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A Moon Of Full Avoidance

Well... where do i start? I feel like a new girl now! I's stumbling to find words now. Ok, i started out on Friday thinking that i just did not want to greet that day! I just couldnt believe that i had to be out of bed and gone so early in the morning for me... i felt sleep raped (or deprived). I wasn't looking forward to going too my training for my new job because we had a test that day and i couldnt study the night before because Joel (such a sweetie) asked me if i wanted to go too the movies whilst i was out delivering my b-day party invites! I got all excited that i was gonna be going out, and i told him I'd be there as soon as i was done and had dropped off a mate who was coming along with me! So i eventually got back to Joel's and drove us down too Carousel. We saw Pirates Of The Caribbean 3 - At Worlds End. That was a great movie! Wonderful how they've twisted all the characters around! Remember how they began? They become complete opposites! *wee* It was great! Although - We did have to sit in the second row from the front (grr) cause 1. We were late and 2. It was just packed. So, i had a sore ass and neck by the end of that movie! But laughed and sat on the edge of my seat for most of the time! Oh god!!! Those chairs at work are horrid! My tail bone must be bruised something chronic now! It hurt so much to sit by Friday! When ever i could get up and wonder i was gone! LOL And my test... well i got 86%. That's a good pass.... one girl got 92% (bitch) but without study i think i did alright! *wee* So, i passed my test, i said good bye to my trainers (they flew in from Sydney) and i arrived home, plonking my sore butt on the couch and laid there like a potato until mum goes "Do you want to go out for dinner?" i was like "Aww, yeah! You paying?" she had a drink of scotch in her hand... obviously a dumb answer but she replied "Yeah, I'm too wasted to drive!" hehe! So i drove us down to the Gosnells markets and shared a greasy Chinese dinna with my mum... she got a roast. I just picked at it, my god it was awful! So, after a bit of a chit chat whilst listening to the big kiwi guy doing karaoke (and he's awful and that's his job!!!) we left and i once again plonked my body down into the couch and laid there. Nothing was going to get me moving.......until....... i received an SMS. I said to mum earlier "I reckon I'll be getting an SMS from my darlings soon - wondering where i am and what I'm doing, so on and so forth!". I know him too well! So i used my last bounding energy to reach over and reply to him. After a few i asked if he wanted to be down here with me! I just need a break from all of the tobacco at his house. It's been making me really ill recently!!! So, I'm retrieving to where i know it's safe to breathe every where. I mean... the other day i drove home after being at his house for 2 minuets - the smell was unbearable! My eyes watered, i couldnt stop sneezing and when i went into the computer room i thought i hit a brick wall!! I had to step out side to take in a few breaths and recover. I hate being like that but i cant get used too that! It's like asking a fish to breathe air! just not going too happen! but... as i got home i called a doctor surgery and spoke with a nurse. I wanted too know any side effects of being a passive smoker just so i know what to look out for. I'm worried about my health. I don't want to make kidnies or anything else worse. She said it could be contributing too my condition of being allergic to dust; hence why i sneeze a lot there when i first arrive. And it could be causing my nose to run a lot more by being there, and giving me more headaches than usual. I told her about his parents on Friday nights and she told me to stay away from large groups of smokers! She said not to go near them at all! I smiled because i knew that, but when your in love you'll put up with just about anything to be with that one special guy/gal. So... yeah. Anyway, back too where i was.....*thinks* oww that hurt! So yea. We were SMS'ing and i mentioned that i go up there and pick him up and bring him back down! Joel used to do that all the time for me before i got my licence. I feel it's only fair to pay him that favor now and when he needs me! He told me he has work early in the morning and that id have to take him there and back... i agree (even though those hours are ridiculous too me!). So when i got there, i went in and said hello to everyone. I usually do! I helped him with anything he needed and said my goodbyes as i went out to get warm in my car. As he sat into my passenger seat he queries; "Want to go for a drive!?" I looked at him and smiled "Sure! Where do you want to go?" He smiled back whilst shrugging his shoulders "Kings Park!?" "Oh alright! Cool!" i perked up, chucking the car into reverse and off we went. When we do finally get there, we got a bit lost up in Kings Park. We wanted to visit our favorite spot - Dryanda Lookout - so we could be together in a romantic spot for the both of us! Reason why we got lost is because i saw that a road too it was closed for construction and i didn't see the smaller one near by. So i thought that we'd be able too find it! haha... went around in one big circle. So on the second go i found the road but had driven past it as i did... so i chucked a U-turn and down we went. Putting along, i passed the spot where my parents got married, pointed it out as i usually do! And kept on driving. Once we had reached it, Joel popped out and walked down the path. I followed shortly, seeing him standing on the balcony looking out over the Swan River. I joined him by his side and stared out. I love looking at the glittering lights of Perth. They're just so beautiful! Not too long after a cuddle and kiss, Joel took my hand and said "I have something i want to ask you...". I turned to face him, looking up into his eyes concerned "What is it?". There was a small pause as i saw him working up some sort of corouage, and kneeling down on one knee he pulled out a ring from his jacket pocket and asked "will you marry me?". I was dumbstruck. Stunned.... lost for words and didn't know what to say but "Yes!" Hugging him the best i could i kissed him. For a while after we just snuggled and kind of talked about it. I wanted it so badly... that when it happened... i didn't know what to do! I had it all planned out in my head and then.... zilch! My smile didn't leave my face all night. I was just on cloud nine (still am). It's a pity the ring wasn't the right size, but that doesn't matter. I get it back on Saturday! Must make the band lots bigger *giggle* So... yeah. I was just dumb struck with him! I would like to thank those of you who have already congratulated me... and to those who will soon! Yesterday (Saturday) Joel just spoilt himself and me rotten! We got a bag of toys from the Adult store too! Including a really gorgeous purple G-String, which is awesome b.t.w!! So all day yesterday we were busy, and then i got a headache cause of all the excitement. And today was our resting up day. I washed and cleaned out my car. I washed joel's mum's car and his car. And we had joel's mate's Carmen & Spencer pop around this arvo and just hang out. We played my Disney Trivial Pursuit. And Joel Won.... AGAIN!!! *grr!* Ohhh well... tomorrow im going to do a few presentations for work! Im so nervous! But, im going to go cause im so nackered! Lotsa Love! - DVG

