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The Master You scored 80 |
DOM DOM DOM -- You are DEFINITELY dominant. You control the relationship, and your partner, and you like it. You don't like being left out of the loop most of the time, and you're very certain of your expectations in your relationship(s) with your partner(s). Find yourself a good little slave girl, and you're definitely good to go! |
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 99% on domsub | |
What type of vampire are you?
Which dragon warrior are you? (pics)

Rowan: Rowan is second in rank to Kane, the Head of the Order. A free spirit Rowan is jovial and has a great sense of humor. He is often the one who lifts spirits in particularly bleak times. He is almost always happy, but during battle he is a fierce and formidable opponent. The symbol of his house is the gryphon and his colors are crimson and gold.
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Which mythical creature resides in your soul? (11 Results + Pictures)

You are the dragon. A dragon, in western lore, is a giant lizard with wings. It usually has the capability to breathe fire. The dragon symbolizes immense power, physical strength, and courage. The dragon has also been a symbol of wisdom and of protection. Dragons may also appear to be greedy as many a tale depict them as keepers of vast hordes of treasure.
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Your eyes are the windows to your soul. What type of eyes do you have?

You have Raven Eyes!
Positive Traits: Intellectual, Wise, Experienced, Honest, Trustworthy
Negative Traits: Pompous, Condescending, Withdrawn, Pessimistic, Depressed
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