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The Valentine's day we know now, commercialized and over-sexualized, actually has nothing to do with the Original St. Valentine. Saint Valentine was, like a lot of saints, a travelling monk, spreading the Word of God and helping the less fortunate. St. Valentine had a passion for teaching about the Love of God; the fact that God IS love was his biggest belief and he demonstrated this through his actions, kindness, altruism, a passion for teaching all who would seek to know God. But like most great Saints he was hated. At the time the Catholic church kept the illiterate masses in its control through fear and retribution. During this time the Pope had more influential power than not just any ruler in europe but more than ALL the monarchs and rulers combined. The LAST thing the church wanted, believe it or not, was people learning how to read and becoming intelligent.

So although St. Valentine taught the Word of God, his manner of doing so was considered "unacceptable" to the Church. His message of Love and Compassion was just plain bad for business, so he was hunted down and ruthlessly killed, branded a heretic by the pope. This, my friends is true martyrdom, one cannot Martyr himself like the insane jihadists believe, To be a martyr you must be killed for your beliefs, not blow yourself up and take as many people with you, that is not true sacrifice.

So as the chaos of the season ensues, just remember, It all began because one man chose to do what was Right instead of what was convenient

A Nation Divided

it is no secret that trump is highly disliked, but the question remains, Why? All throughout the 2016 campaign republicans and democrats BOTH kept on spewing out nonsensical bullshit, they all said shit like trump is a "hate-mongerer" or "not a serious adult" but now that he's the president, honestly the only SERIOUS hate-mongering I'VE seen has been from liberals and sore-loser republicans, yet this hypocrisy seems to escape from most people. during the race certain groups of liberals kept calling trump a fascist and a hitler fan and so on, yet in every case where his rallies were either shut down or otherwise disrupted, the tactics used by these factions were IDENTICAL to the tactics hitler's brownshirts used early on to help him assume authority, show up and completely disrupt or shut down his political opponents. no one seemed to notice that.

My Tip to everyone, no matter what their affiliation, is step back, become objective, realize that the majority of the hate being spewed out right now is from sore losers and pissed off spoiled politicians who can no longer get away with being corrupt. so just think hard and think without bias while watching the news

So as we ALL KNOW it is election year in america, and the fuckin shit that has gone down since 2016 hit has been BONKERS. the Republican race was just a fuckin CIRCUS and the idiot liberals are using the EXACT SAME tactic they used with obama, only with hillary, well time to fill you guys in on some shit most americans either don't know, were never taught or know and EXPLOIT it. NO JUDGMENT on the american people here, this is all on the govment.


Modern Liberalism.

Modern day liberals the so-called "progressives" are in NO WAY progressive, to be progressive one must make PROGRESS hence the NAME. the current progressive movement was started WAY BACK in the FOURTIES in america and honestly VERY LITTLE has changed in their philosophy.

Progressivism is essentially nothing more than the american perspective of communism. Believe it or not before america got into WWII there were some SERIOUS commie sympathizers, FDR's wife was a FULL BLOWN commie, his own policies KEPT us in the great depression.

So what IS communism exactly? To answer that we must travel back in time to the mid-to-late-eighteen hundreds. Charles Darwin has JUST put out his theory of evolution and its cancer was spreading like wildfire. It was a time of INSANE cults, wild psuedo-science and that kind of thing. One man, a relatively unknown economist from germany named Karl Marx gets his hands on darwin's origin of species. now Marx is Most FAMOUS for inventing communism, having authored The Communist Manifesto, but that's not what he REALLY was. Marx took his colleague's idea of natural selection and applied it to society, Social Darwinism, declaring that evolution applied to men, that men were NOT created equal. Marx created Social Darwinism, and was one of the major supporters of eugenics. He believed that if mankind was to survive the UNWORTHY had to be put down. Darwin himself seemed to believe this as well. so Marxism is NOT a political philosophy as much as it is an excuse to justify genocide. Any "breed" of "inferior stock" was to be destroyed. HITLER was a MASSIVE supporter of marxism DESPITE being Fascist and not communist.


