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Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox - faster, more secure, easier to use and sporting a new look, this latest Firefox release sets a new standard for web browser innovation. Mozilla Firefox project (formerly Firebird, which was formerly Phoenix) is a redesign of Mozilla's browser component, written using the XUL user interface language and designed to be cross-platform. It is small, fast and easy to use, and offers many advantages over other web browsers, such as the tabbed browsing and the ability to block pop-up windows.

If your itching to get your hands on the Windows Vista Service Pack 1 you could try the following fool-proof method that downloads the new service pack right from the Microsoft Windows Updates server. Currently, only a beta version for Windows Vista is available but that is probably better than nothing at this time.

Apparently, all you need to do is to install a small registry fix which will then display the Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Beta as an available update at Windows Updates. The Service Pack 1 adds a watermark to your screen saying ‘Evaluation copy, Build 6001′ which can be removed with another script as well.

You should be aware that this is a beta version of the Service Pack for Windows Vista which means that it could harm your computer or files. I know that some of you guys still want to give it a go and I can fully understand that. Everyone else who is probably working with a Vista computer right now should probably better wait until the Service Pack is officially released by Microsoft.

Downloading Windows Vista Service Pack 1 from Windows Updates:

  • Download Windows Vista Service Pack and unpack it to your system.
  • Run SP1Beta_Hack.cmd with administrator privileges and Windows Updates afterwards. It should show KB935509 which you should download and restart afterwards.
  • Run Windows Updates again, it should display KB937287. Download and restart your PC afterwards.
  • Run Windows Updates for a third time. Download the now appearing KB938371, restart your computer.
  • Finally, visit Windows Updates again and you should see the Service Pack 1 Beta for Microsoft Windows Vista available for download.

Removing the Evaluation Copy message:

  • This is fairly easy to accomplish. Run watermark_fix.reg first
  • Rename user32.dll.mui to user32.dll.mui.old in C:WindowsSystem32en-US
  • copy user32.dll.mui from the archive to that location
  • Reboot Windows Vista

Several websites claim that this is the legal way to download Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Beta. I’m not a lawyer and can only use my judgment here but I really can’t see a huge difference between downloading the Service Pack from Torrent sites or the Microsoft website. Both are not really authorized downloads somehow.

