Greetings one and all...
And thanks for the read...The older I get...The wiser I feel..I dont feel sacraficing my 23 yr old youth for a 40 yr old intellegence is a even or better deal...Nor do I feel the need to combine the two either...I feel as young as I act and sometimes thats barely reaching 2nd grade level...Is there such a thing as reversal of intellectual mind set as one grows older?...I dont know but I sure do find playing games online and the competiveness of it appealing...Video gaming has come a long way since the big the yellow pie was eating dots and being chased by curtain drapes with eyes around the board only to turn blue for that kick ass bonus you got!...What was it again? 200pts for the first blue smurf you ate...then I think it went all the way up to plz dont make me research this useless information...Cause now Im dying to know what the total value of all the blue ghosts in pac man is worth!...Wow!...has it come to this?...Is my life this pethetic that I have to post blogs on cheap early 80's video games?...Speaking of 80's....Why wont they ever make a dam remake to the movie Red Dawn!...that movie kicked ass...the good ole soviet vs america stuff...Rubicks Cubes...VHS....MTV...good stuff...Dam..this is starting sound like a VH1 I love the 80's blog...Fuck that...I wont even go there with that shit....Peace All....Ill write again soon.