No One knows it, because I am a king. A king of lies. I would love to end it, or shuv it in their faces. My HATE just swallows up in my need of tobacco and trim.
I miss those good old days
when I was innocent. And I walked the path, anything hard came along, I soldiered on.
Times have changed, and we live in a world that presents many uncertainties and a rapidly changing global landscape.
it was easier when I was under the gov't wing
now I have a tattoo on my back(one I wish I could remove)
some certificates, I want to burn but keep
and a scar on my head from my times at war.
but my war isn't over, and as much as I fall into my subconscious favortism, if I change someone elses life for the better, then it has been worth it.
its not about that anymore. i want my credit, i am demanding my respect. hate will fuel me, and if they add fuel to the fire they will all burn.