Now Obama is on RECORD saying that as soon as he got to college he SPECIFICALLY sought out the MOST MARXIST professors for some INSANE reason he failed to divulge. Under the very CREED of marxism, obama wouldn't just be considered "Subhuman" he'd be considered an ABOMINATION.

marx suggested that pretty much EVERYONE who wasn't of caucasian descent was subhuman, but worst than that he despised HALFBREEDS more, seeing them as some sort of HERESY to his insane religion. Figuring that a white man would KNOW better than to breed with an inferior race.

over time, as the progressive movement emerged, they WHITEWASHED their founders' beliefs. LEAVING OUT the nasty parts.

At its CORE liberalism is an AMMORAL philosophy, with this one commandment that there is no "absolute truth" thus rendering the concept of right and wrong meaningless. but today if you ask a liberal if hitler was bad they'll GLADLY say of course and they are ALL TOO HAPPY to throw "NAZI!" at anyone who disagrees with them, well the problem is they CANNOT say that hitler was evil or that he was even WRONG, because if truth is RELATIVE than hitler was perfectly JUSTIFIED in what he did because HE believed he was doing the right thing.

Hillary Clinton has said one of the men she admired was Mao Tse-Tung, the man who brought communism to china, the MADMAN who ACTUALLY got away with PURE GENOCIDE, hitler was STOPPED before he completely exterminated the jews, Mao SUCCESSFULLY wiped out ENTIRE ethnic groups throughout china. This man had ONE belief, there is NO problem that CANNOT be solved with a BULLET to the SKULL. this of course is a rough paraphrase, but mao was a madman, a mass murderer, yet when hillary SAID this NOBODY thought it STRANGE.


More to come next time, if this goes on too long no one will read it.

Life And Perspective

a History professor i hirely admire once told me that life is based solely on perspective, the perspective of the one living it. History is based on perspective, in most cases, the WINNER writes the history books, but every once and a while someone SO insane, SO bonkers comes through and makes their mark that they cannot even be wiped from the books. Prime Example: Caligula

Emperor Caligula only reigned for just over three years, but in those three years madness and chaos reigned supreme. Why was this? Caligula was a MADMAN, inbred from the start, Tiberius' favorite nephew, not his direct heir, caligula GLADLY took hold of rome. since Augustus had set up the Ceasarship, and his son Tiberius declared himself Emperor with ABSOLUTE authority, caligula just TOOK that complete and total authority and USED it to its fullest. thinking himself a GOD he set up his cult of caligula right outside of the temple of jupiter, when nobody, ESPECIALLY christians chose to WORSHIP him he started massacring his way to godhood.

from HIS perspective caligula did NOTHING wrong, it was everyone else who were at fault, this same principle is true Today.

Those in Power Tend to BRAINWASH the lessers, the poor and uneducated, in order to KEEP themselves in  POWER. while this SHOULD be considered WRONG the various movements of the sixties and seventies CHANGED that perspective. "keep the people poor and stupid" that is how one keeps himself in power.

This is NOT something that should be happening in america but it IS. People are voting for candidates that are ON RECORD stating that one of the people they Admire was MAO TSE-TUNG, the MADMAN whose iron fist created communist china AND who committed MASS genocide and GOT AWAY with it. yet NO ONE is Surprised by this, because history classes SKIP OVER people like mao, stalin, alexander the great, as FOOTNOTES and focus on THEIR specific breed of history.

If life is based solely on Perspective, then we should find the RIGHT perspective based on Ethics and Morality, NOT based on what some LIAR CLAIMS they will Give you for voting. that's Bribery and in ancient Athens it was considered treasonous and the politician HANGED for tampering with democracy.

Anyway i won't rabble on and on, tell me what you guys think. what are YOUR perspectives?

Are Artists Outcasts?