A Moon Of Full Avoidance

Well... where do i start? I feel like a new girl now! I's stumbling to find words now. Ok, i started out on Friday thinking that i just did not want to greet that day! I just couldnt believe that i had to be out of bed and gone so early in the morning for me... i felt sleep raped (or deprived). I wasn't looking forward to going too my training for my new job because we had a test that day and i couldnt study the night before because Joel (such a sweetie) asked me if i wanted to go too the movies whilst i was out delivering my b-day party invites! I got all excited that i was gonna be going out, and i told him I'd be there as soon as i was done and had dropped off a mate who was coming along with me! So i eventually got back to Joel's and drove us down too Carousel. We saw Pirates Of The Caribbean 3 - At Worlds End. That was a great movie! Wonderful how they've twisted all the characters around! Remember how they began? They become complete opposites! *wee* It was great! Although - We did have to sit in the second row from the front (grr) cause 1. We were late and 2. It was just packed. So, i had a sore ass and neck by the end of that movie! But laughed and sat on the edge of my seat for most of the time! Oh god!!! Those chairs at work are horrid! My tail bone must be bruised something chronic now! It hurt so much to sit by Friday! When ever i could get up and wonder i was gone! LOL And my test... well i got 86%. That's a good pass.... one girl got 92% (bitch) but without study i think i did alright! *wee* So, i passed my test, i said good bye to my trainers (they flew in from Sydney) and i arrived home, plonking my sore butt on the couch and laid there like a potato until mum goes "Do you want to go out for dinner?" i was like "Aww, yeah! You paying?" she had a drink of scotch in her hand... obviously a dumb answer but she replied "Yeah, I'm too wasted to drive!" hehe! So i drove us down to the Gosnells markets and shared a greasy Chinese dinna with my mum... she got a roast. I just picked at it, my god it was awful! So, after a bit of a chit chat whilst listening to the big kiwi guy doing karaoke (and he's awful and that's his job!!!) we left and i once again plonked my body down into the couch and laid there. Nothing was going to get me moving.......until....... i received an SMS. I said to mum earlier "I reckon I'll be getting an SMS from my darlings soon - wondering where i am and what I'm doing, so on and so forth!". I know him too well! So i used my last bounding energy to reach over and reply to him. After a few i asked if he wanted to be down here with me! I just need a break from all of the tobacco at his house. It's been making me really ill recently!!! So, I'm retrieving to where i know it's safe to breathe every where. I mean... the other day i drove home after being at his house for 2 minuets - the smell was unbearable! My eyes watered, i couldnt stop sneezing and when i went into the computer room i thought i hit a brick wall!! I had to step out side to take in a few breaths and recover. I hate being like that but i cant get used too that! It's like asking a fish to breathe air! just not going too happen! but... as i got home i called a doctor surgery and spoke with a nurse. I wanted too know any side effects of being a passive smoker just so i know what to look out for. I'm worried about my health. I don't want to make kidnies or anything else worse. She said it could be contributing too my condition of being allergic to dust; hence why i sneeze a lot there when i first arrive. And it could be causing my nose to run a lot more by being there, and giving me more headaches than usual. I told her about his parents on Friday nights and she told me to stay away from large groups of smokers! She said not to go near them at all! I smiled because i knew that, but when your in love you'll put up with just about anything to be with that one special guy/gal. So... yeah. Anyway, back too where i was.....