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*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me* Basics: Name: Jennfier Date of Birth: 02/04/1980 Birthplace: Mesa, AZ Current Location: Mesa, AZ Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde Height: 5'6.5 Heritage: Irish, German, maybe French or Russian Piercings: 26, Ears, Tongue, Labret, Nipples Tattoos: 8, ankle, foot, back, arms and boobie Favourite: Band/Singer: Flogging Molly Song: The Way of The Fist, Five Finger Death Punch Movie: Empire of the Sun Disney Movie: I hate Disney TV show: ATHF Color: Gun metal Grey, flat black, Green, Brown Food: Meat Pizza topping: Ham Ice-Cream Flavor: Vanilla Drink (alcoholic): Rum Soda: Coke Store: Grocery : ) Clothing Brand: Levi's Shoe Brand: Adio Season: Summer Month: October Holiday/Festival: Halloween Flower: Orchid maybe... Make-Up Item: ??? Board game: Don't know. This or That Sunny or rainy: Rainy Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla Fruit or veggie: Both Night or day: Night Sour or sweet: Sweet Love or money: Money, I can buy me 5 minutes of love lol! Phone or in person: In person Looks or personality: Personality Coffee or tea: Tea Hot or cold: Hmmm, hot? Your: Goal for this year: Can't tell you! Most missed memory: Missed memory? I wouldn't remember then.. would I? Best physical feature: Eyes First thought waking up: Fuck! I have to go to work! It's 3am! Hypothetical personality disorder: Sociopath Preferred type of plastic surgery: None. Sesame street alter ego: Grover Fairytale alter ego: Don't know..Snow White? Most stupid remark: Ask my friends Worst crime: Can't tell you. Greatest ambition: Thats secret too! Greatest fear: Aliens Darkest secret: My worst crime? Favorite subject: Anything fun? Strangest received gift: Flowers. Worst habit: Taking life to hard. Do You: Smoke: No, I want to : ( Drink: Sometimes Curse: Who me? Girl who was nick named Daddy's little sailor. Shower daily: Yes Like thunderstorms: Very much so. Dance in the rain: If I'm trashed. Sing: Yes, never said I was good though Play an instrument: No : ( Get along with your parents: My dad yes.. it's easy cause he's dead. I don't have a mother. Wish on stars: Yes Believe in fate: Sometimes Believe in love at first sight: Maybe. Can You: Drive: Yes Sew: Yes Cook: Yes Speak another language: Occasionally I can speak Tard, Jack ass and drunk fuck. Dance: Nope. Sing: Yes Touch your nose with your tongue: No, I can touch yours : p Whistle: Yes Curl your tongue: Yes Have You Ever: Been Drunk: Yes Been Stoned/High: Yes Eaten Sushi: NOOOOO! Been in Love: Yes Skipped school: Most of Jr high. Made prank calls: Yuppers Sent someone a love letter: Hmmm. Maybe Stolen something: Yes Cried yourself to sleep: Yes Other Questions: What annoys you most in a person? Stupidity, lack of common sense. Are you right or left handed? Right What is your bedtime? When I pass out. Name three things you can't live without: My brain, my heart and my lungs What is the color of your room? White Do you have any siblings? Yes Do you have any pets? Yes Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? Yes, I would do it for free. What is you middle name? Lynn What are you nicknames? Red, Jen, Wilma, violent, Bitch, cunt.. There are a lot. Are you for or against gay marriage? No What are your thoughts on abortion? If you really need to, otherwise keep your legs closed. Do you have a crush on anyone? Yes Are you afraid of the dark? No. How do you want to die? In a blaze of glory, maybe a car accident. What is the largest amount of Popsicles that you have eaten on one day? 10 Would you take a bullet for the one you love? I suppose so. What is the last law you've broken? Speed limit In a Member of the Opposite Sex: Hair color: Any Eye color: Any Height As tall or taller than me Weight Proportionate. Most important physical feature: Hands Biggest turn-off No brains, over weight, no it all or all around ass. http://www.pimpsurveys.com/view-survey.php?id=737


So I update mt stash and I highly recommend Stephen Lynch. He is hilarious and dirty. One of my favorites next to Bill Hicks. CARS: I'm more in favor of American but my current favorite cars are Skylines, Subaru's and VW's. Never miss a VW drag race. One of the most amazing things ever.. And if you hear the term ALL MOTOR. Stick around and hold onto your hat. Crazy shiat! I love cars so I put up a few of my all time favorite videos that I have come across in the last couple of years. I put some motocross on here as well. My brother used to race and we grew up on bikes. Some of the best times in my life. I hope you all enjoy! violentred


I don't have much time these days, but I do want to say thank you all for stopping by, and rating my pic. I hope in the future I get a little more time to come back here than what I have had recently. A special thanks to mccark40 for the invitation. Later
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