The Time Is Now.......
May 22, 2007 2:30am
Our hero is suddenly woken up by a dream. A dream he had not had for years. He saw her again....his Chosen One.
But again in previous dreams he knew in his heart who she was, but could not connect it with his mind. Maybe he has met her before. Maybe he just knows her because of his connection with the spiritual realm. Nonetheless, she's coming. And now Drake must be ready.
And he is.
All that he has to have done before she can come has be done. He had got over Shannon. He proved that if another woman like Shannon came into his path, he could stop her from destroying him. Jeanine was that person. He had finally connected with the daughter he deserted. He finally told the person who he still loves, Dana, how he feels.
All those he has achieved.
The final piece of the puzzle was the fusion of The Beast and Lord Tauru. The realization that he is the balance of all things. The balance between good and evil. His path of destiny laid out before him.
The Time Is Now.....
May 22, 2007 5:45am
Our hero is standing outside, smoking a cigarette, looking to the notrheast as the sun is just about to rise.
Looking back at his life the past 10 years, he knows how much it has changed. He realizes how much he has grown. And he ponders the notion, can he love two women at the same time. He thought a couple months ago that he couldn't. But now, now he knows he can. He must. Because if he can't, the future he was shown can't happen.
To some, its the best thing that could happen. For others its the worst. But in Drake's mind, its all he has known since Shannon left. It's the one thing he that has kept him going for the past 5 years. The hope and dream that he will finally be united with the one that truely loves him for the man he is. Not the man she wants him to be.
But with the dream come the nightmare. The knowledge that his Chosen One will be taken from him. Not by man, but by God's great equilizer, Death. But in that death, a new hope will come. The one that will bring it all into balance, there kids. Twins to be exact.
Now some will read this and think its crazy. To Drake, that's irrelevant. It doesn't matter if others believe him or not. All that matters is that he believes it. All that matters is that he has faith.
And he does.
Now all that is left, is the natural progression of time. Patience is the key. She is coming, its now all a matter of time.
The Time Is Now!!!!