL - Lost Objects SACHLUPH - Plants SALEM - Cities SAMANDIRIEL - Imagination SAXOS - Meditation SEALIAH - Vegetation SEHEIAH - Protection Against Sickness SHEKINAH - Liberation, Freedom, Healing Mind, Body, Spirit TABRIS - Free Will, Self-Determination, Choice, Alternatives TAHARIAL - Purity TAROT - Time VALOEL - Serenity, Tranquility, Contentment ZACHRIEL - Memory ZADKIEL - Solace, Charity, Gentleness

Seasonal Detox

~Seasonal Detox~ Detoxification is a process that occurs within our bodies on a natural and continuous basis. Detoxifying is the process of releasing accumulated toxins and waste products that build up throughout our system. From birth, we are bombarded by toxins, externally from environmental sources and internally, our organs give off waste products that accumulate in our body. Imbalanced emotions also play a part in polluting our system with excess chemicals such as free radicals, homocysteine and cortisol. Detoxifying is, in many ways, an easy process. Our body does much of the detoxification process through urination, defecation and perspiration. As our bodies age and our immune systems weaken from illness, poor diet and/or addictive substances, we sometimes need to give our system an extra helping hand. That is why conscious detoxing is a great way back to optimum health. For some, counting on a few cups of coffee, having a cigarette, drinking excessive alcohol or doing recreational drugs has become a familiar habit. Between all the medications, refined foods, additives, alcohol, pesticides and other chemicals we are exposed to in the environment, the ability of our systems to adapt and detoxify can become challenged. Symptoms such as frequent or reoccurring colds, feeling heavy, sluggish or tired, poor skin, acne or other related skin problems, allergies, a thick, coated tongue, bad breath, headache, and feelings of gas and being bloated after meals may indicate problems in the body's functionality and it's ability to process, digest and excrete properly. These vague symptoms that are often overlooked tend to be the results of a congested and sluggish body system. Exposure or toxicity to food additives, solvents, pesticides, herbicides and other toxic chemicals can cause a number of psychological and neurological symptoms. Toxins produced by bacteria in the gut can be absorbed, causing significant disruption of body functions. Toxins that the body are unable to eliminate build up in the tissues, typically in our fat stores. One of the best ways to start your detoxification is with the body's biggest organ, the SKIN. A detox diet strengthens the organs involved in detoxification and releases stored toxins, expelling them through the organs of elimination: the skin, as well as the intestines, liver, lungs, kidneys, and lymphatic system. Adopting A Healthy Lifestyle 1. Eating a diet that focuses on fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds and whole grains are extremely important. 2. Regular exercise, which gets your body moving and sweating. 3. Quality sleep, where you do not have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep and wake feeling rested. 4. Avoiding drugs and excessive alcohol. The problem is not only illegal substances like cocaine, heroin and marijuana, but we are solicited constantly by legal substances that pollute the body such as habit forming sleeping pills, excessive antibiotics that destroy not only the bad bacteria, but the healthy bacterial flora and the constant ads for alcohol. 5. Nutritional and herbal supplements to protect and enhance liver function, the kidneys ability to process and the digestive system's regularity,(discussed below). 6. Improving our mental/emotional process by stopping the mental chatter, approving and accepting ourselves and loosing the emotional baggage that drags us down. 7. Taking a spiritual approach by looking beyond the little things that get in the way and accepting and trusting the "Universal Power" or energy to guide you. Take a look at the big picture! 8. Decluttering the toxic waste around you including the clutter in your home/office, the friends or loved ones that poison your thoughts and actions and the environment that is making you sick. 9. Knowing that YOU are in control of your life. 10. That you have the power to do something about that will make a change. In general, it is usually recommended that you begin with the intestines. The reason for this is if you focus on the liver first, the stored toxic substances that are released from the body tissues may become reabsorbed if the bowels are not moving adequately enough to expel them and can monitor your progress throughout the program. The most easiest, inexpensive and effective methods of detoxification are fasting and specific dietary regimens. Keep in mind that the goal is to achieve a healthier way of eating, not weight loss, or to rid the body of bacteria that causes damage. In fact, "the good bacteria," known as probiotics, is necessary in order to remain in good health.

The Viking Prayer

~The Viking Prayer~ Lo, there do I see my father Lo, there do I see my mother and my sisters and my brothers Lo, there do I see the line of my people back to the beginning Lo, they do call to me They bid me take my place among them in the Halls of Valhalla Where the brave may live. Forever.