Some of these may work with the final release as well. Always be sure to back up registry before making changes to it. Tuneup Tips 1-5 "I have had the chance to put RC1 through its paces now. For previous releases, I had constructed a document comprised of a lot of hints gathered from around the web. Some of them have been incorporated in RC1 and others have changed paths or wording. At the expense of reinstalling my RC1 image 4 times, I have amended these and recompiled the document. All of these hints are guaranteed to work but, keep in mind this is a Beta and a lot of the tips concern security. As a Beta is not meant to be permanent, so this should not be a concern. Nothing in the document is illegal, as no reverse programming is involved.. In fact I have sent this and a previous one up on the MS Vista forums without comment. Enjoy it if you wish." According to Microsoft, the minimum requirements for a successful Vista installation are: Processor of at least 1GHz 32bit(x86) or 64bit (x64) 1Gb of system memory. A graphics card which is DirectX 9 capable and with 128Mbs memory. 40Gb hard disk space ( I have only 30Gbs, no problems ) DVD Drive. You may have to look at double layers for the final release! Audio and Internet capability, of course. 1. Installing Vista RC1 without a key You can install Vista without a CD key. Just leave the product key field blank ,hit next, and answer no to the dialog box. You can then select any edition of Vista to install (Ultimate, Home Premium, Home Basic, Business, or Starter). Check the box at the bottom and there you go. Vista with no key. Note: You cannot activate if you don't do this unless you have a CD key for the version you installed. 2. Logging on as Local Administrator if you have already logged in as a user a. If you are having trouble logging on as the built-in Administrator account, you will have to modify some registry entries to display the Administrator account. Log in using the user account you created during the Windows Vista setup process. From the Start menu, click All Programs and then expand Accessories. Right click on gCommand Prompth and click gRun as Administratorh. Click on gAllowh from the Windows Security dialog. In the Command Prompt window, type gregedith (without the quotes) and press Enter. In the Registry Editor, browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon Add a new key called gSpecialAccountsh (without the quotes). In the gSpecialAccountsh key you just made, create a sub-key called gUserListh (without the quotes) Make sure you are navigated to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonSpecialAccountsUserList In the gUserListh key, create a new DWORD (32-bit) item and name it Administrator. Double click on the new DWORD item and set its value to 1. Close Registry Editor and the Command Prompt. NOW: Go to Start/All Programs and right click the command prompt. Type Control UserPasswords2. Click Advanced. Click Advanced again. Select Users. Select Administrator and untick the the box gAdministrator is disabledh NB. If you follow the above path (Tip 2.) you may find that some of the following tips, related to security, are not needed. Bu believe me, it makes a difference working withou those nags. 3. Exclude some unused services Itfs a good idea to try disabling these services a little at a time. If you do not have a complete knowledge of you computer, you may need some of these. Alternatively, you may leave them all in, they will not impair too much on the resident memory. 1. Run services.msc via the Run command (Win key +R). 2. Stop the following services and change their start-up type to disabled - Computer browser (if not connected to LAN) - Fax (if not using printer and fax) - Windows Error Reporting Service - Secondary logon - Tablet PC Input service - Print spooler (if not using printer and fax) - Windows time - Media center receiver service (This caused some dysfunction on my computer) - Security center - Routing and remote access (if not connected to LAN) - Internet connection sharing - TCP/IP NetBios helper - Server (if not sharing resources through LAN) - Offline files 3. Close the services management console. By taking these steps, you will ensure that your OS has less processes running in the background, so more memory can be dedicated to the programs you open, not the ones that are used by Windows itself, by default. 4. Disable system restore 1. Control panel- System and maintenance- System 2. Advanced system settings 3. System protection tab 4. Uncheck all the drives. 5. Apply changes. 5.Disable some UI effects 1. Control panel- System 2. Advanced system settings 3. Advanced tab/Performance/Settings 4. Uncheck the following boxes: - Fade or slide menus into view - Fade or slide tooltips into view - show shadows under menus - Show translucent selection rectangle - Slide open combo boxes - Use a background image for each folder type 5. Apply changes. Tuneup Tips 6-15 6.Disable options in folders 1. Open an explorer window. hit the ALT key to make the classic menu appear. Select tools and then folder options. 2. Select the view tab. 3. Uncheck the following boxes: - display file icon on thumbnails - display simple folder view in navigation pane - use sharing wizard - show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color - show pop-up description for folder and desktop items 4. Apply changes. 7.Stop the start menu balloons nagging you saying that there has been a new program installed 1. Start/Run and type gpedit.msc Select user config/Administrative Templates/ start menu and taskbar. 2. scroll down to the line remove balloon tips on start menu items 3. enable it. 8. Disable the UAC This is the one that keeps interfering with requests for Administrator permission. 