Wanted to thank Ev.1 whom put up with me dureing my under the weather days of lately.I'm feeling much better.I'm 102 days Sober today,Alcohol Free man.Shame I'm have such a problem with Ciggerettes.I did a Christmas Eve-Day Narcothon.Which consisted of Meetings every hr.+ lots of food.I was in so much Damn Pain with my Kidneys + back ,I ended up Sleeping the rest of Monday off.Teusday spent all day at the Hospital.They did give me a shot of that wonder drug,an took all Pain away.But they refused to give me any Narcotic pain relievers cause they said I was Constipated.So been taking what I have here,Herbal Senna.So then last night I had to go on a Mission,an get for myself what the Dr.didn't want to give me.So now I find myself further in the hole.By the time Jan.3,2007 arrives I'll be further in that their hole.I'd much rather be in another type of hole altogether.2007 doesn't look much better,maybe I might learn to do more things on the Internet,Love Wise or Lust Wise.Life would be simpler if I gave up altogether seeking a new Soulmate.Just lack the Drive or Patience for the Extended Hunt,still have what it takes to keep it.thats about it.Just Ramblin on here.Mood wise Cynical today.Peace + Much Love CT