Mary Meat (Pagan Humour)

Mary Meat One and All, I have been lurking here for 26 minutes, and I thought that it was time to introduce myself. My name is Bastet RunningDeer MorningGlory MoonBeam SunSoar. I used to be just Bill, but during deep meditation and astral projection, I met my spirit guide, who I believe is Winston Churchill's mother while I was cooking marshmallows at my astral camp on Jupiter, and he told me this should be my new name. I'm thinking now of legally changing my name to this. What do you think? BTW, there really are giant squid that swim about in the heavy atmosphere of Jupiter. Jovian giant squid are now my totem animal. It just feels right and we should always go with what feels right. Right? Anyway, back to me. I've been officially pagan since last Thursday, but it seems that I have been living my life in a pagan style since at least last Monday. I just didn't know that there was a name for it. I just read "Covencraft" by Amber K and am thinking of becoming a high priest and starting my own coven or grove or church or synagogue or temple. I may be new to this path, officially at least, but I feel that it is the right thing to do at this point in my spiritual development, and we should always do what feels right. Right? It's okay, because just because I have only been pagan a little while in this lifetime, I have lived many lives in the past as a pagan, and died at least 162 times when killed by Christian witch hunters for my beliefs. It is probably more than 162 times, but those are all that I can remember since I started doing past life regressions yesterday. I was always a Celt in my past lives. Well, almost always. Usually, when the witch hunters weren't killing me, I was a king or queen of Ireland. The two exceptions that I have found so far are when I was incarnated as Cleopatra and as Julius Caesar. This proves that we don't reincarnate linearly. I was both at the same point on the time line. It was a very interesting experience, to say the least. I actually experienced having sex with myself, complete intercourse, and also discovered that I always faked my orgasms and thought that the other me had way too much body hair on my back. Anyway, I think that I qualify quite well as an elder and a teacher. The so called elders and teachers in the community think that I am just being silly and a little strange, but that's just because they are jealous that I am a much more powerful witch and warlock than they are. My parents just won't understand this new path that I'm on. They think that the devil has taken over my soul and refuse to listen to reason. We don't even believe in the devil, do we? Or, have I been reading that wrong? They keep trying to hold me from my spiritual path. They won't even let me have their credit cards so that I can order all 29847 books on WiccaCraft and paganism from Llewellyn.com. I really need these books and might as well just kill myself if I can't have them. I need to learn everything I can about every single path, belief system and tradition in the world, and quickly, so that I an pick what feels right to me from all of them. We're supposed to always do what feels right. Right? While I'm here, can anyone help me with some advice or legal assistance? I am being constantly discriminated against. My local community is conspiring against me and picking on me because of my pagan beliefs. The school system is very Christian oriented, and they acted against my faith on a daily basis. They tried to forbid me from bringing my athames to school. Hey, it's my religion and I should be able to practice it as I want, right? And we witches and warlocks must always have our athames with us. It's written in ancient secret texts and scriptures. They even went so far as to have me arrested and removed from school when I tried to show the principal how good and nice my faith is by channeling many different spirits for her and talking in their tongues, and then putting two of my athames right up to her eyes, just so that she could see that they were religious and not dangerous weapons. It's not my fault that she got a couple little cuts. She shouldn't have screamed and jumped. She scared me and interrupted the flow of voices from the otherworld. It's not just the school though. I just had to cast a protective circle around myself and my home, so I borrowed the neighbors car while he was sleeping, which felt like the right thing to do, and we should always do what feels right, right?, and I drove three times around the block widow-shins to make my circle. When I'm practicing my religion, there should be a provision in the law that allows this, right? So the one way street laws should be set aside for me, otherwise it's just more religious discrimination. And the people on the streets that I passed were hollering obscenities at me as I drove. They must have figured out that I am a spiritual wiccawitch person. They even went so far as to call on their god to damn me to hell, which we don't believe in anyway, right? We have the Summerlands which are beautiful, and then we come back to life again. The local law enforcement community is also out to get me. They keep coming around when I play my Nirvana CDs at top volume so as to get in touch with my spirit. Nirvana is what Buddhists strive for, right? And Buddhists are pagans, right? I just felt that I should explore their paths since we are really all of one spirit and it just felt right. We should always do what feels right. Right? They keep taking away my sacred marijuana, that I use to alter my states of consciousness. The native Americans use mind altering substances, and they are almost just like witches and warlocks, right? I think they passed the laws against marijuana just so that the church can stay in control of America. My parents are a big part of this conspiracy. They keep forcing me to go to a psychologist. I know for a fact that the psychologist is really an undercover Jesuit priest, and he is secretly striving to perform an exorcism on me. I can't resist them right now, because if I don't go to see him, they say that they will put me in the psychiatric hospital, where what they really do is drug you senseless and then brainwash you. Now, I don't normally ask for magickal help, but this time I am desperate. I need a binding spell to kill Jimmy Halloway. He is another that is attacking me just for my beliefs. I could have stayed in the broom closet, but I'm proud of my beliefs so I tried to show his girlfriend Becky how beautiful and wonderful the Great Rite is. She was only scared because she had heard so much Christian propaganda over the years and also didn't believe that you can't get pregnant when you have intercourse during sacred religious rituals. I had to even fight her because she believed that being nude and binding for initiation into the traditions is bad. More Christian propaganda. Now, can anyone tell me a spell to make my penis 12 inches? If I am to be a high priest, I really should have a large penis, to make the Great Rite so much more special. Where can we all go to be skyclad together and perform sex magick? I've heard that this is the most potent type of magick there is, but whenever I ask the pretend pagan elders about this, all they will say is that I have much to learn, and then after a while, they ignore me. They can fool some of the people with their titles, but not me. I know what is required to be a real witch. It also feels right, and we shuld always do what feels right. Right? Anyway, that's my intro. Nice to meet all of you. I hope that there are real witches and warlocks here so I can teach them to grow into more powerful beings. Is there a photo file on this list where you all have your skyclad pictures. I can't seem to find it. Or, has the government conspired with the internet server people to limit us from this most important part of our faith? Mary parting and have some more Mary Meat, Reverand Bastet RunningDear MoonBeam SunSoar High Priest and ArchDruid of the Sacred Temporal Temple of the 13 Moon Coven