1. Press the Windows Key +R 2. type msconfig 3. Go to the tools TAB, scroll down to Disable UAC and click run. A command prompt will pop up saying Command completed successfully. On your next restart the service will be gone. 9.Keep uac active, but get rid of annoying popups. When UAC is enabled, software which is run "As Administrator" requires, by default, that a pop-up prompt be responded to, and the Administrator password required (or, if no password has been defined, just a click in the box). It is possible to get rid of this annoying pop-up, as follows: Start/Run and type secpol.msc Select Security Settings/Local Policies/Security Options scroll down to User Account Control: behaviour of the elevation prompt for admins User Account Control: behaviour of the elevation prompt for standard users For each line, select the desired option Selecting "No prompt" will get rid of the annoying pop-up boxes, and will also help software load faster User Account Control:Run All users, including admins, as standard users: Disabled Reboot 10. Get rid of the Security Centre. The security centre is a very annoying feature with a built in pop up. If it annoys you too, get rid of it like this. 1. Start/Run and type cmd 2. Type cd 3. Type cd windowssystem32 4. As a user, Run these commands, If you have followed the tweak above, you can just go straight in and rename them: a. takeown /f wscapi.dll b. takeown /f wscsvc.dll c. takeown /f wscui.cpl This has given you ownership of the three files. Enter the System32 directory via Windows Explorer and right click each of these three files. Go to the Properties/Security Tab and edit/add an entry for everyone and give them all full access. (tick all the squares). Rename these three files with a BAK extension. In Start/Run type services.msc and disable the Security Center Service. If you want to commit to getting rid of it all together, go to a Command prompt (in Accessories) and type REG DELETE HKLMSYSTEMCURRENTCONTROLSETSERVICESWSCSVC /F AND THEN ENTER. Now reboot and the OS is all yours. 11. Disable DEP/NoExecute Protection. This prevents processes from being altered in live memory. Apparently it also has adverse effects on some programs. Please be aware that this opens a small niche for outside attacks, so only do this if you feel you need even more freedom with installation of doubtful programs. 1. Click Start/All programs/Accessories, and right click on Command Prompt. Click Run as Administrator. 2. If asked for permission to run Windows Command Processor, click on Allow. 3. At the Command prompt, type bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff 4. The message should pop up Operation Completed Successfully 5. Restart. 12. Wireless Network Search Refresh When looking for a wireless networks to connect to there is no refresh button on the screen that displays found wireless networks. Hit F5 to easily refresh this list. Restart the Explorer.exe process or just reboot your computer. 13. Enable Add-ins in Windows Live Messenger Copy and Paste the following into a .reg file and import it. REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftMSNMessenger]"AddInFeatureEnabled"=dword:00000001 Once you import it, restart Windows Live Messenger and under Options you will have a new list item for Add-ins. 14. Disable Welcome Center As soon as you install Windows Vista you are bombarded by the Welcome Center that is designed to help beginner Windows users easily configure their new computer This new welcome screen is a nice feature the first time you start using Windows vista but quickly becomes annoying. Disabling the Welcome Center is very easy to do and can speed up your boot as well. 1. Start Regedit. 2. Navigate through HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software, Microsoft, Windows, CurrentVersion, Run. 3. Right click on the WindowsWelcomeCenter key and select Delete. The next time you restart the Welcome Center will be gone. 15. Prevent network flooding and connection drops The new networking stack contained in Windows Vista, as with many new betas, has some issues. It seems to drop wireless connections and in rare cases block all traffic on wireless routers, requiring a restart of the router itself. I have not experienced this, so perhaps it is concerned only with certain makes of router.To fix these problems, complete the following instructions WARNING: Please note that this will disable IPv6 connectivity, as well as the Windows Firewall security, and is not recommended unless you are experiencing these issues. This will also invalidate any network related bug reports you file for Windows Vista. Click Start,settings & Control Panel. Under gNetwork Centre and Sharingh, Click gManage Network Connectionsh Right click on your network connection (for example: Wireless Network Connection: Local Lan connection. Click your adapter. Click on the Power Management tab. Disable all power management items listed on the Power Management tab. If asked for permission to open Network Connections, click on Allow. Go back to the properties window,highlight the following items and press the gUninstallh button: Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper I/O Driver Link-Layer Topology Discovery Responder Uncheck "QoS Packet Scheduler" Press OK. Note on this: In RC1, MS have done something wrong with some of the network adapters drivers. If you experience unusual difficulty whilst trying to browse, do this. Select Control Panel/Device Manager. Scroll down to Netawork adapters. Right click you adapter (Marvell etc) and select properties, and then the driver tab.Select gupdate driverh and then the option to install the drivers manually. If you know where your XP drivers are (CD.etc.) scrooll there and select. Vista will reinstall and you should find everything OK. Hopefully MS will send out an update for this shortly. Tuneup Tips 16-20 16. Internet Explorer 7 User Agent String This was posted over at the IE MSDN Blog http://blogs.msdn.com/ie. It outlines how to change the user agent string back to IE6 as it appears that some Online Banking sites will not work with IE7. Simply save the following as IE7UA.REG. Double-click the file to merge it into your registry and restart the browser to see the change. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings5.0User Agent] gVersionh=hMSIE 6.0h [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet SettingsUser AgentPost Platform] gSV1=- You can easily undo the change by saving and merging the following IE7Undo.reg. