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So sad

I had lost touch with a good girl-friend of mine, her brother found me on line and gave me her number. We started talking again and I drove up to see her and her kids.(about 100 miles one way) We had a great time, and I told her when it got warmer she could come down here and we would cook out and swim in the pool with the kids. We talked on the phone more, but then my mom got sicker and I had not called in a few weeks.... Her brother called me yesterday and told me if I wanted to see her one last time to drive up there and he would meet me at the ICU. I was floored. On Saturday, Nikki mixed up some of her medication and over dosed. She went into a coma, and her kidneys have shut down. They have done brain scans and there is not brain activity.... I drove up there. OMG She is hooked up to all kinds of machines keeping her alive. They let me go in and see her. I wanted to scream...I wanted to cry..BUT I held it together and just talked to her. Her brother has told me they are getting the family together today and they are going to pull the plug. Her, I think it is called "living will" says not to let her stay in a state like that. They are going to honer her wishes after the out of state family gets there today. I am beside myself. Nikki is a year younger than me. She had-had a car wreck and she was in pain. That is how she mixed up her pills. She had-had a cold, and she was tired and confused about what she had taken or not taken. NO-ONE thinks she tried to kill herself. OMG Nikki is only 37...OMG her kids are going to live with her bestfriend Leslie. Leslie is a very wonderful person. Leslie is going to Court in an hour to get custody of the children, the remaining family is going with her to tell the court it is okay with them. BY-the-way their father was killed in the war, and Nikki's mom and Dad have already passed away. I am so pleased Leslie is going to take the kids. Most of Nikki's family lives out of state and her brother that called me is disabled because he was hurt in the same car wreck Nikki was in. He can hardly walk. So I am sorry if I am a grumpy ass. My mom is sickly and I know Nikki is going to die soon, unless when they pull the plug she wakes-up. I know there is little chance of that; but stranger things have happened.

Where have you been?

okay for those of you whom keep asking me..where have you been...the answer is hell. My mom's Alzheimer’s has gotten much worse very fast. I am over there at her house nearly every day. If I am not there she is calling me non-stop. I am tired and grumpy most of the time. Sorry if I am not my normal cheerful self. Terri
As many of you know I am a widow. I have not dated much since my late husband passed. It is not the fact I have NOT been asked; it is the fact that I am older and pickier. I have one girl friend who will go out with any guy that asks her; even if she don’t like him—just to go do stuff for free. Then I have another girl friend that has not dated anyone since the guy she was waiting to come from Iraq, came home and married someone else. (That was about 7 years ago & she waited two years for him to come home to her.) I have another girl friend that is getting a divorce, her hubby is a dick and I honestly don’t blame her; but she thinks everything is going to be great once she is single again. The point of the blog entry is dating has changed. I really like this guy (J.). I know things are going to be complicated because we both have kids and he has dogs and I have cats. I am going to jump into the dating pool again cause I think I finally found someone worth taking a chance on. Here is hoping I swim.