Legend of the colors

Legend of the colors Based upon a Native American Legend Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel: All claimedthat they were the best, the most important, the most useful, the favorite. GREEN said: "Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and of hope. I was chosen for grass, trees, leaves - Without me, all animals would die. Look over the countryside and you will see that I am in the majority." BLUE interrupted: "You only think about the earth, but consider the sky and the sea. It is the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea. The sky gives space and peace and serenity. Without peace, you would all be nothing." YELLOW chuckled: "You are all so serious. I bring laughter, gaiety, and warmth into the world. The sun is yellow, the moon is yellow, the stars are yellow. Every time you look at a sunflower, the whole world starts to smile. Without me there would be no fun." ORANGE started next to blow her trumpet: "I am the color of health and strength. I may be scarce, but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life. I carry the most important vitamins. Think of carrots, pumpkins, oranges, mangoes, and pawpaws. I don't hang around all the time, but when I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset, my beauty is so striking that no one gives another thought to any of you." RED could stand it no longer. He shouted out: "I am the ruler of all of you - I am blood - life's blood! I am the color of danger and of bravery. I am willing to fight for a cause. I bring fire into the blood. Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon. I am the color of passion and of love, the red rose, the poinsettia and the poppy." PURPLE rose up to his full height. He was very tall and spoke with great pomp: "I am the color of royalty and power. Kings, chiefs, and bishops have always chosen me for I am the sign of authority and wisdom. People do not question me - they listen and obey." Finally, INDIGO spoke, much more quietly than all the others, but with just as much determination: "Think of me. I am the color of silence. You hardly notice me, but without me you all become superficial. I represent thought and reflection, twilight and deep water. You need me for balance and contrast, for prayer and inner peace." And so the colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own superiority. Their quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening - thunder rolled and boomed. Rain started to pour down relentlessly. The colors crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort. In the midst of the clamor, rain began to speak: "You foolish colors, fighting amongst yourselves, each trying to dominate the rest. Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose, unique and different? Join hands with one another and come to me." Doing as they were told, the colors united and joined hands. The rain continued: "From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all live in peace. The rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow." And so, whenever a good rain washes the world, and a rainbow appears in the sky, let us remember to appreciate one another.

~Mail Order Witchcraft~

~Mail Order Witchcraft~ National Enquirer runs my advertisements Even though last week the revoked my license Hexes and Love Spells, for $9.95 It's this kind of garbage that keeps me alive (Doot-Doot-Doot, Doot-Doot-Doot, Doot-Doot-Doot, Doot-Doot-Doot) I'll sell you crosses and religious icons I buy them wholesale, I get them in Taiwan Copy my spells from off bathroom walls Write them in Latin, my fans are enthralled Mail Order Witchcraft, it's a living, and I'm doing well I claim tax exemption because of a religion and then I just sell, sell, sell )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( Crowley's the author of my favorite spell For summoning demons up out of Hellt Wasn't poetic, I changed it a pinch... Last one to use it has not been seen since (Doot-Doot-Doot, Doot-Doot-Doot, Doot-Doot-Doot, Doot-Doot-Doot) I've written a book about spells and their uses Catching familiars in spell-woven nooses Changing your husband into a small pup It's all quite authentic, I made it all up Mail Order Witchcraft, it's a living, and writing is not hard I've written booklets and pamphlets and novels, I'm thinking of greeting cards )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( I'm quite advanced, I've even made Elder Though at the seminar they made us swelter Took me three days but I got my degree For a nominal fee you can get yours from me (Doot-Doot-Doot, Doot-Doot-Doot, Doot-Doot-Doot, Doot-Doot-Doot) My Wiccan acquaintances cause a sensation Claiming that I've ruined their reputation I think that's nonsense, just jealous I fear What I learned in three days has taken them years Mail Order Witchcraft, it's a living, my clientele is large I'll accept cash, money order or Visa, I even take Master Charge
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