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings5.0User Agent] gVersionh=- [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet SettingsUser AgentPost Platform] gSV1=h" You can test the change using a simple page that echofs the User-Agent, e.g.: http://www.fiddlertool.com/useragent.aspx 17. Media Center Black Screen TV Issue There is an issue with Media Center in this build where the screen will go black after watching TV for 10 minutes. This can be fixed via a registry setting. Copy the following into notepad and save it as MCEFIX.REG Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftSCrunchCodecPackMSDVD] "DXVA2"=dword:00000000" 18.Tweaks for older hardware. Those attempting to install Windows Vista on older hardware, for example having an older Sempron CPU or Pentium III for example, would be well-advised to apply the following Services tweaks, which have been found to provide some performance improvements on such older machines. This looks similar to the above tip but the end function is for a different purpose. Start/Run Type services.msc Disable the following Services: Application Layer Gateway Service IKE and AuthIP IPSec IIS Admin Service - do not disable if you plan on using IIS Infrared monitoring service - do not disable if using a remote with the Media Center shell Offline Files Unsupported Graphics card disable Desktop Window Manager Session Manager Service. 19. Increase Performance Windows defender automatically loads on startup. It is not, at its present development, and in my opinion, a particularly worthwhile program. I prefer to use other third party programs to perform its functions. (Anti virus, defrag.etc.)You can stop it from running via MsConfig. Note that if you leave it running, it, by default, runs a scheduled defrag, which can seriously hinder your startup speed. Maybe youfll feel more comfortable just having a look at the gtoolsh panel and altering some of the defaults. 20. Add another time zone to your clock One nice addition to Windows Vista is the ability to display the time in other time zones. Click on the clock. Click gDate and Time Settingsh. Click on the gAdditional Clocksh tab. Check the box labelled gAdditional Clock #1, and from the drop down menu choose a time zone. Give the clock a name, such as gMicrosofth or gTexash. You can repeat this for the second additional clock as well. Tuneup Tips 21-25 21. To add a location to the Places bar (left hand pane in Windows Explorer) 22. Missing the old File, Edit, View menu bar? If you are a frequent user of the menu in Windows Explorer, you may have a bit of a hard time adjusting to Windows Vistafs new Windows Explorer window style, which doesnft include the menu. There are two ways to bring it back, one is temporary and the other is more permanent: If you want to view the menu but not have it always displayed, simply press the Alt key. The menu will fade into view. If you want the menu to always be turned on, click the first button on Layout configuration button (first button on the top most bar in Windows Explorer). From the drop down list, check gClassic Menush. Folders List Returns! If you want to view a tree-view of your hard drive and navigational path, simply click on the arrow next to the gFoldersh bar in Windows Explorer, located on the Places bar. In Windows Vista, there is a new pane on the left hand side of Windows Explorer which contains links to items you wish to access quickly. In previous builds, you could not really customize the Places bar but now you can! Simply drag and drop a folder onto the plane, and voila! 23. Disable the Windows Mail Splash Screen Using Windows Mail? If the splash screen is displayed too long for your liking or if you just want to get rid of it, this is the trick for you. Press WinKey+R. Type gregedit.exeh without the quotes. If you are asked for permission to run the Registry Editor, click on Allow. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows Mail Create a new DWORD (32-bit) value called gNoSplashh. Double click on the gNoSplashh DWORD you just created and set its value to 1. Press OK and close the registry editor. 24. Stylising the Watermark. This may not work on all builds, it was only tested on 5472: 1. Start 2. Run... 3. regedit.exe 4. Local Machine---->Software---->Microsoft---->Windows NT----->Current Version 5. Find the string buildlab on the right panel. 6. Delete the long build number or change it to what you want it to say 7. Kill the process explorer then open it up again. 8. In RC 1 if you do the first three steps then go to: 9. Local Machine----->Software---->Microsoft----->Windows NT---->Current Version and delete the 5600 in the build number it just removes that when you kill explorer and restart it. 25. To totally remove Vista(including the Vista Boot manager) If you have previously installed the Recover Console in XP, (Start Menu/Help and Support and type Recovery Console in the search panel and then follow the instructions) Then you need only select the Recovery Console as you boot option when the boot menu appears. 1. Boot onto XP CD. 2. Press "R" to enter Recovery Console 3. Select your keyboard. 4. Choose the correct installation (1 or Windows XP..etc) 5. Type admin password if you have inserted one. 6. type "fixmbr" say "y" (as in yes) when asked 7. type "fixboot" say "y"(as in yes) when asked 8. type "exit" (closing the Recovery Console) 9. When rebooting, the Vista Boot Manager disappears, and only XP Boot Logo appears 10. On XP, remove these (Boot folder, bootfont.bin, bootmgr, BOOTSECT.BAK, Boot.BAK) If you cannot see these files, then follow these instructions first (they can be undone when you are finished) Open up My Computer and go to Tools/Folder Options/View and uncheck "Hide protected operating system files (recommended)" then click OK and close the dialog box. If this is not your normal default then enable this setting when you have performed the following actions. 12. On XP, reformat the Vista partition in order to entirely remove Vista.

