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46 Year Old · Male · From Las Vegas, NV · Joined on May 8, 2007 · Born on December 6th · 4 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 5 different people have a crush on me!

Updated 10/29/2020:

Updated 02/17/2017:

Wow, it's been nearly 10 years since I've been on Fubar...since it was Lost Cherry and Cherrytap! How time does fly, lol. I think it's time for me to update my profile.

Let's see, I live in Las Vegas, NV (there is more to Las Vegas than the famous LV Strip, trust me :-)). I was originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, talk about a change of scenery!

I am a huge nerd/geek/gamer/tech aficionado, but that does not define me. I love to talk about all topics and love to chat! Do not let the "gamer" moniker/stereotype fool you. lol I'm very easy to chat with and love to find others to chat with about all sorts of topics! Everyone is a story into themselves...a unique individual filled with thoughts, memories, and life stories. It is listening and finding out what makes each person unique that is fascinating. Also, I am a very patient person and can be a great listener.

Basically, I am here to converse with nice and genuine people. I can be flirty, fun, serious, intellectual...but never mad (unless you mess with my friends or family...I have a very strong set of honor when it comes to friends and family). If this interests you, feel free to hit me up for a chat. Also, I am an eternal optimist...but do not mistake my optimism or kindness for stupidity (I am a great judge of character...I can weed out the "fakes" and "non genuine" people). I do give everyone the benefit of the doubt, though; because we have all had our pasts...our issues...that we can tend to lean on at times. That does not always make us or define us though.

Also, I am not here to play the game. Well, not fully lol. If that were the case, I would have been in the higher levels years ago. If I am close to leveling, I will work on trying to level. I will also help when I can to help others to level. However, getting to know people is greater than leveling any day! :-)

Whew, that's a long profile lol. For those that read through this, I do appreciate it...and if you are curious, hit me up for a chat! :-)

- Tech

Other stuff:

Yes, I play World of Warcraft aka WoW!

I'm a SF Bay Area native and love my sports teams (and now the VGK, or the Vegas Golden Knights of the NHL!):

I'm also a huge Pro Wrestling Fan...

46 Year Old · Male · From Las Vegas, NV · Joined on May 8, 2007 · Born on December 6th · 4 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 5 different people have a crush on me!
Anything technology related, computers, video games, reading, writing, laughing and comedy, music, movies, critical thinking, and chatting! Tentative.gif
Anything really....I'm eclectic!! Tentative.gif Pop, rock, country, you name it. Some artists would include Imagine Dragons, Daughtry, Yanni, Metallica, Disturbed, Eminem, Toby Keith, Carrie Underwood, just to name a few. Tentative.gif
Demolition Man, Star Trek, Star Wars, Marvel's movies (Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America, etc), DEADPOOL...and numerous ones to mention.

Categories include: Action/Adventure, SciFi, Romantic Comedies.
Video Games
Halo 2, Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One, PS4, ANY gaming! :-) Xbox Live gamertag: techdestroyer :-) Also World of Warcraft (been playing since Vanilla....Horde AND Alliance!).

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