I will be taking Your favorite Tattoo pic starting now and will take them through the first day of the contest. The contest will start on the 15th@7pm est Time. And will end the 22nd@7pm est.
There are some rules that MUST be followed.
NO DRAMA!!!!! if you start a problem, or anyone that is voting for you starts a problem I have the right to delete your entry from the contest. This means no bad mouthing, no going and down rating, NO CALLING CHEATING. I DONT CARE HOW ANYONE GETS THERE VOTES
Self commenting is a must
No NSFW pics will be allowed
Most comments and rates at the end of the contest wins.
Each rate counts as 10 comments so if you have alot of friends that dont bomb at least get them all to come and rate and your comments will add up.
It will be your responsibility to notify your friends of my rules
If you post or repost a bulletin about my contest make sure my rules are stated in the bulletin.
First Prize... A weeks blast or a months VIP
Second Prize.... 3 day blast
Third Prize.... 1 day blast
Fourth place will receive a big pimpin gift as to the amount they have at end of contest.
Everyone who gets over 5000 comments will recieve big pimpin gift.
I will also send gifts to those that tried