*thinks* oww that hurt! So yea. We were SMS'ing and i mentioned that i go up there and pick him up and bring him back down! Joel used to do that all the time for me before i got my licence. I feel it's only fair to pay him that favor now and when he needs me! He told me he has work early in the morning and that id have to take him there and back... i agree (even though those hours are ridiculous too me!). So when i got there, i went in and said hello to everyone. I usually do! I helped him with anything he needed and said my goodbyes as i went out to get warm in my car. As he sat into my passenger seat he queries; "Want to go for a drive!?" I looked at him and smiled "Sure! Where do you want to go?" He smiled back whilst shrugging his shoulders "Kings Park!?" "Oh alright! Cool!" i perked up, chucking the car into reverse and off we went. When we do finally get there, we got a bit lost up in Kings Park. We wanted to visit our favorite spot - Dryanda Lookout - so we could be together in a romantic spot for the both of us! Reason why we got lost is because i saw that a road too it was closed for construction and i didn't see the smaller one near by. So i thought that we'd be able too find it! haha... went around in one big circle. So on the second go i found the road but had driven past it as i did... so i chucked a U-turn and down we went. Putting along, i passed the spot where my parents got married, pointed it out as i usually do! And kept on driving. Once we had reached it, Joel popped out and walked down the path. I followed shortly, seeing him standing on the balcony looking out over the Swan River. I joined him by his side and stared out. I love looking at the glittering lights of Perth. They're just so beautiful! Not too long after a cuddle and kiss, Joel took my hand and said "I have something i want to ask you...". I turned to face him, looking up into his eyes concerned "What is it?". There was a small pause as i saw him working up some sort of corouage, and kneeling down on one knee he pulled out a ring from his jacket pocket and asked "will you marry me?". I was dumbstruck. Stunned.... lost for words and didn't know what to say but "Yes!" Hugging him the best i could i kissed him. For a while after we just snuggled and kind of talked about it. I wanted it so badly... that when it happened... i didn't know what to do! I had it all planned out in my head and then.... zilch! My smile didn't leave my face all night. I was just on cloud nine (still am). It's a pity the ring wasn't the right size, but that doesn't matter. I get it back on Saturday! Must make the band lots bigger *giggle* So... yeah. I was just dumb struck with him! I would like to thank those of you who have already congratulated me... and to those who will soon! Yesterday (Saturday) Joel just spoilt himself and me rotten! We got a bag of toys from the Adult store too! Including a really gorgeous purple G-String, which is awesome b.t.w!! So all day yesterday we were busy, and then i got a headache cause of all the excitement. And today was our resting up day. I washed and cleaned out my car. I washed joel's mum's car and his car. And we had joel's mate's Carmen & Spencer pop around this arvo and just hang out. We played my Disney Trivial Pursuit. And Joel Won.... AGAIN!!! *grr!* Ohhh well... tomorrow im going to do a few presentations for work! Im so nervous! But, im going to go cause im so nackered! Lotsa Love! - DVG

Im engaged

as the title says! Im engaged!!! YAY!!!

Without a car... still!