Total dill weed friend

Time once a gain for me to be a total ass. I hardly ever say I told you so. I really want to; but I can’t. I guess I am not the heartless bastard I seem to think I am. One of my best friends had totally f***ed up his life. He invited a buddy of his who was going through marital problems to live with him. Since his buddy moved in, my friend has lost his job and turned into an alcoholic. The buddy who moved in drinks too much and don’t give a shit about my friend. The alkie managed to get my friend fired, because of drinking. The alkie did not work at that time and asked my immature friend to drink with him. When my friend called off one too many time with a hang over- he got canned. Gee…Like I did not see that coming? You bet ya I did. I told my young friend exactly what was going to happen the day that dick head moved in. I said mark my words, in six months time you’ll lose your job and then you’ll lose your place. He lost his job in the first 12 weeks and almost exactly six months latter…my friend got an eviction notice. The alcoholic shocked us all and got a job three weeks ago, but he asked my naive friend to write a bad check so they could have food and beer. Like a dill weed my dumb ass friend gave in. The buddy living with him has yet to pay him back. I told my stupid friend the bad check was going to go against his credit score and the fact that he has stopped paying off his student loans means when he does get a new job-they are going to dock his pay. I really want to say I told you so…but I sit here typing and biting my tongue.
I had a friend “Bob”. He liked this girl “Bonnie.” I found out Bonnie was lying to him, about a lot of different things. He claims he knew she was sleeping with other men-but I could tell he was really hurt when he found out. I did not know it was wrong for me to tell him. I would want someone to tell me the person I really like was seeing someone else, or sleeping with someone else. Bonnie has bitched me out today. He sent me a text in the middle of the night telling me we could no longer be friends. Upon reading his text message I cried. Then I read an e-mail he sent me this morning and cried again. I have known for about 3 or 4 weeks now she was lying to him. I have known about the other men for a long time, he never did tell me if he knew about them or not.(Before I told him yesterday) So I finally told him everything I knew. (Yesterday) It back fired because he no longer wants to be my friend. I honestly thought being a true friend was telling someone the truth. If someone lied to me I would want to know! I would like to be given the chance to be less hurt in the long run. I just want to say on my own behalf: Bob I am sorry you and Bonnie seem to think I was being nosey. I am sorry you seem to think I am the liar. I would never do anything to hurt you. I am sorry I did. I also know you will never forgive me for being honest. When you figure it all out, I will still be here. I am so sorry. It’s not like I told Bonnie’s husband about her being a cheat. BUT I could. The thing is I wont. I told you because you are a kind sweet soul, and you my friend do not need to be hurt by her. NO I do not want you. BUT I am sorry, I guess you will have to figure out everything on your own, dude.
Okay this is not just for Fubar, but Yahoo and My Space also….. Okay on FUBAR I wish they had a spot where it says if you are married or single or involved. It is very annoying when some tries to talk to you—then you find out they are married and have no intent of taking you out on a date. Or worse they only want to hook up for a one nighter, ASS HOLES. On Yahoo, I am very disgusted that men and women don’t fill out their profiles, but expect you to willingly chat with a blank profile. It takes all of 5 minutes to fill the damn thing out! Don’t be rude ass just do it. On My Space, I am kind of sick of people just trying to add me as a friend and they just want numbers-of people-to have the most friends. If your really trying to talk to people and be friends or even hook up for a date, HOW do you expect someone to take you seriously if you don’t even care enough to fill it out? And what is this crap with just listing USA as location? Ummm Okay that’s great, but what is wrong with just putting the state if you do not want to put you city? I live in a very small city and no one (unless from close by) ever knows where it is. I have had a friend from high school (oh god 1,00,00 years ago) find me on here- because of location and my pictures. I was so excited, we went out to lunch to catch up. She and I had a great time! The other thing about profiles that “Really” erks me is people who lie about their age. I am 36. I will have my birthday in about 7 weeks. There is no shame listing your real age. Unless you are one of the disgusting old perverts that keep hitting on me—saying your 39. Please, dude! I am almost 37 and don’t have a single gray or wrinkles ----(having said that you know tomorrow I will wake up and find 7) –only to have a picture of a dried up wrinkly old prune. I know women do it too, but the women are still hot and CAN get away with taking off a few years, like as if I was to say I am 32. You would believe it. Not some disgusting old fart—hitting on a chick young enough to be his daughter. GROSS MAN. LOL leave me comments, Boogah
Okay I am getting pissed off. Don’t men want you to be nice to them? All they ever do is bitch about how an ex cheated on them, or how mean they were. Then you come along and are nice to them. After a few weeks of dating you get the speech. “It’s not you, it’s ME!” IF you are not ready to date, if you are married, if you already have someone, or you just are looking for sex---LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE –YOU JERKS!!!!! This is the third time this year; I have been given the talk. “It’s not you, it’s ME!” Honking load of bullshit, if you ask me. I have no issues; I am not a needy female. I am kind and supportive. I let my dudes hang out with friends, and go out alone. I am not jealous of FUBAR, yahoo or my space. I do not have issues with a man having girls as friends, I have male friends why shouldn’t he have female friends? The point I am trying to make is: Is there such a thing as being too nice, too understanding, and too wonderful? Sick, just sick to death of being told how awesome I am, how wonderful and kind I am. Only to be dumped by a man with issues. I am done with FuckTards! Yes I am a nice person. Sorry everyone else in your fucked up life walked allllllll over you, took your money and cheated on you. That was not me alllll you jackasses. The good girls finish last, and the bitches have all the men. “It’s not you, it’s ME!” You right you stupid fucker it is you.
Okay to any man, this is not a big deal, "big woopie a toilet seat!" I am so proud of myself! I did have a hard time at first, I did not know you had to hold the little plastic bolts under the toilet. To find out I was saposed to hold the bolts then unscrew the toilet bolts--- I actually went to ASK . com and looked up how to put a new one on. This is very funny to me, but I am so proud I did not have to call the office and send someone over here to do it. I also got a long wire and snaked the bathtub drain in my kid's bathroom. I pulled out the clog, a big chunk of a bar of soap. The kids are happy as hell, and told me it drains great now!!! I was married for so long, and then when my husband died from Leukemia, you have to learn how to do these things. Hay any idiot can turn screws and hold plyers. The long wire down the tub drain was awsome, I figured that one out all on my own! (You have just got to giggle at how giddy I am over these small home fixing projects!!!)My next home project is putting new weather stripping on the doors, and calking the windows for winter. My late husband did all the house stuff, but I did watch and have atleast some idea how to do things. I do know how to use power tools and hold a calk gun. Starting dating again has been good for me. I just like talking to another grown up. The dinners and movies are a bonus. The only thing I can not figure out is why younger guys, and way older guys like me. Guys in their 30's like me, don't seem interested. Ahhhhh but the youngers guys have more spunk than the older ones! (I personally think they are still horny driven--if you know what I mean-lol) Pleased as punch right now, I am Ms. Fix it.


I have been making bears like crazy, only to fail. The damn things are not selling. Sigh. I did sell all my junk at the Flea Market, os now I have room to store the kids bikes, and a little money to boot! The year before last I was close to 400 pounds! I have been dieting for 2 years now. I was a size 36 in womens--that is = to about a mans 62. I am now down to a women's size 24, that is a mans size 46 or 48. I have lost over 175 pounds! I keep dieting even though I am so fucking sick of salad. I want to weigh about 175, and with my big tata's and round bubble but, that is really thin for me! I am a little lonily. I like someone, but I am not sure if he likes me back. How young is to young for me any how? I am 36 and he is 25.
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