So after completing intermediate Art 103 and from my own experiences i've come to see that MOST people see artists as either "Strange" or outcasts, that they're somehow OFF. this is EXTREMELY true for a guy like me being borderline psychotic, but it just seems that the self-proclaimed normal people look down upon artists, or see them as inferior somehow it baffles me sometimes, i'd like some feedback on this

I'm Never Gonna Level

Sometimes It Feels I'm never Gonna Level and it pisses me off but then i stop and realize none of this shit really MATTERS so i shouldn't get so STRESSED.

Oh What A Woild

i look around at today's society and the culture we live in and i think america is doomed. ESPECIALLY if another democrat gets in, america will COLLAPSE in on itself. The problem with liberals is they have this INSANE ideal that socialism WORKS and that the world is one big happy neighborhood, in REALITY the world is run by psychopaths and MADMEN. Socialism is the gateway drug for communism and we all know how well THAT works. The SOLUTION to problems is SMALLER government, not larger, the bigger the government the larger the chance for CORRUPTION and that shit is RAMPANT in our system today. Politicians are so out of touch with reality it's shocking. the government holds the tab for EVERYTHING they do, gas, groceries, rent EVERYTHING is paid for. they have NO CLUE what the struggle is.


I say someone who ISN'T a politician should get in, i actually WOULD vote for trump if it came to it. at least he DOES shit.

new videos up

whatup people, got new videos up, although i doubt i'll get any viewers of them or readers of this hahaha. some of the videos are weird or long, but they're all really cool so check em out when you can!

Craziness in Society.

Things are crazy in the world today. first you have that kid who killed twenty-some kids in their own school, then you have the marathon bombers. And let's not forget the psycho doctor who killed live babies and called it "Abortion" in my opinion, abortion at ANY stage is murder. The world is going to hell in a handbasket and there's nothing we regular people can do about it. voting doesn't matter. the government is run by absolute morons ESPECIALLY obama. he has had four years to get the country out of debt and even come up with a budget, but he hasn't done either. it's ridiculous. All that bastard does is sit around, golf, and pay people to tell him what he wants to hear. The whole fiasco in libya with the killed ambassadors should've been looked at immediately and been taken care of. that, my friends, was an act of war. But the regular media swiped it under the table to make sure obama still looked good in the ratings. Now all the liberals are trying to ban guns with their stupid "if we take away guns, gun crime will go down" logic. that's the opposite of what would happen. gun crime would sky-rocket, you know why? because criminals don't legally obtain guns, duh. Look at the swiss, they have an extremely low crime rate because every male at 18 must go into the armed forces for a certain amount of years, then they get to keep their guns. crime is low there because everyone has a gun so there's not much incentive to be a thief or a murderer.

That's It for Now. Let me know what you guys have to say about this

where do i even begin?

The government has gotten out of control. The country is heading down the road to socialism and fascism. "Oh No!! Fascism is bad!! Bush was a fascist!!" Wrong! Here's the deal: most people don't even know what fascism is. They just call bush one because everyone else does. They think that fascism is just about waging war and stuff like that. That, my friends, is a load of bunk. Fascism is when the Government Indirectly controls businesses. Does that sound familiar? Hmm, i don't know, i wonder, oh wait a second! that shit is happening now!! This president promised drastic change. Well i'm pretty sure that an historically massive debt, an intense weakening of our defenses and a government that thinks it can do whatever it wants is drastic change. They promised that the so-called stimulus package would keep the unemployment rate below 8%, well it's already over 9% the stimulus has, in fact, made it worse. Places are going out of business like mad. They treat terrorists like US citizens, and now they're reading Prisoners of War Miranda rights!!! Agh!! That's for americans!! Obama wants to close Gitmo, but has no clue what to do with the people kept there. Most countries don't want them, and if they are freed they'll just go back to terrorism with a new fervor because they know that America has become weak. Apparently, our president thinks that the constitution is negative. He doesn't care about what he can't do, he's only concerned with what he can do. He ignores it basically. i mean i don't even know anymore. This is just the beginning. Pretty soon our liberties will be more blatantly taken away. So call me a crazy libertarian, or whatever. All i know is that socialism doesn't work and i hope more people start to realize it.
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