Cell Companies to Replace 1.3 Million Batteries
NTT DoCoMo and Mitsubishi say that Sanyo-made batteries may overheat and catch fire.

Martyn Williams, IDG News Service
Thursday, December 07, 2006 06:00 AM PST

NTT DoCoMo and Mitsubishi Electric are planning to replace around 1.3 million batteries manufactured by Sanyo Electric because they may overheat and catch fire, the companies said today.
The batteries were manufactured before June 2006 and are used in NTT DoCoMo's D902i handset. Some may have also been used in two other Mitsubishi Electric models, the D902iS and D903iS, the companies said. The batteries carry the model number D06.
"In rare cases there is a slight deformation of the electrode plate which causes it to come into contact with the insulation sheet and hence the insulation sheet can become damaged," said Richard Sedgwick, a spokesman for Sanyo in Tokyo. "If the battery was also damaged through an outside side, for example if the user dropped the battery, then the problem could occur."

Possible Issue Recognized in April
NTT DoCoMo said it has confirmed one case of the battery rupturing because of the problem and knows of 17 other cases where the D06 battery has ruptured or overheated. The carrier said the battery had been subject to an "extremely strong impact" in a number of the cases.
Sanyo said it began examining ways of strengthening the electrode in April this year as a precautionary measure against possible problems, but at the time had not heard any reports about actual problems. Batteries with stronger plating on the electrode began rolling off the company's production line in June, hence today's advisory only concerns batteries manufactured until May.
Similar to Sony Problem

The problem brings back memories of Sony's battery problems of earlier this year. Around 9.6 million Sony-manufactured laptop computer batteries were recalled or voluntarily replaced by many laptop PC vendors after batteries in several PCs overheated and caught fire. The problem was traced back to metal particles that had gotten into the battery during manufacturing.
Sony estimated the problems will cost it around $444 million this financial year.
Sanyo said that it has yet to work out with NTT DoCoMo and Mitsubishi Electric the part it will play in the replacement.
Sanyo and Sony are two of the world's largest manufacturers of lithium ion batteries.

LONDON, England (UPI) -- There`s big-screen and really big-screen television, like the world`s largest plasma screen on sale for $99,000 in London. Panasonic`s new television is 103 inches wide -- 8 feet, 7 inches -- and weighs about a quarter of a ton, Sky News said Wednesday. Delivery and installation cost $9,800 extra, and if you want to order one of these babies for this Christmas -- you`re too late. The screens must be ordered from Panasonic`s factory in Japan and there`s a three-month waiting list, a store spokesman said. Commenting on the television screen on display at John Lewis, spokesman John Kempner said: 'It`s really there as a statement to show off what plasma technology can do and to say, `This is the ultimate.`' The Panasonic breaks the former record for a television screen by one inch. Copyright 2006 by United Press International
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