Where was i when i last update? Ah yes, my car! Well, i've popped a valve in my car. I know! Im just not fucking winning am i! It's no fare! Fortuantly i can buy a reconditioned engine or head for it.. im just waiting for joel to check out how much damage i really did! So a.t.m i've got my mum's car *evil laugh* Yes! i have a new and zoomy little car. But it's a fucking pig stye inside! It's a 2003 model and i think mum got it in 2005, and she's enver cleaned it or washed the car since! DAMN IT! So i've finally gotten to clean in inside of the car properly and guess what!? Ok, just so you can understand this story; When mum was in the middle of the divorce with my father, she bought a few rings worth a couple of grand! Right? It filled both her hands up right? Now she had her 2 fave's; Her divorce ring which has a saphire, ruby and emerald with 9 diamonds set in 18 crt gold. Then she has a huge bling like ring with a citrine (i think). Now they are worth bout $2000 or so grand together... now... she lost them like 5 years ago or something! We thought some one had stolen them and we'de never see them again! well... guess what!? As i was cleaning the pig stye up, i opened up the arm rest between the fron seats... pulled out all this crap and as i stared down i noticed 2 golden shinny things stuck in some bolt holes. I reached down and fought to get them out... and when idid, i collapsed into the drivers seat and pissed myself laughing! I had found them! I was so happy because i inherit them when she dies and i really loved them myself as well! So i drove home before i had to go to work and when mum finally got home after work i ran up to her in the door way and said; "I have a big surprise for you! Close your eyes!" She wasnt in the mood but i persisted. I then chucked the rings on my hand and replied "Now look at my hand!" I waited as she opened her eyes and then she squealed! Started crying for joy and grabbed me in the tightest squeeze she's ever given me!!! I was gasping for air as she was crying and laughing at the same time. She reckon's that was the best motherday pressie ever (it's not till sunday i dun thing!?) and then i had too shoot off. Haha, i came back yesterday... i wasnt feeling too good and when she eventually got home at 9pm she wouldnt stop carrying on about those stupid rings! I just smile! I'm so happy and relieved i've settled her mind about them! And im also happy that i'll get them down the track! *sigh* ah yes.... Saturday night was joel's mate Pete's 20th. Problem was i was working for #1 and #2 he moved in with his young canadian gf who lives down near fremantle. GRR! Ok i love Fremantle but not to drive there!! Grr!!! So, at work i started to get a headache because i just havent been sleeping too well recently. I took some med's for it but nothing worked. So i drove to joels after work (10pm) to pick him up and then made our way down too fremantle. When i finally got mum's car up those fucking80 degreese hills we didnt stay long because of 2 reasons. #1 the people we knew were leaving and #2 there were ppl there Joel didnt want to be around for fear of getting into some sort of a fight. So we left with out mates and one of them who we had some troubles with said "Come and see our hosue! It's not that far away!" My headache was getting pretty bad but i shrugged and agreed, of course if it wasnt far then it wouldnt be too much stress. Well..... i think we were almost at Rockingham by the time we got to his shitty house. His gf who has her P's, i followed and she's a terrible driver.... doing 110km's in a 70 zone! Mum told me not to speed in her car and i felt terrible i wanted to cry at this frustration. SO when we got there, blinking was now hurting me and i just let joel catch up as i like him to do and sat there in silence as did the other 2 girls there. One being you Nonny! *sighs* About 2am'ish we eventually left and Joel and I decided that going back on the freeway would be much faster and safer. When i got onto it i realised how far we really were and i was pretty pissed! We were PAST my doctor in Parmelia... that's far ok! Grrr. So we eventually got back to Joel's house, where that night didnt end. His parents had his sister and 2 friends over... along with Dale, Mort and Nev- They had gotten this old pool table in their house now... and everyone was gone to bed except these 2 others i didnt really meet or care about. But once we got back i took 4 panadine's to kill the aching blob of a head i have and we clossed the door and i just curled up... but those 2 guests were yelling at ech other out in the living area! Fighting i reckon! And all i wanted to do is sleep in the quiet of joel's room. Eventually i passed out... and when i awoke at 11:30am, everything ached. So i called in sick. I couldnt function and still had a HUGE headache! So yeah. That's my life right now. Im really hungry!! I might go do something... ok? Hope that kept you updated for now!
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