56 Year Old
From Henrico, VA·
Invited by: Super Woody NEV...·
Joined on April 24, 2007
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on February 18th
·14 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
56 Year Old
From Henrico, VA·
Invited by: Super Woody NEV...·
Joined on April 24, 2007
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on February 18th
·14 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
JUST so ALL yal KNOW.. now.. back off w/the bullshit..B4 ya ask.. herez ur reply: 1} YES IM SINGLE 2} YES IM HAPPY SINGLE 3} NO I DONT WANNA FOOL AROUND 4} YES I HAVE A WEBCAM 5} NO I HAVE NO DESIRE TO WEBCAM W/YOU 6} YES I KNOW MY FAMILY FILEZ ARE PRIVATE {NSFW PIX} 7} NO YOU **CANT** HAVE ACCESS 8} NO IM NOT WAITING FOR YOU 9} NO I DONT WANNA TALK ON THE PHONE TO YOU 10}NO I DONT WANNA MEET YOU SOMEPLACE if after you read this far you still wanna know more GREAT! I'm a PROUD bisexual hispanic mom of 3 kidz. My oldest in heaven, my babyboy turnd 21 in sept & my babygirl {only girl} 19 in feb. I'm also an excited PROUD grandmama to be az well. Due 2 dayz b4 my bday. The ticker above iz my way of keeping up w/the baby day by day. I CANT WAIT!!!
now.. if you've actually read THUS far you are one of the 3% who ACTUALLY READ profiles so thanx very much.For thoze who have read thus far & STILL ask stupid ?/z like "are you single?", "can i see your NSFW's?" or do you webcam?" you get what you deserve because IM A FIRM believer in laying your ass out & POSTING the convoz DUMB ASSEZ leave me ESPECIALLY when you give me bullshit sayin you've read my page. I can be the BEST FRIEND or the BIGGEST ENEMY, so lets try to keep me az your friend cuz i HATE when i have to have neg energy. I'm also recently seperated from a man who I'm finding a good friendship w/now & a PROUD G/F to my G/F whoz pictured below w/a poem she wrote for me a while back. Keep in mind im BI not GAY. I LOVE MY FAMILY & FRIENDZ & will go to GREAT LENGTHS to protect EACH & EVERY one of them at ANY & ALL COSTS {so DON'T hurt them}. I'm a good listener & voice my advice w/undo emotionz. I've alwayz been able to seperate myself from situationz & see them az they are not what I want them to be so even if I don't like the person or problem you're dealing w/right iz still right & wrong iz still wrong & I will see it az such. I'm proud of where my life is now tho it hazn't alwayz been that way. In fact, up til now, I hated alot of thingz i did in my past. My grandbaby {& my daughter} have made me see that all my past mistakes have made me into the strong, independent, loving, proud woman I am today so I'm for 1ce content w/a past i used to regret. Enjoy the rest of my page & feel free to ask me anything just be ready for the bluntness of my answer.I'm NOT a bitter or neg woman just fed up w/& tired of how lazy the bigger part of this world REALLY IZ. if you have read this far you must not be part of that 98% sad ass part of the world. THANK GOD, the GODZ & GODDESSEZ!!! Blessed Be ~Tazy~
Thanx Ashley for the poem you wrote to me: I love you GREAT BIG MUCHEZ!!!
The heavens sent me their “Blue Angel” on down. Just one look at her beauty sent away all inner frown. I had thought it was her who needed rescued, but it turned out to be me. The world all around us vanished, leaving the two of us just to be. Even though I tried to hide behind my mask, she could see into my soul straight through. She knows and understands my heart and knows it runs true. She has touched me in such a way. I hope that with me she will forever stay. I leave it up to her, but I think she feels the same way. When the heavens sent me their Blue Angel, it was indeed a most special day.
56 Year Old
From Henrico, VA·
Invited by: Super Woody NEV...·
Joined on April 24, 2007
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on February 18th
·14 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
Questa bella donna lontano supera c' ne aumentato che si sviluppi. Comment CodesFlowers GraphicsThis beautiful woman far exceeds any rose that is grown.